08/06/86 Tower/Obstruction EvaluationKalispell City Airport Association Drawer 1997 Kalispell, IVIT 59903 NEMMMSM Mike Ferguson. Administrator Aeronautics Division Montana Department of Commercc P.O. Box 517B Helena. Montana 59504 Attached for your information is a copy of the Kalispell City Airport Association recommendations relative to the obstruction ?�valuation 86-ANM-0510-03. IMNMW H. Lee Tower Manager Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Northwest Mountain Region U.S. Departrrew 179W Pacific Highway South of Transportation C-68966 Federal Avkitjon Seattle, Washington 98168 Admirdstration ATTN: ANM-530 Subject. Obstruction Evaluation Case No. Date: u E Reply to From. Airspace & System Management Branch, ANM-5130 Afln.of: A.N`M— To '01 The enclosed FAA Form 7460-1 describes the structure being studied under the subject airspace case. Please document any impact and recommend resolutions. Enclosure WMATATFIRP �M2 A TO: Airspace & System Management Branch, ANM-530 We have reviewed this proposal and recommend the following: Construction be approved on the condition the tower be marked with Red Aviation Obstruction Lights. Marking and Lighting: x Recommended Not Recommended S !GNYTURF DATE BRANCH , T PEAltOVE CARBONS Form Approved O.M.B No. 2120-0001 N c US iDEPARTMENTOFTRANSPORTATION C^m UIDT- FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRAT ION NOTICE OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION A 8E6_jffffT1j0N5 0 1 NATURE OF STRUCTURE FAA will either ret um this !o rm or Issue a separate acknoviiedcer­nen!. A TYPE B CLASS C PROPOSED LEl-,1GTH OF XXNEW CONSTRUCTION XXPERMANENT TIME TO COMPLETE - (Months) A The proposed Structure E] ALTERATION ❑ TEMPORARY 2 1,-,, n t h s 0 Does not require a riotiice to FAA- 0 Woulid not exceed any obstrurrion standard 2 NAME AND ADDRESS OF INDIVIDUAL. COMPANY, CORPORATION. ETC PROPOSING THE CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION (Number. Street. City, State and Zip Coca) of Part T7 and wou'd not be a hazard to air naviqation. DShoulobeibbstrucfion Dmarked 0 1-ghted per FAA Advisory Circular "i E—S E- 1D T I � T HP I, -SE6 Chaple.'(51 P.O. 3rjX OU26 0 Obstruction rnarkinc; errd lighting are no! TO —7 necessary 3 i 1 C -7 -'Dill 0 Requires SLJP�•iCMen! nt)l;ce Use FAA form enc;&»d B FCC DvvaB ED was n-�I! advisees REMARKS rCA TIOPI, 1, COMPLETE 0 E S C H P T 10 C, U C T U R E, In clocle elc i i ve, acria i eb Power o f 1) sed or . �opc Gr TV siat,on ana aS,'3,or,,e,- v size anoconfig,raiicII) ofDower irar��;!niss�on 1 171-1 117 11-M"MV app!0priale" t VF ASE ICas P,0pL GNAT JL Telex sc-if s-� c, r t nr:,-' to vi e r to b e u s e a s 7 �7- 11 CI_ M,0 s Lrii c tur e T �'r* bile ra-6• -Lo antennall. ISSUING OFFICE. REVIEWING OFFfCEA DATE 4. LOCATION OF STRUCTURE COORDINATES (To nearest second) 6 NEAREST CITY OR TOWN, AND STATE N � 11 'cD P " 1, M t LATITUDE LONGJUDE '1 " (1) DISTANCE FROM, AB (2) DIRECTION FROM 4B 48 1 10 ;4" j �)o 153 MILES -D 'D. —1 C NAME OF NEAREST AIRPORT. HELIPORT. OR SEAPLANE BASE (ii DISTANCE FROM NEAREST POIDIRECTION FROM K 11 e 1 NEAREST RUNWAYAIRPORT.,, a s-c D DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION OF SITE WITH RESPECT TO HIGHWAYS STREETS- AiRPCiRTS = (--51NIENT TERRAIN FEATURES. EXISTING STRUCTURES. ETC rrtccna nionway. stec:,or -�Dpfopria!e,nao o! scafeddrai, inQ f­,',',,,,r:c :r- --on, ot. asepaiate sheer of paper a­cf to this noitce, S e e = L t—a C 'd M, G 5 HEIGHT AND ELEVATION (CompieIe A. B. and C to the nearest iootl 6 WORK SCHEDULE DATES A ELEVATION OF SITE ABOVE MEAN SEA, LEVEL 7)7 25 A. B,EGINNrN1G U F', 8 HEIGHT OF STRUCTURE !NCLUDING APPURTENANCES AND LIGHTING B END "D t (if any) ABOVE GROUND OR WATER IF SO SITUATED 1 L8 C OVERALL HEIGHT ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL (A - B) pr j YES NO X 7 OBSTRUCTION MARKED AND OR LIGHTED IN' A MARKED B AVIATION RED OBSTR,-'CTION LIGHTS ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT FAA ADVISORY CIRCULAR 70,7460-11. OBSTRUCTION MARKING C HIGH INTENSITY WHITE OBSTRUCTION LIGHTS AND LIGHTING D DUAL LIGHTING SYSCTE- M 1 HEREEN CERTIFY that all of the above szaternents mace by me are true com,,;eie ano correct!he best ot• mknowfecce DATE TEL NC C-:ve area TYPED. NAME -TITLE OF PERSON FILING NOTICE S!GNAI LIRE coce 80 e s rc-Q­­0 -1" .77 e��c -all A 13!'or; 74 -af' -7 se:7;IIr -Q� SC 7472a, FAA FORM 7460-1 DC) NOT RE,`t40i/'E CARBONS �Qli 1? 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