09/12/96 Thompson/Reviewed Neighborhood PlanArthur and Diane Thompson.
685 Conrad Pt. Road O P.O. Box 747
Lakeside, Montana 59922
Gib Bissel, Chairman
Airport Advisory Board
City of Kalispell
Dear Gib,
September 12, 1996
I have reviewed the "Neighborhood Plan" and ". . . Analysis/Urban
Renewal" documents as found in our reference notebook; and,
additionally Resolutions 4176, 4180, 4256 & Ordinance 1242.
I do not find language in these documents that ties us to any
particular Category of "_tLP" (Airport Layout Plan), as defined
by the FAA. Active phrase is: ". . requires . . . an airport
layout plan, .".
"Design choice", "Target Standards", Goals", and "Strategies"
are discussed ,%ith a recommendation for B-1 design standards,
but without P't. category mention under "Airport Layout flan"
goal (p. 26 Neihborhood flan), apparently leaving the
question open to a later determination.
Similarly, I can't see language in the documents that specifically
approves a TIP. The active phrase is ". . .requires . . .
establishing a funding mechanism for airport properties, .".
The TIP Urban Renewal Project is listed as Option 3 (p. 39 in
the Analysis document). My interpretation is that the City
Council will either -ant or need to act on specifics of the
funding mechanism.
-� "
.fir/hur I'. Thompson, member Adv. Bd.