12/27/79 Hill/Mini-Master PlanADVISORY TECHNICAL STAFF
723 5th Avenue East Rm. 416
Kalispell, Montane 59901
December 27, 1479
William J. Lupton, President
Kalispell City -County Planning Board
704 Country Way
Kalispell, Montana 59901
RE: Kalispell City Airport Mini -Master Plan
Dear Mr. Lupton:
/ have reviewed the Kalispell Airport Mini -Master Plan developed
by T^A.P., Inc., dated October 1979. In summary, | find that
the Airport Plan is in conformance with the guidelines set forth
in the Kalispell Comprehensive Plan as amended. The two land
use categories that the Airport Plan is situated in Is the Public
(in city) and Industrial (in county) Categories.
Also, that part of the Airport Master Plan which is situated
within the city conforms to the zoning as a conditional use.
No zoning districts |7e immediately to the south of the city
limits to date. The anticipated uses within the airport are as
(1) Three fixed base operators providing aviation
service for aircraft owners and users
(2) Ayr taxi service
/3\ Flight Instruction
/4\ Aviation Mechanic services
Of the four anticipated uses, Flight Instruction does not appear
specifically as s permitted use under the Public Zoning Category.
/ find, however, that it would be a use incidental and subordinate
in area, extant and purpose; and therefore, it would be a permitted
In addition, | would urge your board to recommend to the City that
Chapter Four (see attachment) be the Restrictive Covenant for the
Airport with the City being party to it for addt/onal enforcement.
The City should also adopt an Airport Influence Area and provide
for the administration of rules restricting the height to which
structures may be erected and trees allowed to grow within the
Airport Influence Area consistant with Part 77 of the Federal
Aeronautics Regulations.
Finally, T.A.P. offered two suggestions of extreme importance:
William J. Lupton
December 27, 1979
Page 2
/a\ "The airport is not now protected by restrictive
covenants or non -development zoning on either end
of the airport. The only protection that the air-
port has is the fact that it has been able to exist
within its own boundary confines and it has compatible
neighbors on either and.
(b) "The safer the airport can be made the more assurance
the City" the Association, and the aircraft owner
have that the airport can remain a public use airport
indefinitely. If nothing is done in terms of improve-
ments of the physical plant or imporvemonts to the
approaches, one can be assured that the possibility
for accident or incident increases. As the safety
decreases, the life of the airport also dacraases.
Therefore, the owners and operators of this airport,
namely the City, the Airport Association, and the
aircraft owners, should du everything within their
power to follow the land aquisi1ion and construction
recommendations of this plan because the other altar -
native is no airport at all. By following the
recommendations of this plan and by periodically
updating the plan to review what has actually happened
every three to five years, this airport should remain
a viable, safe airport for the remainder of the
century. By not following the recommendation of the
plan* the airport could cease to be an airport within
five years."
Sincerely yours~
Gary R. Hill
Planner In Charge
cc: Lee Tower, City Airport Association
Forest Daily, City Council
Mayor Happ, City of Kalispell
Norb Donahoe, City Attorney
Ann Smith, City Zoning Commission