Hagerman Zoning Amendment App?!»# File No. Dare Accepted Receipt No. CA t: v * : « : 1. NAME OF APPLICANT: y :,.* ©i y y W2 r «` .«z »\zl .* ii \ AY 2. �y w•° *»#t z« .. fd 3. ©T•© 7777 } : PHONE: »\-\ 5 . ,. INTEREST IN PROPERTY: <2 w< . f,. 5. ZONING ©*+ AMENDMENT: / ZONING TEXT AMENDMENT: IF THE REQUEST PERTAINS TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE TEXT OF THE ZONING REGULATIONI *LEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING: A. What is the prop+:,d tones+ text amendment? IF THE REQUEST PERTAINS TO AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ©*« PLEASE COMPLETE FOLLOWING: A. Address of the proF a. Legal description; (Lot and Block of Subdivision; Tract *) (Section, Township,, Range) (Attach sheet for metes and bounds) C. .he present zoning . .. above 'RA- t D. The <r,+,<>¥ zoning of the above property is: 'RA -3 E. State the changed or changing conditions that make the proposed amendment I>«<::>a<: 9 HOW WILL THE PROPOSED CHANGE ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT AND PURPOSE OF: A. Promoting the Master Plan S ee- �AAA B. Lessening congestion in the streets and providing �afe access S e e- a"d ac6d C. Promoting safety from fire, panic, and other dangers Sole, at-XICItu S D. Promoting <© public interest, health, comfort, convenience, safety and geral welfare - -Sw- att� en\/CQ I E. Providing adequate light and air _ Lee- allacW co F. Preventing the overcrowding of land oak X-d" CQ G. Avoiding undue concentration of population sae- 0'M&DAQ 4. Facilitating the adequate provision of transportation., water, sewage, schools, parks, and other public facilities S& axft�-<\. — Rq 1. Giving reasonable consideration to the character of the'district � Ce rj J. Giving consideration to the peculiar suitability of the property for particular uses tQ K. Protecting and conserving the value.of buildings L. Encouraging the most appropriate use of land by assuring orderly growth The signing of this application signifies approval for F.R.D.O. staff to be present an t property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval process- I MVW-TME 19 A. Pre —Application Meeting: A discussion with the Planning Director or designated member of staff must precede filing of this application. Among topics to be discussed are: Master Plan compatibility with the application, compatibility of any proposed zone change with surrounding zoning classifications, and the application procedure. B. Completed application for(l C. Application fee of $350.00 payable to the.Flathead Regional Development Office. D. The application must be accepted as conplete by the FRDO staff thirty (30) da s a the d e of the meeting at which it will be heard in orFe_r that requirements of state statutes and the zoning regulations nay be fulfilled. A. Application Contents: (1) Petition for zone change signed by at least 50% of the property owners in the area for which the change in zoning classcation is sought. (2) A map showing the location and boundaries of the property . (3) A list of the names and mail addresses of all property owners within 150 feet of the subject property as shown an the Assessor's roll. Assessor's S—T—R Lot/Tract Property Owner No. No. and Mail Address (4) A title report of the subject property. 0 A. The Master Plan designation for the subject property is High Density Residential. Page 45 of the text of the Master Plan states that "this district is often used as a buffer between commercial areas and less dense residential housing, serving as a transitional area while having immediate access to commercial services." The recent zoning changes on and near the city airport further legitimize the request of RA-3 . B. Airport Road is classified as a collector street and can accomodate any additional traffic that may result from this zone change. Given the relatively small area being rezoned and the fact that for the most part the subject property is already developed to its highest and best use (apartments), no significant impact to the street system is anticipated. C. A change of zoning from RA-1 to RA-3 will not increase the danger of fire, panic or any other danger. The subject property is already served by all city services including fire protection and law enforcement. Furthermore, development standards, including zoning and building codes, will assist in safe development/redevelopment of the property. D. The proposed zone change is consistent with the Master Plan, and in so being, promotes the general welfare. Uses allowed in the RA-3 district are anticipated by the Master Plan and are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. The city has determined that saving and upgrading the municipal airport is in the public interest - it is also in the public interest to allow complementary and compatible land uses in the vicinity of the airport. E. The parking, lot coverage, setback, and landscaping requirements of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance will all ensure adequate light and air is provided. F. Adequate infrastructure (streets, sewer, water) is in place to accomodate the uses allowed in the -3 district. The use and density limitations of the zoning ordinance which are applicable to this property also assist in avoiding an overcrowding of the land and an undue concentration of population. G. See response to (F), above. H. The subject property and its immediate environs are well served by existing transportation, water and sewer systems. Parkland is in abundance in the area as well. The area is served by the Elrod Elementary and Flathead High Schools. The zone change itself will not impact the local school system. Conditional use permits are required for residential development more dense than a duplex - this additional review is intended to address project -specific impacts to infrastructure and services. I. The main reason the rezoning is being requested is the cling character of the district. The city has committed itself to saving and upgrading the adjacent city airport. This action will result in increased office, commercial and industrial activity in the vicinity, which will in turn impact the subject properties. J. The permitted and conditionally permitted uses in the RA-3 district will work well at this location. The properties are served by a fully improved collector street and all city services. K. The change will not affect the existing multi -family development, but will enhance the value of the existing single-family homes which sit on large lots. It will be possible to either maintain the residences or convert them to professional offices. Because of the large lots, parking can be easily provided on site. L. The RA-3 zone, in compliance with the adopted master plan, will encourage appropriate land uses in this changing, airport area neighborhood. 0982000 0062725 0582650 Loren G. Everett John & Rebecca Clark Woodrow & Anna Miller 1344 Helena Flats Road 1848 1 st Avenue West 1810 1 st Avenue West Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 Kalispell, MT 59901 0849827 Robert Swenson P.O. Box 83 LaBarge, WY 83123 0367060 Robert & Donna Beaver 1820 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 0022800 Russell & Madeline Anderson 1856 Airport Road Kalispell, MT 59901 0872450 Lois Timmreck 838 E. Washington Apt. P Kalispell, MT 59901 City of Kalispell P.O. Drawer 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903