Budget Comparison for Airport TIFBudget Comparison (1997 to 1998) for Kalispell Airport TIF 1997 18081 To purchase or gain closure of road 136200 Fence perimeter of aiport w/ chainlink. 345396 Purchase all or a portion of 5 parcels to allow extension of the runway. 15000 Install PAPI navigation system 3400 Install strobe lights on FM towers 120000 Improve wiring system of runway lights. 55000 Resurface runway. 13000 Relocate or widen taxiways to 24' 1998 18081 To purchase or gain closure of road. 136200 Fence perimeter of airport w/ chainlink. 345396 Purchase all or a portion of same parcels to allow extension of runway. 115128 Purchase 2.15 acres of land on West side of runway - necessary for B-1 OFA 729273 Purchase remaining portions of land on West side of runway - either for a B-II airport or for future sale by the City. 97750 Purchase Beaver property-N of runway. 15000 Install PAPI navigation system. 30000 Improve radio tower lighting - Cost comes from Peccias Prelim Airport Layout Plan 120000 Improve wiring system of runway lights. 55000 Resurface runway. 13000 Relocate or widen taxiways to 24'. 350396 Extend runway 700' & remove objects in RP 350396 Extend runway 700' & remove objects in RPZ. 25000 Extend single parallel taxiway. 827269 Total estimated cost for 22 field complex in the redevelopment plan analysis. 25000 Extend single parallel taxiway. 945622 Amount budgeted for ballfields (1 million less 54,341 of money already spent.) 110000 Traffic signal. 110000 Traffic signal.