06/04/82 Buley/Site Not QualifiedU.S. Department
of Transportation
Federal Aviation
June 4, 1982
The Honorable Leroy E. McDowell
Mayor of Kalispell
P. 0. Box 1035
Kalispell, Montana 59901-1035
Dear Mayor McDowell:
Northwest Mour"tain Region
Colorado, Idaho, Montana,
Oregon, Utah, Washington,
17900 Pacific Highway South
Seattle, Washington 98168
Ti-0. is in response to your May 14, 1982, letter addressed to Robert 0. Brown,
with regards to the Kalispell City Airport.
As you may be aware, this site has been the subject of numerous examinations
over the past years and while we appreciate your interest in preserving it,
this site does not qualify for inclusion in the National Airport System Plan
(HASP) and therefore is ineligible for federal aid.
If you wish to discuss this determination further, please contact either
myself or Dave Wingfield of this office.
9Xzr-1;-1 0/'
George L. Buley
Chief, Planning and
Programming Branch, ANM-610
Mike Ferguson
Leroy E. McDowell
P.O. Box 1035
4 Zip 59901-1035
Tclephone (4o6) 755-5457
K A L I S P E L L, M O N T A N A
June 28, 1982
George L. Burley, Chief
Planning & Programming Branch
Federal Aviation Administration
17900 Pacific Highway South
Seattle, Washington 98168
Dear Mr. Burley:
Thank you for your prompt response to our May 14th inquiry regarding Kalispell
City Airport inclusion in the National Airport System Plan.
We have, in hand, a study and a master plan done by T.A.P., Inc. of Bozeman,
Montana outlining the steps and required construction to improve our airport and
its' usefulness to Kalispell. These plans are being followed in our present
We were not aware of past examinations nor do we have any correspondence in our
files outlining any reasons that our airport may not qualify for NASP inclusion.
Our motive in contacting your office was to obtain this information so that we
could address the various situations in the work presently underway.
We appreciate your detailed comments and suggestions to improve our airport and
gain NASP inclusion.
Thank you for your prompt attention.
"In the Heart of the Nation's Playground"
WAXk 21 1982
George L. Burley
Chief, Planning & Programming Branch
Federal Aviation Administration
17900 Paciifc Highway South
Seattle, Washington 98168
Dear 1,1r. Burley,
Thank you for your prompt response to our May 14th inquiry regarding
Kalispell City Airport inclusion in the National Airport System
We-uere not aware of past examinations nor do we have any correspond—
ence in our files outlining -any reasons that our airport may not
qualify for HASP inclusion.
We have, in hand, a study and a master plan done by T.A.P®, Inc. of
Bozeman, Montana outlining the steps and required construction to
improve our airport and its' usefulness to Kalispell® These plans
are being followed in our present construction.
Our motive in contacting your office was to obtain this information
so that we could address the various situations in the woile-presently
We appreciate your detailed comments and suggestions to improve our
airport and gain HASP inclusion.
Thank you for your prompt attention®
Leroy E. McDowell
Mayor of Kalispell