09/27/96 Krepps/Phase 1 Environmental AssessmentIncorporated 1892 Planning, Economic & Community Development Department P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903-1997 September 27, 1996 Earl Griffith Tetra Tech, Inc. 1969 Airport Road Helena, MT 59601 RE: Phase I Environmental Assessment of Haven and Daley Ballfields Dear Mr. Griffith: 248 Third Avenue East (406) 758-7740 (406) 758-7739 (office fax) (406) 758-7758 (City Hall fax) Please accept this letter as your authorization to proceed with the environmental assessments of the ballfields per your proposal dated September 23, 1996. You are authorized to incur costs for the two parcels for a total amount not to exceed $2,900. If additional research is needed or costs are encountered during the course of your assessment, please request authorization for reimbursement prior to incurring those costs. If the costs are minor and encountered "in -the - field," then a quick phone call to Ross Plambeck for approval should be all that is necessary. It is my understanding you will be in Kalispell the first week of October to conduct the field work. We are in need of the information in order to sell the property and would appreciate your final report as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, Clarence Krepps City Manager CAAROSMORKSTUREATETRA. M LEY EWA; rOUS•.,% OPPORTUNITY