Regulation of Dangerous Obstructions Near AirportsN T-504 AERONAUTICS 4 conflict, the code commissioner has made or any municipality of the state, or their". a, composite section embodying the changes officers, agents, servants, or employces, on. made by both amendments. account of an act done in or about then construction, maintenance, enlargement, A;nand=ents operation, superintendence, or wnnageweut� The 197-1 amendment substituted "dem of an airport or other air navigation facil%- partmentll for "commission"; and made ity"; and made minor changes in phrase . i minor changes in style, punctuation and olog punctuation and style. phraseology. gy, Chapter 234, Laws of 1977, deleted the: Chapter 232, Laws of 1977, deleted the 'subsection (1) designation at the begin-* subsection (1) designation at the begin- ning of the section; deleted subsection; ring of the section; deleted subsection (2); and made minor changes ill punctila-i (2) which read: "No suit in tort may be tion. 41 brought or maintained against the state Repeal conflict, and to the scope of the act, -sv-n3,l Section 1-501 (Sec. 24, Ch. 152, L. 1945), repealed by See. 107, Ch. 348 Laws 1974, relating to the repeal of other acts. iu G: 7� CEMPTER T—REGULATION OF DANGEROUS OBSTRUCTIONS N B MR AIRPORTS —AIRPORT ZONING ACT Section 1-701. Purpose. 1-702. Regulation of building heights. 1-704. Duty to acquire permit. 1-710. Definitions. 3-724. Legislative finding. 1-7?5. Definitions- 1-726. Designation of airport influence areas. 1-727. Temporary effect of designation. 1-728. Development of criteria by a local government. 1-729. Adoption of rules. 1-7�0. Public hearing on rules. 1-731. State lands. 1-732. Amendment of criteria=rede3ignation of influence areas. 1-733. Variance. 1-734. Permit system. 1-735. Conditions on permit or variance. 1-736. Board of adjustment. 1-737.. Rules relative to zoning ordinances. 1-73S Rules to be reasonable —prior lionconforminz uses. 1-739. Penalty —court action. 1-701. Purpose. For the purpose of ensuring safety from death or, injiiry for aeronauts and passengers; to protect the property of fliose gaged in aeronautics, and to encourage and promote air travel and transpon: Cation of mail, passengers, express, and freight by air, it is considered' necessary to eliminate dangerous obstructions of air space ill the -VicjnitY of airports or landing fields w1liell way now be or wbich may bere.-Iftet be acquired, owned, operated, controlled, or maintained by the Unite) States, the state of Montana or any county or municipality thereof. Jn': a ob� order to promote the public order, health, and safety by proy! b)- ill, t structed air sp�iee for the safe descent, landing, aseent, and operation0; aircraft utilizing public airports ill the state of INT013tana, the beiglit ofi buildings and other structures in tile VicillitY of, the_---airporis and lallflill"T! fields ill the stzt11-e of Montana owned, leased, operated, maintained, Or caL 24 1 trolled by any of those 1?11 GIs bercifterprovided. AMd. See. 3, Ch, 932, L, 397? negulation of I aild other Structures shall M110111 ..0flier t]: (a) requirement& and Illfldillof$ aSMAalld operas landing fields ill tl)c state 0 (h) hazard.% from vic hei-ght of buildiap gild ot), Jalldil)- fields t(V suell I)az.,I) C) flic area within IV] 1wisly obstruct air space in - and the hei-0lit of blffldillg'� VWIA-Sfellt with tbo'sa.re Ilse, I (d) '916 maintenance a V)r 110t.11, Ilpon buildings an deviers, (2) The hei3OA, of bui n-'s,fricled withill. R efis!, a mce field, ;1leasilred af, a A":"ht a] Vor'ler of file establis))cd JY0J follows; (a) Thc trapezoidal pol width it the boundary of ill 2,500 feet 2, )I)i1cs ttisfairt,q venter Jinc of- naell kull-way hDoWn as the aPproac) "or Hattiral feature or: object < than olle-t.wentict1l. it",3 list, ll field, (b) )X-1m,131111),gy port IM111ju ail -ports alid landing "'I'Vil as till-nil)or V 1.0110S, May ft'"Irc or object of any 1cil event), its distance h 031) easurbl,", distant I' •==�nrclilcllts shall be. taken- -stile oy Other object t.( . l I))(- )), Of airports )aVin,,, I t, 1-rittlet('r Of Sue) port. and 1 howidary.