Draft Kalispell City Airport Neighborhood Plan/Chapter 6W."U0 WoRi The proposed plan represents a strategy that will improve airport operation and safety while enhancing opportunities for increased [private] investment and development in the area. This chapter identifies the land use goals and strategies for the airport influence area. The Land Use Map (Exhibit 8) is an integral element of the plan and should be consulted when any goal or strategy statements reference "locations". VaNuget Seek compliance towards FAA airport design standards for a category • +Maintain a 60 foot wide paved runway with less than 2% slope • *Extend therunway- in a southerly direction to obtain a desiredrunway lengthof atleast 4300-to 4700 feet. *Extend a single parallel taxiway to match the entire length of the extended runway. *Increase taxiway • to a minimum •" 24 feet. *Provide for a minimum centerline to centerline separation distance of 150 feet between the runway and parallel taxiways. +Attempt, tq remove all objects within the'Runway Protection Zones��and maintain�those zones under publicownership. *identify and remove all objects identified as hazards within the (Bl) Runway Threshold Sukface, Runway Object Free Area, Horizontal Surface, Conical Surface, and Transitional Surface. *Maintain runway and taxiway safety areas per FAA guidelines. *Attempt to "strobe" the KGEZ radio towers. *Restrict helicopter use of the airport pending development of helicopter navigational surfaces. Said surfaces must be found to be compatible with the B1 surfaces and not contribute to the imposition of any additional "clear" zones on private property. Improve approach condons to the runva3Z *Install a PAPI navigational system on runway 13. *Attempt to accommodate a more southerly displaced threshol • Runway 13. *Install a new runway and taxiway lighting system. 0 *Eliminate the private road that crosses the runway protection zone of runway 31. *Provide an improved overrun area near the threshold of runway 31• Regulate uncontrolled access onto the airport taxiway and runway. *Access of airplanes from individual private lots that front along the runway or taxiways should be restricted to shared or common points of access. *Individual airport user agreements shall be required for all pilots that access the airport from private lots/tracts. *The fence shall restrict general access to the Airport by limiting gated openings to the area of the FBOs and leased airport properties. +The primary purpose of the fence is to prevent unwanted vehicular traffic and to provide additional security to aircraft and associated facilities. Establish a half-time to full-time Airport Manager. *The manager should be an experienced aviator or professional airport manager who can manage the day-to-day operations of the airport. *The manager should maintain an office at the airport, either in a stand-alone facility •' within a FBO building. Establish a single designated area for FBOs�. *The central focus and primary public entrance to the airport shall be the designated FBO area. • more than 2 FBOs shall operate at the airport. #FBO status for existing operators outside the designated FBO area shall terminate with the expiration of existing leases. *The,designated FBO area may also •' building facilities for the airport manager. *The primary tie -down location for itinerant aircraft shall be within the designated FBO area. *Paved apron improvements, including areas for tie -downs and taxilanes, shall receive priority within the FBO area.' $A transient apron for = 20 airplanes • be • in the FBO area. *A ratio of approximately 360 sq yrds per.airplane is a general rule for the sizing of a transient apron. GA tie -down apron for FBO-owned airplanes should expect an apron need of 300 sq yrds per airplane. *An area for paved public parking shall be established in the FBO area. *The FBO facilities shall be encouraged to offer public information services, rest rooms, and dining opportunities. Establish a designated area on city property for airport -related leasing opportunities. +The city lease area shall be reserved for private aircraft hangars, tie -downs, -and general aviation service and maintenance facilities. +FBO-type facilities shall not be permitted in this lease area. +All facilities shall adhere to strict development standards and adhere to all required taxilane obstacle free widths anif wing -tip separation standards. Maintain a defined building restriction line for all structures adjacent to the airport facilities. *The BRL shall be established at a distance of 195 feet from the centerline of the runway and continue beyond the runway threshold to a point of intersection with the perimeter of the runway protection zone. *All new uses shall adhere to the BRL and height limitations of the Transitional Surface. *Existing structures that protrude beyond the BRL or into the Transitional Surface shall be grandfathered but any additions to those structures shall conform to the established standards. identify city -owned properties in the area of the existing airport that are not airport -dependent. *Certain highway frontage properties should be released for sale by the city. $All idented properties shall be subject to strict performance standards that emphasize landscaping, substantial setbacks, and a common architectural treatment. ODriveway access to individual lots shall be from a single linear road system that extends Parallel to the highway, along the rear of the properties. The frontage road shall include connecting approaches off the highway at the most extreme north and south boundaries of the "parent" parcel. @Permitted uses within this area shall be regulated by zoning and covenants. Encouraged uses shall include professional office buildings and restaurants. *Property in the area of the sewage treatment facility should be released for sale by the city. $General access to this area shall be limited to the existing public road that currently serves the STP facility.' *Permitted uses in this area should include warehouse and other similar light industrial uses. [it "9_13 Apply zoning regulations to establish the type, location, and sizM of permitted uses within the airport influence area. 0 *Adopt airport zoning regulations [as an overlay zone] to enforce the height limitations of the imaginary obstruction surfaces as authorized by 67-6-201, MCA. #The airport influence area extends beyond the city limits so coordination between city and county zoning authorities will be necessary to achieve this objective. *Adopt a separate "airport" zoning classification for the city and county zoning ordinances that identifies acceptable land uses within or adjacent to airports. $Apply this classification to private properties situated adjacent to or within the designated boundaries of the Kalispell airport and to those properties influenced by the proposed Transitional or Threshold surfaces or by the Runway Protection Zone. *Apply an office -type zoning classification with design -based covenants to the city -owned properties adjoining the Highway. +Apply a Public zoning classification to the city -owned properties within the designated boundaries of the airport. *Apply a Light Industrial classification with "use - restrictive" covenants to the city -owned properties in the vicinity of the Sewage Treatment facility. *Retain the current city and county zoning classifications for those properties lying easterly of U.S. Highway 93 and that portion of Airport Road lying south of 18th Street. 0 ®Modify other adjacent zoning classification only as necessary to consider the influence of the Transitional and Threshold surfaces and of the Runway Protection Zone. Apply subdivision regulations to all land divisions adjacent to or within the designated airport boundary. *Utilize conditions of approval for any proposed land divisions to gain compliance with the goals and policies of this plan, especially pertaining to: @Building setbacks; Fencing/security; OAccess; SHeight restrictions; @Airport use regulations; and @Design standards, if applicable. Attempt to apply municipal review authority to all airport abutting properties when the associated land use proposals are airport - dependent. *Require annexation or "waivers of the right to protest annexation" from adjoining landowners who have or desire zccess and/or use of the airport runway. STRATEGIES Establish reasonable airport user fees. +Annual FBO operation fees +Annual runway access f ees f or adjoining users on private lo +Annual land lease fees for private hangars and tie -downs• city-ownd land +Annual runway fees for airport -based planes +Special event fees +Transient landing fees Utilize tax revenue to fund costs for routine airport maintenance. *Runway and taxiway maintenance should qualify as a routine city function on a comparible basis to other such city provided services as street and park maintenance. *Reinvest [to the airport] gas tax revenues and aircraft licensing fees. *Investigate the feasibility of establishing a tax increment district to provide a long-term tax reinvestment strategy for airport facility improvements. IMME MLW V _M Designate monies from the sale of city properties to an airpoz fund. *Utilize proceeds from the sale of the highway 93 propertie and the Airport Road properties for reinvestment into the citl airport. Rgy Designate short-term (1 to 5 years) capital pr2orities for plan implementation. +Attempt to purchase or gain the closure of the private road located within the threshold surface of Runway 31. +Fence the perimeter of the designated boundaries of the airport. *Purchase or trade for land to permit the extension of runway 31 by a minimum dimension of 700 X 320 feet. +Install a PAPI navigational system on Runway 13. +Install strobe lights on the FM towers south of the city. +Improve the wiring system of the runway lights. Designate long-term (5-15 years) capital priorities for plan implementation. *Pave apron areas in area of FBOs for base and itinerant planes. *Resurface the runway to comply with the load bearing requirements for planes weighing up to 12,500 pounds. *Relocate or widen taxiways as necessary to comply with the runway to taxiway separation distances. +Extend the runway 700+ feet to the southeast. +Replace the runway lighting system. *Extend a single parallel taxiway along the entire length of the extended runway. DRAFT KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT NEIGHBORHOOD PLAN 29