02/25/87 Tower/Noyes LeaseIz Kalispell City Airport Association Drawer 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 February 25, 1987 Ed Kennedy, Mayor City of Kalispell Drawer 1997 Kalispell, Montana 59903 Dear Ed, Attached are two executed copies of a new hangar lease with Dr. Elton Noyes. This lease was executed subject to City acknowledgement. The lease rate of .05 per square foot on this lease was negotiated at the same time as his original hangar lease. This special rate.was an inducement to get the first hangar built. This lease honors that commitment. Dr. Noyes has signed a lease purchase agreement for the sale of his original hangar. He found it too big for his present needs and wished to build a smaller hangar. You will find this lease form is the form approved by the Kalispell City Council. As time is of the essence we trust there will be no delay in acknowledgment of this lease. Sincerely, H. Lee Tower Chairman HLT/mja cc: Dick Taylor Dean Jellison