10/24/86 Christensen/Stockhill AviationROBERT S. KELLER ANN C. GERMAN CHRIS CHRISTENSEN CONNIE SCORZA, CLA CERTIFIED LEGAL ASSISTANT REPLY TO KALISPELL OFFICE KELLER & GERMAN ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 18, WHIPPS BUILDING P.O. BOX 1954 KALISPELL, MONTANA 59903-1954 (406) 752-7300 Mr. Lee Tower 904 7th Avenue East Kalispell, Montana 59901 RE: Stockhill Aviation LIBBY OFFICE: 421 MONTANA P.O. BOX AT LIBBY, MONTANA 59923 (406) 293-4191 Our office represents Larry Stockhill and Stockhill Aviation, City Airport, Kalispell, Montana. It is our understanding that you are the current Chairman of the Airport Association for the City Airport. Mr. Stockhill has brought to our attention certain incidents in the immediate past which have caused him great concern. He believes that your personal contacts with him have been threatening and harassing and far exceed the scope of your authority. This letter is to put you on notice that any further contact with Mr. Stockhill by you as Chairman of the City Airport Association should be made in writing and/or through our office. Any further personal contacts between you and Mr. Stock - hill, which he deems to be threatening or harassing, will be immediately referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities. Thank you for your attention to this matter. Sincerely, KELLER & GERMAN Chris Christensen CC/dks CC: Larry Stockhill Stockhill Aviation