06-16-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: June 16, 2011
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie,
Janet Clark, Ron Trippet, John Hinchey and Joel Schoknecht.
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:32 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Ron, second by John. Approved by all Board Members.
3. Approval of May 17 Board Meeting:
Moved by John, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members.
4. Hearing of the Public:
5. Approval of Financial Statement of May 2011:
Moved by Ron, second by Mark. Approved by all Board Members.
6. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack
Jack has been working on replacing meters and locks throughout the City. The City shop is building a
y-post to replace the meters that were taken from Central School. We have the meters but they are
2-hour meters. They can be sent off and reprogrammed for 9-hours. The poles in the Ed Lot are in need
of repair and straightening. Several are loose enough that you can spin them around in the ground. Ron
made a motion to personally speak with Jill Gorder (Co -Rental) instead of sending her a letter.
Approved by all Board Members.
Mark asked Jack approximately how many times per day he is monitoring the Glacier Bank employee
parking lots.
Mark suggested that Jack drill holes in a couple of meter poles this winter to see if it alleviates the
problem of the ice build-up pushing the meters up. Mark will let Jack borrow his drill to complete the
KPC Office Update - Karen
See attached Office Managers Report
Unfinished Business:
KPC Office Lease
Hollister Larson has approved a 3-year lease at our current rate that is good through June of 2014.
Lot Maintenance
The Valley Bank Lot striping is complete and half of the Eagles Lot has been done
Janet updated the Board on the preliminary KPC Budget. She will be meeting with Jane again this
afternoon to finalize a few items such as snow plowing. Discussion followed regarding the budget,
health insurance increase and ticket machine loan.
Block Face Ordinance
Jack suggested we contact the Missoula Parking Commission with any questions that we have.
Discussion followed regarding Block Face Ordinance.
Main Street Striping
Janet provided the Board with an update on the striping of Main Street. Bidding has been opened up and
it looks like it will be around $2,500.00 - $3,000.00. This amount will be divided three ways between
The City, The Parking Commission and The BID.
7. New Business:
Kalispell Lock and Key contacted Mark requesting a 15 minute loading zone for 2nd Street West in
front of his business. It was decided that we cannot grant his request based on the fact that many people
have been denied such requests in the past.
Jim Ness (Glacier Bank) contacted Janet regarding the employee parking. Jim stated that they are not
getting the results that they had hoped for. They still have too many people parking in the lot that do not
have permits. They discussed putting in a curb where the curb cut is. They are hoping that by adding
the curb it will prevent people from driving through the lot. Discussion followed regarding other
possible options. Ron will contact Jim to see if he would like to put up candlesticks temporarily to see if
it fixes the problem. He will also speak with Jack to make sure he is monitoring the lot at least twice
The next meeting will be on July 20tn
Adjourned at 8:32 a.m. moved by Ron, second by Janet. Approved by all Board Members.
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado
KPC UPDATE: June 2011
Street Update — Jack
Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen?
Tickets: 413 tickets written for a total of $4,200, 53% collected
Parking Permits: Permits down $943.00 from last month, down $680.50 from last June
Collections: CPI income for June $355.72
The Boot: The boot was used 1 time for a total of $85.00 ($50.00 fines, $35.00 boot fee)
Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 77% and Eastside is at 99% for a combined total of 87%
Meters: down $74.25 from last month, up $59.17 from June 2010