House Bill 64553rd Legislature MR 0645/02 1 BILL no. 645 2 .182100DOC9D BY SCHIS. GILSM. ARANDAWN. EELLME 3 A HILL FOR AN ACT TITLED: 'AN AM ALLOWING THE OF ABROORMICS To FROVIDIC LOANS TO LOCAL GOVERMZWS AND STATE ES NOR A=MUTICAL PURPOMMS AWNING GRAIM TO BE RAW ik1 =P3LIT1GE YM AIRPORT DEWEIAWNFAr AND PROGRAM;MNDVMW PEW== NAVICATIORAL AIDS. SAFETY SRRTICSS, AND OTHHa AMRMMCRL SERVICES FOR AIRPORTS AND LANDING I'FELDS AND POR am 'S AINNESS1 INCIXASING THE TAXon AVIRTIOII iamb H3 2 cam a GAIX POR L#MES AM GRAMS. P10OVIDING THE TA8 is REDUCED Esf 1 COW A CALU1M WHEN umpoons INTO TSB SPECIAL KEROMMICAL LOm ACCOUNT RZAM 41. HILLION1 PROVIDING FOR Rmpumns elm► CREDIT$ EMM CERTAIN CONDITIONS FOR AVIATION FUM way PAID; CRXMRG ACCOOM I0 MUCH TO DEPOSIT THE 09JOCZEDS OF Iwo AVLAT10R MEL Tate AR101DIM SEMOwS 15-7o-2E1. 15-70-n4, 15-30-295. 15-70-221. 15-70-225. 15-70-231, 67-1-301. MO 57-1-303, AM; AND PROt7IDIiG R"amm DRESS am A CON2TWAW TRURINATION DATE.® 22 BE IT BY TBB L LZLA2URX OR THE STATE OF JWWAALa 23 2. Section 15-70-201, WA, is amended to reads 24 i25-70-261. ReEisiu uma_ An used is this part. unless 25 the contest rsguires otherwlae, the following defi®itions IrI ............�, H6 0645/02 1 apply: 2 (1) 'Agricultural use' means use of gasoline by a 3 person whose major endeavor and primary source of earned 4 income is from the business of Earning or ranching. 5 i2a 'Aviation dealer` means any person In this state 6 engaged is the business of selling aviation gsse33se fuel, 7 either from a wholesale or retail cadet, on which the 9 license tan has been paid to a Licensed distributor an 9 herein provided far in this section. 10 (31 °°aviation gssaline fuel• weans gasoline or any 11 other lignid fuel by Wenteoever whatever name such the 12 liquid fuel may be known or sold, compaundea for use in and 13 sold for use In aircraft, including but not limited to any 14 and all such gasoline or liquid fuel meeting or exceeding a5 the miaiaem specifications prescribed by the United States 16 for use by -its military forces in aircraft. 17 (4) 'Bulk delivery' woman placing gasoline In storage Is or containers. The term dam not mean gasoline delivered 19 into the supply task of a motor vekicle. 20 (5) [ay Gasoline refined, produced, manufactured. or 21 compounded in this states amd placed in tanks tfteeeet-or. 22 gasoline transferred from a refinery or pipeline terminal in 23 thin state and placed in tants, thereat or gasoline imported 24 into this state and placed in storage at refineries or 25 pipeline terminals ahat3---be- is comaidered to be -2- no GAS REFERENCE 'BILL A0 ANUMED an 0645102 HE 8645/02 out the purposes of thin title, she** Meet be paid net of 1 1 cent a galloa collected under 15-70-204111 so --deposited the .following revenues revenue: 2 for the sole purpose of [a[ all galas and all legislative appropriations to the 3 carrying out its functions pertaining to aeronautics.: rtment Ear aeronautics: 4 Oil in the aeronautical loan account created in (b) all money received from any branch or 5 [section IQ to tube credit of the department, an mount department of the federal government or from other sources 6 Muni to t" proceeds of 1 cent a 4allon for loans to local for the purposes mentioned in this title or "for the 7 g_ovarnments and state agencies,_and furtherance of aeronautics generally in this state. B (tit) in a separate account in the states mini revenue (2) All sseM-msuepr-eba43 Honey collected undez 9 fund to the credit of the dgRartmeot, an amount equal to the suhyeetlon tl1 aunt he deposited in the state treasury to 30 firoreeeds of 1 cent a g_alloap to provide grants to the credit of the departseat, 11 municipalities for airport deveioment or imortwemeot [3) %bon the air9ort loam program is terminated, any 12 Programs and to provide navloationai aids, safety balance of the band proceeds that is not loaned rust remain 13 twormvements, weather rep5rti_nr services, and other In the state special revenue fund to be invented, and the 14 aeronautical servicea for airports and Sanding fields and income must be used to retire the outstanding debt on the 15 for the atate's airways, remaining bond proceeds. 16 JL %o ep deposited in the account created In )section 14) JAI "err --shell She following mounts must be 17 li] way, vlth the approval of the board, be used only to deposited im-the-s$a$s-spse4ai-revamne-fund-4o--$ha-used:!-of is provide leans to local governsent9 and atAtO a9eAC1a8 s'Ox icon: from the proceeds of I --- cent! the 19 aeronastieal purposes, includinu ai.roort improvement. The 3-cent-per,gallon pce-gai:3am-out-ef-lhs nt- r-alaliam-®iG 20 baacd slea2l emtablla3f srroceduces, inclnding the interest i�-3feense taz imposed co aviation, fuel by Ehe-lawn-of 21 rate chareed, for providing loans. Proceeds of all @has -sue f-� ko'r-t xakios 22 re is of lcsua, including interest, Made Under thin -asrcrafta 15-70-284{2}: 23 subsection (bj mist be deposited in the account created is (1).. 15oasys in the state apecial revenue fund to the 24 [section 11]. credit of the department. an suou nt 2ma1 to the proceeds of a5 to) Money deposited in the separate account established -17- an 645 -1$- OR 645 I to subsection 1411a)[11i) way, with the approval of the I (a) all gifts and all legislative appropriations to the board, be um only to provide grants to MMICIDAlitles for 2 department for aeronautics.. 3 alcoact develoomat or Imaravement and to -- provide 3 4b) all naneys !tomj received from any branch or F qn!Ll �tiaml aide, safety kmcovments, veatber reporting 4 department of the federal gap russet or from other sources 5- seryle" and athar aeronautical sexviees forAirrts amnd 5 for the purposes mentioned in this title or for the 6 Leading fields and for the skate's a t �z. The hoard s!a 6 Cartberance of aeronautics generally is this state. 7 establish procedures for 7 (2) All money collected under a RXSML an 0 !!!t be deposited in the state treasury to 9 provided in IS-70-221, the gasoline license tax imposed by 9 the credit OE the department. 10 the Lava of this state am quacHme aviation fuel purchased is (3) "has the airport loan program is terminated, any 11 &M used for the operation of airplanes or aircraft May !!at 11 balance of the bond proceeds that is not loaned must remain 12 be refunded." U In the state special revenue fund to be invested. and,the 13 low swTION. SOCtkM 11. special aeronautical loss 13 income want be need to retire the outstanding debt on the 14 accoust. There Is a special aeronautical loan SCOOUGt in the 14 remaining hand proceeds- 15 state special lowenue fund. i4oney deposited in the Accovint 15 (4) j(Pj wbeeft—Oh"l The foIj22An2-.MmMntM must be J, may be used only for providing Loa" specified In 16 deposited i,- 67-1-391mm. 17 the-40pattmeat from Use proceeds of 3--cent the is SeCtIM 12- Section 67-1-301. WAis amended to toads is 2-cent-per;Vallon 19 queoline-licenme tax imposed on aviation fuel by the-tews-Of is -67-1-381. Money — receipt and di6burRemmt- (1) all 20 tbiv-state-span-parsh raties 20 'Mats And expanses Of administering this title. including 21 the salaries 62 siployees of the departmat CnW&qWd in 21 of-Kircraft. 22 functions pgritailmIng to aaronauttes, the expenses of members 22 ja PAwwa3m in the state special zeyeage, fund to the 23 credit of the department, an agusent agual to the proceeds of 23 of the board, and all other disbursements necessary to carry 24 1 cent a gallon collected under a" q o ited 24 out the purposes of this title, Dhaka must he paid out of I 25 shell.-be-spent-by-t:bL-department for the Dole purpose of -20- on 645 No 645