04/23/86 Tower/WarrantsKalispell ��'f Airport 'Association
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F)[@VVer 1997
April 23. 085
Chuck Manning
Kalispell City Council
P.O.Drawer |QQ7
KaUspe||, Montona5QAO3
Dear Chuck,
The officers of the Kalispell City Airport Association are very
concerned about the warrants issued topay for paving our runways.
The rod tape and delays that have been encountered in achieving
oau|e oythis property are taxing our cash flow.
Because the Airport Association has no control over the sale of
this property. | suggest we exohange, with the City our rights to
the proceeds from any sale of this property for total relief from
the indebtedness represented bythese warrants.
This aoenne a fair solution to a de|enna now diverting our income
from airport maintenance and operation into interest.
According to the y4untuno Airport Association, Kalispell City
Airport's financial contribution toour area now exceeds $4.00O.00O.00
per year. We are making every effort to increase this positive
Thnek you and the City of Kalispell for your continued support.
Vary truly.
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cc: R.A. Taylor
Dean Jellison
Gary Nystu|
Paul Palmer