04/21/93 Gallagher/Skyway Preliminary Plat6Ae City of. er Incorporated 1892 ib Telephone (406)752-6600 <�`" Building Department Fax: (406)752-6639 je°_' `R PO Box 1997 ! %r' j ' Zip 59903-1997' Douglas Rauthe Mayor Bruce Williams MEMORANDUM City Manager City Council Members: TO: Flathead County Board of Commissioners Gary W. Nystul Ward I FROM: Larry Gallagher, PECD Director, City of Kalispell Cliff Collins DATE: April 21, 1993 Ward Moses RE: SKYWAY Preliminary Plat Barbara Wad 11 Fred Buck Ward 11 The purpose of this transmittal is to relay the concerns that ,Jim Atkinson the City of Kalispell has relative to the above -referenced Ward III plat. It is my understanding that you will be acting on the request Monday, April 26, 1993. Lauren Granmo Wad III As you are aware, the City of Kalispell has hired a Pamela B. Kennedy Ward IV consultant to prepare an airport neighborhood plan for the Kalispell Municipal Airport and its environs. The plan, M. Duane Larson intended to serve as the basis for an amendment to the Ward IV Kalispell City -County Master Plan, is a document which, if to Craig Kerzman be implemented, must be adopted by not only the Kalispell Building Official City Council, but by your board as well. Contained in the plan are a number of recommendations relative to land use in Brian Wood the immediate area surrounding the airport, and the steps Zoning Administrator necessary to take in order to keep the airport safe and Dwain Elkins viable in its present location. These recommendations Building Inspector directly affect the property subject to the subdivision request, and from these recommendations, and the city ° s William (Bill) Muller desire to safely improve the airport facility, are our Building Inspector concerns borne. Approving the preliminary plat as proposed, and allowing a paved road from Highway 93 South to serve the subdivision, is not only contrary to comments received from the Montana Department of Transportation (they have indicated that they would not issue an approach permit for the subdivision), but would also stymie any attempts to extend the runway as recommended in the plan. The city is willing to allow access to the subdivision from Airport Road if the applicant can arrange to deed the road situated at the southerly and of the runway to the city. The city Is also concerned that the Board of Commissioners appear Inclined to not require the applicant to waive the right of protest of annexation. The subject property, Immediately adjacent to the city, is poised to receive numerous city benefits upon subdivision; It Is not unreasonable to require them to waive their right to protest annexation. The lots, If created, will have city water available and will utilize the city's sewage treatment plant. Access from the north will be provided via city r1property, and the lots themselves will be afforded direct access to the city airport. Such an annexation would represent a logical extension of the city limits. Without your cooperation on this point, It Is unlikely the city would be able to Implement the Kalispell Airport Neighborhood Plan. If the plan cannot be Implemented, the viabilityof the airportquestionable, • • • r • • • •• `-� • r • • •rr :: •r •14a• 1 into LTTR entire county, It Is Imperative that the city and county work together to Insure that not only the users of the airport, but the property owners In the vicinity, are able to enjoy and benefit from a safe facility. The recommended conditions of approval as forwarded to you from the FRDO are the minimum needed to realize the goals and objectives of the airport plan. The applicant will retain the ability to subdivide, sell and develoX his property, while the community as a whole will benefit from a safe, efficient local airport. Thank • • your consideration • 'r this Input. c: City Council memberz., Strand AvIatIoT Stockhill Aviation Eagle Aviation Aero Inn Aero-Craftsman Stevens Aero Works Tom Wiggins c'�r�rV� Wv ' L S . cS N 24 ---2' Lv-itT -;10,0'q( B R I A N - F Y-L Board of Commissioners Flathead County 800 South Main Kalispell, MT 59901 Flathead Regional Development Office 723 5th Avenue East - Room 414 April 7, 1993 Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 752-5300 Ext. 279 Re. Preliminary .Plat - Skyway Subdivision Dear Commissioners: Attached please find a request for preliminary plat approval of Skyway Subdivision, a 54ot Light Industrial subdivision located adjacent to the Kalispell City Airport and situated on the west aide at the far south end of the runway. The application was received in this office on March 11, 1993. The application is being reviewed under the Summary Review Section of the Flathead County Subdivision Regulations. The 35-day review period for this proposal ends April 15, 1993. If you have any questions regarding this application, feel free to call me at this office. Sincerely, 0'r^O� Tom Jentz Senior Planner TRJ/sm Attachments: FRDO Staff Report #FSR-93-3 Application Preliminary Plats (2) Letter from Evergreen Water District dated March 12, 1993 F:\FRD0\LETTERSIFSR-93-3.LTR Providing Community Planning Assistance To: • Flathead County • City of Columbia Falls • City of Kalispell • City of Whitefish • FLATHEAD REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT OFFICE SUBDIVISION REPORT IFSR-93-1 SKYWAY SUBDIVISION MARCH 26, 1993 A report to the Flathead County Board of Commissioners an a request by Bob Monk for preliminary plat approval of a five -lot minor Light Industrial subdivision on the southwest corner of the Kalispell Airport. Bob Monk McGregor Lake Marion, MT P440r.] Jim Burton Flathead Land Consultants P.O. Box 572 Kalispell, MT NNEEIRM - �,_ - M Immediately abutting the west side of Kalispell City Airport lying at the far south end of the runway. The site is adjacent to the City of Kalispell and lies in the south half of Section 20, Township 28 North,*Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. B. GENERAL DESCRIPTION: The 11.6 acre site is vacant. A substandard gravel road provides access to the site from Highway 93 South. 0 NROOORJ'7#MT'*=_ O'n".74UND] =- Five Light Industrial lots. To the north lies several hangers and City ball fields. To the east lies the City Airport runway and east side taxi -way. To the south lies an open filed and scattered houses on large tracts. To the west lies a dense collection of wrecked and abandoned vehicles, heavy equipment and vehicle parts, scrap metal, waste concrete and asphalt piles and several contriactors yards stretching the entire length of the project site . The area is designated Light Industrial on the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. None were attached. At this time none are proposed. MROMEDIWORWAM =_ a. Sewer: Propose to hook up to the Evergreen Sewer Main extension that extends along the west side of this tract. This is the main line that connects the Kalispell Sewer Treatment Plant with the Evergreen Sewer District. b. Water: Community water system. C. Electricity: Pacific Power d. Telephone: P. T. I. e. Garbage: Private Hauler f. Fire: south Kalispell g. Police: County Sheriff N This subdivision is reviewed as a minor subdivision under summary review based on the Flathead County Subdivision Regulations and the State Subdivision and Platting Act. A. EFFECTS ON PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY: The site abuts the south end of the Kalispell City Airport. The City has just prepared the Kalispell Airport Neighborhood Plan, intended to be an amendment to the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. This document is intended to guide growth and development around the airport. It has not -been formally adopted to date. This plan points out, however, that if the airport is to stay functional several things have to happen: The runway must be extended - The primary access for this subdivision would extend across the south end of the runway. This would be a private road and utility easement. It could complicate or effectively bar any future runway extension as in the future possibly five separate owners could be involved in the road. Possible future clear zone - FAA regulations state that a clear zone extending 195 on either side of the centerline of the runway must be maintained. This means no structures can exist or be constructed. At the 195 foot mark, structures can increase in height 1 foot for each seven -foot increment beyond the clear zone. For example a ten -foot tall structure could be built seventy (70) feet back from the clear zone or put another way, 265 feet back from the center line of the runway. If such an easement were enacted, the east half of each lot would be unbuildable and the remainder of each lot could accommodate only a limited structure. Finally, a second taxi way is discouraged - The plat shows a 60-foot taxi way easement. Presently there is a taxi easement on the east side of the airport. The Plan calls for maintaining the east taxi way. Because this airport has no manned air traffic control tower, creation or extension of a west side taxi way is discouraged as a serious safety hazard. 3 Each lot is designed to butt up against the airport run way. This creates a situation of unrestricted access onto the runway and is not an advisable situation. No lot should have direct access to the runway. Any property which does wish to access the airport should contact the City to receive an access permit to ensure that proper and coordinated access is provided. B. EFFECTS ON WILDLIFE AND WILDLIFE HABITAT: The site is within an urbanized area and lies outside of any designated big game winter range. 1. Water: A community water system will provide adequate water flows for the lots. Evergreen Sewer will address sewage concerns. 2. Topography-L The site is generally level and poses no potential threat to erosion or run-off. 3. Vegetation: The area is in untended grasses and weeds and has been so for many years. There are no significant or unusual plant varieties present. D. EFFECTS ON TAXATION: The vacant 11-acre tract of land presently generates $656 in property taxes per year. After development, the five (5) industrial lots will generate $2,050 in taxes per year. Assuming a modest $100,000 structure on each lot, taxes would rise $1,400 per lot for a total development generation of approximately $9,000 per year. Z. EFFECTS ON LOCAL SERVICES: Z. Schools: The project is within the Kalispell School District borders. However, because the project is industrial in character, no impact is foreseen. 2. Parks and Recreation: This project is industrial in nature and will have no impacts. 4 3. Fire Protection: The South Kalispell Volunteer Fire Department is responsible for fire protection. Response time will be reasonably quick. A major detraction will be the lack of on site water supply and the unknown structure size, use and contents that can occur in this zone. 4. Police Rratection; The County Sheriff"s Office will provide protection. Because of the limited staffing, the department response time will be delayed. Routine patrolling will not occur. 5. Roads; The applicant proposes to utilize- a private 60- foot wide road and utility easement along the west side of the project. At the southern tip of the project, the road will traverse due east extending across the south end of the airport runway and intersect Highway 93. The primary access from Highway 93 is unacceptable for several reasons. The Kalispell Office of the MT Department of Transportation indicated that this access, whether it exists now or not, would have to be re - reviewed and a new access permit would be required. They stated that a final design of this portion of the Highway 93 rebuild did not exist yet but that this portion of the highway was going to be limited access. It is therefore their desire to avoid any new approaches onto the highway. In addition, the proposed road comes in just north to Twin Acres Road and would create an offset intersection. Finally, if an alternative access existed for the property off their system, they would even consider denial. In addition, The City of Kalispell has recently prepared a Kalispell City Airport Plan. This plan states that if the Kalispell Airport is to continue, the runway must be extended southward. If Skyway Subdivision has a primary access private road across the end of the runway, the opportunity of extending the runway in the future could be severely handicapped. It is recommended that the primary access for this development be off of Airport Road. A City street now extends off of Airport road past the new Sewer Plant addition and touches the north west corner of this 5 tract. The cost of upgrading the road to a City standard to the applicants property would be borne by the City. Because this would be a City street, it would be appropriate to dedicate the remainder of the road to the City. The applicant would build the road, the City would then maintain it. 6. Water/Sewer: A community water well has been developed and a distribution system has been designed to accommodate the proposed industrial uses. Evergreen Sewer is available to this site. The applicant has permission to hook up to the system. 7. lid WastaL Private contractors are available to handle collection of garbage. All waste can be accommodated at the County Landfill. 8.Public H_al tb Sermices; The site is located 2 miles from ground ambulance service and is within immediate response area of the Alert Helicopter air ambulance. Ample medical facilities are available within three miles of the site. The site is adjacent to the City Airport in an urbanized setting. The site is not suitable for agricultural pursuits. G. EXPRESSED PUBLIC OPINION: None has been received to date. Please note that under summary review, this office does not actively solicit public input and adjacent property owners are not specifically notified. H. NEED FOR THE SUBDIVISION: The applicant has not documented any need for the subdivision other than to indicate that one (1) lot is potentially sold to an individual who wants to build mini -storage units. Please note that mini -storage units are allowable in the zone but not considered a high priority use or beneficial use next to an airport runway. 0 1"Moponw mw In light of the pending Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan and the serious ramifications this plan could have on this site, the subdivision at best could be considered premature and should be denied or preferably tabled. If the applicant is unwilling to table the plat for a period of time, and the Commissioners do consider adoption, a series of conditions are attached to address many of the concerns raised with the location of this project immediately adjacent to the airport. The applicant should also be advised that the future developability of these lots may be severely compromised by expansion and protection of the airport facility in order to protect the future viability of the airport. 1. All utilities shall be underground. (Subdivision Regulations) 2. The primary access to the property shall be via Airport Road over the established City street. The City shall complete all improvements necessary to bring the road to Mr. Monk's property. Mr. Monk will be responsible for extending the road along the entire west side of the lots to adequately serve each lot. Said road shall be paved 28 feet wide and end in a 45-foot wide cul-de-sac. (Staff) 3. The access road shall be built to City of Kalispell Standards. The design shall reflect the intended use and shall be approved by the Kalispell City Public Works Director. (Staff) 4. Access to this property from Hwy 93 shall be prohibited. (Staff) 5. The 60-foot road R/W as shown on the preliminary plat of Skyway shall be deeded to the City of Kalispell. (Staff) - 6. The applicant shall sign a waiver of protest for annexation to the City of Kalispell and voluntary withdrawal from the South Kalispell Fire Department. 7. The water system and sewage disposal system shall be approved by the State Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. (State Health Department) 7 8. "Restricted Access" shall be written on the plat along the entire eastern property line of each lot as it abuts the City airport land. Each individual property owner shall contact the City and receive an access permit so as to control access onto the runway. (Airport Manager) 9. The preliminary plat is valid for two years from the date of approval. (Subdivision Regulations) L 1. APPLICATIOI, JR APPROVAL OF PRELIMINARY SUB. ISION PLAT 1. Name of Subdivision c v cL 2. Location: a. Nearest Town /�0.1 /5!)f it b. Number of nearest state or federal highway c. Legal Description ( to 1/4 Section) Section 5 F S E*y., SeG Zo- Township 19SIJ Range .2t 3. Name, address and telephone number of subdivider Roy L Mn _ 4. Name, address and telephone of each person or firm providing professional services and information to the subdivider (e. ., attorneys, engineers and land surveyors . ) (cl,��� P.o. 73 ci?_ 5. Name address and telephone number of person or firm which prepared environ- mental assessment. 6. Descriptive data: a. b. c. d. e. f. 9- Gross area of subdivision in acres /l.60 Ac-re.5 Number of Lots S Average lot size 5 Minimum and maximum lot sizes p 3.00 Lineal feet of streets -of, Existing zoning /Ny,'S-rR1A41. — C0y V 7- - Proposed use: Residential Single Family Residential Multi -Family Planned Unit Development Mobile Home Park Recreational Vehicle Park Other (describe) q Bu_r 7. List of materials submitted with this application: a. ego T re e. b. �'" f. c . 4' 9. d . {� h . I hereby depose and say that all the statements and information contained h herein and the statements and information contained in all exhibits trans- mitted herewith are true. I hereby apply to the /2 9I" _ w 0-�_ - of �� ,� Co,,� for approval of the preliminary -plat for S ,� �, �� . Subdivision. Subdivider or A�ient FLA TREAD COUNTY 1za t j ifofflma mllljl� 130 NICHOLSON DR, KALISPELL, HT 59901 February 23, 1993 UP Robert L. Monk 8195 Pleasant Valley Road Max -ion, MT 59925 Dear Mr. Monk: In considerateonof your conditions of the sever easement, the Flathead County Matex- & Sever Dist. $1 - Evergreen has authorized we to agree to the Jollovdng: 1. A new 2" water line complete vIth four services to .replace the existing eater main removed crow operation due to the installation of the nev sewer lo-rce, main. 2. Fill the road gully near the aouthvest corner of tract 2 to make the road level more closely match the ground level to the north and south. J. Four Hewer services at locations designated by you, connected to the nev .force main and extended to the east ,side of the existing private road. Let it be knovn that these sex -vices cannot be used until you receive per aisadon fx-ow the City o-t Nal-ispell. 4. Road Improvement vorJr, not to exceed $6,000.00, consisting of the Installation of 4® of recycled asphalt across the full width of the existing private road, along the entire length of the private road on both tracts 2 & 7C, pl us a seal coat. Thank you Yox- your consideration. Respect.f ul I y Fred Hui tgren General Managex- the0l_olKjllpl Telephone (406) 752-6600 P.O. Box 1997 Zip 59903-1997 February 24,: 1993.. Robert Karrk 819�easant valley Road --Marion, MT 59925 Incorporated 1892 . _,. Douglas Roulhe (Mayor 3rt3-- 1p � Re: Authorization for Sewer Force Main Connections Dear Mr. Monk: This letter is written to inform you of the City of Kalispell's interest in the Sewer Force Main Easement which you have granted to Flathead Sewer and Water District #1. The particular point of interest is the District's agreement to provide four sewer connections to serve your property, located between the wastewater treatment plant and the City airport. You should be aware that the City has the right of authorization for all connections to the force main beyond the District boundaries and that any party so connecting will be the City's customer. The City hereby approves the four above referenced sewer connections, but only for the purpose of making connections to the sewer force main and installing the service lines to the east side of the existing private road. This approval does not supersede the Kalispell Sewer Rules and Regulations. These rules require that sewer connection fees and waivers of right to protest annexation must be submitted to the City before any new or existing facilities may connect. Sewer users who are not connected to the Kalispell water system must also purchase and install a water meter for billing purposes. The water meter design and installation must comply with the Kalispell Water Rules and Regulations. If you are unfamiliar with our rules and regulations, I will be happy to help you through the application and submittal process. Copies of the Water and Sewer Rules and Regulations are available upon request. Sincerely, ohn C. Wilson Assistant to the City Engineer cc: Andy Hyde, Carver Engineering � Bruce Williams City Manager City Council Members: Gary W. Nyslul Ward I Cliff Collins Ward I Barbara Moses Word it Fred Buck Ward II Jim Alkinson Word III Lauren Gronmo Ward III Pamela B. Kennedy Word N M. Duane Larson Word IV