Airport MinutesPARKS AIRPORT Councilman Daley reported that Mayor Happ, City Attorney Donahue and he met October 23rd with the City Airport officers, namely, Dr. Swanberg, Secretary and Treasurer of the City Airport Board, Bill Redman, Secretary and Treasurer of the Airport Assoc— iation, Dr. Ross, past president of the City Airport Association, Mike Strand, Strand Aviation, Mr. Jackson, representing Stockhill Aviation, Larry Lee and Mr. Newman, plane owners and users of the city airport. Dr. Ross gave background information on forming of the airport association and airport board to be responsible for the oper— ation of the airport. Three members, Mr. Claypool, president, Dr. Swanberg and Mike Strand make up the Airport Board. Discussion concerned a request in the increase of -the airport liability insurance to be considered and that a safety regulation report be made to the City each year on the runway land and takeoff equipment and adherence to landing and toceoff safety rules. Dr. Ross discussed forming an airport authority under county supervision, but it was generally agreed that the best operation plan would be to appoint a board made up of people who use the airport and a representative from the city administration. Those present requested that the City become more involved in the operation of -the city airport. Mr. Strand and Mr. Jackson were appointed to make a recommendation of six individuals who were interested in the airport operation to the Mayor of Kalispell. It was also requested that the Mayor, with the approval of the City Council, proceed to set up a city airport board. There was considerable discussion on comparison of use when the association came into being. At that time the primary use was for pleasure planes and now has progressed to the primary use to be by our business community. It was -the recommendation of all those present that the airport should be considered a permanent city airport and that plans should proceed on that basis. Larry Lee and Mr. Newman requested a lease to put up a hangar for their planes. This was referred to the new board for one of their first considerations. Councilman Daley recommended that the Mayor be authorized to set up an airport board and that this council go on record supporting a policy that no airport property will be sold or traded without full approval of the Mayor and all Council Members. Another meeting is set for September 20th. Councilman Allen -told Mayor Happ that he would like to see the city representative be a resident of the southwest area of the City. Lee Tower 904 7th Ave. E. Kalispell 755-4419 Gordon Pirrie 459 3rd. Ave. E. N. Kalispell 257-3804 755-1550 Bob Blake 751 Sunset Blvd. Kalispell 755-5600 Dr. John Stephan 845 3rd. Ave. East Kalispell 257-2495 Dean Jellison 116 Crestline Kalispell 755-6919 Rod L. Newman 128 Sunset Ridge Lakeside 857-3897 Ted W. Parod 1825 Airport Road Kalispell 755-3333 Richard Dasen 360 West Valley Dr. Kalispell 755-5838 755-6666 I N D E X CONTENTS PAGE OFFICERS& BOARD ...................................... 1 SECRETARY OF STATE LETTER ............................. 2 NON-PROFIT AUTHORIZATION .............................. 3 ARTICLESOF INCORPORATION ............................. 4 - 9 BY-LAWS ............................................... 10 - 14 AIRPORTLEASE AGREEMM' ............................... 15 - 18 FIRE INSURANCE CHANGE ................................. 19 - 20 MOUNTAIN WEST HELICOPTER LEASE ........................ 21 - 22 CITY INSURANCE SCHEDULE - F. A. I. A .................. 23 AIRPORT ASSOCIATIONS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE......... 24 AIRPORT MAP Last Page