04/02/93 Wood/Analysis of Monk & City Airport PropertiesMEMORANDUM
TO: Larry Gallagher, Director, PECDD ; ,}
FROM: Brian J. Wood, Zoning Administrator
DATE: April 2, 1993
RE: Analysis of Monk & City Airport Properties
Larry, this memo will attempt to summarize issues and conditions
relative to the above -referenced properties.
Monk owns property adjacent to the .runway of the city airport
which, if subdivided and developed, could have an adverse impact
on the ability of the city to safely expand and improve the
airport. During our meeting with Mr. Monk and Tom Wiggins,
a prospective purchaser and developer of the Monk property, a
number of scenarios involving Monk, Wiggins and the city were
discussed. One possible deal would have Wiggins purchase a
portion of the Monk property, and, rather than developing it, he
would in turn exchange the property with the city for city -owned
land on Airport Road. To begin exploring this possibility,
appraisals of the two properties have been ordered. Mr. Monk may
be interested in a similar arrangement.
Mr. Monk has applied for preliminary subdivision approval through
the FRDO. Unless he requests an extension, the County
Commissioners will have to act on the subdivision in the next
week or ten days. I have asked him to do so.
The Monk property subject to subdivision review totals 11.6 acres
in area - 7.704 acres in lots and 3.896 acres in a private road
and utility easement. Per an agreement with the Evergreen Water
District, sewer has been stubbed to each of the proposed lots in
exchange for the utility easement. It is my understanding that
Wiggins is interested in lot 5 alone, a three -acre parcel.
The city -owned property which could be involved in a trade is
described as Tract 1G in Section 19, T28N, R21W, Flathead County,
MT. The tract is 2.25 acres in size and zoned RA-1. Attached is a
copy of an appraisal done in 1988 which points out the existence
of a 35' sewer easement and the possibility of floodplain
encroachment on a small portion of the site. Neither of these
features would preclude development of the property.
Monk and Wiggins are party to a developer's extension agreement
with the city regarding a sewerline extension. To date, no one
has contributed to the cost of the extension, and the two are
asking the city to extend the life of the extension agreement so
that they are afforded further opportunity to recover some of
their costs. I will secure a copy of the agreement from the city
attorney and forward it to you.