09/04/96 Roche/City AirportM' i' y. incorporated 1892 Diana Roche Zoning Administrator September 4, 1996 Robert Peccia & Associates Attn: Phil Porrini 825 Custer Avenue Helena, MT 59620 == Telephone(4106) 758-7730 248 3rd Avenue East P.O. Boa 1997 Zip 59903 ff+ax(4106) 758-7739 I have recently been assigned to be the representative for the Kalispell Community Development office for issues regarding the Kalispell City Airport. Just last week I had a property owner in the vicinity of the airport submit a site plan for a proposed storage building. After applying the 250' object free area along with the 7:1 height transition slope, it became aware to me that approximately 90% of this property owners lot was unusable. I brought this to the attention of Larry Gallagher, the Director of Community Development, and we realized that the Airport Advisory Board had been pursuing a B-2 Airport, which is in direct conflict with the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan that was adopted by the Kalispell City Council as an amendment to the Faster Plan. Once this was adopted, the Kalispell Community Development Department prepared the "Kalispell City" Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Analysis, which was based on a B-1 Airport. This analysis identified those properties that would need to be acquired for a runway extension and the costs involved. Again, this was all based on the standards for a B-1 Airport. We would basically have to start over if we were to pursue a B-2 airport. It is my understanding, that you have prepared maps and other information for both a B-1 and a B-2 Airport. If this is true, I would appreciate if I could get copies of everything you might have. I have also enclosed a page from the contract and have highlighted the items I would like to receive a copy of. I hope this is not too much trouble. It is my understanding that under 13-1 Airport standards, the object free area is reduced to 125' on either side of the runway centerline, and then the 7:1 transitional slope begins. I guess what I am looking for, is a map that outlines all of the properties that will be affected by a 13-1 Airport and all those that would be affected by a B-2 Airport, as well as something in writing that explains it in a better way than I am able to. I realize this is a lot to ask, so please call me if these items are not available or if it would extremely difficult to provide. I can be reached at 758-7732. Sincerely, Diana Roche Zoning Administrator