Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration§77.13 Construction or alteration rerquiring notice (a) Any object that would be shielded by existing structures. of a parma- ed is §77.i5, each sponsor who proposes any of the (a)'Eccdcon3tr nent and substantial character or by natural terrain or topographic features following construction or alteration shalt notify the Administrator. in. the _. ction of equal or greater'height, and would be located in the congested area of a .- .. form and maxner prescribed in §77.17: city, flown, or settlement whore it Is evident beyond all reasonable doubt _ .. (1) Any construction or alteration of more than 200 feet in height above .that the structure so shielded will not adversely affect. safety in ale navlga< tl.e ground level at its, site. _._. _.._- _ - lion. 4one (2) Any construction or alteration of greater height than, an imaginary (b)• Any antenna stricture of 20 feet or less in height except that suifaca extending outward and upward at one of the following slopes. would increase the height of another, antenna structure. (€) 100 to I for a horizontal distance of 20,000 feet from the nearest point of tl a nearest runway of each airport +necified in subparagraph (5) (c) Any air navigation facility, airport visual approach or landing aid, of this paragraph with at least one runway more than3,200 feet in actual aircraft arresting device, or meteorological device, of a type approved by length, excluding heliports.. - ...- "----- - -- _. -, 'of the Administrator, or an appropriate military service on military airports," (i£) 50 to € for a horizontal distance 10,000 feet from the nearest the location and height of which Is fixed by Its functional purpose. point of the nearest runway of each airport specified in subparagraph (5) construction (d) Any construction or alteration for which notice "Is required by any of this paragraph with its longest runway no more than, 3,200 feet in other FAA actual length, excluding heliports. (u€1 25 to I for a horizontal distance of 5,000 feet from the nearest 477.17 Form and time of notice. point of the nearest landing and takeoff area of each heliport specified (a) Each person who is required to notify the Administrator under §77,13 In subparagraph (5) of this paragraph (a) shall send one executed form set (four copies) of FAA Form 7460.1, (3) Any highway, railroad, or other traverse way for mobile objects, of Notice of Proposed Construction Alteration, to the Air Traffic a height which, if adjusted upward 17 feet for an Interstate Highway that theief. Division, FAA Regional Office having- jurisdiction over the areawith- is part of the National System of Military and Interstate Highways where in which the construction or alteration will be located. Copies of FAA, Form overcrasslags are designed for a minimum of 17 feet vertical distance, 15 7460-1 may be obtained from the headquarters of the Federal Aviation feet for any other public roadway, 10 feet or the height of the highest Administration and the regional offices. mobile object that would normally traverse the road, whichever is greater, for a private road, 23 feet for a railroad, and for a waterway or any other traverse., way not previously mentioned, an amount equal to. the height of (b) The notice required. under §77.13 (a) (1), through, (4) must be sub. . the highest mobile. object that, would- normally traverse• it, would exceed s-- • mitted at least 30 days before the earlier of the fallowing dates. -- standard of subparagraph (£) or (2) of this paragraph. (1) The date the proposed construction or alteration is to begin. (4) When requested by the FAA, any construction or alteration that (2) The date an application for a construction permit is to be filed, would he in an instrument approach area (defined in the FAA standards However, a notice relating to proposed construction or alteration that is governing instrument approach procedures) and available information indi- subject to the licensing requirements of the Federal Communications Act ca"•es it might exceed a standard of Subpart C of this part, may be sent to the FAA at the same time the application for construction is (3) Any construction or alteration on any of the following airports (in- filed with the Federal Communications- Commission, or at any time before, eluding heliports): - 'that filing, " (i) An airport that is available -for public use and is listed In the Air. (c) A proposed structure or an alteration to an existing structure that. ex- port Directory of the current Airman's Information Manual or in either the ceeds 2,000 feet In height above the g .ground will be presumed to be a hazard Alaska or Pacific Airman's Guide and Chart Supplement. to air navigation and to result In an inefficient utilization of airspace and (ii) An airport under construction, that is the subject of a notice or pro- the applicant has the burden of overcoming that Each notice pp g p7 osal on file with the Federal Aviation Administration, and except for submitted under the pertinent provisions, of Part 77 proposing a structure proposing military airports, it is clearly indicated that that airport will be available in excess of 2,000 feet above ground, or an alteration that will make an ex, for public use. (€€fi An airport that is operated by an armed force of the United States. fisting structure exceed that height, muss contain a detailed showing, di- retied to meeting this burden. Only in exceptional cases, where the. FAA (b) Each sponsor who proposes construction or alteration that is the: sub- concludes that a clear and compOling showing has been made that it sc� of a notice under paragraph (a) of this section and Is advised by an would not result In an inefficient utilization of the airspace and would not 'AA regional office that a supplemental notice is required shall submit that result in a hazard to air navigation, will a determination of no hazard be atir.e on a prescribed form to be received by the FAA -regional office at isauad. cast 46 hours before the start of the construction or alteration. - (c) Each Sponsor who undertakes construction or alteration that is the (d) In tho case of an emergency involving essential public services, pub- ul;ject of a notice under paragraph (a) of this section shall, within 5 days lic health, or public safety, that requires immediate construction or "alters, Lion, the 30 day requirement in paragraph (b) of this section does not apply fter that construction or &iteration reaches its greatest height, submit a upplamFnital notice on a prescribed form to the FAA regional office having and the notice may be sent by telephone; telegraph, or other expeditious .risdiction over the area involved, 11— means, with an executed FAA Form 7460-1 submitted within five , days (1) The construction or alteration is more than 200 feet above the sur- thereafter. Outside normal business hours, emergency notices by telephone Face level of its site; or or telegraph may be submitted to the nearest FAA Flight Service Station. (2) An FAA regional office advises him that submission of the form is ie- (o) Each person who is required to notify the Administrator b P q 3 Y }sarzgrsph 7vired. (b) or (c) of §77.13, or both, shall send an executed copy of FAA Form 77.15 Construction or alteration not requiring notice.. 7460-2, Notice of Progress of Construction or Alteration, to the Chief Air No person is required to notify the Administrator for any of the following " Traffic Division, FAA Regional Office having jurisdiction over the area. znatmction or alteration:. involved. ' ADDRESSES OF THE REGIONAL OFFICES AND SAN JUAN• AREA OFFICE AL-ALASKA.N REGION NW -NORTHWEST REGION NE -NEW W ENGLAND REGION SW -SOUTHWEST REGION Alaskan Regional Office Northwest Regional Office New England Regional Office Southwest Regional Office 632 Sixth Avenue FAQ Building, Boeing Field 154 Middlesex Street 4400 Blue Mound Road Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Seattle, Washington 98108 Burlington, Mass. 01803 Mail Address: Tel. 907-272-5561 Tel. 206-767-2750 Tel. 617-272-2350 P.O. Box 1689 WE -WESTERN REGION SO -SOUTHERN REGION RM-ROCKY MOUNTAIN REGION Fort Worth, Texas 76101 Western Regional Office Southern Regional Office Rocky Mountain Regional Office Tel. 817-624.4911 5651 West Manchester Blvd. 3400 Whipple Street 10455 East 25th Avenue CE-CENTRAL P.EGION Mail Address: East Point Georgia 30344 " Aurora, Colorado 80010 Central Regional Office P.O. Box 92007 Mail Address: Mail Address: 601 E. 12th Street Worldway Postal Center P.O. Box 20636 Park Hill Station, P.O. Box 7213 Kansas City, Mo. 64106 Los Angeles, California 90009 Atlanta, Georgia 30320 Denver, Colorado 80207 Tel. 816-374-3246 Tel. 213-670-703D Ext. 548 Tel. 404-526-7646 Tel. 303-837-3937 PC -PACIFIC REGIONS EA -EASTERN REGION San Juan Area. Office GL-GREAT LAKES REGION Pacific Regional Office Eastern Regional Office RFD-1, Box 29A Great Lakes Regional Office 1833 Kalakua Avenue JFK International Airport . Loiza Street Station 2300 East Devon Ave. Mail Address: Federal Building San Juan, Pverto Pico 00914 Des Plaines, Ili, 60018 P.O. Box 4009 Jamaica, New York 11430 Tel. 791.2310 Tel. 312-297-1970 - Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Tel. 212-995-3333 Tel. 808-9550-491 • 1A Form 7460-1 (11-72) SUPERSEDES PREVIOUS EDITION