02/26/97 Gallagher/Daley Field OfferingTo: John Wilson and Diana Harrison
From: Lawrence Gallagher, PECDD Director
Subject: Daley Field Offering - Site Constraints/Issues
Date: February 26, 1997
As I am working with potential buyers for the Daley Field Site(s), they are requesting
details on: all site development standards and constraints; the exact location of the
frontage road and determination if it is to built on highway right-of-way or on the 15.6 acre
offering - all or partial; location of proposed signalized intersections, traffic signals and who
will install and pay for the signals; other access points that may be permitted for right-hand
turns only; location, capacity, age and conditions of all existing utilities including sanitary
sewer, storm sewer, water, natural gas, electric, and telephone/cable TV, etc.; building
height/set back limitations, to meet B-1 and B-2 non -precision approach standards, and any
other site development issues to be imposed by MDOT or the City of Kalispell or
anticipated by an Airport Authority to meet B2 non -precision standards.
All developers have agreed to provide specific input to preliminary suggestions but need to
know MDOT time lines on when final designs will be completed and the proposed
construction schedules.
Finally, we need to clarify who will build the frontage road if it is built at all and when it
has to be constructed. It maybe possible to sell the entire site to one developer who will
subdivide the site with vehicular parking, stacking and cross easement agreements thereby
eliminating the need to build a frontage road. Is this a problem? Also, will MDOT
provide the traffic signals and when will they be installed? Can at least one signal,
assuming there may be two intersections, be installed with an intersection prior to the
actual construction of Hwy 93? Can the new 3rd Ave. East intersection be constructed
prior to the rest of the Hwy 93 construction?
There have also been questions regarding adequate turning radiuses for semi trucks turning
from Hwy 93 onto the site at the new intersection. Finally, who will determine the on -site
stacking requirements for the new signalized 3rd Ave. East/Hwy 93 intersection? If
stacking is required on the frontage road, what are the requirements?