03/24/87 Tower/Reinstate Tie DownMoroh24. |Q87
|BQOAirport Road
Kalispell, Montana5QQO|
Dear Larry,
| received your March |Oth letter wherein you mention "taking o hard
look" atcontinuing tooperate from the Kalispell City Airport.
|'nn sorry to hear you are considering halting your operation. It would
be a loss to Kalispell and Northwest Montana for you toquit the aviation
Lorry. we must go forward with our long range plan in attempt to
better operate the airport facility. This effort includes doing the
best we can to generate the income required to maintain our airport
onthe field.
In order to accomplish this we need to get some income from every
useful area.
We plan to reinstate our ba down rental by May |at and to complete
the parking area leases at about the same time.
Would you please let us know if you wont to lease the parking area
and the dadownebyApril |b. 1987.
This will allow us two weeks to find another |eooeo for these functions
should you no longer require thorn.
We appreciate your offer to restore any land used to it's original
condition. We would be happy to look any of these areas over with
you. It could be that some areas would be alright without you spending
time and money in restoration efforts.
Thanks for your letter. I'm sorry it held less than good news.
L'm/ e / o��or
cc: Mqvnr Fd Kennedv