Airport Association Articles of IncorporationARTICLES OF INCORPORATION F\LISP ML AIRPORT ASSOCUMON., INC. Kriav? ALL MEN BY T13ES-P PRESENTS: Tha-t Herman Ross, Cecil Rhodes, Ritchie Ostrom, Sol Catron, and Dean Jellison, pursuant to and in confontance with the provisions of the statutes of the State o;E klonta.na duly made and provided, do hexaby associate ourselves together to form a non-profit corporation and do hereby agree upon and adopt the following Articles of incorporation. W The name of the.co�ooration shall be and it is hereby declared tO be HALISPLLri AIRPORT ASSOCLAMON, IFIC. K" The purposes for i-.,hick said corporation is fon-,ed and thu powers which it shall have are as follov.,s: 1. To assist in the promotion, development and improvement Of the City Airport presently mined and operated by the city oZ K'alispell. 2. To provide a means gor persons, firms, organizationa and acsociations intc-rested in aviation and the develor-ment and use of 2aid airlr-ort to conduct a program. of education and public informa- ,t4on to stiz,,ulat,-�- inte.-est and a,,�,,areneSS 44n t:jqe Cojf4-,'u n t 0 f lie its to U-4e and to the residents thereow to he d!:rived from improveTiientil: o:E said airpoxt an,'l increased general aviation Z1, C tt iv i ty. I 3. To function as a non --profit corporation with -out pecuniary gain or profit to the members thereof or any other person. 4. zo acco,, plish the move purposes without Locoming involved in social, fraternal or entertainment activities, and the corporation and its officers arm I reby expressly prohibited from expanding any funds of the corporation for social, .fraternal or entertainzzient, activities of any kind or nature whatsoever except to provide refresh- ment at meetings of the general membership for the pux:pose of stimulating attendance at such meat-ings. 5. To aequir4 by purchase, exchange, lease, device, or other- wise, and to held, awn, maintain, manage, improve, develope and oper- ate, and "'CO sell, transfer, convoy, lease, mortgage, exchange or otherwise dispose of or deal in or with real property viberesoever s l.tuate and any and all rights, interests or privileges therein, and to erect, construct, Mke , improve, operate or to aid or 'subscribe totward the erection, construction, making, improvemont and operation of offices shops, hangers, buildings, lighting facilities, commun:i- c; tion facilities and oVher structures connection with aviation, and ins- liatsons and e.juip maznt, machinery, apparatus, tools and other facilities of evpr-y kind and description. facet or 6. io con;luct the operation of the said airport or any/facet-9 of the operation of the said airport and to transact any and all kind o'f business which is related directly or indirect.l.} to tale Opera€ :Wn o'-2 said airport or, the improvement -{yam said airport, or lily col "'3 ca c ' aviation activities heref'rozi. - 2 -- ?® To acquire by purchase, exchange, gift, bequest, sub- scription or otherwise, and to hold, a4n, mortgage, pledge, sell, assign, transfer, exchange or otherwise dispose of or deal in or t,,,i-Ith securities of every kind and nature whatsoever: created or issued by any persons, fixi'ns, associations or corporationa or any govern- m,vnt or s,,:.bdivision thereof, and to make payrtient therefor in any lal.-,,ful manner, or to issue in exchange there:Zor it-s o,.,in securitios and to exercise as owner or holder of any securities any and all rigbtz, powers and privileges in resp;ict thereof. S. To barrow or raisw money for any of the pu rposes of" the corporation from time to tLmo and without limit as to amount; to issue securities in such amounts on such terms and conditions and for such piirposcs and pricer, as the Board of Directors wzy from time tea time determine; to a= like ei,,Itent to secure such securit-ics by liens upon or convelyances in toast of the ul,.ole or any part of the 71vro rties, assets or good wiil of the corporation. 9. To carry out al+ or any part of the foregoing purposes as principal, agent, or otherwize, either alone Or In associatioa vTith any other persons, fix-o.s, associations, or corporations, or to such extent as a corporation Organized under t1he laws WE.* the sta)te of M-Ontalla :-"lay now or, hcrea:2-ter lawfully do as a meruber of or as tho owner oz- hot%-A'I%Dr of z4ny stock of or sharz,,s oZ securlil:ies in any- firm., association, corporation, truwt or syndicate. 10. TO SLCI eXtent Z-10 a c-orporation organize-d undQX the 1aTI4%3 of the sIC.-Ite o:Z msontana may now or bereafter lar,.--fully do, to do each and evenything Peceozary, s'aitable, or p-roper - 3 - for or in connection with or incidental to the accomplishment of any one or more of the purposes, or tha exercise of any one or more of the powers herein enumerated or designated directly or indirectly to prort-iote the interests of the corporation, or to enhance the value of its pxoperUeE;, and in general to do any and all -things and. exer- c�.se any and all powers, rights and privileges Zor which a corporation may =4 or hereafter be organized under tale laws of the state of Z-`.-r)nta-na, or under any acts, a.rriendator_y thereo.-!Z, supplemental thereto, or substituted therefor. Tho foregoing proviaions oZ these articles shall be construed bot:h as rurposes. and powers and each as an independent purpose and, poli"or In furtherance o.": and not in 11,-aiLation of the powers Which th ,e corporation may have u-.adax the present or future laws of the state o:E Montana, and the purposes and pourars hereinalbove specified. shall, except when otherwise provided in this articile, be in no way :­Ln,ited or restrIcted by reference to or inZerenca from the terms of c.: any provlaioi-zof this or any other article but such provisions shall not ba construed to permit the corporation to carry on a business or to c.,:ercise any power or to 4o any act which a corporation now or hereafter organized under the of the state cif lkiontzan.- nzay not: at the- time lawful-ly carry on, or do. The =aP1c;;(`;a maill-inj of th;�) Corpora't;iD,-a shall be: 1;ic., City Alrpoxi;, ;-valispell, Molltana, A S Ocatea U -FI,L -2 laal CU1-L..Y , 140'Air aaIa' - 4 - bu,siness of the corporation. W-A The names and addresses of the . five persons vrho shall act as directors until the selection o1Z their successors aret nerm—an Ross Cecil rfhodes Ritc-111110 Ostrom Sol Catron Dean acAllisoia City Airport Road 501 V'"est Colorado Route 2 134 Charlotte Ave. 30 -econd St. v7. Kalispell, montama KalispalL, Montana Kalispell, Mmtana 1"Calisp-s-11, Mlontana Kalispell, montana- The Board of Directors of the corporation shall consist of iva , menibers of the corporation unless a different number of directors which shall be not less than three or more than thirteen is specified in the bylw,;s. M There shall be one class of members in the corporation. m-embers shall have a right to participate in all activities of the cor-,*)oratlon and shall ezich have one vote in all matters conzing before the general me,-:'aa)xcship for a vote. Plembers shall be dbligated to pay dues and me-abership, fees as specified in the bylaws of the corpor- ation. There shall be no limit on the total membership and merrLber- ship shall be open to all adult residents of the city of Kalispell with'Out limitations and to other persons as provided in tha bylaws. 117 WITZ-JESS 141-0REOF vie have hereunto set our sIgnatures this - 5 - day o-2 January 1936. STATZ OF MONTIMIA ) 3 036 County of Flathead) On this -'day of January 1966, before me, the unde_rsig4ed, I a 1,7;otaxy Pulbl;Lc f-0 r the Sztate -of montana, e sorally -ppea ed Ross, Cecil Rhodes, Ritchie 0_,ztrom, Sol Citron, and Dean 0.�cllison, kaow-n to rve to by Uhe persons whose nax-las are Subscribed to the above of Incorr-oration, and acknov.-ledged to me that they executed Ch_- same. I IN WITNESS 'TrMERBOP, 1 haVe hereunto set .P.y hand and affized !`"Ot�rizll SQ'al t1ae day and year firEt above written. Notary Pkf,)I:Lc -1-br the State oV Montana ResidinU at Xzlispell, Mc�ntar.a Ply t "Oro - ZAEGion ox'piro-s