Runway Clear Zone Dimensions4/11/78 AC 150/5300-4B CHG 2 Appendix 6 L 2 APPENDIX 6. RUNWAY CLEAR ZONE DEVINSIONS L1 APPROACH END O ziiEgf unway Runway Zone RIINWAY END DIMENSIONS (FEET) RA' SET i L L W W W RL! CZ i FLARE TYPE NO. APPROACH i OTHER 1 i 2 i 1 i 2 i 3 i SLOPE i AREA tRATIO A V 1,0001 000 ' 2 0 ; 450 1 1,250 1 20:1 ; 8.0 ; .1:1 m I V 1,600: 000 50 : 1,250 20:1 : 035 i l:l. V 1,000i 5,000 i 500 650 1,250 20:1 13:200- 05:1 2 N.P. 1,000; 5,000 It 500 ; 800 ; 2,000 ; 20:1 '; 14.922 1 .15:1 N.P. 1 000 5,000 00 SOO 22,000 20:1 14,�� !^ 15:1 3 N.P. 1,000 5,000 ' 500 800 - 2 000 20:1 14 922 1 .1 :1 V 1 OOOi 000 ; 00 ; 00 ; 1 00 ; 20:1 , 1 .7 , .1:1 4 V 1,000 5,000 500 700 1,500 20:1 13.77 j- .1.1 V 1,000 5,000 500 700 ' 1,500 20:1 ' 1 ' .1:1 5 1 N.P. + 1,700 10,000 500 i 1,010 i3,500 i :1 i 29.465 1 .1 :1 6 V 1,000 ' 000 ' 1,000 ' 1,100 ' 1 00 y`n N.P. 1.700 10.000 ' 1,000 ' 1,510 '4,000 ' :1 b8.978 ' .15:1 7 V 1,000 000 ' 1,000 1,100 1 00 20:1 24.105 .0 :1 a P 2 00 ' 0,000 ' 1,000 ' 1,750 ' 16,000 ; 50-1/40:1 ; 78.914 - .15:1 N.P. + i 1,200 1 10,000 500 i 1-( : 00 i :1 29.65 .15:1 a 8 N.P. + 1 001 10,000 500 ; 1,010 ' 00 :1 29.465 .15:1 N.P. + ' 1 00' 10 000 '• 1 000 1,425.�j0O 31::1 1h47.320 .1.12 ;1 9 : N.P. 1,700 10,000 : 1,000 1 1,510 i 4,000 i 2 :1 y 48.978 y .15:1 N.P. + ' 1 00 10 000 j 1 000 ' 1 2 ' 00 :1 ' 20 1.12 :1 10 P 2,500 ; 50,000 1 1,000 1 1,750 1 16,000 ; 0:1 0:1 ; 8. 1 1 .15:1 N.P. 4 1,700 ; 10 000 1 1,000 1,510 4,000 4:1 i 48-978 ' .15:1 11 ' N.P. 3 1,700' 10,000 ' 1,000 1,510 ' 4,000 ' 34:1 ' 48.978 ' .15:1 N.P. 4 1 700 r 10 000 i 1,000 1,510 F 4,000 : �4:1 48.978� .15:1 12 P 2,500 ' 50,000 ' 1,000 1,750 ' 16,000 0:1 0:1 ' 78.914 1 .15:1 P 1 2,5001 50,000 ; 1,000 1 1,750 -; 16,000 ; 50:1 40:1 1 78.914 1 .15:1 �3 P 2,500 50,000 1,000 1,7$0 16,000 50:1/40:1 ' 78.914 ' .15:1' AISt3.X6V1A'1'1UXO U525y J_N 1'tLd; "VVt: UhAtt'1' V - Visual approach N.P. 3/4 = Non -precision approach with visibility N.P. = Non -precision approach minimums as low as 3A-mile N.P. 3/4+ = Non -precision approach with visibility P = Precision instrument approach minimums greater than 3A-mile Page 1 L2 L1 way M, Clear 3 v2 zone v1 Appro.ch Surface APPROACH END L2 Ll Ayproaeh 9urtao. RunwayT — — — — _ Cis- 1 Zon. R, 3 200, OMER END Approach Slope X.ar Z- Aunwav 50' Clona RUNWAY EO DD4FNSIOI;S (FEET) R/L.' SET L L M V w , R/k C2 FLARE TYPE NO. APPROACH OTHER 1 2 1 2 3 SLOPE AREA 'RATIO A 1 v 1,000, 000 ' 2 0 0 1 110 1 20:1 ' 8.0 i .1.1 9 m v 1,0001 , 2 0 , LSo 1 250 20.1 B.03$ .1.1 v 1,C00' 5.000 ' 500 650 1,250 ' 20,1 12.200 '.07511 2 N.P. 1 0001 5.000 500 1 800 2,000 20.1 1 14.922 .15,1 N.P. 1 000' 000 �� 00 ' 600 2,000 20:1 ''14.g22 .15,1 3 N.P. i 000' 5,000 ' K00 800 2.000 ' 20:1 1 14.922 .1 it v 1 000 ' 000 EOO 200 1 1 00 i 20,1 , 12.27 .1 . 1 4 v 1 000' 000 ' 00 W 1.500 20i1 'F 13 71 sill v � 1 000 ' 5.000 ' 00 00 1,500 20:1 ' 13.77 .1.1 . 11 5 N.Y. 1 OOi 30 000 i 00 i 1.010 :1 2 6 .1 i7 6 v 000' 000 1 000 1 100 1 00 Oil 2 .l0 .051 (" ' N.P. 1 W l0 000 ' 1.000 1.510 000 1 ' B. 8 '5,1 v 1 000' 000 ' 1 000 1 l00 ' 1 00 ' 0, ' 2 .30 1 .0 :1 7 P 2 00 50 000 i 1 000� 1,"1 '6,000 59:1,10:1 'f,]�.914 15i1 B .P. 1 00 , 1o.00Ti S00 1.010 l 5 3L 1 29•L6-_ 51 .15i1 7 00 ' 10,000 ' 50D 1.01 ' 3.500 34 1 T29. L65 .15:1 9 s.p.1.7001 10.000 11a_000_ 1 1.625 1 3 500 34:1 11.120 125,1 N.P. 1 00 10 000 ( 1 000 1 "0 4.00o 341 �4B.�8T•15,1 N.P. 1 00 ' 10,000 ' 1 000 i 2 00 11!1 4 120 1.125:1L 120 .125:1 10 P 2 00 i 0 000 i t ODO i 1 7 0 i 16 000 i 0,1 [1 80. 1 1 .1 ,1 �e N.P. 1 1 700 ' io 000 1 000 ' 1 10 4 000 Ltl 8. 7B .1 it 11 N.P. 1,700 10 000 ' 1 0001 1,510 4,000 4a ' 4B.978 .1 ,1 N.P. 1 00 10 OM 1 000 7,510 4 000 , 34,1 48�78 .15,1 12 P 2 W 0 000 ' 1 OOD55000 O,l 0,1 B. 1 .1 ,10,1 0,1 B. 1 .1 ,1 P 2 5001 50,000 i i 000 1 1 750 1 16 OOD 0,1 0,1 B. 1L .15.1 �3 P 2,500 ' So,000 1,000 , 1,750 ' 16 000 OA Otl 7B. 14 .1 ,1 v . vi voal appm,ah nc N.P.L3r'4 -LPon-precision approach ith rl.ibility R.P. . Pon -precision approach mini— u low u 3/4-ails P.P. 3/4M' Pon -precision approach with �Seibility P . Pnoi.ion Sm tnwent approach r. uini.— 9-tar than 3/1, 1 Page 1 a sl e� I I i ,i:„zo n .v-Slbl AA � mf^{�� i NO it II i L DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS (FEET BASIC UTILITY PRECISION GENERAL INSTRUMENT DIM ITEM STAGE I STAGE II UTILITY RUNWAY A Runway Length figure 4-1 figure 4-1 figures 4-1 figure 4-2 and 4-2 B Runway Width 50 60 75 100 C Runway Safety Area Width 100 120 150 300 D Taxiway Width 20 30 40 40 E Runway CL to Taxiway CL 150 150 200 2/ F Runway CL to Building Restriction Line and Aircraft Tiedown Area 200 200 250 G Runway CL to Property Line 200 200 250 500 H Taxiway CL to Aircraft Tiedown Area and to Fixed or Movable Obstacle 50 50 50 50 DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS (METERS) BASIC UTILITY PRECISION GENERAL INSTRUMENT DIM ITEM STAGE I STAGE II UTILITY RUNWAY A Runway Length figure 4-1 figure 4-1 figures 4-1 figure 4-2 and 4-2 B Runway Width 15 18 23 30 C Runway Safety Area Width 30 36 45 90 D Taxiway Width 6 9 12 12 E Runway CL to Taxiway CL 45 45 60 F Runway CL to Building Restriction Line and Aircraft Tiedown Area 60 60 75 G Runway CL to Property Line 60 60 75 150 H Taxiway CL to Aircraft Tiedown Area and to Fixed or Movable Obstacle 15 15 15 15 Letters are keyed to those shown for dimensions in figure 7-2 * 1/ The runway safety area extends for a distance of twice its width beyond each runway end. These distances may need to be increased to keep the stopway within the runway safety area. 21 The taxiway should be located such that no part of an aircraft (tail tip, wing tip) on taxiway centerline will penetrate the OFZ. (See paragraph 3.) 3/ The building restriction line for a Category I ILS runway precludes any part of a building, tree, or parked aircraft from penetrating surfaces originating 300 feet (90 m) from runway cen- terline and sloping laterally outward 4 (horizontal) to 1 (vertical). For Category II ILS run- ways no part of a building, tree, or parked aircraft penetrates the transitional surface as defined in FAR 77.25(e). y The standard runway width is 100 feet (30 m). Runway widths for runways expected to accom- modate only aircraft of 12,500 pounds (5 700 kg) or less, maximum certificated takeoff weight, may be considered down to 75 feet (23 m) where an operational requirement for an ILS has been identified and can be supported and where it is not economically feasible to increase the runway width to 100 feet (30 m). Such cases may require an upward adjustment of landing minimums. The effect on landing minimums for runways with width less than 100 feet (30 m) will be considered by the FAA before precision approach equipment is approved. NOMIS:. 1. For runway centerline to fixed or movable obstacle criteria, see paragraph 16. 2. The mimimum separation between centerline of parallel runways is 300 feet (90 m) for simultaneous 11rR landings or takeoffs if the airplanes involved are single engine and 500 feet (150 m) if the airplanes are twin engine. FIGURE 7-1. RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONAL STANDARDS FOR UTILITY AIRPORTS Chap 7 Page 33 ro w Q4 N - I RUNWAY CLEAR ZONE 200, (SEE APPENDIX 6) (60m) i C, A G - - B 0 E � F 1 APRON AND NOTES I BUILDING AREA I. DIMENSION LETTERS ARE KEYED TO FIGURE 7—I. (SEE NOTE 2) 2. PREFERRED LOCATION FOR BUILDING AND AIRPLANE PARKING AREA IS NEAR MIDPOINT OF RUNWAY. 3. THE SIZE AND SHAPE ARE VARIABLE A$ REQUIRED. (DWG. NOT TO SCALE) a FIGURE 7-2. AIRPORT LAYOUT V 7 Z x Cp w N O w rn