09/23/96 Griffith/Phase 1 Environmental Assessment- t] 0 TETRA TECH, INC. 2969 Airport Road Helena, MT 59601 Telephone (406) 449-3440 FAX (406) 449-3445 September 23, 1996 Mr. Ross Plambeck Planning, Economic, & Community Development Department P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 RE: Phase I Environmental Assessment of Haven and Daley Ballfields Dear Mr. Plambeck: Enclosed are Tetra Tech's cost estimates for performing Phase I Environmental Site Assessments at the above referenced properties. These assessments would be preformed in accordance with ASTM standards and would include the following subtasks: 1. Record's Search of Local and State Health Departments to identify environmental conditions at the sites and surrounding areas. The record's search will include the Federal NPL site list, Federal CERCLIS list, Federal RCRA TSD facilities and generators list, Federal ERNS list, State solid waste disposal list, State registered UST list, and the State leaking UST list. Tetra Tech will also check county and local fire department records for any indications of environmental problems at the sites. An evaluation of available historic photographs from the Montana Department of Transportation will also be conducted to assist in determining past land use. 2. A site reconnaissance to observe the physical condition of each site and surrounding area. This visit will also enable Tetra Tech to develop a general view to the site geology and hydrogeology which will help determine if any impacts are possible from off -site sources. 3. Interviews with personnel familiar with the sites, local officials, and state officials. These interviews will be used to determine the history of the sites and any potential environmental problems that exist at the sites or in the area. 4. A report detailing the investigative methods and findings along with Tetra Tech's conclusions. The enclosed cost estimates show the cost for completing the assessments at Parcels 2 and 4 separately as well as together. The travel mileage and time is for one-way travel, Tetra Tech will combine this project with other travel to the area to cut cost to all parties. Thank you for the opportunity to submit a bid on these projects. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerel , Earl Griffith Enclosed Parcel 2 Cost Estimate Parcel 4 Cost Estimate Parcels 2 & 4 Combined Cost Estimate Kalisp.bid Parcel 2 Phase I Site Assessment Fixed Price Cost Estimate SUBTASK 1: Records Search: Montana Department of Environmental Quality/MDOT Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 3 58.00 174.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor Total 3.00 174.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Van Mileage 0 miles 0.43 0.00 Photo (MDOT) 1 20.00 20.00 Lodging 0 night 33.26 0.00 Per Diem 0 people 20.00 0.00 ulrect Cost Total 20.00 SUBTASK 1 TOTAL $194.00 SUBTASK 2: Travel to Kalispell, Site Recon, Local Records Search, and Interviews Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 8 58.00 464.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor Total 8.00 464.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Van Mileage 210 miles 0.43 90.30 Metal Locator 0 day 37.50 0.00 Lodging 0 night 33.26 0.00 Per Diem 0 day 20.00 0.00 Direct Cost Total 90.30 SUBTASK 2 Total $554.30 Parcel 2 Bid continued SUBTASK 3: Project Administration and Project Reporting Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 3 77.00 231.00 Martin 6 58.00 348.00 Kuhl 2 65.00 130.00 Labor Total 11.00 IU9.UU Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Reproduction 100 pages 0.10 10.00 Computer Time 4 hour 10.00 40.00 Telephone LS 25.00 25.00 Direct Cost Total SUBTASK 3 Total Project Total Kalis2bid.wbl /b.UU $784.00 $1,532.30 Parcels 2 & 4 Phase 1 Site Assessment Fixed Price Cost Estimate SUBTASK 1: Records Search: Montana Department of Environmental Quality/MDOT Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 6 58.00 348.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor Total 6.00 348.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Photo (MDOT) 1 LS 20.00 Van Mileage 0 miles 0.43 0.00 Lodging 0 night 33.26 0.00 Per Diem 0 people 20.00 0.00 uirect cost i otai 20.00 SUBTASK 1 TOTAL $368.00 SUBTASK 2: Travel to Kalispell, Site Recon, Local Records Search, and Interviews Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 16 58.00 928.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor i otai 16.00 928.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Van Mileage 210 miles 0.43 90.30 Site Photos LS 20.00 20.00 Metal Locator 1 day 37.50 37.50 Lodging 1 night 33.26 33.26 Per Diem 1 day 20.00 20.00 uirect cost Total 201.06 SUBTASK 2 Total $1,129.06 Parcels 2 & 4 Bid continued SUBTASK 3: Project Administration and Project Reporting Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 4 77.00 308.00 Martin 14 58.00 812.00 Kuhl 2 65.00 130.00 Labor Total 20.00 1250.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Reproduction 200 pages 0.10 20.00 Computer Time 8 hour 10.00 80.00 Telephone LS 30.00 30.00 Direct Cost Total SUBTASK 3 Total Project Total Kalis2&4bid.wb1 130.00 $1,380.00 $2,877.06 Parcel 4 Phase I Site Assessment Fixed Price Cost Estimate SUBTASK 1: Records Search: Montana Department of Environmental Quality/MDOT Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 4 58.00 232.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor Total 4.00 232.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Van Mileage 0 miles 0.43 0.00 Photo (MDOT) 1 LS 20.00 Lodging 0 night 33.26 0.00 Per Diem 0 people 20.00 0.00 Direct Cost Total 20.00 SUBTASK 1 TOTAL SUBTASK 2: Travel to Kalispell, Site Recon, Local Records Search, and Interviews Labor Hours Rate Cos $252.00 Griffith 0 77.00 0.00 Martin 14 58.00 812.00 Kuhl 0 65.00 0.00 Labor Total 14.00 812.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost Van Mileage 210 miles 0.43 90.30 Metal Locator 1 day 37.50 37.50 Lodging 1 night 33.26 33.26 Per Diem 1 day 20.00 20.00 Direct Cost Total 181.06 SUBTASK 2 Total $993.06 Parcel 4 Bid continued SUBTASK 3: Project Administration and Project Reporting Labor Hours Rate Cost Griffith 4 77.00 308.00 Martin 8 58.00 464.00 Kuhl 2 65.00 130.00 Labor Total 14.00 902.00 Direct Cost Units Rate Cost 100 pages 0.10 10.00 [Reproduction omputer Time 6 hour 10.00 60.00 ele hone LS 25.00 25.00 Direct Cost Total SUBTASK 3 Total Project Total Kalis4bid.wbl 9!).UU $997.00 $2,242.06