04/22/81 Tower/Fly-In ConventionApril 22, 1981
The Honorable Norma Tapp, Mayor
City of Kilispell
P.O. Box 1035
Kali -spell, 114ontana 59901
Dear 1A 'a layor I 11pp
i have enclosed three copies of the agenda for the 1981 Iffavioneer
Fly —In 'Convention scheduled for Kalispell this summer for your
This is one of the finest general aviation groups in North America.
Their conventions normally attract in excess of 100 aircraft which
could mean as many as 400 people arriving by airplane at Kalispell
City Airport.
This is an exceptional opportunity for our area that would not exist
without our very conveniently located city airport. This one
conventJon could have as much as a $500,000.00 Dositive effect to
our local econoray.
I suggest that M@ City of Kalispell extend an official invitation
to this group as soon as possible . I also Suggest a meeting of the
City and the City Airport Association as soon as possible to assure
our facilities being in good condition as these people will enjoy
Baliispellt and the Flathead; with the least possible inconveniences
YalisDel. l's offical- invttation should be sent to:
American Navion Society
Mr. Luther Hester, -President
Box 1175, Municipal Airport
Banningv California 92220
Thank you for your interest and support.
P.O. BOX 1035 ZIP CODE 59901
THE CITY OF Norma ENayor
H pp
April 22, 1981
American Navion Society
Mr. Luther Hester, President
Box 1175, Municipal Airport
Banning, California 92220
Dear Mr. Hester;
As Mayor of Kalispell may I welcome you and members of
the American Navion Society to our city for your convention
July 5 through July 10, 1981.
Kalispell has may fine establishments to offer your
conventioneers and I am sure that you will find the many
shops, restaurants, and the Outlaw Inn, your convention
headquarters, to your liking. The beautiful Flathead Valley
has fine golf courses, fishing and other outdoor recreational
activities that will give your members and families many
enjoyable leisure hours.
If my office can be of any assistance to you, please
do not hesitate to contact us.
Norma E. Happ