06-16-11 Impact Fee MinutesIMPACT FEE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES THURSDAY- DUNE 16, 2011 7:00 P.M. Attendees: Board members: Sharon DeMeester, and Roxanna Brothers; Terri Loudermilk and Paul Burnham, Acting Chairperson from the City of Kalispell. 1. Public Comment- No public present. 2. Approval of May 19, 2011 IFAC minutes -moved by Roxanna to approve and seconded by Sharon. Minutes are accepted. Elect Vice Chairman - Since we do not have a quorum tonight, we can't do that. 4. Discuss/ Vote on any By -Law Recommendations - discussed issue of attendance It was decided the committee would monitor itself and if a member missed 3 meeting in row it will be discussed at that time if it needs to be referred to City Council so that may make a determination as to whether the member needs to be replaced. 5. Two - Year Financial Review of Impact Fees — Discussed impact fee revenues, expenditures, beginning fund balances and ending fund balances — Completed 2 yr Financial Review (determined to be satisfactory) Starting June 2010 - Transportation ending balance Police ending balance Fire ending balance Stormwater ending balance Water ending balance Sanitary Sewer ending balance Wastewater ending balance 61,871.00 29,249.00 203,485.00 454,668.00 (large capital outlay for Stillwater ) 764,190 1,635,962.00 447,048.00 6. Transportation Impact Fee review Paul explained the methodology used in determining these fees - (Transportation Impact Fee 101) 7. Set Agenda and Date of next meeting August 18, 2011 is next meeting — No meeting in July, too many members out of town. Agenda — vote on vice chair, have someone from Planning discuss zoning, and continue review of Transportation Impact Fees. Meeting adjourned