Airport Advisory Board's Preliminary Report to City CouncilAirpor
Advisory Board's
Preliminary Report to the City
It is the contention of this committee that the city airport is not only a valuable community
resource, but also a viable economic asset bringing annually an estimated $1.1 million in business
revenue to the Flathead Valley. This committee has been charged with making recommendations to
enhance the airport's value to the community. Although it is felt that a number of improvements are
needed to be made to the airport to better serve this community in the future, the committee needs
more information to better prepare a comprehensive airport management and operation plan.
1. The city should pursue the purchase of additional land to allow for a runway extension of
1100 feet. This would yield a runway 4700 feet in length providing safe service for aircraft up to
business turboprop size. Additionally, a longer runway would provide an approach path that would
reduce the noise to surrounding areas.
2. The lack of security at the airport has been a continual problem and has resulted in not only
the theft of property, but a loss of revenue to Glacier where adequate security exists. Thus, adequate
fencing must be installed and airport access must be limited.
3. To improve safety, consequently limiting the cities liability, adequate lighting, pilot ap-
proach guidance, and improved taxiways and ramps for taxi and tie down must be provided.
4. A full time Airport Manager, who is also a pilot, should be hired to oversee the maintenance
and management of the airport and insure the implementation of the above items.
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As a minimum, the city should continue to pursue FAA money and apply for any state moneys
that are available.
To better allow this committee to analyze all options the following information is requested.
1. The future plans concerning the disposition of the ball fields.
2. The appraised value of the city land.
3. Guidance as to whether or not the airport must be self-sustaining or can be treated as a city
asset, such as the golf course, and partially subsidized.
4. Alternative to a tax increment district for funding.
5. The value of any left over money from the last tax increment district that might be used for
airport imporvement.
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To fund the needed improvements public support will be required. The benefits the airport
brings to the community must be made known. The city council must be a proponent for this effort
and convey to the voters the economic benefits derived from the airport.
Tenant Diamond Aviation
Business and Current Holdings
Date 10/17/95
2 aircraft - both CESSNA Skymasters, one experimental under development
Modifying Skymasters with a single turboprop engine and extended baggage compartment. Five
pre -sold contingent upon FAA certification.
Expects certification next Spring
Will modify 10-12 aircraft per year thereafter
Sells Jet A and 100LL fuel
Owns 24,000 square foot hangar on 1.66 acres
No tie -downs on property
Expansion Plans
Would like to expand to highway and double floor space
Wants additional hangars
Would like to add amenities for visitors, new restaurant, showers for those choosing to camp out.
Feels that amenities are needed.
Thinks new T-hangars will generate money and is interested in building.
Feelings on Airport Manager
Would like to see one that is full time that would see to maintenance, upkeep, and administration.
Problems Seen
Need full length taxiway
Recommends moving towers
Believes an instrument approach is needed, suggests a GPS approach with a 500 foot DH
Fee Recommendations
Would not mind paying a landing fee, if getting something for it.
$5 reasonable.. but says FBOs usually pick them up if pilot buys fuel from them.
Sees $804110 per month reasonable for hangar rent.
Says Enterprise Car rental would like to have office here if it was a viable operation.
Tenant Winston Major - Aircraft Painting Date 10/17/95
Talked to in conjunction with Diamond Aviation
Expansion Plans
Would like to build a state of the art paint facility
Would like frontage road access (Hwy.)
Tenant Eagle Aviation
Business and Current Holdings
Date 10/17/95
4 aircraft
Wild life Surveys
Forest Service Contracts - 100 hrs this year in comparison to 600 hrs last year
5-10 students per year
Sells gas to government (Patty)
Sells Jet A plus 100LL
4800 sq. ft hanger on leased land (only tenant to lease from the city)
Expansion Plans
None - Sees only room for 1 FBO, would like to get out of the FBO business
Would like to get the hanger Winston Major has back
Feelings on Airport Manager
Need one or share the duties between 2 or 3 people
Should also collect fees
Problems Seen
Security is number 1
People won't park here because of lack of security
Has had gas stolen in the past
15 foot taxiway is too narrow
Airport needs a professional look with an instrument approach
Needs new T-hangars, would bring aircraft down from county
Fee Recommendations
Sees gas tax as the major money maker. A lot more revenue if more aircraft were here. Also good
revenue in a good fire season.
Hangar rent $100 per month, says Holman is getting $250 per month plus
Tie downs could bring $5 per night if improved.
Doesn't think the airport will pay for itself. Should be subsidized like the golf course, ball fields,
etc. It brings money to businesses
Tenant Strand Aviation
Business and Current Holdings
7 aircraft plus 1 glider
ATC 710 Instrument Trainer
Air Taxi
Forest Service Contracts, although did not bid last one
Aircraft Insurance
6-12 Students in training
Sells 100LL fuel
Date 10/18/95
14,470 square feet of total building space in 4 buildings on 3.2 acres of private property
Tie downs - $2.50 per night, 10-12 on property, has installed 10 on city property - collects for city
Expansion Plans
Would like to build T-hangars ($150 to $200 per month
Has just spent $30K on fuel system
Did have his property on the market, but has pulled it while waiting on the city to do something
Feelings on Airport Manager
Would like to see an airport manager with duties of both management and maintenance of the air-
Sees the possibility of making one of the FBOs a part time manager if it could be coordinated with
the other tennants
Problems Seen
Biggest problem is the lack of security for the aircraft
Sees the runway and particularly the taxiway as too narrow
Would like to see some instrument approach - possibly an NDB now (cost and expediency) and GPS
in the future
Need weather reporting for the approach (automated would suffice)
Possibly move the towers
Says he has paid rent in the past, but no one else has
Doesn't like the idea of a landing fee. Public doesn't like and it would nm business away
Improved tiedowns could bring more money (no figure given)
Hangar rent could go for $200 + per space
Tenant Linda Stevens - Aircraft Painting Date 10/23/95
Business and Current Holdings
Aircraft Painting.
Owns land (100 ft by 190 ft) and hangar
Paints 25-30 aircraft per year
Has not advertised for 5-6 years, goes on reputation
Colorado or Coast next closest paint shop
Expansion Plans
Not to increase in size, but would like to get in to restoration and home builders market
Feelings on Airport manager
Would like to see a pilot be the manager
Sees past problems communicating with City Council
Manager must be able to talk the problems of a pilot, city doesn't understand operation
Problems Seen
Security a big issue, but doesn't want to be fenced out
More T-hangars are needed. Have lost a lot of business in the past because of lack of hangar space.
VASI would be nice, but not necessary
Lighting should be improved
Need a transient area with restroom for staying
Fee Recommendations
Opposes Landing Fee - drives business out to County
Says we are currently lax on collecting tie down fees
Does not see a need for the airport to be self supporting - ball fields are not
Would like to see the majority of the revenue come from gas tax, T-hangars, and tie downs
May take a break and go to A&P school 1-2 years down the road
Implementation Costs
Land Acquisition (South)
Excavation and Pavement
Increase Taxiway Width
Strobe KGEZ Towers
Install PAPI System
Install New Lighting
Fence Airport Perimeter
Land Acquisition (North)
Remove Objects in RPZ
Neighborhood Plan Preparation
Advisory Board Expenses
Relocate Ballfields
10% contingency
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