07-29-02 Cities-County Agenda5TH MONDAY MEETING JOINT CITIES -COUNTY AGENDA JULY 29, 2002 - 7.00 P.M. CENTRAL SCHOOL MUSEUM - KALISPELL 2ND FLOOR - TURN OF THE CENTURY CLASSROOM Water Quality Control Options - Lou Keirn & Chuck Mercord / Flathead Lakers (Kalispell Request) 2. 40 Development Assets - Deeann Thomas & Rebecca Johns / Flathead Care (Kalispell Request) 3. 9-1-1 Update Briefing (Kalispell Request) 4. Legislative Update including Resort Tax and Governor's Tax Proposal - Chris Kukulski (Kalispell Request) 5. County Recreation Programs within City Limits (Whitefish Request) 6. Miscellaneous Business FOR YOUR INFORMATION Reasonable accommodations will be made to enable individuals with disabilities to attend this meeting. Please notify Theresa White, City Clerk at 758-7756.