11/10/86 Airport Association Comments and SuggestionsAIRPORT ASSOCIATIONS COMMENTS AND SUGGESTIONS
The investigation and comment of the Fact Finding
Committee appointed by the Parks Committee of the
Kalispell City Council are appreciated and well taken.
As chairman of the Kalispell City Airport Association
I suggest that any problems in operation of the airport,
by the Association, lie within the lease written by
the City of Kalispell, and under which the Association
must operate.
This lease allows for a lot of responsibility and alludes
a lot of authority. Seemingly enough authority to
operate, but there are no teeth attached to the lease
This lack of apparent authority, strengthened by the
attitute of some City departments, does not allow the
Association effective response to the various challenges
it's authority is subjected to.
I suggest that any operating systems that should arise
from these efforts must include remedial systems and
implementation authority that is clearly understood
by all permenentaly involved in the operation. The
association cannot continue with it's only response
a confrontation of personalities, and jawbones.
A. Rewrite the Association lease in a very careful
manner to acheive the following.
1. Proper authority in the association to handle
normal operations.
2. Reduce liability to the City of Kalispell that
may result from airport operation.
3. Improve the use of the airport, in any reasonably
manner, and it's contribution to the City of
B. Rewrite the lease requiring the association to
contract with the Economic Developement Department
or some other agency for administration, but also
clearing up the authority and remedial action questions.
C. Using the Airport Association structure, create
a bond issue to purchase existing F.B.O.'s and pay
off the runway paving. Consolidate the two F.B.O.'s
into one, operated by the Association directly or by
leases with a qualified third party.
This arrangement must also include the implementation
authority required to assure pea(:eful operation.
Any one of the above will solve most of the operating
problems. They will also encourage membership
involvement, and by doing so, encourage regular changes
in Association leadership.
Another consideration in rewr'tting the airport lease
might be a partial budget contribution by the City.
This would recognize the public nature of the
contribution made to Kalispell by the Airport. This
amount might replace the „contribution expected from
the various F.B.O.'s and not effect other sources of
Kalispell City might also join with the Airport
Association to obtain Federal financing for needed
capitol improvements.
Thank you for your time.
H. Lee Tower