City Zoning Amendment AppFRDO File No. Date Accepted Receipt No. r— NAME OF APPLICANT: City of Kalispel7 2. MAIL ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1997 3. CITY/STATE: Kalispell, MT 59903 PHONE: (406) 758-7700 4. INTEREST IN PROPERTY: The City owns a majority of the subject property. 5. ZONING MAP AMENDMENT: X ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT: IF THE RE12UEST PERTAINS TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE ZONING REGULATIONS, PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: A. What is the proposed zoning text amendment? N/A IF THE REQUEST PERTAINS TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING MAP, PLEASE COMPI ETE T14E FOLLOWING: A. Address of the property: No given add6s; _rdf6r­'t6­ma`1's' and descriptions. a. Legal description: Descriptions are attached; recordable descriptions are being prepared. (Lot and 81ock of Subd ivisioni Tract *) (Section., Townships Range) (Attach sheet for metes and bounds) C. The present zoning of the above property is: B-2 and P-1 D. The proposed zoning of the above property is: 1-1, P-1 and B-2 E. State the changed or changing conditions that make the proposed amendment necessary: The recently adopted Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan commits the City of Kalispell to making the existing facility safer to both the users of the Airport and the citizens of Kalispell. One of the major goals of Ehe plan is to minimize hazards to navigation by seeking compliance with FAA airport design standards. The plan specifically calls for removal of objects in, and public ownership of, the "Runway Protection Zones." This goal can in part be met by this rezoning request. The plan also calls for zone changes on properties on either side of the runway from P-1 to commercial and industrial classifications. These rezonings are intended to spur develop- ment in the area which will in turn increase the viability of the airport. RESPONSES ATTACHED AS "EXHIBIT 3" HOW WI" THE PROPOSED CHANGE ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF; A. promoting the Master Plan B. Lessening congestion in the streets and providing safe access C. Promoting safety from fire, panic, and other dangers D. Promoting the public interest, health, comfort, convenience, safety and general welfare E. Providing adequate light and air F. Preventing the overcrowding of land a. Avoiding undue concentration of population H. ' Facilitating the adequate provision of transportation, water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public facilities 9 1. Giving reasonable consideration to the character of the district J. Giving consideration to the peculiar suitability of the property fori particular uses K. Protecting and conserving the value of buildings L. Encouraging the most appropriate use of land by assuring orderly growth The signing of this application signifies approval for F.R.D.O. staff to be present an the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval process. R-Mnm�■ M ��24117WIFI a;. Pre -Application Meeting: A discussion with the Planning Director or designated member of staff must precede filing of this application. Among topics to be discussed are: Master Plar compatibility with the application, compatibility of any proposed zone change witt surrounding zoning classifications, and the application procedure. r'-�. Completed application forEw C. Application fee of $350.00 payable to the Flathead Regional Development Office. D. The application must be accepted as complete by the FRDO staff thirty (30) days prior to the date of the meeting at which it will be heard in ordeF �_that requirements of state statutes and the zoning regulations may be fulfilled. QPPLICABLE TO APPLICATIONS FOR ZONE CHANGE: (1) Petition for zone change signed by at least 50% of the property owners in the area for which the change in zoning classification is sought. t2) A map showing the location and boundaries of the property . (3) A list of the names and nail addresses of all property owners within 150 feet of the subject property as shown on the Assessor's roll. Assessor's S-T-R Lot/Tract Property Owner No. No. and Nail Address (4) A title report of the subject property® 0 I City of Kalispell Zone Change Application A The proposed changes directly promote the Master Plan, as they are being used as tools of implementing the goals and objectives of the Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan, which is an Amendment to the City -County Master Plan. B. This objective will be met by permitting appropriate land uses in appropriate locations. The rezoning to P- 1, and the ultimate public ownership, of the property in the "Runway Protection Zone (RPZ)" will result in reduced traffic in the immediate vicinity. By zoning the property adjacent to Highway 93 to a commercial designation, traffic will utilize an existing major arterial and its associated system of collectors. The land uses permitted in the proposed I- I are generally not generators of high traffic volumes, but do need access to major arterials. The proposal offers such land uses easy access to the Airport and Highway 93. None of the proposed changes should result in increased congestion in the streets. Safe access is assured through City site review and the MDOT approach -permit process. C. The restrictive nature of the P- I district, in terms of permitted land uses, and the FAA restrictions applicable to the RPZ, enhance the safety of the City Airport and its environs. Similarly, properly zoning to commercial and industrial, those lands adjacent to the runway, will guide appropriate land uses to appropriate locations as described above. D. The proposed changes in zoning will meet all of these objectives - objectives which are integral to the Airport Neighborhood Plan. Encouraging proper development in the vicinity of the airport will promote the general welfare by enhancing airport safety and directing development to areas capable of absorbing the associated impacts. E. The P-1, 1-1, and B-2 zone districts all contain development standards which ensure adequate light and air - setbacks, height limits, lot coverage maximums, etc. Furthermore, land uses and building heights are guided by FAA Standards in the vicinity of the airport. F. Residential uses are not permitted in the proposed zones, so from a "population" perspective, overcrowding will not occur. Occupancy and use of commercial and industrial structures are regulated by both the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance and the Uniform Building Code to avoid unsafe conditions. G. Refer to 'Y' above. Page 2 - Exhibit "3" City of Kalispell Zone Change Application H. The proposed changes will result in enhanced airport safety; city utilities are readily available on the developable parcels; schools will not be impacted, as residential uses are not permitted; and the proposed P-1 district will make available the opportunity to pursue parks and/or other public facilities. I. The City has made a commitment, by adopting the Neighborhood Plan, to see that the existing airport and surrounding neighborhood be preserved and enhanced. The commercial character of the highway frontage will be consistent with existing development in the area, as will the industrial district planned West of the runway and North of the Sewage Treatment Plant. J. The conclusion of the adopted neighborhood plan was that the subject properties were indeed suitable for the proposed zones and the permitted uses contained therein. M The City Airport and the associated buildings and improvements represent significant investment. The zone changes will assist in preserving that investment. L. With the safety of the Airport and immediate vicinity a major objective of this request, orderly growth and appropriate land uses are not only encouraged, but required.