06/07/96 Roche/Certificates of Surveyincorporated 1892 1118IM''Fl, Diana Rocke Zoning A(hninistrafor June 7, 1996 Kiemle & Hagood Kevin Nichols 601 W. Main Spokane, WA 99201 Teleph.ne(406) 758-7730 248 3rd Avenue East P.O. Box 1997 Zip 59903 Fax(406) 758-7739 Enclosed are the most current Certificate of Surveys we have for parcels 2 and 4 of the ballfield properties. I have highlighted the parcel number so that you know which is the correct survey. I spoke with Larry this morning, and he and I will put together a list of contact persons for these properties. I will be out of town for the first part of next week, but I will get with Larry on Thursday and put something together. If you need these names before then, please contact Larry and he will be able to get them for you. I hope these are helpful to you. Please call me if you have farther questions. Sincerely, Diana Roche Zoning Administrator