05/01/82 Baker/Stop HR 264329921M M. The U. S. House of Representatives is on the verge of passing a bill, H.R. 2643, which will be disastrous for general aviation. We urgently need your help to stop it® Here's what H.R. 2643 will do to you: 1® IT WILL TRIPLE YOUR FUEL TAX BILL® We know that high fuel costs are one reason people are not flying. Under H.R. 2643, the new tax would be 120 per gallon. 2. Most of the fuel taxes you would pay under H.R. 2643 would be used to pay for FAA'S ADMINISTRATIVE COSTS, SALARIES AND OVERHEAD. Congressmen and bureaucrats refer to this as "operations and maintenance." 3. The modest amount that would remain for airport development would be devoted primarily to AUTOMATIC ENTITLEMENT FUNDING FOR LARGE HUB, AIR CARRIER AIRPORTS which are capable of supporting themselves® Very little would be used for projects which benefit general aviation. 4. H.R. 2643 would allow airport authorities to establish MONOPOLY FIXED -BASE OPERATIONS at airports where FBO's have previously been required to compete for general aviation's dollar. Obviously, reduced competition does not serve the interests of the general aviation pilot. 7315 Wisconsin Avenue (Air Rights Building) / Bethesda, MD 20814 / Telephone: (3011) 654-0500 / Telex: 89-8468 / Cable Address: AOPA, Washington, D.C. Member: International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations When writing ALWAYS use your AOPA number. 5. General aviation aircraft would again be required to pay CUSTOMS OVERTIME CHARGES for entering the U.S. at any hour on Sundays and holidays. The current $25 charge is now assessed only at night. Separate legislation is under consideration to double this to $50. Any one of these reasons alone would be reason enough to oppose H.R. 2643, but taken together, they are a nightmare fur general aviation. Please contact your Congressman by telephone, letter, mailgram or in person and ask him to vote "NO" on H.R. 2643. If you don't know the name of your Congressman, contact your local courthouse, post office or Federal Information Center. If they can't tell you, call AOPA at (301) 951-3927. You can reach your Congressman's office through the Capitol switchboard, (202) 224-3121. Please, do it for yourself and for ge-gral aviation. Si,Ycer�ly, resident