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Budget 1997-1998CITY OF KALISPELL MONTANA FILE COPY FINAL BUDGET DOCUMENT FISCAL YEAR 1997-98 .Adopted by Resolution 4351 CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGETINDEX BUDGET MESSAGE.......................................................... i - xvIll REVENUE DETAIL SUMMARY .................................................. 1-4 EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY ............................................. 5 - 12 GENERAL GOVERNMENT.................................................... 13 - 14 CITYMANAGER............................................................ 15-17 CITY COUNCIL.............................................................. 18-21 FINANCE................................................................... 22-24 CITY ATTORNEY............................................................ 25-27 CITYCOURT................................................................ 28-31 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ............................................ 32 - 35 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SIGNS ................................................... 36 - 39 CENTRAL GARAGE.......................................................... 40 - 42 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE................................................... 43 - 45 POLICE.................................................................... 46-52 FIRE DEPARTMENT.......................................................... 53 -57 STREET DEPARTMENT....................................................... 58 - 61 PARKS MAINTENANCE...................................................... 62 - 66 RECREATION PROGRAMS .................................................... 67 - 69 SENIORS PROGRAMS........................................................ 70 - 72 TENNIS/ICE SKATING........................................................ 73 - 75 OUTDOOR PROGRAMS....................................................... 76 - 78 BASKETBALL............................................................... 79-81 POOL...................................................................... 82-85 AIRPORT................................................................... 86-88 TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN ............................................... 89 - 99 TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT ................................................. 100 - 102 TAX INCREMENT-WESTSIDE............................................... 103 - 105 PARKIN LIEU............................................................. 106-107 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE .............................................. 108 - 110 RETIREMENT............................................................. 111-113 HEALTHFUND............................................................ 114-116 BUILDING & ZONING ...................................................... 117-121 LIGHT MAINTENANCE..................................................... 122 - 124 DECORATIVE LIGHTS ...................................................... 125 - 127 GASTAX................................................................. 128-130 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE ........................................... 131 - 134 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/LOAN REVOLVING ............................. 135 - 137 COURTYARD MAINTENANCE FUND ......................................... 138 - 140 UDAG-PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ...................................... 141 - 147 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND .............................................. 148 - 150 POLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT .............................................. 151 - 154 ISTEA.................................................................... 155-157 DEBT SERVICE............................................................ 158-163 SIDEWALK AND CURB CONSTRUCTION ...................................... 164 - 166 WATER.................................................................. 167-172 WATER BILLING COSTS .................................................... 173 - 175 SEWER................................................................... 176-181 SEWER BILLING COSTS .................................................... 182 - 184 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ......................................... 185 - 189 STORM SEWER........................................................... 190-194 SEWER DEBT SCHEDULE....................................................... 195 AMBULANCE............................................................. 196-200 SOLID WASTE............................................................ 201-206 DATA PROCESSING........................................................ 207 - 210 TO: The Honorable Mayor Douglas Rauthe Council Member Atkinson Council Member Collins Council Member Donahue Council Member Granmo Council Member Haarr Council Member Kennedy Council Member Larson Council Member Nystul Citizens of Kalispell As the City Manager, it is my responsibility to prepare a recommended budget for the operations and improvements for the City of Kalispell during the fiscal year 1997/98. It is also my duty to assist the City Council and all Kalispell citizens to understand the financial condition and the implications of the spending proposals. In reviewing the trends of the City's revenues and expenditures, I believe and can plainly determine that the City is not gaining ground on our investment in infrastructure and our ability to provide services to our citizens. In fact, it is my opinion, we are losing ground in these critical areas. Why? The State of Montana regulations and taxing formulas severally restrict our capacity to provide services. Reductions in expenditures are probably good for the citizens, in the short term. However, our infrastructure continues to deteriorate and this escalates the cost of replacement when we do eventually get to the improvements that will be required. i We are currently reducing expenditures in capital equipment replacement. We are currently reducing infrastructure improvements. We are cutting expenditures to maintain a balanced budget. We maintain a minimal cash reserve to enable us to operate within our cash flow sequences. We maintain a minimal cash flow to assure us to maintain our excellent bond rating. We must continue to be competitive with the salaries of our professional service providers (our employees). This budget is compiled to provide our current level of service in the city departments. It also denies the purchase of popular needs and reduces our capability to provide services. The operation budget, as proposed, includes a small amount of capital improvements when compared to the past budgets. This is directly due to reduced capacity within the general fund. Each department budget indicates the capital improvements requested and the amount recommended. This does not review the improvements listed within the capital improvements plan. Due to the restricted funding, the supervisors did not include all of the items needed for their operations as listed within the capital improvement program. The items that are recommended are based upon the need of the department, the frequency the equipment is used, condition of current equipment, programmed/scheduled replacement/improvements, safety of the public or employees, and money availability. ii TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COUNTERS (2) $ 3,500 FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE TRUCK (CARRYOVER) $ 62,397 FIRE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT $ 2,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT CARS (2) $ 45,500 RECORDING EQUIPMENT $ 1,500 CAR RADIOS $ 2,800 LIGHT BAR $ 1,600 RADAR GUN $ 1,400 VIDEO SECURITY CITY HALL $ 3,500 HANDHELD RADIOS (6) $ 5,400 TOTAL $ 61,700 GENERAL STREET PICKUP TRUCK $ 25,000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL $154,597 WATER TAPPING MACHINE $ 10,000 CHLORINE RESIDUAL ANALYZER $ 4,000 HP COLOR PLOTTER SHARED $ 3,750 COMPUTER FOR BILLING $ 5,000 TOTAL $ 22,750 SOLID WASTE PICKUP TRUCK $ 25,000 CONTAINERS $ 25,000 TOTAL $ 50,000 iii DATA PROCESSING COMPUTERS, PRINTERS $ 54,800 LAPTOPS $ 29,620 TOTAL $ 84,420 SEWER GAS MONITOR $ 3,000 JET CLEANING HOSE $ 1,500 HP COLOR PLOTTER FOR ENGINEERING DRAWINGS AND MAPPING -COST $ 3,750 LIFT STATION ALARM FOR 6 LIFT STATIONS $ 12,000 ROTATING LASER MEASURING DEVICE FOR SURVEY - COST SHARED WITH WATER $ 1,375 TRAILER MOUNTED GENERATOR (CARRYOVER) $ 30,000 COMPUTER FOR BILLING $ 5,000 TOTAL $ 56,625 CAPITAL REPLACEMENT (FUNDED FROM CITY/EVERGREEN REPLACEMENT FUNDS DILUTION WATER FLOW METER $ 5,000 BIOCELL DISSOLVED OXYGEN MONITORS AND AERATION CONTROL VALVES $ 31,000 TOTAL $ 36,000 AMBULANCE IV PUMP $ 2,500 PRO MAC MONITORS $ 19,000 RESCUE EQUIPMENT $ 12,000 COMPUTER $ 2,500 TOTAL $ 36,000 GRAND TOTAL EQUIPMENT $440,392 iv WATER LIBERTY STREET & WELL PROJECTS $260,000 HIGHWAY 93 SOUTH ENGINEERING - CARRYOVER $ 35,000 B & B WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS $ 20,000 WYOMING STREET - CARRYOVER $150,000 TOTAL $465,000 SEWER 6TH ALLEY W. N. - CARRYOVER $ 80,000 ELKS LIFT STATION - CARRYOVER $180,000 LIFT #5 - GREENACRES $ 50,000 TOTAL $410,000 W.W.T.P. DIGESTER FACILITY (CARRYOVER) - STRUCTURAL EVALUATION UNDER WAY $150,000 EFFLUENT PIPE TO AERATION BASIN $ 60,000 TOTAL $210,000 STORM SEWER SPRING CREEK ENGINEERING - CARRYOVER $ 40,000 PHASE I SPRING CREEK $ 50,000 TOTAL $ 90,000 TIF - PUBLIC WORKS (utilities) 9TH STREET WEST STORM $ 90,000 OTHER CONSTRUCTION - PARKS WOODLAND PARK IMPROVEMENTS -GENERAL FUND $ 30,000 ISTEA $259,470 TOTAL $289,470 OTHER CONSTRUCTION - (sidewalks & curbs, traffic signals, etc.) ANNUAL APPROPRIATION SIDEWALKS & CURBS $ 50,000 TIF SIDEWALK PROJECT ($75,000 CARRYOVER) $100,000 CENTER & 5TH WEST SIGNAL - CARRYOVER TIF $ 70,000 TRAFFIC SIGNALS - TIF $220,000 PEDESTRIAN CROSSWALK - TIF $ 70,000 TOTAL $510,000 OVERLAY & CHIP SEAL TIF $120,000 GAS TAX $150,000 GENERAL $ 85,000 TOTAL $355,000 v External agencies (any agencies not included within our organizational flow chart). Funding for agencies that have requested "grants" from the City include: Requested Recommended A. Eagle Transit operations $10,000 $10,000 B. Eagle Transit Bus replace- ment matching fund C. Hockaday for the Arts (City owns building) D. FRDO Funding $14,000 - 0 - $ 6,600 Ops. $11,600 $ 5,000 Bldg. Repair $74,350 $74,350 Personal services salary increases are included for the Fire Department (4%), Police Department (4%), as per existing contract terms. This is the last year for these contracts, which will need to be negotiated next year. The AFSCME Union personnel (clerical, parks, public works employees) contract has not be negotiated. At the time of this report, negotiations have been postponed by the Union with no indication as to when they will resume. We have an amount proposed within the budget that will not exceed the amount the City is willing to agree to. We have also included within the budget approximate amounts to "buy out" the employees compensatory time. We desire to complete this "buy out" to bring non -union and AFSCME members back to a zero balance. We also anticipate proposing more control and more restrictive policy for usage of compensatory time with maximum accumulation amounts or time frames included. Since this item is vi also involved in certain contracts, this subject will also need to be a discussion in future union negotiations. Non -union pay scales need to be adjusted so we can stay current within the local government labor market. If we do not stay competitive, we lose good employees, cost the City additional money to recruit, decrease our efficiencies, increase cost for downtime and orientation to the City, increase training costs, and ultimately lose production in providing our service levels to the citizens. Because of our desire and need to continue to be competitive in our municipal labor market, to recognize a job done well with ever expanding demands and less resources. The Manager will be compiling a local government labor market survey to determine our "competitiveness" level of all of the job positions within our organization. This would be used in the future for recruiting, job analysis, pay scales, and future negotiations and adjustments. vii The budget includes: A. No increase in City rates in the water, sewer, storm sewer, or garbage utilities. B. Reinstitution of the decorative light maintenance district of the $1.00 per front foot. This was at zero in the 1996/97 budget. C. As required by State Law, the budget is a balanced budget. D. A change for one parks employee from 75% seasonal status to 100% permanent status to continue to provide for the growing recreational programs. E. An additional employee in the Solid Waste Department to improve the service and to reduce current overtime. F. Street improvements are listed on the following pages. This is a reduction of $75,000 (47%) for this program in the general fund. G. No second year funding of a replacement Fire Truck. A detailed summary of property tax levies is included within the budget document. A general summary follows the street listings. viii History of Full -Time Equivalent Employees FTE estimated throposea FY 91 FY 92 FY 93 FY 94 FY 95 FY 96 FY 97 FY 98 Manager 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.1 Council (non -elected) 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.1 Finance 6.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.1 Attorney 2.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 2.50 3.00 3.1 Court 2.50 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.1 DPW 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.75 2. S[gnisignal 1.75 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.1 Garage 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.1 City Hall 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 Police 30.75 30.75 32.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.00 33.1 Parking 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 Dare 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.1 Drug Fund 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.1 Fire 20.50 19.00 19.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20.00 20A Building 4.00 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 6.00 6.00 6.( Parks 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.( Recreation 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 D Street - General 2.00 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 5.75 3.75 3.• Street Maint 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 4.75 4.75 7.05 7.( 3as Tax 3.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.( jDAG 4.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.l Water 8.85 7.85 8.25 9.25 9.25 9.25 9.65 9.1 Sewer 4.00 3.00 3.40 3.40 4.35 4.35 4.35 4.. WWTP 6.90 6.90 7.65 7.65 7.70 7.70 7.70 7." Storm 1.00 0.00 0.20 0.20 0.20 1.20 1.75 L' Solid Waste 3.25 4.25 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 5.( Ambulance 0.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.001 2.( 121.00 124.00 129.00 132.50 13 2.5 0 132.50 133.00 135.( 1 recreation l police It. 1 fireman s l st sweeper 1 storm mamt .5 park sec :I surveyor aide : l wwtp op r :shifty within iec. word 5 court : I zoning i I electrical I electrical ;public works seasonal I solid waste i.5 attorney I w[r matnt to full time :.5 housing clk ))) I plans exam 2 parking .5 prosecutor ?wwtp -nud yr .5 housing clk 1 )anaor ito full time I solid waste !OVERLAY- GENERAL STREET TAX FUNDED Description From To # of Blks. Width # Inter. Sq.Yd's. I Tons I Estimated Cost W. California St. 3rd Ave. W.N. Hwy. 93 N. 3 30 3 3,727 516 $1 1 A96.77 W. Nevada 4th Ave. W.N. Hwy 93 N. 2 30 3 2,727 378 $8.411.77 Garland St. Sherry Lane Sherry Lane 3 30 3 3.727 516 $11.496.77 Kristen lane Sherry Lane Sherry Lane 2 30 3 2.727 378 58,411.77 9th St. E. 7th Ave. E. 8th Ave. E. 1 32 1 1309 181 54.037.92 8th Ave. E. 9th St. E. IOth St. E. 1 30 1 1242 172 53,832.26 6th St. E. 13rd Ave. E. 4th Ave. E. 1 30 2 1,484 206 $4,579.51 6th St. E. 16th Ave. E. Woodland Dr. 2 30 2 2A84 344 57,664.51 4th St. E. 6th Ave. E. Woodland Dr. 1 26 2 1.351 187 $4,168.18 6th Ave. E. 3rd Ave. E. 7th Ave. E. 4 30 3 4,727 655 S 14.581.77 Sub -Total 20.0 23 25504 3,5331 $78,681.21 Traffic Control Lump Sum $1.700.00 Pre -Leveling Asphalt 150 tons $3,750.00 Total Estimated Quantities for Overlav's General Tax $84,131.21 OVERLAY - GAS TAX FUNDED Description From To # of Blks. Width # Inter. Sq.Yd's. I Tons Estimated Cost E. Center St. 3rd Ave. E. 4th Ave. E. 1 37 2 1718 237.96 $5.299.34 Meridan Road Appleway Dr. Hwy. 2 5 30 3 5727 793.30 $17,666.77 Two Mile Dr. Hawthorne City Limits 6 30 3 6727 931.82 $20,751.77 7th Ave. E.N. Hwy. 2 City Limits 3 37 2 4184 579.66 S 12,909.01 4th Ave. E. E. Center St. Hwy. 2 3 30 3 3727 516.24 $11.496.77 Sub -Total 18.0 13 22082 3,058.97i $68,123.66 Traffic Control Lump Sum $3.500.00 Roto Milling $1.10lsq. yd. $10.000.00 Pre -Leveling Asphalt 150 tons $3,750.00 Total Estimated Quantities for Overlav's Gas Tax $85.373.66 CHIP SEAL - GAS TAX FUNDED Description I From I To # of Blks. Width # Inter. Sq.Yd's. Tons Agg. Gallons Oil Est, Cost Woodland Ave. E. Center St. Woodland Dr. 15 32 17 20118 251.47 7.242.40 $16,094.22 Woodland Dr. Woodland Ave. City Limits 4 32 3 4993 62.42 1,797.60 $3,994.67 2nd St. E. 3rd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 3.5 30 2 3984 49.81 1,434.40 $3,187.56 Conrad Dr. Woodland Ave. Woodland Park D 3 36 2 4084 51.06 1,470.40 $3,267.56 1st Ave. E. 12th St. E. Hwy 93 S. 3 42 2 4684 58.56 1,686.40 $3,747.56 12th St. W. 2nd Ave. W. 4th Ave. W. 2 35 2 2818 35.22 1,014.40 $2,254.22 1 Ith St. W. 2nd Ave. W. 8th Ave. W. 71 34 5 9144 114.31 3,292.00 $7,315.56 1 Oth St. W. 2nd Ave. W. 8th Ave. W. 7 30 5 8211 102.64 2.956.00 $6,568.89 2nd Ave. W. 9th St. W. 12th St. W. 3 31 1 3342 41.78 1,203.20 $2,673.78 3rd Ave. W. 9th St. W. 12th St. W. 3 34 2 3884 48.56 1,398.40 $3,107.56 4th Ave. W. 9th St. W. South End 4 34 2 5018 62.72 1,806.40 $4,014.22 6th Ave. W. 9th St. W. 1 Ith St. W. 2 26 2 22181 27.72 798.40 $1,774.22 7th Ave. W. 16th St. W. 1 Ith St. W. 5 34 31 63931 79.921 2,301,601 $5,114.67 Total Estimated Quantities for Chip Seal's Gas tax 1 61.51 1 481 788931 986.171 28,401.601 $63,114.67 APPLICATION RATE: .36 gallons CRS-2R per sq.yd. 25 pounds cover aggregate per sq.yd. COST EST.: $0.80 sq. yd. OVERLAY - TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Description From To I of B1ks Width # Interl Sq.Yd's. I Tons I Estimated Cost 5th Ave. W.N. Center St. Idaho St. 2 37 2 2951 408.81 $9,104.18 East Center St. Main St. 3rd Ave. E. 3 37 3 4427 613.21 $13,656.27 3rd St. W. Main St. Ist Ave. W. 1 47 2 2051 284.13 $6.327.68 9th St. W. 1st Ave. W. 5th Ave. W. 4 32 2 4751 658.15 $14,657.18 2nd St. W. 5th Ave. W. 7th Ave. W. 2 44 2 3418 473.45 $10,543.84 Sub -Total 12.01 1 111 175981 2,437.76 $54,289.14 Traffic Control Lump Sum $3,500.00 Roto Milling $1.10/sq. yd. $3,000.00 Pre -Leveling Asphalt 300 tons S7,500.00 Total Estimated Quantities for Overlay's $68.289.14 CHIP SEAL - TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT Description From To I of Blks Width # Interl Sq.Yd's. I Tons Agg. I Gallons Oil I Estimated Cost 12th St. W. 2nd Alley W. Main St. 1.5 32 1 1842 23.03 663.20 $1,473.78 12th St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 1 2376 29.69 855.20 $1,900.44 11th St. W. 2nd Alley W. Main St. 2 32 1 2376 29.69 855.20 $1,900.44 I lth St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 2 2618 32.72 942.40 $2,094.22 1Oth St. W. 2nd Alley W. Main St. 1.5 32 1 1842 23.03 663.20 $1,473.78 1 Oth St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 1 2376 29.69 855.20 $1,900.44 9th St. W. 6th Ave. W. 1st Ave. W. 5 30 1 5242 65.53 1,887.20 $4,193.78 Courthouse Loop 8th St. W. 9th St. W. 1 32 1 1309 16.36 471.20 $1,047.11 Courthouse Loop 8th St. E. 9th St. E. 1 32 1 1309 16.36 471.20 $1,047.11 9th St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 30 1 2242 28.03 807.20 $1,793.78 1st Ave. E. 6th St. E. I2th St. E. 6 32 1 6642 83.03 2,391.20 $5,313.78 2nd Ave. E. Center St. 12th St. E. 12 30 2 12484 156.06 4,494.401 $9,987.56 7th Ave. W.N. Montana St. Hwy. 2 1 30 1 1242 15.53 447.20 $993.78 6th Ave. W.N. Railroad St. Hwy. 2 2 30 2 2484 31.06 894.40 $1,987.56 4th Ave. W.N. South End Hwy. 2 2 30 I 2242 28.03 807.20 $1,793.78 3rd Ave. W.N. South End Hwy. 2. 2 30 1 2242 28.03 807.20 $1,793.78 2nd Ave. W.N. South End Hwy. 2 2 32 1 2376 29.69 855.20 $1,900.44 1stAve. W.N. South End Hwy.2 2 32 1 2376 29.69 855.20 $1,900.44 1st Ave. E.N. Montana St. Hwy. 2 1.5 32 1 1842 23.03 663.20 $1,473.78 2nd Ave. E.N. Montana St. Hwy. 2 1 32 1 1309 16.36 471.20 $1,047.11 5th Ave. E.N. Montana St. Hwy. 2 1.51 2 2 2084 26.06 750.40 $1,667.56 Montana St. 4th Ave. E.N. 15th Ave. E.N. 1 1 32 2 15511 19.391 558.401 $1,240.89 Total Estimated Quantities for Chip Seal's 541 0 62,407 1 7611 22,4661 $49,925.33 APPLICATION RATE: .36 gallons CRS-2R per sq.yd. 25 pounds cover aggregate per sq.yd. COST EST.: $0.80 sq. yd. Percent Change in Tax Dollars General Fund: Debt Service: Comp. Ins.: Retirement Fund: Health Fund: Total Tax Levy: Change in Mill Rate 97 97 8 65.94 74.66 2.5 2.5 13.22 10 15 13 19.5 16 116.16 % Chang + 13.2% 0% - 24.0% - 13.3% - 17.9% No Change 0% * Albright Protest Suit funds released - helped cash flows * Building Department removed from general fund -set up as self sustaining fund ix H. A detailed summary of the budget expenditures is included within the budget document. A general summary follows: General Fund: .4% increase Debt Service: 11.6% decrease Special Revenue: 7.6% decrease Capital Project Funds: No change Enterprise Funds: Water Fund 30.2% decrease Sewer Fund 6.8% increase Storm Sewer Fund 59.0% decrease Solid Waste Fund 11.0% increase Ambulance 2.8% increase Total Enterprise Funds 13.7% decrease Total Budget (all Funds):7.68% decrease f: EXTERNAL FACTORS AFFECTING BUDGET (1997/98) 1. State Legislation 2. A. "Big Brother" restrictions to City's home rule 1. Does not allow local government/citizens to determine local services, budgets, tax levies or growth 2. Artificially controlling local government growth a. Restricting value of mill levy b. Restricting value of property rather than allow free market to create value 3. Controlling types of services or service levels City can provide a. Building inspection restriction b. Annexation restrictions 2. Gas tax reimbursement - controlled by State 3. Consumer price index (CPI) (February) latest figure = 3.0% Projected for next year 3.25-3.50% 4. Natural gas rates - 2% increase 5. Electrical rates - 2% increase 6. Gasoline rates - 3% increase 7. Insurance claims and awards - ? 8. Telephone rates - 2% increase 9. Postage rates - an increase next year is projected by post office - we do not know how much that will be 10. Health insurance - 0% increase 11. FICA - no change at this time 12. Police/Fire retirement rates - no change at this time xi 1. Contracted raises for Police 2. Contracted raises for Fire 3. Contracted raises for AFSCME employees (clerical, public works, dispatchers, currently in "postponed negotiation" status) 4. "Carry-over" projects from current budget (many items from 1996/97 budget have to be started or completed) 5. Bond payment obligations 6. Equipment purchases - needed purchases are not able to be done due to restricted revenue and historically delayed purchases. This problem is escalating annually and will compound as we continue to delay equipment purchases (i.e. Fire Truck, Police vehicle) 7. Infrastructure maintenance/improvements - these items have also historically been delayed due to the lack of funding, planning, or desire to spend tax dollars. Infrastructure investment is a major indication of the health of a community. Although an infrastructure's health is not critical, it is certainly "serious". 8. Increased maintenance/service levels required on older infrastructure and/or equipment. 9. The total budget as recommended is $26,767,103 as compared to $28,994,047 for 1996/97. Major expenditures are budgeted for within the tax increment districts. The expenses are budgeted to allow us to be able to complete projects that have previously been approved or are currently being processed/anticipated within all TIF districts. These include the west side TIF district infrastructure improvements, airport improvements, ballfield improvements, and downtown development for developers that are currently in negotiation with the staff. Please keep in mind that you will need to make final approvals of these projects. If these projects do not progress to actual improvements, these funds will not be expended. xii CITY OF KALISPELL BUDGET REQUEST FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARY: This compares current budgeted expenditure amounts for Fiscal Year 1996/9 with the manager's expenditure recommendation for Fiscal Year 1997/98. DEPARTMENT +/- DEPARTMENT +/- General Government 50.00% Comprehensive Ins. -3.10% City Manager -1.30% Retirement Fund .30% Finance 1.00% Health Insurance -3.99% Attorney -1.20% *Building Code Enforcement 39.16% Municipal Court 12.40% Light Maintenance 1.80% Public Works 2.80% Decorative Light Maint. -23.15% Central Garage -8.20% Gas Tax 3.31% Traffic Sign & Signals -4.40% Special Street Maintenance -3.87% City Hall -2.50% Comm. Dev. Loan Program 9.80% Police Department 6.70% Courtyard Maintenance 16.00% Fire Department 5.10% UDAG Loan -3.40% Street Department -9.60% Drug Grant 2.80% Parks Department -3.70% Affordable Housing -55.50% Recreation 2.00% ISTEA Grant (Trails) 161.60% Seniors Rec. (New) 100.00% Sidewalk & Curb 0% Tennis/Skating 4.20% Water Operating -31.80% Outdoor Rec. 19.70% Water Billing 24.80% Basketball -12.80% Sewer Billing 12.60% Pool 19.00% Sewer Operating 6.60% Airport 8.90% Wastewater Plant 6.70% Downtown TIF -12.01% Storm Sewer -3.00% TIF Airport 15.39% Ambulance 2.81% TIF Westside Dist.(New) 100.00% Solid Waste 6.02% Parks in Lieu of 50.00% Data Processing 44.00% *New Budget Process xiii TOTAL MILLS FOR MONTANA CITIES 1996/97 Population City Total Mill 86,578 Billings 89.00 58,202 Great Falls 87.92 45,364 Missoula 138.20 26,339 Helena 82.53 25,067 Bozeman 127.11 13,214 Kalispell 116.16 10,059 Havre 117.26 8,745 Miles City 121.69 7,414 Livingston 126.22 6,368 Lewistown 134.88 xv MOViRN A brief review of long term debt of the City illustrates the strength of Kalispell's financial condition. Our extremely small amount of debt is excellent. Within the 1996/97 budget we retired $381,054 of debt which is a 3.9% decrease is debt payments for the 1997/98 budget. A summary of current debt follows: TIF Bonds $ 1,150,000 Sewer/Storm Bonds $ 6,530,000 Water Bond $ 1,015,000 G.O. Bond $ 165,000 Sidewalk & Curbs $ 62,571 SID's $ 369,000 Computer Loan $ 4,254 Ambulance Loan $ 20,000 $ 9,315,825 xvi The City's liability for accumulated absences is outlined below. The amounts for compensation time is, in my opinion, excessive. The overall figure of $765,886.19 is a slight increase ($1,033) from last year's figures. Other Building Dept. Fire General Vacation $210,082.76 $164,476.62 $102,046.19 $11,176.84 1/4 Sick Comp. $ 81,294.76 $ 37,234.51 $ 6,806.11 $ 4,486.79 Time Total $291,377.52 $201,711.13 $108,852.30 $ 15,663.63 5/20/97 Total General Enterprise Community Total Comp. Fund Development Absences Vacation $487,782.41 $122,319.11 $20,392.93 1/4 Sick Comp. $129,822.17 $ 5,569.57 $ 0.00 Time Total $617,604.58 $127,888.68 $20,392.93 $765,886.19 5/20/97 xvii cV oc r— d' a a s C 00 "-T (ON O V) O �C OG f— oC r+5 a Oc AC N f— C \C a s (V r� r- C O O oc or- r cv a 'IT cv v, N ,I* v i ^ v ; '-ItM OC OC C� IC 00 N L7- 69 6F3 ,� 65 69 69 LL — 6R3 v) 69 6A bf3 r n 6H 6n w ^ _ F. LLl L U u Ltl Ucr c4 b0 U r U C7C7C�o°i%a a U Ld C�a`� =EDu }/ )k\\ w\\a e= Zi a "- a - o # I r 3 G % E ƒ \ % $ K � ® ' 4A �A 7 & q £§. -.- _ {»2 � \ a r o o < # # %o o - a » m # # - � � - � ®\ m / m « / / c Z \ o Z \ -) / ® / / $ 2 ® 7- / / \ 3 / / / / 2 / \ \ 2 / / Z / » 0 2 / / » / / Z m� m 2 a » \ � � . / \ LLI / \ / d / 2 / / / / 2 < @ � g - @ £ � / = � 3 e 2 w q / / < Z ® e LIJ Q@ 2 U L E/ 0 d o/ w E\ R 14- 6 N E 4- 1771 ca C, 43 75i cr E E 00 r— oe, iF C^ r- cc 00 tr` W-1 v oc: cc V� oo oc OC oc cc oc G'- 6,q 61- V2 > > Qj cz t) c; cf Gaming Revenue vs. Tax Revenue - General Fund $1,400,000 ----- -- - - -- - -- - - - - $1,200,000 taxes $1,000,000 + i $800,000 I $600,000 + gaming $400,000 i I $200,000 I i $0 --�- ----- - -�-- -- - -- - ----- 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Gaming Revenue 1989 $215,411 1990 $393,824 1991 $649,330 1992 $766,986 1993 $818,898 1994 $922,251 1995 $966,855 1996 $1,071,737 1997 $1,075,000 estimated Tax Revenue 1989 $1,184,350 1990 $1,145,080 1991 $1,040,009 1992 $1,082,595 1993 $1,157,091 1994 $1,208,264 1995 $1,205,345 1996 $1,210,437 1997 $1,352,982 A history of our revenues from gambling revenues from 1989 compared to our property tax revenue is shown above. This revenue stream will not continue to grow at the rate of prior years. We are using these revenues to support our operating budget and should gambling revenues be diminished or eliminated, the City would experience a fiscal crisis. CITY OF KALISPELL This document has been compiled through the efforts of many staff members. From discussions within each department, to the supervisors, department supervisors, and finally to the Finance Department and Administration, the budget represents a team effort to continue to provide current levels of service within the ever tightening "fiscal noose". I want to thank all of the department supervisors and employees in assisting me, and especially helping me to understand a new budget procedure. Special recognition is deserved for Amy Robertson for all of her additional time and effort in pulling this document together for presentation. We look forward to working with the Council and Mayor by providing a budget document that will help you and the public to understand our service levels and financial status of the City of Kalispell. Respectfully, Clarence W. Krepps City Manager CWK/ksk xviii PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL .... FUNCTION 410100 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $76,316 121 Overtime $2,073 135 Retirement buyback $2,253 Total Personal Services $80,642 Maintenance & Operations: 213 Small Office Equipment $0 229 Other Supplies $128 312 Postage $138 320 Printing $85 322 Books-MCA/CD ROMS $40 335 Membership & Dues $4,547 345 Telephone $156 354 Contract Serv./Sister City $0 363 Office Equip Maintenance $0 373 School & Travel - Council $7,967 373 School & Travel - Clerk 379 Meetings $473 Subtotal $13,534 TOTAL $94,176 $75,320 $77,840 $77,840 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $77,820 $80,340 $80,340 $0 $750 $750 $100 $100 $250 $250 $250 $250 $600 $600 $100 $50 $50 $350 $4,625 $4,800 $4,800 $300 $300 $300 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $50 $50 $50 $8,000 $13,000 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $2,500 $3,000 $16,475 $27,400 $19,850 $94,295 $107,740 $100,190 4 FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL.... FUNCTION 410100 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Mayor: 1 1 1 July -Dec. Jan. -June City Councilor 8 8 8 July -Dec. Jan. -June Clerk of Council * 1 1 1 subtotal salaries: 10 10 10 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: 1996 1997 1998 Worker's comp. & Oflt S598 S741 S591 Oflt S346 S360 Health Insurance S5,220 $5,220 $5,350 Retirement $2,985 $3,580 $3,502 $12,960 $12,960 $6,480 $4,500 $31,680 $31,680 $15,840 $20,000 $24,638 $25,254 $25,254 41 ;.` .• '. $5,266 $5,347 $5,514 $239 $245 $252 $74,783 $75,486 $77,840 Effective January 1998 the Mayor's Salary will be $9,000 and the Council Salaries will be $5,000 annually. * The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan. 1st and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. a" I 1 ' GENERAL FUND 11' Wr,P 1 59.94 mills 65.94 mills 65.94 mills 74.66 MILLS FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET PROPERTY TAXES: Real Property $1,116,663 $1,282,104 $1,245,151 $1,451,360 Personal Property $93,774 $88,063 $85,525 $100,000 Penalty & Interest $8,852 $5,000 $8,211 $10,000 Light Vehicle Tax-2% $107,284 $107,284 $115,323 $128,560 SUBTOTAL $1,326,573 $1,482,451 $1,454,210 $1,689,920 LICENSES AND PERMITS MV: Flat fees $5,998 $6,000 $10,344 $8,000 Plate fees $52,016 $53,000 $54,468 $53,000 Title fees $3,071 $3,100 $3,247 $3,200 SUBTOTAL $61,085 $62,100 $68,059 $64,200 BUSINESS LICENSES: Alcohol Beverage $20,806 $18,525 $18,106 $18,525 General and occupational $3,877 $3,200 $3,391 $3,000 Amusement $0 $250 $0 $250 Building permits $185,513 $165,000 $151,414 $0 Plumbing permits $25,473 $26,500 $18,616 $0 Mechanical permits $28,087 $27,600 $26,578 $0 Excavation permits $240 $250 $235 $0 House Moving permits $100 $100 S250 $0 Plan Review $58,375 $55,500 $41,729 $0 Sign permit fees $1,753 $1,500 $1,283 $0 Animal licenses/bike licenses $1,050 $1,010 $1,223 $1,003 SUBTOTAL $325,274 $299,435 $262,825 $22,778 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Hwy Traffic Safety Grants $36,755 $0 $0 $9,900 Fema - flood control grant $0 $0 $994 $0 STATE SHARED REVENUE DUI task force reimbursement $11,280 $11,180 $11,280 $11,280 Personal Property Reimb. H.B. 20 $26,684 $23,382 $22,883 $22,792 Personal Property Reimb. S.B.417 $0 $0 $16,109 $5,326 Corporation Tax $63,860 $65,000 $87,315 $55,000 Video Machine apport. $980,286 $991,861 $1,020,672 $1,012,796 Gaming Machine Permits $40,200 $43,509 $40,700 $44,500 Liquor Tax Apportionment $86,016 $86,016 $71,217 $87,000 Wine Tax Apportionment $1,967 $2,200 $2,109 $2,000 Beer Apportionment $32,007 $34,000 $32,648 $33,000 M.V. Ad Valorem Tax $18,565 $18,000 $20,772 $20,000 Live Card Game Permit, keno & bing $5,658 $2,500 $2,650 $2,650 SUBTOTAL $1,303,278 $1,277,648 $1,329,349 $1,296,344 0 GENERAL FUND DETAIL OF ESTIMATED REVENUE/CASH AVAILABLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Sale of Maps, etc. S275 $300 S235 S200 Administrative chg. $421,768 $440,127 $440,862 $448,209 Board of Adjustment $2,625 $2,200 $1,750 $2,000 Police services $10,139 $10,500 $9,397 $10,500 Central Garage $140, 000 $140, 000 $140, 000 $140, 000 Public works charges-TSS $1,754 $2,000 $4,567 $4,000 DPW fees -plans, banners, etc. $16,051 $5,000 S656 $650 Developer's payments -Parks $2,393 $0 $0 $0 Pool $69,642 $75,000 $70,293 $75,000 Parks usage fee $4,838 $4,500 $4,843 $4,500 Pick-nic in the Park $4,440 $5,286 $6,390 $6,000 Recreation fees $7,896 $11,029 $13,365 $10,000 Basketball $10,693 $11,500 $7,644 $10,000 Ice Skating $529 S500 5298 S300 Tennis $6,508 $7,000 $8,848 $8,000 Day Camp/Outdoor Programs $33,051 $38,793 $35,222 $32,000 Senior Programs $0 $0 $8,000 $13,200 SUBTOTAL $732,602 $753,735 $752,370 $764,559 FINES AND FORFEITURES: City Court fees $20,000 $27,415 $25,000 City Court Fines $348,075 $335,000 $367,884 $360,000 SUBTOTAL $348,075 $355,000 $395,299 $385,000 MISC. REVENUE Golf Course $5,791 $5,500 $6,919 $7,500 Auction proceeds $0 $7,500 $8,462 $8,000 Donations -dog food, DARE, etc. S572 $0 S480 S500 Mall Joint Venture Income $0 $19,968 $45,110 $0 Data loan repayment $9,342 $8,980 $8,972 $4,515 Other Misc. $2,100 $2,000 58,952 $1,500 SUBTOTAL $17,805 $43,948 $78,895 $22,015 INVESTMENT REVENUE: $134,616 $100,000 $107,295 $100,000 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE $4,249,308 $4,374,317 $4,448,302 $4,344,816 CASH AVAILABLE JULY 1ST $1,222,619 $791,832 $791,832 $1,016,581 Equity Transfer in (out) $23,600 $0 $19,354 (S120,509) COUNTY WITHHELD- PROTEST (S177,406) $177,406 $177,406 $0 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR BUDGE $5,318,121 $5,343,555 $5,436,894 $5,240,888 RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES $4,526,289 $4,556,861 $4,420,313 $4,535,769 CASH CARRY OVER (ending resery $791,832 $786,694 $1,016,581 $705,119 17.49 % reserve 17.26% reserve 21.4% reserve 15.0 % reserve Equity transfer in $19,354 from Gov't Study Commission Fund. (mill value of $20,779) Equity transfer out ($120,509) to Building Code Enforcement Fund. E FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET AIRPORT $18,059 $11,559 $13,331 $15,492 TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN S2,436,637 S11,860,434 S3,767,570 S10,435,497 TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT S2,280,056 $69,978 $2,726,751 TAX INCREMENT-WESTSIDE $0 $0 $2,020,000 PARKS IN LIEU OF $19,266 $40,762 $28,038 COMP. INSURANCE S361,818 S416,525 S425,652 S442,057 RETIREMENT S349,227 S420,209 S428,350 S418,797 HEALTH S498,943 $558,946 $583,485 S527,507 GOV'T STUDY COMMISSION S18,685 S19,304 $0 $0 BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT S387,109 LIGHT MAINTENANCE S79,363 S85,951 $87,285 $91,913 DECORATIVE LIGHT N[AINTEN S13,478 $9,005 S7,799 $6,545 GAS TAX S283,755 S285,737 S295,627 S316,869 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE $395,343 S471,678 S457,290 $428,248 CD LOAN REVOLVING S136,504 S94,913 S95,764 S105,194 COURTYARD RESERVE FUND S58,322 S61,427 S85,342 S92,116 UDAG/COMMUNITY DEVELOPM S518,102 S449,638 S449,536 S448,932 DRUG ENFORCEMENT $49,582 S51,431 $50,593 $49,788 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRA S512,502 $719,874 S389,199 S320,700 LAWRENCE PARK GRANT S3,386 $0 $0 $0 ISTEA S47,332 $99,984 S63,762 $266,826 Special Revenue Available S5,781,038 $17,915,937 $7,311,325 S19,128,379 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET G.O. BOND - POOL $77,995 $78,327 $80,569 $80,331 S.I.D. REVOLVING FUND $36,830 $27,527 $33,904 $33,904 SIDEWALK & CURBS S28,133 $30,651 $31,484 $23,262 SID 337 Sewer S11,023 $14,400 S21,268 S17,693 SID 341 Sewer $0 $15,120 $31,105 S20,400 SID 342 Corporate way $0 S29,275 $52,260 S56,438 Debt Service Revenue $153,981 S195,300 S250,590 S232,028 K 429X WALK & CURB 4342 SID CONSTRUCTION Capital Project funds available WATER SEWER/WWTP STORM SEWER AMBULANCE SOLID WASTE Enterprise funds available DATA PROCESSING FUND Internal Service funds available GRAND TOTALS REVENUE/CASH AVAILABL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 525,061 550,000 525,018 550,000 5225,741 SO SO 525,061 550,000 525,018 550,000 ENTERPRISE FUNDS FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 52,778,603 53,081,503 53,133,754 $2,428,899 54,719,221 $5,113,217 55,035,472 55,439,496 5722,964 5757,791 5755,994 5638,661 5450,939 5481,053 5419,969 5503,003 $455,054 5575,238 5601,934 $636,876 59,126,781 510,008,802 59,947,123 59,646,935 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 5168,353 5130,147 5128,946 5199,043 5168,353 5130,147 5128,946 5199,043 $20,727,141 $33,466,335 $22,903,136 $34,617,7821 Note: FY97 revenue anticipated S 10,441,277 in loans and land sales for redevelopment projects in the Downtown and Airport Tax Increment Districts. FY98 revenue also anticipates 59,824,939 in loans and land sales for redevelopment projects (carryover). r I . 0 W FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services M & O $104,851 $133,301 $186,633 $186,633 Operating Transfer ($8,528) ($8,528) $0 $0 Subtotal $96,323 $124,773 $186,633 $186,633 CITY MANAGER Personal Services $92,879 $96,093 $104,104 $104,104 M & O $15,373 $16,450 $6,950 $6,950 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $108,252 $112,543 $111,054 $111,054 CITY COUNCIL Personal Services $80,642 $77,820 $80,340 $80,340 M & O $13,534 $16,475 $27,150 $19,850 Subtotal $94,176 $94,295 $107,490 $100,190 FINANCE Personal Services $129,517 $129,898 $130,757 $130,757 M & O $5,491 $7,426 $7,900 $8,000 Subtotal $135,008 $137,324 $138,657 $138,757 CITY ATTORNEY Personal Services $111,338 $112,835 $114,176 $114,176 M & O $10,778 $11,400 $11,400 $10,050 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $122,116 $124,235 $125,576 $124,226 CITY COURT Personal Services $81,860 $79,331 $86,452 $86,452 M & O $37,135 $27,750 $38,200 $37,000 Capital Outlay $2,695 $2,778 $0 $0 Subtotal $121,690 $109,859 $124,652 $123,452 PUBLIC WORKS Personal Services $99,859 $93,695 $94,960 $94,960 M & O $7,824 $8,100 $11,200 $9,675 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $20,000 $0 Subtotal $107,683 $101,795 $126,160 $104,635 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SIGNS Personal Services $57,853 $60,725 $60,283 $60,283 M & O $17,214 $31,045 $27,500 $27,500 Capital Outlay $500 $0 $21,700 $3,500 Subtotal CITY $75,567 Ur =191FEEE $91,770 $109,483 $91,283 -A EXPENDITURE 1 GENERAL1; o CENTRAL GARAGE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal CITY HALL MAINTENANCE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal POLICE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Transfers to Funds Subtotal FIRE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal BUILDING & ZONING Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal STREET DEPARTMENT Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal PARK MAINTENANCE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Transfers to ISTEA Subtotal FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S S87,405 $86,005 $86,660 S86,660 S212,948 $217,450 S198,650 S196,425 S4,849 S4,800 S14,500 $0 S305,202 S308,255 S299,810 S283,085 S3,420 S11,848 S11,848 S81,829 S93,879 S79,600 S79,600 S85,249 S93,879 S91,448 S91,448 S1,204,624 S1,222,161 S1,284,887 S1,284,887 S98,010 S97,800 S96,400 S96,400 S28,200 S28,200 S64,000 S61,700 S12,785 S12,785 S10,000 S10,000 S1,343,619 S1,360,946 S1,455,287 S1,452,987 S773,927 S772,906 S816,872 S816,872 S28,337 S29,715 S28,665 S28,665 SO S62,397 S165,698 S64,397 S802,264 S865,018 S1,011,235 S909,934 S175,252 S176,944 S26,290 S34,900 MOVED S1,326 SO S202,868 S211,844 SO SO S100,855 S117,411 S116,596 S116,596 S201,143 S187,281 S208,700 S133,700 S2,694 $0 S163,000 S25,000 S304,692 S304,692 S488,296 S275,296 S187,110 S189,904 S195,002 S195,001 S42,559 S41,487 S59,737 S58,737 S68,463 S68,500 S130,000 S30,000 $0 SO S5,008 S5,008 S298,132 S299,891 S389,747 S288,746 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1 GENERAL1 RECREATION PROGRAMS Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay TENNIS/ICE SKATING Personal Services M&O OUTDOOR RECREATION Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay BASKETBALL Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay SENIOR PROGRAMS Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay POOL Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay TOTAL GENERAL FUND BY Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Debt service Operating transfers FY96/97 FY96/97 ACTUAL BUDGET $43,665 $41,639 $19,269 $19,748 $0 SO Subtotal $62,934 $61,387 S2,952 S540 $5,829 $5,460 Subtotal S8,781 $6,000 S28,212 S24,232 S11,332 $11,750 $0 $0 Subtotal S39,544 $35,982 S1,310 $1,640 S6, 847 $9, 860 SO $0 Subtotal $8,157 S11,500 FY97/98 FY97/98 STAFFS MANAGER'S $40,017 $40,017 $22,689 $22,689 $0 SO S62,706 $62,706 $676 $676 $7,835 S7,835 $8,511 S8,511 $28,840 $14,246 SO $43,086 $2,246 S7,783 $0 S 10,029 $9,135 S13,526 S17,434 $0 $0 $8,205 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $9,135 $13,526 $25,639 S64,067 $67,059 $74,322 S24,858 S20,288 $28,688 SO $0 $8,500 Subtotal $88,925 $87,347 $111,510 S4,420,317 S4,556,861 S5,001,370 $3,364,364 $1,021,565 $166,675 $0 $4,257 1 $28,840 $14,246 $43,086 $2,246 $7,783 SO $10,029 $17,434 $8,205 $0 $25,639 S74,322 S29,750 $0 S104,072 $4,535,769 $3„ 46,471 $989,693 $184,597 $0 $15,008 EXPENDITURE DETAIL 1 i SPEC1AL REVENUE FUNDS AIRPORT AUTHORITY -operations Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN Redevelopment Activity Loans & Grants Debt Service Subtotal TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT Redevelopment Activity Subtotal TAX INCREMENT-WESTSIDE DISTRICT Redevelopment Activity Subtotal PARK IN LIEU Capital Outlay Subtotal COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE Personal Services M&O Subtotal RETIREMENT Personal Services Subtotal IHEALTH FUND Personal Services Subtotal LOCAL GOV'T STUDY M&O Subtotal BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S 56,370 $11,559 516,510 $12,550 56,370 511,559 516,510 512,550 $1,117,222 511,100,368 59,932,397 59,793,797 522,815 $150,000 5132,000 $132,000 5258,345 5610,066 5509,700 5509,700 51,398,382 511,860,434 510,574,097 $10,435,497 569,978 52,280,056 52,630,972 52,630,972 569,978 $2,280,056 52,630,972 $2,630,972 SO $0 $2,020,000 52,020,000 SO $0 $2,020,000 52,020,000 512,724 519,266 $28,883 528,038 512,724 $19,266 $28,883 $28,038 $241,655 5321,550 5310,600 5310,600 5241,655 5321,550 5310,600 5310,600 5318,733 5325,380 5333,935 5333,935 5318,733 5325,380 5333,935 5333,935 5434,178 5440,224 $422,641 5422,641 5434,178 5440,224 $422,641 5422,641 52,357 $18,512 52,357 518,512 SO $0 $0 $0 5232,224 5232,224 $0 $0 564,267 564,267 SO SO SO $0 SO $0 $296,491 5296,491 EXPENDITURE ET Y - con'L SPECL4,L REVENUE FUNDS - con't. FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S LIGHT MAINTENANCE Personal Services M & O $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 Capital Outlay Subtotal $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 DECORATIVE LIGHTS Personal Services M & O $5,539 $7,870 $6,048 $6,048 Capital Outlay Subtotal $5,539 $7,870 $6,048 $6,048 GAS TAX M & O $192,218 $199,600 $279,600 $269,600 Capital Outlay $66,712 $80,000 $19,263 $19,263 Subtotal $258,930 $279,600 $298,863 $288,863 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE Personal Services $265,095 $258,772 $258,646 $258,646 M & O $117,041 $135,208 $131,905 $131,905 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $51,000 $7,000 Debt Service $18,887 $19,125 $0 $0 Subtotal $401,023 $413,105 $441,551 $397,551 COMM. DEV. LOAN REVOLVING Loans and Grants $73,217 $92,087 $101,200 $101,200 Subtotal $73,217 $92,087 $101,200 $101,200 COURTYARD MAINTENANCE FUND M & O $30,602 $30,602 $35,000 $35,000 Debt Service $24,168 $24,168 $25,000 $25,000 Subtotal $54,770 $54,770 $60,000 $60,000 UDAG-PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Personal Services $204,958 $214,611 $227,845 $227,845 M & O $81,427 $107,910 $103,651 $103,451 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Housing & grants $48,000 $122,500 $110,500 $96,500 Subtotal $334,385 $445,021 $441,996 $427,796 AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANT FUND Construction $390,671 $719,874 $320,700 $320,700 Subtotal $390,671 $719,874 $320,700 $320,700 EXPENDITURE ET SIT Y - con't. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - con't. FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S POLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT Personal Services $43,993 $44,977 $46,306 $46,306 M & O $1,541 $1,541 $1,663 $1,663 Subtotal $45,534 $46,518 $47,969 $47,969 ISTEA Capital construction $54,759 $80,000 $259,470 $259,470 Subtotal $54,759 $80,000 $259,470 $259,470 LAWRENCE PARK Capital Outlay $3,386 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $3,386 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $4,171,859 $17,487,011 $16,367,884 $16,156,279 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S G.O. BOND $60,668 $61,668 $64,418 $64,418 S.I.D. REVOLVING $0 $0 $0 $0 WALK & CURB FUNDS $30,651 $30,651 $23,262 $23,262 SID 337, SID 341, SID 342 $58,995 $58,995 $77,960 $77,960 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE 5150,314 $151,314 $165,640 $165,640 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S 4290 WALK & CURB CONSTR. $25,018 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDS $25,018 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S WATER FUND/BILLING Personal Services $379,752 $368,331 $370,227 $370,227 M & O $384,522 $401,490 $348,406 $348,406 Debt service 5108,712 $108,937 $107,363 $107,363 Capital Outlay $847,169 $1,286,000 $871,360 $637,750 Depreciation $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Subtotal $1,870,155 $2,314,758 $1,847,356 51,613,746 SEWER/WWTP /BILLING FUND Personal Services $452,342 $461,643 $491,622 $491,622 M & O $711,787 $728,411 $785,018 $763,163 WWTP replacement $5,191 $155,500 $273,000 $246,000 Capital Outlay $166,856 $460,600 $696,625 $501,625 Debt Service $625,300 $655,665 $654,006 $654,006 Depreciation $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 Subtotal $2,341,476 $2,841,819 $3,280,271 $3,036,416 STORM SEWER Personal Services $68,483 $64,885 $68,439 $68,439 M & O $52,074 $68,653 $61,535 $61,285 Capital Outlay $196,683 $473,520 $180,000 $90,000 Debt Service $35,093 $35,093 $30,430 $30,430 Depreciation $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 Subtotal $374,333 $664,151 $362,404 $272,154 AMBULANCE FUND Personal Services $233,624 5267,420 $259,681 $259,681 M & O $87,066 $100,951 $103,450 $103,450 Capital Outlay $13,831 $18,000 $36,000 $36,000 Debt Service $11,440 $11,440 $10,600 $10,600 Deprec/Replacement reserve $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Subtotal $370,961 $422,811 $434,731 $434,731 SOLID WASTE FUND Personal Services $165,678 $162,472 $218,726 $218,726 M & O $78,174 $80,395 $105,413 $105,413 Capital Outlay $123,406 $110,900 $50,000 $50,000 Deprec/Replacement reserve $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 $10,000 Subtotal $422,258 $408,767 $429,139 $384,139 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $5,379,183 $6,652,306 $6,353,901 $5,741,186 HE EY,PENDrrURE DETALL SUNEVL4,RY ►1'4,_ FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S DATA PROCESSING FUND M & O $32,455 $28,075 $40,450 $40,450 Capital Outlay $38,454 $39,500 $84,420 $84,420 Debt Service $8,972 $8,980 $4,514 $4,514 Deprec/Replacement reserve $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Subtotal $99,881 $96,555 $149,384 $149,384 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE $99,881 $96,555 $149,384 $149,384 ALL FUND TYPES GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $14,246,572 $28,994,047 $28,088,179 $26,798,258 ALL FUND TOTALS BY FUNCTION: Personal Services $5,973,079 $6,044,539 M & O $3,335,077 $3,355,126 Capital Outlay $2,939,961 $2,194,163 Debt service $1,624,788 $1,507,253 Redevelopment $14,464, 885 $13,075,169 Depreciation $652,000 $607,000 Operating transfers $4,257 $15,008 2 4 04 2 2 Budget Adopted by Resolution 4351. (Note: Final budget reduced $845 due to actual fund available for appropriation in Parks in Lieu Fund) �M �:ljjrJLj I] 1 1111111 M l a1 �11 • 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 Administration & Operations $96,323 $124,773 $186,633 $186,633 $96,323 $124,773 $186,633 $186,633 The purpose of the General Government budget is to provide funding for expenses of a general nature having application to all functions of general government. The budget includes funding for maintenance and operational items such as telephone leases and charges, data processing, the City's share of the City -County planning organization expense, Hockaday support, and costs associated with auditing and records administration. Funds are budgeted for the City's annual audit. A filing fee is due each year based on revenue totals. The filing fee is a State assessment for $975 this year. Elections are budgeted for this year. $5,000 is budgeted for interest expense for cash flow needs. This budget reflects an overall increase of 50%. However, upon the effective budget dates the $75,000 contingency will be transferred to various departments for actual expenditures covering all personnel. The actual operating budget for General Government reflects a 10% decrease without the contingency. 53.28 % of this budget is funded through the Administrative transfer (revenue). W 4'111'111�11t`l 11111._ ,1 13 IrnwOURLIV,141, 1 Ili '�' 1 �11 • 1 ACCOUNT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 410530 Audit 331 Publication & Filing Fees 353 Audit 410560 Purchasing 210 Office Supplies 320 Printing 410600 Elections 354 Contract Services 410900 Records Admin. 322 1 set of code books 331 Publication & Filing Fees 352 Recodification 358 Survey/Title Fees 410830 Personnel 338 Recruitment (moving exp.) 411030 Planning 397 Contract (50% FRDO) 411300 Central Communications 345 Telephone 460452 Hockaday 366 Building Maintenance 510100 Special Assessments 545 County Garbage 510300 Contingency 000 unallocated 490500 Debt service 620 Interest Expense ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY97/98 $910 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $2,911 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $500 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $3,867 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $0 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $238 $290 $290 $290 $1,134 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $12,000 $12,000 $12,000 $132 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $10,738 $9,000 $0 $0 $36,733 $36,733 $36,733 $36,733 $32,265 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 $6,895 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $0 $150 $1,010 $1,010 $0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 $0 $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 5773 $186,633 $186 m PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 401, CITY MANAGER.... 410210 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request FY97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $92,879 $96,093 $104,104 $104,104 Materials and Services $15,373 $16,450 $6,950 $6,950 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $108,252 $112,543 $111,054 $111,054 The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City. The Manager's responsibilities include supervision of the City employees, implementation of City policy, preparation and oversight of the City budget, advising the City Council, and informing the citizens of Kalispell about City plans, programs and actions. The Manager's budget includes the salary of the Manager and the Executive Secretary. Related items such as conferences, payroll costs, operating expenses (postage, books, etc.) are also included within this budget. This budget reflects a decrease of 1.3%. The decrease is a result of eliminating the contract services for an interim manager. FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 401, CITY MANAGER.... 410210 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request FY97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime (Secretary) Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Books 335 Membership & Dues 345 Telephone (long distance & cell) 354 Contract Services(interim mgr.) 373 School & Travel 379 Meetings Subtotal Capital Outlay: 940 Equipment TOTAL $92,879 $95,593 $103,604 $103,604 $0 $500 $500 $500 $92,879 $96,093 $104,104 $104,104 $310 $400 $400 $400 $203 $200 $200 $200 $0 $250 $0 $0 $255 $300 $350 $350 $1,009 $900 $1,200 $1,200 $971 $400 $800 $800 $11,225 $10,000 $0 $0 $1,374 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $26 $500 $500 $500 $15,373 $16,450 $6,950 $6,950 $0 $0 $108,252 $112,543 $0 $0 $111,054 $111,054 M. � � ,.�. s���i�;����,1�I,1�.���:��►�,��r��,��r.���iaTr:��rta�;��uy�u� ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 City Manager * 1 1 1 $62,517 $63,860 $63,860 City Manager -Car Allowance $2,890 $4,800 $4,800 City Manager -Life Insurance $565 $1,277 $1,277 Executive Secretary * 1 1 1 $22,830 $23,400 $23,400 subtotal salaries: 2 2 2 $65,972 $93,337 $93,337 Payroll taxes: ICMA-lump sum per contract $0 $2,800 $2,800 Fica/Medt $6,243 $7,140 $7,140 Unemployment tax $287 $327 $327 General Fund total for line item 110 $72,502 $103,604 $103,604 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. & Oflt Health Insurance Retirement ICMA Retirement 1996 1997 1998 5664 S989 $1,209 510,440 S10,440 S9,950 $1,466 S1,568 S1,568 $6,011 S6,386 $6,386 The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan 1st and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. LM F FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL.... FUNCTION 410100 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $80,642 $77,820 $80,340 $80,340 Maintenance & Operations $13,534 $16,475 $27,400 $19,850 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $94,176 $94,295 $107,740 $100,190 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Kalispell City Council is composed of eight (8) City Councilors and the Mayor. The City is divided in four (4) Wards with two (2) Councilors elected from each and the Mayor is elected at large. Each member of City Council serves a four year term of office, council member terms are staggered. All functions of City government fall or indirectly within jurisdiction of the City Council. The greatest responsibility of City Council lies in their legislative activities, which include enacting ordinances, establishing policy and levels of service, adopting the budget, setting service fees and appropriating money to fund the City's programs and services. The Mayor presides at all Council meetings and is a voting member of Council. The Clerk of Council is responsible for recording, storing and retrieval of all Council/City official documents. Kalispell City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. This budget reflects a 6.3% increase due to an increase in Council salary, school expenses for the Council Clerk, and funds for an official function for the Sister City representatives in Kalispell. CITY OF KALISPELL 18 Line item detail:Mayor/Council budget 213 Small office equipment - $750 For the purchase of a computer scanner for the Clerk for improving the maintenance of City documents and a dictaphone. 354 Contract Services $2,000 Visitor expenses for "Sister City" $4,100 has been budgeted to allow members of Council and the Mayor to attend the State League Convention in October. $ 900 miscellaneous travel expenses. 373 School & Travel - Clerk of Council $3,000 Travel for the Clerk of Council includes the Clerk's Institute in Billings, League Convention and IIMC Conference. The Clerk of Council is the Vice President of 1 st Class Cities and Towns on the Executive Board of the MMCT & FOA and is Montana's representative on the Membership Committee of the IIMC. 379 Meetings - $3,000 The budget also provides $2,500 for meeting expenses and $500 for the services of a court reporter if necessary. 14113 at GO r 1 RI 373 School & Travel - $8,000 Funding for members of Council to attend the National League Conference in December in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania would be approximately $8,000 for four. lei V wall;,� PROGRAM 1 rll W1110 101 Elr FUND: GENERAL 1000 .... DEPARTMENT 403, FINANCE.... FUNCTION 410550 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $129,517 $129,898 $130,757 $130,757 Materials and Services $5,491 $7,426 $7,900 $8,000 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $135,008 $137,324 $138,657 $138,757 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION. The Finance Department is responsible for all activities concerning finances within the City. Planning, reporting, controllingthe revenue and expenditures through various systems of checks and balances is a major duty. Investment, financial reporting and fulfilling regulation requirements are part of the daily responsibilities. This budget reflects a 1 % increase due to personal services increases. 53% of budget is funded through the administrative transfer. CITY OF KALISPELL 22 PROGRAM OF SERVICES X 9 OWN 11313 ON IF..] ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equipment 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Books 335 Membership & Dues 345 Telephone 354 Contract Services 363 Office Equip Maintenance 373 School & Travel Subtotal ACTUAL FY96/97 $129,517 $129,517 BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 a $130,757 $130,757 $130,757 $130,757 $56 $500 $500 $500 $160 $376 $500 $500 $1,453 $1,500 $2,000 $2,000 $151 $500 $250 $250 $457 $750 $750 $750 $896 $900 $1,000 $1,000 $179 $200 $200 $300 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $200 $200 $200 $2,139 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $5,491 $7,426 $7,900 $8,000 TOTAL $135,008 $137,324 $138,657 $138,757 FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 403, FINANCE.... FUNCTION 410550 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96197 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Finance Director * 1 1 1 $44,752 $45,871 $451,871 Assistant. Finance Director * 1 1 1 $28,149 $28,853 $28,853 Personnel Specialist * 1 1 1 $24,959 $26,866 $26,866 Accounts Payable/Clerk H 1 1 1 $19,481 $19,481 $19,481 subtotal salaries: 4 4 4 $117,341 $121,071 $121,071 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include Worker's comp. & Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 1996 1997 1998 $1,124 $1,041 $1,985 $16,308 $16,308 $16,308 $7,530 $8,112 $8,112 $8,598 $393 $9,262 $424 $9,262 $424 $126,332 $130,757 $130,757 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. . iJ l+ltll:l�l1L AVVV...LLl L-�i�llvu.ava -rv�, aaa avau qua.. ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $111,338 $112,835 $114,176 $114,176 Maintenance & Operations $10,778 $11,400 $11,150 $10,050 $122,116 $124,235 $125,326 $124,226 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The City Attorney's office has the following responsibilities: 1) Represent the position of the City before the City Court, the District Court, and other Courts where the City's legal interests are involved; 2) compile contracts, ordinances, resolutions, and other documents necessary for the operation of City government. 3) Give written opinions to the Manager, Mayor and Council on questions pertaining to the duties, rights, liabilities and powers of the City; and 4) such other duties as the City Council prescribe. The office of the City Attorney also advises the various City departments on legal matters pertaining to department policy and operations. This budget reflects a very minor change - there is a small decrease (1.2%) in the operations which is offset by an increase in personal services expenditures. Statistics: Calendar Year 1995 1996 Complaints filed by City Attorney 36 39 Omnibus Hearings (Pre -Trial) 792 875 Jury Trials held 15 25 Bench Trials - parking tickets and cases carried over 374 382 Appeals 15 25 r- 'PROGRAM i1 OF SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 404, ATTORNEY.... FUNCTION 411110 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and Payroll costs $111,338 $112,835 $114,176 $114,176 Total Personal Services $111,338 $112,835 $114,176 $114,176 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $564 $400 $400 $400 312 Postage $372 $500 $500 $500 320 Printing $0 $0 $0 $0 322 Books $8,153 $7,500 $7,500 $6,500 335 Membership & Dues $696 $800 $800 $800 345 Telephone $397 $500 $250 $250 351 Legal Fees $25 $200 $200 $100 373 School & Travel $571 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 Subtotal $10,778 $11,400 $11,150 $10,050 TOTAL $122,116 $124,235 $125,326 $124,226 CITY OF KALISPELL 26 POSITION TITLE City Attorney Secretary * Ass't City Attorney/ Prosecutor Ass't City Attorney/contract subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 ***gam*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.5 1 1 2.5 3 3 Other fund payroll costs include: 1996 1997 1998 Worker's comp. $726 $1,112 $1,205 Health Insurance $12,552 $12,552 $16,050 Retirement $5,658 $8,592 $7,083 011t $0 $436 $529 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 $48,581 $48,826 $48,826 $23,013 $23,013 $23,100 $15,035 $20,000 $33,043 $33,043 $750 $106,629 $104,882 $105,719 $4,927 $8,023 $8,087 $220 $367 $370 $111,776 $113,273 $114,176 •5013 V to• .__...... . FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $81,860 $79,331 $86,452 $86,452 Maintenance & Operations $37,135 $31,750 $38,200 $37,000 Capital Outlay $2,695 $2,778 $0 $0 $121,690 $113,859 $124,652 $123,452 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Our courts have been established as a forum where the parties in a dispute can present their differences and obtain a solution. The system functions under the adversary procedure where each party to the dispute presents his evidence and arguments in the manner most beneficial to his position. It is essential for the proper operation of the system that the trial or hearing be presided over by an impartial judge. The judge must make certain that the proper law is applied and proper rules of evidence and procedure followed. The Court budget reflects an increase of 12.4 %. This increase is due to the increase in personal services for the Judge and other court employees. Other increases are directly due to the changes in organization and responsibility of the court system. ► r � r , i r , Line item detail: Municipal Court 215 Computer Supplies The Court added this line item to cover the cost of printer supplies & $1,200 for Software Upgrades. 351 Legal Fees/Jury Fees The city hired a new full time assistant attorney in December 1997. The Court has been on a brisk trial schedule to clean up the back log of pending trials. The arrival of the full time attorney has decreased the pending jury cases by 50%. The result has been an increase in legal fees. The defense attorneys are testing the city attorney's policy to litigate rather than offer a plea to a lesser offense. The Court requests the legal fees budget be increased to $15,000 and the jury/witness fees be raised to $8,000. r 213 Small Office Equipment $1,200 to purchase Judge's desk that will accommodate a computer station. m �1 z 1 \ 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $81,547 $78,831 $85,952 $85,952 121 Overtime $313 $500 $500 $500 Total Personal Services $81,860 $79,331 $86,452 $86,452 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $907 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 213 Small Office Equip $50 $1,000 $2,200 $1,000 215 Computer Supplies/Maint. $0 $0 $1,450 $1,450 229 Other Supplies $1,095 $600 $600 $600 312 Postage $1,759 $2,200 $2,200 $2,200 320 Printing $2,149 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 335 Membership & Dues $100 $300 $300 $300 345 Telephones $333 $200 $300 $300 351 Legal Fees $21,107 $9,800 $15,000 $15,000 354 Contract Services $570 $3,100 $3,100 $3,100 363 Office Equipment Maint. $0 $550 $550 $550 373 School & Travel $1,192 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 394 Jury & Witness fees $7,873 $9,500 $8,000 $8,000 Total M&O $37,135 $31,750 $38,200 $37,000 Capital Outlay 940 Equipment $2,695 $2,778 $0 $0 TOTAL $118,995 $113,859 $124,652 $123,452 PEI G" "T410 to 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Judge elected* 1 1 $28,563 $27,731 Judge *Muni/Jul-Dec 1 $35,578 $17,789 Judge*Muni/Jan-Jun 1 1 $0 $20,000 Clerk II 1 1 $18,563 $19,795 Clerk of Court 1 $23,901 $23,901 Clerk I 1 1 1 $17,289 $18,521 $17,895 *1/2 Year Adjustments $6,945 subtotal salaries: 3 3 3 $35,852 $72,992 $79,583 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $4,927 $5,584 $6,088 Unemployment tax $220 $255 $279 General Fund total for line item 110 $40,999 $78,831 $85,952 Other fiord payroll costs : 1996 1997 1998 Worker's comp. $604 $774 $844 Health Insurance $15,300 $15,300 $15,300 Retirement $4,409 $4,890 $5,332 Oflt $179 $365 $398 * Court changed mid -year from City Court to Municipal Court. Salaries for Municipal Judge and Clerk of Court reflect actual salaries as of Jan Ist. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1 /2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. * Salary for Municipal Judge next calendar year will be $40,000 beginning 1998. im PROGRAM ) , OF SERVICES 1 1VVV... AJLX 1 T1V...1 va.ia.,av I vi —.— va.v a+v -. .. 1 ACCOUNT Personal Services Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $99,859 $93,695 $94,960 $94,960 $7,824 $8,100 $11,200 $9,675 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $107,683 $101,795 $126,160 $104,635 The responsibility of the Public Works Administration/Engineering Department is to promote, design, construct,, maintain and administer the City's infrastructure. These areas include streets, curb, sidewalks, traffic signals, signing, water distribution, storm water drainage, sanitary sewer collection, wastewater treatment and other public facilities that together constitute the physical plant upon which the Kalispell economy depends. The Public Works budget has a 2.8% increase. This increase is due to personnel services increase and an increase in operations with no expenditures for Capital Improvements. 369 Radio Maintenance - $675 $550 - Purchase and installation of two-way radio in survey van $125 - Maintenance of office radios 373 School & Travel - $1,500 $700 - APWA Conference for two $500 - Continuing education requirements $300 - Auto Cad instructor as needed basis 1,1101011�11 9 'ii 362 Equipment Maintenance - $525 $525 for replacement of handheld radios 373 School & Travel - $1,000 $700 - League of Cities Seminar for two $100 - Continuing education requirements $200 - Auto Cad instructor as needed basis Capital Outlay - i 11b $20,000 for replacement of 1985 GMC pickup for Construction Inspector CITY OF r. 1101ROGRAM OF SERVICES ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $95,005 $91,695 $92,960 $92,960 121 Overtime $4,854 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Total Personal Services $99,859 $93,695 $94,960 $94,960 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $1,635 $1,200 $1,000 $1,000 215 Computer Supplies $520 $700 $300 $300 216 Computer Equipment $1,105 $1,050 $1,000 $1,000 229 Other Supplies $1,543 $1,600 $2,000 $2,000 241 Consumable Tools $162 $500 $1,000 $1,000 312 Postage $523 $600 $600 $600 320 Printing $263 $500 $300 $300 331 Publication $507 $200 $500 $500 335 Membership & Dues $405 $250 $400 $400 345 Telephone $212 $250 $250 $250 362 Equipment Maintenance $0 $150 $675 $150 369 Radio Maint. & Supplies $0 $100 $675 $675 373 School & Travel $949 $1,000 $2,500 $1,500 Subtotal $7,824 $8,100 $11,200 $9,675 Capital Outlay: 944 Vehicles $0 $0 $20,000 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $107,683 $101,795 $126,160 $104,635 TOTAL POSITION TITLE FY95/96 ***FTE*** FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 ***BUDGET*** FY96/97 FY97/98 Director/City Engineer * 0.25 0.25 0.25 $11,142 $11,532 $12,420 Design Tech/Proj Mgr. * 1.00 1.00 1.00 $36,096 $38,589 $38,589 Admin. Coord. * 0.25 0.00 0.00 $6,123 $0 $0 Construction Inspector 1.00 1.00 1.00 $24,565 $25,571 $25,376 Clerk II 0.50 0.50 0.50 $9,060 $9,689 $9,689 Surveyor Aide 1.00 0.00 0.00 $23,254 $0 $0 subtotal salaries 4.00 2.75 2.75 $110,240 $85,381 $86,074 Payroll taxes: Fica/medt $8,433 $6,532 $6,585 Unemployment tax $386 $299 $301 General Fund total for line item 110 $119,059 $92,211 $92,960 Other fund payroll costs: 1996 1997 1998 Workers Compensation $5,920 $4,585 $4,622 Olft $551 $427 S430 Health Insurance $20,697 S14,713 $14,525 Retirement 6.7% S7,386 S5,721 S5,767 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. 1 011 to' •' FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS ... 430264 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 Personal Services $57,853 $60,725 $60,283 Maintenance & Operations $17,214 $31,045 $27,500 Capital Outlay $500 $0 $21,700 $75,567 $91,770 $109,483 MANAGER'S FY97/98 $60,283 $27,500 $3,500 $91,283 This division has the responsibility for determination of sign location, maintenance of signs, striping of crosswalks and streets, maintenance of traffic signals and placement of emergency signage when needed to provide the safe and orderly passage of vehicles and pedestrians in the City of Kalispell. This division is utilized for emergency traffic control and street blockage for parades and other unique events. This budget reflects a 4.4 % decrease in the operation budget but an increase in Capital Outlay brings the overall budget decrease to an effective .5 % decrease. CITY OF KALISPELL 36 241 Consumable Tools - $600 $ 350 - Head for pipe threader $ 250 - Miscellaneous tools needed to perform duties 940 Machinery & Equipment - $3,500 requested $ 3,500 - 2 tube traffic counters @ $1,750 each Lei 012 IN11 of r, 241 Consumable Tools - $800 $600 - Portable Torpedo Heater $200 - Miscellaneous tools needed to perform duties 940 Machinery & Equipment - $18,200 $ 3,200 - Cement mixer $15,000 - Thermoplastic applicator for crosswalks, street painting, handicapped, etc. IMNKIVR-N01" M 111 to RIA 1'By V.111 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS ... 430264 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries $54,732 $57,725 $57,283 $57,283 121 Overtime $3,121 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 Total Personal Services $57,853 $60,725 $60,283 $60,283 Maintenance & Operations: 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $762 $1,000 $500 $500 224 Janitorial Supplies $225 $200 $250 $250 229 Other Supplies $406 $500 $500 $500 241 Consumable Tools $1,134 $3,245 $1,400 $600 242 Street Signs $5,799 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 243 Traffic Signals $976 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 245 Barricade Materials $2,200 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 341 Electricity $1,514 $2,000 $2,100 $2,100 345 Telephone $88 $50 $100 $150 354 Contract Services $230 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $170 $500 $250 $1,000 366 Building Maintenance $473 $500 $300 $300 369 Radio Maintenance $213 $150 $200 $200 373 School & Travel $169 $400 $400 $400 428 Paint Materials $2,855 $4,000 $2,500 $2,500 Subtotal $17,214 $31,045 $27,500 $27,500 Capital Outlay 940 Machinery & Equipment $500 $0 $21,700 $3,500 TOTAL $75,567 $91,770 $109,483 $91,283 CITY OF KALISPELL r ` ZA.1171 ` ZZI 01 r 100105,11i 1i �� iii iim 1811DI, FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS ... 430264 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96197 FY97/98 Traffic Sign Tech 1 1 1 $26,332 $27,353 $27,144 Traffic Sign Tech 1 1 1 $25,084 $26,096 $25,896 subtotal salaries: 2 2 2 $51,416 $53,449 $53,040 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt. Unemployment tax General Fund total for line 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's Comp. Oflt. Health Retirement 1996 1997 1998 $3,637 $2,870 $2,848 $250 $267 $265 $9,708 $9,950 $9,950 $3,445 $3,581 $3,554 $3,933 $180 $55,529 $4,089 $187 $57,725 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. m 1*414W,31101" r ♦ r FUND: GENERAL 1000...DEPARTMENT 410... CENTRAL GARAGE ... 431330 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $87,405 $86,005 $86,660 $86,660 Maintenance & Operations $212,948 $217,450 $198,650 $196,425 Capital Outlay $4,849 $4,800 $14,500 $0 $305,202 $308,255 $299,810 $283,085 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Central Garage is responsible to maintain city vehicles and equipment in the safest, most efficient and dependable condition possible at the lowest cost per mile or hour with the least amount of downtime to each department. An extensive record keeping system of repairs and maintenance is kept and recommendations are provided to insure the city is receiving cost effective use of vehicles and equipment. This budget is decreased by 8.2 % with reductions in operations and capital outlay. An $8,500 reduction in tires, $15,550 decrease in contract services and $4,800 decrease in machinery and equipment make up the decrease. Line Item Detail: CENTRAL GARAGE Consumable Tools - $1,500 $800 - Tap & Die sets, Metric, USS, Standard, Fine - needed to perform repairs $700 - Air chucks, welding rod, etc. Radio Equipment - $525 $525 for replacement of handheld radios UNFUNDED - Machinery & Equipment $14,500 - Drive on hoist m FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 4 10 ... CENTRAL GARAGE ... 431330 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $84,378 $84,005 $84,660 $84,660 121 Overtime $3,027 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Total Personal Services $87,405 $86,005 $86,660 $86,660 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $430 $300 $500 $500 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $673 $800 $500 $300 229 Other Supplies $2,546 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000, 231 Gas and Oil $43,228 $38,500 $40,000 $45,000 232 Motor Vehicle Parts $61,115 $65,000 $65,000 $65,000 233 Tires $23,352 $28,500 $20,000 $20,000 238 Filters $4,282 $4,000 $4,500 $4,500 241 Consumable Tools $4,071 $4,300 $1,500 $1,500 322 Books $292 $300 $500 $500 341 Electricity $2,763 $3,500 $3,650 $3,000 342 Water $392 $700 $700 $400 344 Natural Gas $5,416 $5,000 $5,200 $5,200 345 Telephone $20 $100 $150 $50 354 Contract Services -repairs $53,526 $53,050 $50,000 $45,000 360 Contract Services- Fuel Tanks $7,540 $7,500 $0 $0 362 Equipment Maint $1,108 $1,300 $2,500 $1,000 366 Building Maint $1,957 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 369 Radios $50 $0 $0 $525 373 School & Travel $187 $600 $600 $600 388 Medical Services $0 $0 $350 $350 Subtotal M&O $212,948 $217,450 $198,650 $196,425 Capital Outlay: 940 Machinery & Equipment $4,849 $4,800 $14,500 $0 Subtotal $4,849 $4,800 $14,500 $0 TOTAL $305,202 $308,255 $299,810 $283,085 m r r; FUND: GENERAL 1000...DEPARTMENT 410... CENTRAL GARAGE ... 431330 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Foreman 1 1 1 $25,834 $26,745 $26,541 Mechanic/Service lube 2 2 2 $48,215 $51,038 $50,648 Tool Allowance $1,200 subtotal salaries: 3 3 3 $74,049 $77,783 $78,389 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $5,554 $5,950 $5,997 Unemployment tax $260 $272 $274 General Fund total for line item 110 $79,863 $84,005 $84,660 Other fund payroll costs Workers Compensation Olft Health Insurance Retirement 6.7% 1996 1997 1998 $3,976 $4,177 $4,209 $370 $389 $392 $15,660 $16,050 $15,300 $4,961 $5,211 $5,252 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. N t a I D, VIV FUND: GENERAL 1000... 412, CITY HALL... FUNCTION 411230 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $3,420 $0 $11,848 $11,848 Maintenance & Operations $81,829 $93,879 $79,600 $79,600 TOTAL $85,249 $93,879 $91,448 $91,448 1 • t City Hall budget provides for the building maintenance and janitorial services for the City hall complex. The City contracts for janitorial services at this time. We recommend a change to a maintenance/cleaning person on staff when the present contract expires November 30, 1997. We have numerous maintenance items that are not being done because we have no one available to do these projects. The older part of City Hall has no alarm system for fire protection. We should include a smoke alarm system that is tied into the alarm system from the newer building at a cost of $1,500. The City Hall budget reflects a slight decrease in expenditure of 2.5% This is due to a decrease in the contract services with the switch to a part-time janitor employee. i FUND: GENERAL 1000... 412, CITY HALL... FUNCTION 411230 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries $3,420 $0 $11,848 $11,848 $3,420 $0 $11,848 $11,848 Maintenance & Operations: 213 Small Office Equipment $1,253 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 224 Janitorial Supplies $2,071 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 241 Consumable Tools $98 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 341 Electricity $19,114 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 342 Water $2,200 $2,500 $2,500 $2500 344 Natural Gas $15,757 $15,500 $16,000 $16,000 354 Contract Services $16,709 $22,500 $8,000 $8,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $6,433 $6,343 $6,600 $6,600 366 Building Maintenance $18,194 $21,036 $20,500 $20,500 Total M & O $81,829 $93,879 $79,600 $79,600 TOTAL $81,829 $93,879 $91,448 $91,448 Loll ER I FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 I ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $1,204,624 $1,222,161 $1,284,887 $1,284,887 Maintenance & Operations $98,010 $97,800 $96,400 $96,400 Capital Outlay $28,200 $28,200 $64,000 $61,700 Transfer to 2916 Fund $12,785 $12,785 $10,000 $10,000 Drug Grant City Match $1,343,619 $1,360,946 $1,455,287 $1,452,987 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: To provide police services, while maintaining the peace and good order, in the following * Crime Prevention * Police Activities * Criminal Investigation Services * Traffic Services * General Service Assistance * Youth and Adult Educational Services The department function is a first - line response team, investigative team, and prevention and intervention team for a variety of situations: crimes, accidents, disputes, disasters, fires, and enforcement of Federal, State and Local laws . The department provides educational services to school children, adults, businesses, the community and others on a variety of topics. The department also provides DARE, K-9 education, community services, neighborhood watch and community policing services. In 1996, the department handled a record number 18,616 calls for service. This is a 36% increase since 1994 (13,695). The detective division cleared 201 of 232 felonies (87%). Other statistics reveal the high level of police activity during the past year. 1,835 - Adult Arrests 131 - Warrants 848 - Juvenile Arrests 704 - "On Scene" Accident Investigations 5,539 - Citations 602 - "After the Fact" Accident Investigations Activities in all divisions of the department continue to increase. This budget has been increased by 6.7 %. This is due to a 5.1 % increase in Personal Services as provided by the existing Union Contract and a 218 % increase in Capital Outlay funding. M 110 Salaries -(Increase of $5,300) Fill-in dispatcher. Our dispatchers processed a total of 18,616 calls in 1996. This is 36% increase over the 13,695 calls of 1994. The additional calls also required a corresponding increase in typing and filing duties. During the same time the number of warrants handled by dispatch has doubled. To help put our situation in perspective, Flathead County has 10 dispatchers to handle approximately 15,000 calls compared to our 5 dispatchers that handle 18,000 + calls. Additionally our dispatchers type officer's reports and enter a considerable amount of data into our computer every shift. We are not asking for any additional FTE, but we are requesting an increase in our part time fill- in dispatchers to help our coverage during peak periods. Cost savings would be realized since part time employees need not be provided with health care insurance or sick leave and are paid "straight time" . ITEM 120 - Local Traffic Safety Project Grant - ($9,900) Highway traffic safety grant for extra efforts to facilitate underage DUI, minors in possession and illegal purchase and sale of alcohol. ITEM 121- OVERTIME: It is necessary to increase our overtime budget $5,000. The city court has more than doubled the hours necessary for officers to testify in court. It is requested that the City continue funding participation in the DUI Task Force Program at the same level as last four years. We are proud to note that we have consistently made the largest number of DUI arrests of all participating law enforcement agencies in our area. ITEM 123 - DUI TASK FORCE: This is re -instatement funding from the State routed back to the City via the DUI Task Force. 363 - Office Equipment Maintenance - Increased $3,500 due to transfer from line item 362 plus and increase of $1,500 to cover software and maintenance service from vendor. CAPITAL OUTLAW: 940 MACHINERY c& EQUIPMENT 940 - Recording Equipment - Interview Roo (As mandated by Montana Supreme Court). r CAPITAL OUTLAW, con't: 940 Video Camera Security (City all/Police Department) The ability to monitor by video the front lobby and the rear alley of the police station is essential to maintaining consistent, round-the-clock security. The current system is in excess of ten years old and is antiquated and in need of repair. Replacement of some of the hardware will allow for better picture quality and for better field of view. A number of violent incidents have occurred in the lobby and in the alley adjacent to the police station. Updating video monitoring capabilities will allow for increase officer and citizen safety. 941 POLICE EQUIPMENT -Radar Guns The department needs to continue replacing radar units at a rate of one per year. The units are used on a daily basis which subjects them to considerable wear and tear. The older units need to be constantly sent away for repair, taking them out of service. 944 VEHICLES & RELATED EQUIPMENT: 944 Police Vehicle Radios Several of the present patrol vehicle radios are so old that they are at point of not being cost effective. Due to continuous down time for maintenance our patrol vehicles are off routine patrol creating loss of visibility. We initiated a systematic replacement program and only need 1 radio this year and 1 next year to complete our replacement program. 944 Vehicle Light Ears The department continues upgrading vehicle light bars. The light bars are used many times each day for traffic stops, accident scenes, and responding to emergency situations. It is imperative that they are reliable and is of a superior design so that they lessen the departments liability and increase the officers and public safety. The replacement (1) light bar this year and (1) next year will complete our replacement program. 944 VEHICLES The department has not been able to maintain it's normal replacement schedule for patrol and staff vehicles over the past few years. The department attempts to replace patrol vehicles at a rate of two (2) per year. During the prior two (2) Fys (95-96 and 96-97) we replaced only one patrol vehicle. Currently there are two staff cars that have over 100,000 miles of service and are in excess of fourteen (14) years old. The department is attempting to avoid a large capital outlay for several vehicles in one year, as the Sheriffs Office experienced a few years ago, by maintaining an annual replacement schedule. The current patrol car replacement model has in excess of 96,500 miles and is a 1990 model. 04 ■ 1 i31■ I, ■ In an attempt to maximize vehicle service and to reduce the long-term annual capital outlay per vehicle the department will purchase utility vehicles for patrol. The utility vehicles are built on truck frames and have a greater usable patrol life expectancy than the current police package car frame patrol vehicles. The initial utility vehicle purchased will be four wheel drive to maximize efficiency. Additional replacements will be ordered in the two wheel drive police package format. A second four wheel drive model will be obtained in the third FY (99-2000). The other utility vehicle patrol cars will be two wheel drive versions. Though the utility vehicles initially have a higher cost of about $4,500 (forty-five hundred dollars) in the four wheel drive model over the patrol car package price, their usable life expectancy is two years more than that of the patrol cars currently being utilized. This will result in a net savings of more than $2,000 (two thousand dollars) per vehicle per FY in capital outlay. The average capital outlay is about $8,000 (eight thousand dollars) per car per FY. The average capital outlay for the utility package is expected to be less than $6,000 (six thousand dollars) per car per FY. The department will purchase one four wheel drive utility vehicle and one staff car this FY (97-98). The expense of a staff car is significantly less than that of a marked patrol vehicle. The two wheel drive version of the utility model is less expensive than the four wheel drive model. The second staff car will be replaced in the third FY(99-2000). Following the replacement of the two 1983 model staff cars there will not be a need to replace staff cars on an annual basis for a period of years as the remaining current models have relatively low miles and are in good condition. The department's portable radios are approximately 6 years old. We need to continue replacing these radios at a rate of two per year so that officer safety will not be compromised by unreliable equipment. 1"01atria1301r 99 OfTee Copier Our present copier was purchased in 1993. It presently have over 185,000 copies and is beginning to have maintenance and reliability problems. Our maintenance contract is covering the many ongoing repairs, however they are only available M-F, 8-5 for repairs under the maintenance agreement. MISMITS-111'r-A FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTNIENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $1,121,894 $1,123,881 $1,171,707 $1,171,707 112 Severance -retirement $8,756 $21,000 $21,000 $21,000 120 Hwy Safety Enf. Grant/Overtime $0 $0 $9,900 $9,900 121 Overtime $44,816 $45,000 $50,000 $50,000 122 DUI Overtime $13,833 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 125 DUI Task Force $11,280 $11,280 $11,280 $11,280 124 Special Traffic Enforcement $4,045 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 Total Personal Services , Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 220 Investigative Supplies $6,452 $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 221 Safety Equipment $6,922 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 223 Canine Supplies $1,597 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 227 Ammo & Supplies $3,008 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 228 Patrol Car Supplies $5,056 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 229 Other Supplies $5,996 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 230 D.A.R.E. Supplies $5,037 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 312 Postage $1,042 $1,200 $1,300 $1,300 320 Printing $4,941 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 335 Membership Dues $1,183 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 345 Telephone $3,820 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 354 Shelter/Animal :Vet. Treatment $5,007 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 362 SRT Support/Computer Maint. $5,296 $5,000 $3,000 $3,000 363 Office Equip Maintenance $5,199 $5,000 $8,500 $8,500 369 Radio & CJIN( Dept.Justice) $10,044 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 373 School & Travel $14,336 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 374 LETN Training $4,656 $4,700 $4,700 $4,700 380 Training Supplies $3,648 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 391 Prisoners Medical Treatment $1,142 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 392 Prisoners Room & Board $128 $500 $500 $500 Total Maintenance & Operations 827 *Transfer to Drug Fund $12,785 con't. $12,785 $10,000 $10,000 iMf PROGRAM OF SERVICES EXPENDITURE ®c 0t FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 940 Machinery & Equipment Recording Equipment $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 Video Security City Hall $0 $0 $3,500 $3,500 941 Police Equipment Radar Gun $1,400 $1,400 944 Vehicles Patrol Car (1 '96),(1'97), (2'98) $26,800 $24,000 $45,500 $45,500 Car Radio (1'96) (1'97) (1 '98) $0 $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 1 Vector Lt. Bar $0 $0 $1,600 $1,600 949 Capital Outlay Portable Radios (6 each-'98) $1,400 $1,400 $1,700 $5,400 Office Copier $0 $0 $6,000 $0 Subtotal Capital Outlay TOTAL F 1 9 r o FUND: GENERAL, 1000.... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 *Chief 1 1 1 $50,492 $51,754 $51,754 *Assistant Chief 1 1 1 $45,941 $45,941 $45,941 * Lieutenants 2 2 2 $83,320 $85,402 $85,402 ***Detectives 2 2 2 $72,883 $76,292 $78,863 ***Sergeant II 1 1 1 $39,262 $40,814 $42,423 ***Sergeants 5 5 5 $180,336 $187,113 $195,557 ***Patrolmen 13 13 13 $389,435 $405,488 $422,781 Clerk II 1 1 1 $19,920 $21,152 $21,152 Dispatcher trainer 1 1 1 $21,226 $22,050 $22,041 Dispatchers 4 4 4 $77,910 $81,203 $81,168 Animal control 1 1 1 $25,049 $25,871 $25,863 *Departmental Secretary 1 1 1 $21,195 $21,195 " $21,725 Fill -In Dispatcher $7,000 $7,000 $12,300 Pager Pay -Animal Control $600 $600 $600 Pager Pay -police $0 $7,800 $7,800 **Uniform allowance $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 Dispatch Sunday/Holiday pay $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fica/medt $19,107 $20,706 $21,190 Unemployment compensation $3,493 $3,864 $4,022 Comptime buyout $16,080 $16,080 $16,724 Comptime buyout - AFSCME $0 $0 $10,000 Total 110 line item$1,171,707 Other fund payroll costs Health Insurance PERD 6.7% Police Retirement 14.36% Workman's Comp /oflt 1996 1997 1998 5155,256 5159,610 5163,210 511,597 510,642 513,159 S 118,653 S 131,400 S 132,503 562,209 546,315 553,781 AFSCME Union contract being negotiated. Not funded here. * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Uniform allowances for Chief Clark, Ass't Chief Hossack, & Lieutenants Hahn & Brown are paid in August of each year & rolled into their base pay one month only. *** K.P.A. contract provides for a minimum of 3% or the CPI-U western addition for the month of June. The June numbers won't be available until September. FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 416, FIRE..FUNCTION 420400 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $773,927 $772,906 $816,872 $816,872 Maintenance & Operations $28,337 $29,715 $28,665 $28,665 Capital Outlay $0 $62,397 $165,698 $64,397 $802,264 $865,018 $1,011,235 $909,934 The primary mission of the Kalispell Fire Department is the protection of life and property in the City of Kalispell, and to provide the best possible emergency medical care to the people of the Kalispell area. We strive through fire safety education and fire code enforcement to reduce the number of fires and accidents within our community. We know when ever there is a fire, property is being lost or damaged and there is a potential for injury or even loss of life. Our goal is to educate anyone interested on the dangers of unsafe practices and to be there to help when things go wrong for them. The Fire budget reflects a 5.1 % increase due to a 5.6% increase in personal services costs and a small decrease in M & O costs. Personnel costs are dictated by the union contract. There have been two retirements in the last year that have created position movements within the department. The recommended budget does not include funds for capital equipment replacement of vehicles. Although it is the intent of the City Council to budget for a Fire Truck, in order to balance the budget and have a safe level of cash carryover for operating purposes, we cannot recommend this expenditure. The voters will be requested to approve a 5 mill, 2 year levy for the Fire Truck in the November 1997 election. A3 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: con't. The department answered 190 fire calls in 1996. Five of these were general alarms, with an average of 14 men returning from off -duty. This compares with 236 calls in 1995 and 12 general alarms. Estimated fire loss for 1996 was $221,600 compared to $162,900 for 1995. Another responsibility of the department is to provide quality emergency medical services for the people living and visiting in the Flathead Valley. Providing this service takes up about 70% of our time and also requires many hours of training. All firefighters were recertified in C.P.R. and defibrillation training was conducted. The fire department is very proud to announce that 8 of our firefighters are now paramedics. The paramedic course took about 1 1/2 years to complete, with about 950 hours of training per man devoted to clinical and classroom study. All department members were involved in approximately 3250 man hours of training during 1996. Most fire departments provide emergency medical services within the city or district limits with taxpayer supported equipment and personnel. These personnel respond and stabilize the patient until the arrival of an ambulance that transports and bills the patient. We are able to do this transporting with user fee supported ambulances, thus getting paid for the same response. We also have 4 C.P.R. instructors within the department that are able to keep us certified in C.P.R. as well as instruct members of other departments and the public. In 1996 we made 1884 responses with our ambulances compared with 1873 in 1995. Line item detail: Fire Department 940 Equipment - $2,000 $2,000 Fire communication system for Engine #1. This is a safety item for our personnel and a device to allow them to do their job more efficiently. 942 Fire Truck Replacement - $62,397 $62,397 Fire Truck amount reappropriated from last year (Carryover) UNFUNDED: 942 Fire Truck Replacement - $81,301 $81,301 is the amount needed for both this year and the following year to purchase a new fire truck expected to cost $225,000. 944 Vehicles $20,000 $20,000- requested to replace the Fire Marshal's vehicle which is a 1984 GMC pickup. This vehicle is used for emergency response and the transport of rescue equipment and personnel. Mileage is unknown due to speedometer change. IX-111 a-M 2 m 1 ON f310113 V Ir ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries $726,918 $734,236 $788,372 $788,372 112 Salaries Retirement $37,777 $25,670 $15,500 $15,500 121 Overtime $9,232 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equip 215 Computer Supplies 219 CPR Supplies 221 Safety Equipment 231 Gas & Oil 232 Motor Vehicle Parts 241 Consumable Tools 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Books 331 Publications & Filing Fees 333 Subscript/Fire Codes Update 335 Membership & Dues 345 Telephones 354 Contract Service -Fuel Tank 362 Equipment Maintenance 365 Fire Hazard Control 369 Radio Equip.& Maintenance 373 School & Travel 380 Training Materials 388 Medical Services 399 Laundry Services Subtotal $773,927 $772,906 $816,872 $816,872 $240 $250 $250 $250 $342 $400 $400 $400 $15 $200 $200 $200 $23 $150 $150 $150 $0 $0 $6,000 $4,000 $1,236 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $193 $200 $200 $200 $5,459 $5,500 $0 $2,000 $201 $275 $300 $300 $523 $600 $600 $600 $0 $150 $150 $150 $0 $0 $75 $75 $596 $400 $550 $550 $330 $350 $300 $300 $511 $600 $600 $600 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $3,050 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $600 $500 $700 $700 $2,075 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,605 $2,600 $3,600 $3,600 $1,329 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $5,572 $5,640 $5,640 $5,640 $437 $400 $450 $450 $28,337 $29,715 $28,665 $28,665 m f FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 416, FIRE..FUNCTION 420400 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Fire Chief * 0.5 0.5 0.5 $25,061 $25,687 $25,687 Asst. Fire Chief * 0.5 0.5 0.5 $22,934 $22,971 $22,971 Fire Marshal 1 1 1 $41,442 $43,020 $44,695 Training Officer 1 1 1 $40,323 $41,842 $43,463 Captain 3 3 3 $118,365 $122,979 $127,437 Lieutenants 4 4 4 $145,497 $151,821 $152,475 Firefighters 10 10 10 $302,897 $318,702 $364,155 Temp Rank Adj $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 subtotal salaries: 20 Payroll taxes: Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's Comp. Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 20 20 $697,519 $728,022 $781,883 $3,035 $3,307 $3,753 $2,435 $2,548 $2,737 $702,989 $733,877 $788,372 1996 1997 1998 $28,000 $36,448 $35,419 $3,000 $3,674 $3,909 $95,256 $95,256 $103,250 $113,250 $105,521 $112,238 $241,502 $242,896 $256,815 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Fi FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT... FUNCTION 430240 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $100,855 $117,411 $116,596 $116,596 Maintenance & Operations $201,143 $187,281 $208,700 $133,700 Capital Outlay $2,694 $0 $163,000 $25,000 $304,692 $304,692 $488,296 $275,296 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The function of the street department is to maintain Kalispell platted streets, alleys, and public right-of-way areas. The funds provided to this division are used to finance salaries for personnel engaged in maintenance activities such as surface sealing, patching, crack sealing and utility cut repair. These employees also assist in operational activities such as street sweeping, sanding, flushing, leaf pick-up, snow plowing, snow removal and de-icer application. This budget account is decreased by 9.6%. This is due to a decrease in personnel service, a large decrease in operations due to a $75,000 (46.9%) decrease in the overlay and chipseal program. 229 Other Supplies $3,200 Uniforms $2,000 included in the above 360 Contract Labor/Maintenance - $37,000 $17,000 - Paving at City Shops, City Ordinance requires that all parking lots be paved for dust abatement. $20,000 - Contract laborers for crack sealing, leaf pickup and snow removal 368 Overlay & Chipseal - $85,000 $85,000 - Overlay Project - Estimated cost is $5,000/block 944 Vehicles - $25,000 $25,000 - 3/4 ton 4x4 pickup needed for plowing (to replace 1973 GMC 1/2 ton) l 101 IN 13 Oil 368 Overlay & Chipseal - $75,000 75,000 - Overlay Project - Estimated cost is $5,000/block 940 Machinery & Equipment - $100,000 $100,000 - Grader to replace 1950 Cat grader Machinery & Equipment - $38,000 $38,000 - Snow Blower to attach to a loader for more efficient snow removal 0114,w 31131 1 ` FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT... FUNCTION 430240 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 215 Computer Supplies 221 Safety Equip/Supplies 224 Janitorial Supplies 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 341 Electrical 342 Water 345 Telephones (pagers) 360 Contract Labor/Maint. 366 Building Maintenance 368 Overlays & Chipseal 369 Radio Equipment & Maint. 373 School & Travel Subtotal Capital Outlay: 910 Land acquisition 940 Machinery & Equipment 944 Vehicles Subtotal $94,935 $109,411 $108,596 $5,920 $8,000 $8,000 $100,855 $117,411 $116,596 $1,258 $6,525 $434 $1,500 $303 $400 $1,095 $1,000 $1,496 $1,000 $1,963 $2,200 $392 $500 $167 $50 $9,987 $10,856 $1,500 $1,500 $181,066 $160,000 $1,125 $1,400 $357 $350 $201,143 $187,281 $2,694 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,694 $0 $1,000 $1,500 $400 $3,200 $1,000 $2,250 $600 $50 $37,000 $500 $160,000 $700 $500 $108,596 $8,000 116,596 $1,000 $1,500 $400 $3,200 $1,000 $2,250 $600 $50 $37,000 $500 $85,000 $700 $500 8,700 $133,700 $138,000 $25,000 $163,000 $0 $25,000 $25,000 TOTAL $304,692 $304,692 $488,296 $275,296 12019Z►MDTXMI101a N FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT ... FUNCTION 430240 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Superintendent * 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,267 $9,499 $9,499 Working Foreman 0.5 0.5 0.5 $13,288 $13,740 $13,635 Equip Operators ** 4 3 3 $99,382 $78,161 $77,418 Truck Driver ** 1 0 0 $26,017 $0 $0 subtotal salaries: 5.75 3.75 3.75 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt. Unemployment tax General fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs : 1996 1997 1998 Workers Compensation $10,408 $5,425 $5,400 Olft $750 $505 S503 Health Insurance $28,551 $15,588 S18,563 Retirement 6.7% S7,386 S6,794 $6,737 $147,954 $101,400 $100,552 $11,291 $7,757 $7,692 $518 $355 $352 159,763 $109,512 $108,596 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for.those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Two positions funded out of Special Street Maintenance Funds this year. Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. MYS-Irell 1000.DEP ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $187,110 $189,904 $195,002 $195,002 Maintenance & Operations $42,559 ' $41,487 $59,737 $58,737 Transfer to ISTEA $0 $0 $5,008 $5,008 Capital Outlay $68,463 $68,500 $130,000 $30,000 $298,132 $299,891 $389,747 $288,747 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Kalispell's Parks have developed into sites that people want to frequent. Usage at all our facilities is increasing at a very high rate "due" to higher levels of maintenance, scheduled improvements, and the growing population. This year we have added new Park sites at Green Briar and Central School. The requests for 1997-98 were kept on the relative same level as previous years, although we are experiencing a significant rise in usage. Annual cost per acre of maintenance is still far below the State and regional levels. However, our programs seem to be making headway with substantial improvements to trails. The Park's budget has been reduced by 3.7% with the major reduction coming in the machinery and equipment budget. Capital improvements include only Woodland Park improvements for the lagoon stabilization and replacement of 4 pavilions. Phase III of the Lawrence Park improvements and equipment replacement will need to be delayed. Line Item Detail: 341 - Electricity - increase in utilities to cover security lighting at Woodland Park. 344 - Natural Gas - increase in utilities due to the installation of natural gas to the Ice Rink Warming House. 354 - Contract Services - $3,000 Tennis Maintenance Agreement - $1,000 Depot Park Security Services - $ 600 Montana Conservation Corp - $1,400 354 - Montana Department of Transportation $6,000 Entrance to City. 364 - Landscaping & Trees - $3,500 ( 10 trees). 369 - Radio Maintenance - $1,050 - Radio repair of older radios & replacement. 430 -Wood products $2,350 - Repair of picnic tables and replacement of frames. 937 - Woodland Park Improvements - $30,000 $10,000 - Stabilize lagoon edges, upgrading irrigation. $20,000 - Upgrading Pavilions. Replace four (4) small picnic pavilions along Woodland Park Lagoon. 934 - Lawrence Park ($30,000) - continued improvement to Phase III of the Lawrence Park Master Plan: Playground, Volleyball, Basketball, Interpretive Trail Work. Note: Park's in Lieu Fund 2210 will use $10,938 for improvements. 940 - Capital Equipment ($70,000) - (1) - Vehicle replacement (1984 Ford Courier) for parks crew ($12,000). (2) - Replacement mower 72" cut out front rotary replaces 1984 unit, with optional snow blower attachment ($22,000). (3) - Compact Tractor Backhoe for landscape and irrigation work ($36,000). CITY OF KALISPELL 63 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equipment 224 Janitorial Supplies 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 312 Postage 320 Printing 333 Subscriptions 335 Membership & Dues 337 Advertising 341 Electricity 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephones 354 Contract Services/Tennis/Depotark 354 Contract Services -MDOT 356 Consultants 362 Equipment Maintenance 364 Landscape & Trees 366 Building Maintenance 369 Radio Maintenance Subtotal ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $180,166 $185,904 $189,502 $6,944 $4,000 $5,500 $187,110 $189,904 $195,002 $189,502 $5,500 $195,002 $938 $947 $947 $947 $1,248 $800 $800 $800 $1,188 $1,300 $1,500 $1,500 $7,218 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $972 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $521 $750 $750 $750 $944 $500 $500 $500 $323 $200 $200 $200 $170 $190 $190 $190 $452 $500 $500 $500 $6,167 $3,600 $5,000 $6,000 $2,835 $2,250 $5,000 $4,000 $937 $800 $800 $800 $3,191 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $6,000 $6,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $1,953 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,116 $1,500 $3,500 $3,500 $2,322 $2,500 $3,500 $3,500 $440 $500 $1,050 $1,050 $32,935 $31,337 $46,237 $45,237 9 NO 1 1 fill1 FUND:GENERAL I000.DEPARTMENT 436, PARKS.FUNCTION 460430 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Maintenance & Operations, con't: 373 School & Travel $1,888 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 380 Training Material $140 $150 $150 $150 388 Medical services $0 $0 $500 $500 395 Equipment Rental $712 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 420 Metal Products/Fencing $357 $1,500 $2,500 $2,500 430 Wood Products/Picnic Tables $537 $1,000 $2,350 $2,350 440 Irrigation Supplies $1,952 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 452 Gravel $4,038 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 Total Maintenance & Operations $42,559 $41,487 $59,737 $58,737 826 Transfers to ISTEA $0 $0 $5,008 $5,008 Capital Outlay: 920 Buildings $236 $0 $0 $0 934 Lawrence Park $0 $0 $30,000 $0 937 Projects/Park Improvements $35,705 $34,500 $30,000 $30,000 940 Machinery & Equip $32,522 $34,000 $70,000 $0 Total Capital Outlay $68,463 $68,500 $130,000 $30,000 TOTAL $298,132 $299,891 $389,747 $283,739 POSITION TITLE Director Working Foreman* Maintenance & Repair Clerk II Total FTE Seasonal Labor Total salaries PROGRAM OF SERVICES K-N on ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 1.00 3.00 0.50 5.0 5.0 8.00 8.00 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Workers Compensation/Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 0.75 $20,143 $30,970 $30,970 1.00 $27,395 $28,422 $28,205 3.00 $73,068 $76,610 $74,943 0.75 $9,281 $9,898 $14,847 5.50 $129,887 $145,900 $148,965 9.00 $22,504 $26,500 $26,500 1996 1997 1998 $11,768 $9,954 $6,664 $22,992 $26,750 $29,425 $8,702 $9,775 $9,980 $152,391 $172,400 $175,465 $11,384 $13,189 $13,423 $531 $603 $614 $164,306 $186,192 $189,502 *Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan 1st and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. FROM, 4 0 ' r FUND:GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION...FUNCTION 460431 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $43,665 $41,639 $40,017 $40,017 Maintenance & Operations $19,269 $19,748 $22,689 $22,689 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $62,934 $61,387 $62,706 $62,706 Last year the City Recreation Department sponsored 50 different recreational programs for all ages. More than 13,221 participants registered and participated in 387,309 hours of structured recreation. These programs are a positive and important necessity for our residents of Kalispell. This coming year our department will be making efforts to streamline programs that are very popular with the community. We added new, structured sport activities, such as "Little Dribblers" Basketball, "Pee Wee" Soccer, "Tiny Sports" for children, and sports camps. Program fees cover contracted services other supplies, postage, printing, advertising, and salaries for instructors. The estimated payback ratio for 1997-98 is 100% for operations. A number of programs are offered to the public at no charge, such as Easter Egg Coloring Party, Santa's Calling, Punt, Pass and Kick, and Pick-nic in the Park (sponsored). The area of recreational services emerged in response to definite human needs. The essential principle is enhancement of human life through provision of recreational experiences, with the goal of helping peoplo achieve happiness, an optimistic view of life, and relief from everyday stress. The obligation of the recreational profession is to provide stimulating activities for all phases of interest. We continue to develop programs that the public requests without duplicating or competing with the private or public sector. The budget increase of 2% in this fund is due to an increase in recreational costs. Seniors budget salaries are being reflected in the Seniors budget. 1 1 1 FUND:GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION... FUNCTION 460431 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries and payroll costs $43,622 $40,639 $40,017 $40,017 121 Overtime $43 $1,000 $0 $0 Total Personal Services $43,665 $41,639 $40,017 $40,017 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $217 $250 $250 $250 229 Other Supplies $3,857 $3,470 $4,722 $4,722 241 Consumable Tools $551 $500 $500 $500 312 Postage $758 $800 $1,200 $1200 320 Printing $2,829 $3,000 $1,800 $1,800 333 Subscriptions $95 $100 $100 $100 335 Membership & Dues $85 $100 $100 $100 337 Advertising $1,355 $1,200 $1,367 $1,367 345 Telephones $0 $250 $250 $250 354 Contract Services $9,257 $9,678 $12,000 $12,000 373 School & Travel $265 $400 $400 $400 Subtotal M & O $19,269 $19,748 $22,689 $22,689 TOTAL $62,934 $61,387 $62,706 $62,706 r :• , r , , r FUND:GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION... FUNCTION 460431 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Director 0.50 0.25 0.25 $20,143 $10,323 $10,323 Recreation Coordinator 1.00 1.00 1.00 $17,763 $18,646 $18,646 Clerk II 0.50 0.50 0.25 $9,281 $9,897 $4,949 TOTAL FTE 2 1.75 1.50 Recr Coord/Seasonal Rec Instructors - Seasonal Minimum Wage Increase Number Seasonal Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. & Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 0.00 0.25 0.25 0.00 6.00 4.00 0.00 6.25 4.25 1996 1997 1998 $4,836 $4,836 $2,091 S10,440 S10,440 $8,025 $3,261 S2,587 $2,275 $5,120 $6,486 $0 $0 $1,921 $3,135 $1,000 $0 $52,307 $48,273 $37,053 $4,001 $3,728 $2,835 $181 $168 $130 56,489 $52,169 $40,017 The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan 1st and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. m F-FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436..SENIORS .... FUNCTION 460442 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY96/97 Personal Services $9,135 Maintenance & Operations $0 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY96/97 $13,526 $0 $9,135 $13,526 STAFF'S MANAGER'S Request 97/98 FY97/98 $17,434 $17,434 $8,205 $8,205 $25,639 $25,6 Senior Recreation is a new program started two years ago, that expanded by demand. These programs will include guided nature hikes, trail riding, backpacking, bird watching, tours, cross country skiing, and sleigh rides; volleyball, whitewater rafting, snowshoeing, mountain biking, and dancing. This past year Senior programs provided 10,346 hours of recreation for over 1,140 participants, while retaining 110% of operational costs. We have made the Senior function a separate budget this year. In prior years it was part of the Outdoor and part of the Recreation budgets. We have redesignated costs to reflect the actual operation. FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436..SENIORS.... FUNCTION 460442 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $9,135 $13,526 $16,934 $16,934 121 Overtime $0 $0 $500 $500 Total Personal Services $9,135 $13,526 $17,434 $17,434 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $0 $0 $50 $50 229 Other Supplies $0 $0 $507 $507 312 Postage $0 $0 $350 $350 320 Printing $0 $0 $800 $800 345 Telephones $0 $0 $100 $100 354 Contract Services $0 $0 $6,198 $6,198 373 School & Travel $0 $0 $200 $200 Total Maintenance & Operations $0 $0 $8,205 $8,205 TOTAL $9,135 $13,526 $25,639 $25,639 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436..SENIORS .... FUNCTION 460442 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Outdoor Rec. Coord.-permanent 0 0 0.5 $0 $0 $9,323 Total FTE 0.5 Recreation Aid - Seasonal 0 0 1 $0 $0 $6,357 subtotal salaries: $0 $0 $15,680 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. & Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 1996 1997 1998 $0 $0 8842 $0 S0 $2,675 $0 50 S625 $0 $0 $1,200 $0 $0 $55 $0 $0 $16,934 Outdoor Recreation position is proposed as a full-time permanent position. This position will be funded 1/2 }. Outdoor Rec. and 1/2 in the Seniors program. FUND: GENERAL 1000..PARKS DEPT.. 436, FUNCTION 460447 TENNIS/SKATING ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $2,952 $540 $676 $676 Maintenance & Operations $5,829 $5,460 $7,835 $7,835 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,781 $6,000 $8,511 $8,511 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The tennis program focuses on all abilities and ages for beginners and competitive levels. With development of the new tennis complex at our Community College we have an increase in participants and requests. This year, we added a new Spring lesson program and leagues for all ages and abilities. At the end of the season we added a mixed doubles tennis tournament. Last year 147 players participated generating 1,896 recreation hours. Revenue returned a 100% payback for program operations. Ice skating lessons is for all ages and abilities. It is difficult weather permitting and ice conditions, but the program is still successful and requested. Last year, we had 51 participants with 102 recreation hours. Revenue paid instructor fees and costs. This budget reflects an increase of 4.2% due to increased operations for anticipated growth. FUND: GENERAL 1000..PARKS DEPT.. 436, FUNCTION 460447 TENNIS/SKATING ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $2,952 $540 $676 $676 121 Overtime $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Personal Services $2,952 $540 $676 $676 Maintenance & Operations: 229 Other Supplies $961 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 320 Printing $0 $150 $150 $150 337 Advertising $349 $200 $200 $200 354 Contracted Services $4,519 $4,110 $6,485 $6,485 Subtotal $5,829 $5,460 $7,835 $7,835 Capital Outlay: Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 TOTAL $8,781 $6,000 $8,511 $8,511 F KALISPELL 7 m PROGRAM OF SERVICES SUMMARYEXPENDITURE FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436, OUTDOOR... FUNCTION 460448 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $28,212 $24,232 $28,840 $28,840 Maintenance & Operations $11,332 $11,750 $14,246 $14,246 $39,544 $35,982 $43,086 $43,086 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Outdoor programs include guided nature hikes, rafting, sailing, canoeing, aquatic studies, ecology, orienteering, horse trail riding, backpacking, mountain biking, cross country skiing, and rock climbing. All outdoor recreational programs are supervised with a ratio of ten (10) students to one (1) counselor. This past year Outdoor Recreational Programs provided 26,675 hours of structured recreation for 785 participants. Historically these programs have a 100% payback for operational costs. This is anticipated to continue for the 1997-98 fiscal year. This budget has increased 19.7% with increases in all areas of the program. FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436, OUTDOOR... FUNCTION 460448 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 337 Advertising 354 Contracted Services Subtotal $27,129 $1,083 $24,232 $0 $27,940 $900 $27,940 $900 $28,212 $24,232 $28,840 $28,840 $2,015 $1,980 $2,395 $2,395 $0 $0 $240 $240 $226 $325 $510 $510 $224 $125 $485 $485 $8,867 $9,320 $10,616 $10,616 $11,332 $11,750 $14,246 $14,246 TOTAL $39,544 $35,982 $43,086 $43,086 CITY OF KALISPELL 77 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436, OUTDOOR...FUNCTION 460448 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Outdoor Rec. Coord.-permanent 0 0 0.5 $0 $0 $9,323 Total FTE: 0.5 Outdoor Rec. Coord. -seasonal 1 1 0 Counselors** seasonal 7 7 7 Recreation Aid* seasonal 0 1 1 Recreation Instructors -seasonal 0 4 2 Number of Seasonals 8 13 10 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: 1996 1997 1998 Worker's comp. & Oflt $1,744 $2,088 $1,979 Health insurance $0 SO $2,300 Retirement $0 $0 $1,733 **Counselors - seasonals Rate Hours Total (1) Head. Counselor $6.00 225 $1,350 (1) Head. Counselor $6.00 360 $2,160 (1) Head. Counselor S6.50 360 $2,160 (4) Rec. Counselor $5.00 1440 $7,200 (1) Rec. Aid $6.50 429 $2,789 * (1) Rec.Instructor $6.50 36 $540 * (1) Rec.Instructor $12.00 14 $168 $6,286 $6,486 $14,300 $14,255 $13,050 $2,485 $2,400 $2,789 $2,028 $708 $23,071 $25,169 $25,870 $1,816 $1,925 $1,979 $81 $88 $91 $24,968 $27,183 $27,940 Outdoor Rec. Coordinator proposed to become a permanent position, funded with the Seniors program. FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPARTMENT 436, BASKETBALL ... 460449 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97198 Personal Services $1,310 $1,640 $2,246 $2,246 Maintenance & Operations $6,847 $9,860 $7,783 $7,783 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,157 $11,500 $10,029 $10,029 4 VA 1910 1 M The league plays on Wednesday and Sunday nights at the local school gyms, with a scorekeeper and two officials provided for each game. The gym monitors average 9 hours a week monitoring the gym, lining up officials, scorekeepers, etc.... The 5 on 5 Gary Robinson League has an A, B, and C Division, with the A being the most competitive. In 1998 we anticipate 13 teams on the 5 on 5 league. On the 4 on 4 league, which is a noncompetitive format, we anticipate 12 teams. This next year we plan to start an "Over 40, 4 on 4 League". The revenue generated this past season for Basketball was a 100% payback in operations, while providing nearly 5,000 hours of recreational play for 275 participants. This budget decreases 12.8% with a $2,077 decrease experienced in operation costs. a PROGRAM OF SERVICES EXPENDITUR,E SUMMARY FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPARTMENT 437, POOL... FUNCTION 460445 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY/9798 Personal Services $64,067 $67,059 $74,322 $74,322 Maintenance & Operations $24,858 $20,288 $28,688 $29,750 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $8,500 $0 $88,925 $87,347 $111,510 $104,072 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The pool played host to over 36,276 participants in open swim and lessons in 1996, accounting for over 72,676 hours of recreation. The very young to seniors enjoyed the aquatic experiences of Bruckhauser Pool. The fees collected reflect an 87% payback ratio. This year's budget request reflects a considerable cost in major repairs and needed replacement of the pools's thermal blankets (7 years old). Operations see a slight rise in utility and service costs. Personal services reflect an increase. The increase is due to raises for entire staff (last one in 1994) and the federally mandated raise in minimum wages. The pool budget has a 19 % increase. In addition to the personal services increases, natural gas usage and cost increases are projected due to the weather and actual usage experienced last year - 46.6%. Equipment and building maintenance are also increased. Line item detail: 121 - Overtime ($1,000) - Fiscal Year 1996 reflects an over run of $916 overtime at the pool, utilized sparingly, but needed to comply with peak times. 334 - Natural Gas ($10,500) - Fiscal year 1996 - Due to the rather cool Summer and slight increase in natural gas prices. 360 - Repairs - $4,000 $1,100 repair lifeguard platforms & skimmers $ 500 paint wading pool $1,545 main pool pump $ 855 pool vacuum repairs 362 - Equipment maintenance - $2,100 $ 650 to replace ph sensors in mechanical system $1,450 general repairs 366 - Building maintenance - $1,100 replace shower and faucet parts, replace wall hydrants and paint for retaining wall. 373 -School &'Travel ($500 increase) - Our pool manager has not attended a National School. With the future needs for revamping of the mechanical system, a National School is a must. 940-Capital Repairs ($8,500) - New pool blankets are needed. We utilized the existing blankets three (3) years past their replacement period. 9 83 r 1121 to II ■ , r 11 i FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPARTMENT 437, POOL... FUNCTION 460445 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY/9798 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $63,006 $67,059 $73,322 $73,322 121 Overtime $1,061 $0 $1,000 $1,000 Total Personal Services $64,067 $67,059 $74,322 $74,322 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $130 $150 $150 $150 221 Safety Equip. & Supplies $101 $100 $100 $100 222 Laboratory Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 224 Janitorial Supplies $655 $650 $650 $650 226 Chlorine & Chemicals $3,262 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 229 Other Supplies $2,250 $1,650 $2,000 $2,000 241 Consumable Tools $422 $250 $250 $250 242 Street Signs $0 $50 $50 $50 320 Printing $250 $250 $250 $250 337 Advertising $596 $838 $838 $900 341 Electricity $1,935 $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 344 Natural Gas $12,047 $8,350 $10,500 $11,500 345 Telephones $200 $250 $250 $250 360 Pool Repairs $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $1,620 $1,500 $2,300 $2,300 366 Building Maintenance $1,390 $500 $1,100 $1,100 373 School & Travel $0 $250 $750 $750 380 Training Materials $0 $100 $100 $100 Subtotal $24,858 $20,288 $28,688 $29,750 Capital Outlay 940 Pool Blankets $8,500 $0 TOTAL $88,925 $87,347 $111,510 $104,072 I FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPARTMENT 437, POOL —FUNCTION 460445 1 POSITION TITLE ALL SEASONAL: Manager * Shift Manager Desk Personnel Guards * Instructors Maintenance subtotal salaries: ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 1 1 1 $7,569 $7,569 $8,874 3 3 3 $4,147 $4,147 $4,524 5 5 5 $6,961 $6,961 $7,366 15 15 15 $20,700 $19,700 $20,685 15 15 15 $21,735 $21,235 $22,242 1 1 1 $994 $2,480 $4,200 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. & Oflt Health Insurance Retirement $4, 751 $4, 750 $5,194 $217 $217 $238 $67,074 $67,059 $73,322 1996 1997 1998 s 1,117 s 1,404 $1,271 s0 s0 s0 s0 s0 $0 **Guards and Instructors are same people at different rates. i I a 'IT -fill :7O 1 2170 AIRPORT , ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH CARRY OVER $10,069 $3,375 $3,375 $6,961 Annual User Fee $500 $500 $645 $620 Monthly Commercial $2,200 $2,400 $1,350 $2,400 Tie down fees $771 $770 $15 $500 Hangar Leases /ground leases $1,073 $1,070 $1,411 $1,011 Fuel Tax $3,765 $3,763 $3,997 $4,000 Aeronautics Grant $2,837 $0 Lease credits ($319) ($319) ($299) $0 Total Available $18,059 $11,559 $13,331 $15,492 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Airport operations $14,684 $11,559 $6,370 $12,550 Cash Carry over $3,375 $0 $6,961 $2,942 This budget reflects an increase of 8.9% in operations. This budget appropriates the amount of funds available for budget authority. ■ FUND: AIRPORT 2170... DEPT.000, FUNCTION 430310 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $0 $0 $7,960 $0 Maintenance & Operations $6,370 $11,559 $8,550 $12,550 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $6,370 $11,559 $16,510 $12,550 At this time the City Council is exploring alternatives to facilitate the airport maintenance through an Airport Advisory Board. The present direction for airport management and operations will be status quo with anticipation that an independent airport authority will be established in the future. At the time the Airport Authority takes over the operation of the Airport, the remaining balance will be transferred to the authority. t Fiscal Year 1997-98 staff requested a part-time airport manager stating that the Airport fees would be responsible for initial airport operations. New fees would need to be generated to finance the hiring of a part-time manager. Due to the Master Plan Requirement by the FAA, the unknown result of the study, and a 12 - 18 month time frame to complete, a manager is not recommended for funding during this fiscal year. 1 13 By F,111 FUND: AIRPORT 2170... DEPT.000, FUNCTION 430310 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries 153 Health Insurance (1/2) 155 Retirement Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 312 Postage 341 Electricity 360 Repair & Maintenance Serv. 354 Contract Services 362 Equipment Maintenance 367 Maintenance by Street Dept. 370 Maintenance by Parks Dept. 510 Property Insurance 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Data Processing $0 $0 $7,960 $0 $0 $0 $2,610 $0 $0 $0 $469 $0 $0 $0 $7,960 $0 $34 $75 $75 $75 $90 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $100 $100 $100 $515 $600 $650 $650 $0 $1,100 $1,100 $1,100 $1,530 $4,014 $0 $4,000 $571 $1,000 $500 $500 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $630 $750 $1,000 $1,000 $3,000 $2,920 $3,000 $3,000 $0 $0 $511 $511 $0 $0 $614 $614 $6,370 $11,559 $8,550 $12,550 TOTALS $6,370 $11,559 $16,510 $12,550 t Downtown District BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: Unrestricted $1,501,803 $1,517,037 $2,371,220 Real Estate Tax $1,694,567 $1,725,014 $1,748,905 Protests & accruals -due fin Co. $157,686 $157,686 $0 Personal Property Tax $118,000 $113,646 $118,000 Penalty and Interest $10,000 $7,043 $6,000 State Personal Property Reimb. $135,732 $135,732 $135,732 Second Ave W Loan/Housing loans $6,425 $6,367 $6,357 Investment Earnings $75,000 $105,045 $100,000 Special Projects -loan proceeds * $6,559,221 $0 $5,318,283 Sale of Property $1,602,000 $0 $631,000 Total Available $11,860,434 $3,767,570 $10,435,497 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION -USES OF FUNDS TIF Programs $3,008,713 $1,042,616 $3,188,986 Downtown Projects $8,500,000 $353,734 $6,996,511 Interest Expense -Construction Loans $351,721 $0 $250,000 Total expenditures for budget $11,860,434 $1,396,350 $10,435,497 Cash Carry over * loan proceeds or future cash flows depending upon the timing. M. _4 11110 1 I FUND: TAX INCREMENT ........ 2180 1 IEW4161i121" Classification: Improvements to Building Administration Redevelopment Projects Rehabilitation loans Relocation Debt Service Property Mgmt. Costs Public Works Projects Parks Department Projects subtotal Interest Expense- Loans Downtown Projects Grand Total ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $1,036 $32,000 $390,000 $390,000 $194,064 $196,314 $203,586 $203,586 $411,178 $2,018,454 $1,370,000 $1,358,000 $22,815 $150,000 $132,000 $144,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 $258,345 $258,345 $259,700 $259,700 $785 $800 $1,000 $1,000 $144,311 $340,000 $670,000 $670,000 $12,114 $12,800 $151,300 $12,700 $1,044,648 $3,008,713 $3,327,586 $3,188,986 $351,721 $250,000 $250,000 $353,734 $8,500,000 $6,996,511 $6,996,511 . 112L3$2 $11,860,434 110,574,097 11Q.435AU This budget will continue to implement the projects and activities that have been planned for several years through the Kalispell Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. The close out of this budget is imminent with many of the items being projects that will develop into FY 99-2000 and possibly beyond. The eligible projects within this budget will be completed after final review and recommendation of the Kalispell Development Corporation, City Manager and City Staff to the City Council. The City Council will make the final authorization to proceed on all of the projects within this fund. Cash currently on hand, real estate tax income, personal property taxes, land sales, and potential borrowing from future tax revenue are all sources of revenue from this fund. Since this fund deals with projects, a detailed summary follows: Improvements to Buildings/City: 354 City Hall Space Needs Analysis is proposed. This would enable a professional analysis of current and future space needs of the entire City Hall, Public Works, Police, Fire, Court, and Development offices. This would lead to plans and improvements that would enhance operations in terms of efficiency and effectiveness for all of these departments. More importantly, this analysis would assure one -stop service for our citizens when dealing with the City, would enable us to increase paper flow efficiency, increase supervisory effectiveness, and may consolidate operational expenses of all departments that could reduce costs. $17,000 354 Central School - Interim Maintenance to perform minor roof repair, downspout repair, snow removal, and maintain adequate security. $3,000 354 Hockaday - Repair of roof and damaged ceiling tiles from leaks caused by the winter's heavy snow load. $5,000 396 Surveys & Studies/Parking is budgeted to allow the City to determine how it can resolve or in some way contribute to the solution to providing adequate public parking for City Hall, the Library, School District #5, Central School, and Linderman School. Collectively, all of these tax-exempt agencies and building occupants contribute significantly to the parking problem or shortage/demand. Tax increment can be used to help develop alternatives to at least deal with this part of the demand. Although there appears to be interest among downtown property owners to create a Parking Special Improvement District, it is suggested that an amount be budgeted to prepare preliminary schematic drawings and cost estimates for a parking structure or alternative. The information will be essential to aid the Parking Commission, the City Council, and potential SID participants in their evaluation of funding alternatives and solutions to provide adequate, convenient public parking in the CBD. $15,000 920 Design Fees -New City Hall also include design fees for developing construction documents to implement proposed changes in operations and building design. $250,000 922 City Hall Improvements to repaint, remodel or redesign City Hall as per the Space Needs Analysis. This may include conversion of the old motorcycle garage into a full size vehicle space for security of equipment and evidence. $100,000 Total - Improvements to Buildings $390,000 Administration: 353 Auditing - It is anticipated an audit of the Tax Increment Fund may be necessary to satisfy any interim borrowing requirements by financial institutions. $2,500 354 Contract Services - GIS Consultant. Public Works is developing GIS to create an integrated data system that will benefit all departments. Much of the information will be utilized to perform analysis to implement the goals and projects of the Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. This amount represents PECD's contribution to assist Public Works implement the system: $10,000 354 Contract Services/Flathead Regional Development Office O). This udget is to fund half of the City's contribution to FRDO which provides direct and indirect planning services benefiting the City's redevelopment efforts. $38,000 356 Legal Counsel Fee - The proposed expansion of the Kalispell Center Mall will require review and amendment to the Secondary Loan Agreement between the City and the mall owners. It is anticipated that specialized financial and legal analysis will be needed to protect the City's financial position in the expansion project. The fees accrued are anticipated to be: $20,000 522 Administrative Transfer - The amount budgeted represents general administrative costs as determined by a formula developed by the finance department. The purpose of the administrative transfer is to recognize expenses related to general support of the tax increment budget provided by the other City Departments. $133,086 To - Administration $203,58 RedevelopmentProjects: 354 Urban Design Contract - This budget is to allow for the PECDD to engage professional(s) to aid in the preparation of specific project designs and cost estimates as required by the City Council to aid in establishing concepts, schematics, and accurate cost estimates for public/private redevelopment projects. The information will be incorporated into the amended Downtown Urban Renewal Plan. Services may include graphic design, technical writing, cost estimating, legal review, demographic and fiscal analysis, and coordinating all activities related to a complete rewrite of the document which will guide the project into the next century.$30,000 i 354 Historic Preservation represents an amount to allow the City to participate with community groups and governmental agencies to promote and enhance cultural resources, develop printed material, conduct community outreach programs, and publish promotional material. Funding will help provide match to install the bases for the outdoor sculAWO 396 Studies/Surveys represents an amount to allow the City to engage professionals to conduct surveys and analysis related to project implementation. This may include real estate market/demand surveys and analysis, site planning, real estate appraisals, Phase I or II environmental audits and other work necessary to accommodate and/or facilitate site/building redevelopment projects. $15,000 840 Redevelopment Project/Unallocated - The amount budgeted anticipates the need for a funding set -aside to enable the City to respond to unforeseen public/private partnership requests to consider and fund projects which will compliment specific goals of the Urban Renewal Plan. Currently, there are many commercial properties located within the tax increment district that are in a state of "transition" where significant value may be added through redevelopment only if the City can provide tax increment incentives to make the project feasible. The City has multiple checks and balances already in place, plus ways of measuring returns on tax increment dollars invested to assure the budgeted amount will provide dividends in the form of enhanced tax revenue returns to the City, thus the taxpayer. The unallocated funds will allow the City the necessary flexibility to respond when needed. If the available funds do not stimulate worthwhile projects, the budgeted amount will not be spent. $ 988,000 910 Land Assemblage Highway 93 & Idaho - Even though the MT Department of Transportation has delayed this project until 2001. The amount budgeted will allow the City to expedite purchase of the right-of-way necessary to facilitate the new intersection. The MT Department of Transportation must eventually purchase the right-of-way required to improve the intersection. It may be necessary to acquire more real estate than actually required for traffic improvements, allowing a rare opportunity to add landscaping or other amenities to the intersection and to encourage the expansion and/or redevelopment and enhancement of remaining private property located adjacent to the intersection. This is a carry-over budget item from last year. $200,000 935 1st St. East to Woodland Park Connection -The first phase of the project completed in FY97 included new sidewalks, handicap accessible ramps at the comers, new street lights, new sod in the boulevards and installation of conduit for the antique lights. This second phase will complete the project with the installation of 4 antique lights. $20,000 935 Conrad Connection-3rd Street East - This budget item will continue the goal's of Which Way Kalispell in connecting the central business district with the parks and cultural resources in the community. Improvements to the sidewalks and handicap accessibility will provide access from the Conrad Mansion to the Hockaday Center for the Arts and the 2nd Ave. East improvements. $100,000 Total Redevelopment Projects: $193009000 Rehabilitation: 714 Commercial Rehabilitation Loan Program. In its 17th year of existence, this program is one of the most visible and successful private investment leverage programs the City has funded. Many downtown properties are changing ownership in a very active real estate market. New owners and tenants are willing to substantially remodel and renovate properties enhancing values, improving occupancies and rents. For every dollar of tax increment funds used to write down the interest rate to 3 %, the private sector has invested ten dollars of their equity into the project. Currently, seven Kalispell banks participate in the program by providing the capital, loan security, and debt service administration. $ 127,000 734 Friendship House - Grant for improvements to the roof. $ 12,000 732 Commercial Rehabilitation Design Grant provides a small grant of $500 to encourage property owners to use professional architectural services to develop schematics for quality storefront renovations. The grants are contingent upon the applicant pursuing the Commercial Doan Program to assure the proposed work is completed. $5,000 Total Commercial a bilitatio LOCATION COST: 354 Elimination of Blight $150,000 Total Relocation Costs UMAO 610 Principal $165,000 620 Interest Expense on bonds $93,950 630 Fiscal Agent Fees $750 Total Debt Service/Bonds $' QQ C Site (FVCC) Property Management Cost $ Public Works Projects: This budget will allow the Public Works Department to do the following projects: 943 Traffic Signals - lst Ave. E. & Center St, 1st Ave.E & 3rd St.E $220,000 943 Center St. & 5th Ave. W. Traffic Signal - Phase I: (carryover) $70,000 354 Center St. & 3rd Ave. W. Pedestrian Crosswalk - Phase II. $70,000 950 9th St..W. Storm Drain Project: $90,000 354 Sidewalk Replacement: ($75,000 carryover) $100,000 950 Overlay and/or chip seal public streets: $120,000 Total Public Works: $ 670,000 Parks Department: This budget provides funding the following parks projects located within the Tax Increment District 364 Replace Tree Grates for Downtown Streets. The existing grates are too small for the base of the trees. Periodic replacement is warranted as the base of the tree grows to maturity. $3,500 364 Replacement Trees for damaged and dying trees-15 trees at $200 each. Estimated Cost: $3,000 364 Landscaping: Flowers and shrubs for Depot Park and City Hall. Sod replacement for Depot Park. Estimated Cost: $3,750 364 Replacement •r of Downtown Wooden Benchesr- plastic coatedmetal. Estimated •r .If Downtown Projects: 928 Market Place III. City participation to acquire and demolish the existing buildings would facilitate the redevelopment of the site for a new retail building of approximately 25,000 square feet. $275,000 936 Central School - The Northwest Montana Historical Society and the City have entered into a lease agreement option to renovate the building for use as a museum. The City has pledged it's support of $2.5 million for the physical improvements to the historic structure. Major work includes structural stability, life -safety code improvements, handicap accessibility, seismic stability and adaptation for museum use. The Historical Society has committed to raising $250,000 for a two year operational budget. The architectural firm has been hired to develop construction documents for bidding the project in the fall of 1997. $2,495,511 932 Downtown Parking - City participation in providing additional off-street parking will be necessary to encourage the highest and best use with density on the KDC site and re- use of Central School by acquiring land and/or construction of a parking structure on nearby sites $800,000 933 Kalispell Center Mall Expansion. City participation in the expansion would require the acquisition and clearance of property adjacent to the mall. Additional land is needed to provide the necessary parking for the proposed expansion. $1,600,000 938 KDC Site/Assemblage and Undergrounding Utilities To maximize the square footage of the development, additional land will be required along with undergrounding the utilities in 1st Alley East. Pacific Power has given a wild guess of $80,000 to $100,00 per block to underground power, and would require the undergrounding to begin on East Center Street and tie back in at 3rd Street East. It may be feasible to just underground the power, cable and telephone, but other issues to be considered are the sanitary sewer, storm drainage and concrete replacement. The complexity of the project requires a preliminary engineering study to determine condition and needs of other utilities. $1,676,000 938 Affordable Mousing City participation in providing additional housing opportunities. $150,000 SUBTOTAL BUDGET $39188998f I mc ACCOUNT 411240 Improvements to ldgs: 354 City Hall - space needs study 354 Central School - interim maint. 354 Hockaday -roof improvements 396 Surveys & Studies/parking 920 Design fee -new City Hall 922 City Hall Improvements Total 470130 Administration: 353 Auditing 354 GIS system consultant 354 Contract Services/FERDO 356 Consultants- Bond Counsel 522 Administrative Transfer Total 47023o Redevelopment Projects: 354 Urban Design contract 354 Historic preservation projects 396 Studies/Surveys 840 Redevelopment Projects 910 Land Assemb. 93 & Idaho 935 1st East project to Woodland Ave 935 Ave of Arts/Conrad Connection 950 Central School Plaza/street Total 470240 Rehabilitation: 714 Commercial Loans (carryover) 734 Friendship House 732 Comm. Design Grant Total ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 $215 $17,000 $821 $15,000 $1,036 $32,000 $1,945 $3,500 $36,734 $25,571 $129,814 $38,000 $25,000 $129,814 $196,314 STAFFS Request 97/98 $17,000 $3,000 $5,000 $15,000 $250,000 $100,000 •i 11/ $2,500 $10,000 $38,000 $20,000 $133,086 $203,586 MANAGER'S FY97/98 $17,000 $3,000 $5,000 $15,000 $250,000 $100,000 $2,500 $10,000 $38,000 $20,000 $133,086 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,475 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $7,213 $1,425,000 $1,000,000 $988,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $60,520 $60,520 $20,000 $20,000 $159,247 $105,276 $100,000 $100,000 $180,723 $182,658 $411,178 $2,018,454 $1,370,000 $1,358,000 $22,315 $150,000 $127,000 $127,000 $0 $12,000 $500 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $22,815 $150,00 $132,050 $1445OW rY F KALISPELL 97 FUND: TAX INCREMENT ........ 2180 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Relocation; 470270 354 Elimination of Blight $0 $150,000 $150,000 Total $0 $0 $150,000 $150,000 49070o Debt Urban Renewal Bonds: 610 Principal $150,000 $150,000 $165,000 $165,000 620 Interest $107,595 $107,595 $93,950 $93,950 630 Fiscal Agent Fees $750 $750 $750 $750 Total Debt Service $258,345 $258,345 $259,700 $259,700 400 510110 Special Assessments $785 $800 $1,000 $1,000 547.548.549 Total Assessments $785 $800 $1,000 $1,000 410430100 Public Works Projects: 943 Traffic Signals 943 Traffic Signal (carryover) 354 Pedestrian cross walk- Center St. 410 430246 Storm Sewer: 950 Construction-9th st W. 950 Catch basins -carryover 354 1st Ave E. wheelchair ramps 410 430234 Sidewalk Construction 354 Contract (carryover $75,000) 421 430240 Street Department: 950 St Overlays & chip seal Total Public Works 436 460430 Parks Department: 364 Landscaping & Trees 364 City Hall Landscaping 364 Park Improvements -benches 364 City Hall renovate Total Parks Subtotal Budget $0 $100,000 $52,000 $220,000 $70,000 $70,000 $220,000 $70,000 $70,000 $90,000 $2,901 $28,000 $106 $75,000 $100,000 $100,000 $85,000 $85,000 $120,000 $120,000 144,311 $340,000 $670,000 $670,000 $6,364 $8,000 $6,500 $6,500 $1,250 $3,750 $3,750 $2,000 $4,800 $2,450 $2,450 $2,500 $138,600 $0 $12,114 $12,800 $151,300 $12,700 OF KALISPELL 98 PROGRAM OF SERVICES ACCOUNT 470235 Downtown Projects: 928 Market Place Project III 936 Central School 932 Downtown Parking 933 Kalispell Center Mall 938 KDC Site 470250 354 Affordable Housing 620 Interest Expense/project loans Grand Total budget t"y ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $5,581 $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 $4,489 $2,500,000 $2,495,511 $2,495,511 $0 $800,000 $800,000 $800,000 $17,664 $2,625,000 $1,600,000 $1,600,000 $326,000 $2,000,000 $1,676,000 $1,676,000 $0 $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 $353,734 $8,500,000 $6,996,511 $6,996,511 $0 $351,721 $250,000 $250,000 $1,398,32 $11,860,434 $10,57,097 $10,35,97 Sale of Land Haven Field Daley Field Loan Due to other funds FAA Grant Mt. Aeronautics Grant Purchase contract ,, TAX INCRENMNT AIRPORT Di REVENUE PROJECTION BUDGET ACTUAL MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 $2,011,061 $0 $37,000 $699,729 $1,360,000 $32,978 $530,000 $268,995 ($32,978) $90,000 $5,000 $75,000 Total Available $2,280,056 $69,978 $2,726,751 Capital Improvements Cash Carry Over $0 $0 $95,779 This budget anticipates several large changes in City operations. The sale of Haven and Daley Fields, the Masterplan completions, the improvements to the new ball field complex and the potential improvements to the airport. Please note that this budget reflects 15.39% increase in costs. ., 1 FUND:AIRPORT INCREMENT 111 FUNCTION ACTUAL BUDGET MANAGEWS ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Airport $0 $1,189,661 $1,537,547 Ballfields $68,252 $909,995 $945,377 Traffic Control $0 $110,000 $110,000 Debt Service $1,726 $70,400 $38,048 $69,978 $2,280,056 $2,630,972 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This proposed budget is based on a B-1 standard airport and does not include capital improvement costs for the airport. These costs are not included in this budget year because the City will not complete any capital improvements to the airport until after the airport study is completed. The study could take up to 18 months to finish. The costs that are included in this budget are land acquisition costs, planning and surveying costs and the capital improvement costs for the ballfields. These are costs that could realistically be expected to be spent this year. Additional costs for capital improvements to the airport will come out of future budgets. r ' r FUND: AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT 2185... DEPT.000, FUNCTION BUDGET ACTUAL AGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 -1 430300 Airport -PHASE I 910 Land Acquisition -other Land Acquisition-Timmreck 354 Title searches, etc. 356 Master Plan 934 Capital Improvements 934 Administration 436 460449 Ballfields 934 Capital Improvements: Includes Engineering 430264 Traffic Control devices 943 Traffic Signal 490500 620 Debt Service - loans 490530 Debt Service-Timmreck 610 Prin. 620 Interest $782,427 $1,287,547 $100,000 $50,000 $100,000 $318,560 $88,674 $909,995 $68,252 $945,377 $110,000 $110,000 $70,400 $1,726 $20,000 i PROGRAME SERVICES 2188 TAX INCREMENT WESTSEDE EUPROVEMEENT DISTRICT REVENUE PROJECTION BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Net Proceeds of Bonds $0 $0 $2,020,000 Total Available $0 $0 $2,020,000 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Redevelopment Projects $2,000,000 Planning, Bond Underwriting Costs $20,000 $2,020,000 Cash Carry Over $0 $0 $0 r 50 ' 1 to 0 ♦ r ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY96/97 Capital Improvements $0 PE STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S FY96/97 Request 97/98 Proposed FY98 $0 $2,020,000 $2,020,000 1 / 1 111 1 1 111 The developer, Woodmen Properties, L.C., of Gateway West Mall is negotiating with anchor and small shop tenants and anticipates completing some of those negotiations in May/June 1997. Mid -summer to early fall Woodmen Properties should have a preliminary Redevelopment Plan prepared with specific requests for City of Kalispell Tax Increment participation in eligible activities (those included in the Montana Urban Renewal Law). It will take several months to determine the level of City participation and City activities and to negotiate a Redevelopment Agreement with Woodmen Properties. The size and scope and eventual assessed/taxable valuation of the redevelopment project will determine the City's ability and the amount of bonds to be issued. 104 fffl� BID ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH CARRY OVER $0 $0 $0 $28,038 Developer's payments: Teton Terrace $0 $12,166 $12,166 $0 South Woodland Project $0 $7,100 $7,100 $0 Sunrise Terrace $10,555 $0 Lone Pine - Vista $10,941 $0 Total Available $0 $19,266 $40,762 $28,038 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Park Improvements $0 $19,266 $12,724 $28,038 Cash Carry over $0 $0 $28,038 $0 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget appropriates funds received by the City from developers to make improvements in specific parks. The anticipated improvements show an increase of 50%. 106 EXPENDITURE DETAIL FUND: PARKS IN LIEU OF 2210... DEPT.436, FUNCTION 460430 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 934 Park Improvements $12,724 $19,266 $28,883 $28,038 TOTAL $12,724 $19,266 $28,883 $28,038 Line item detail: South Woodland Court $7,100: (1997 Cash carry over) Monies in lieu of parkland - to be utilized for park improvements near the project site. Dry Bridge and Woodland Park (trees, playgrounds, trails, benches & tables). Green Briar Park $10,000: A newly acquired subdivision park will begin initial development phasing with installation of irrigation, turf, landscaping, trees and limited play equipment. Park Improvements $ 10,938: Lawrence Park continued improvements. 2360 CONIPREIFIENSIVE INSURANCE REVENUE PROJECTION 12.22 mills 13.22 mills 13.22 mills 10 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Cash on Hand $90,983 $73,763 $73,763 $183,997 Real Estate Taxes $226,221 $246,000 $249,663 $207,640 Protest Taxes ($36,163) $36,163 $36,163 Personal Property Taxes $18,222 $20,000 $17,417 $15,000 Penalty & Interest $1,741 $1,200 $1,543 $1,200 Light Vehicle Tax/Heavy $21,451 $22,451 $23,305 $17,220 MV Flat Fees $1,207 $1,000 $649 $1,000 Corporation Tax $12,751 $12,000 $17,664 $12,000 State Personal Prop Reim $5,437 $3,948 $5,485 $4,000 Proceeds of mall profits $19,968 $0 $0 $0 Total Available $361,818 $416,525 $425,652 $442,057 I CM 9 r . 0• Insurance $276,969 $293,550 $221,746 $282,600 Uninsured Loss $11,086 $28,000 $19,909 $28,000 Total Expenditures $288,055 $321,550 $241,655 $310,600 Cash Carry over $73,763 $94,975 $183,997 $131,457 Reserve for FY98 year ending at 30% Note: NMA had an insurance dividend in the amount of $34,805 which significantly helped our cash flow. Even with budgeted reserves we were $20,000 in the red prior to receiving November taxes. The dividend was treated as a reduction of Work Comp premiums. w f ■ i I FUND: COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 2360...... FUNCTION 510330 1 BUDGET BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Insurance $276,969 $293,550 $221,746 $282,600 Uninsured Loss $11,086 $28,000 $19,909 $28,000 $288,055 $321,550 $241,655 $310,600 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget is decreased by 3.4%. The comprehensive insurance fund is a tax supported fund which pays for general liability insurance, worker's compensation insurance, fire, auto, boiler insurance and fidelity bonds. (The Enterprise funds pay for their own insurance). We are members of the Montana Municipal Insurance Plan for liability and worker's compensation insurance. The City's property insurance is with the Flathead Insurance for the Reliance Insurance Company. The boiler policy is with Hartford Steamboiler Inspection and Insurance through Flathead Independent Agents. Special W.C. budget for City portion of State unfunded workers compensation legislation known as "old fund" is 1/2 % per $100 payroll - OFLT. MMIA Liability insurance rates have increased from $3.11 to $3.41 per $100 of payroll. We increased our deductible to $7,500 from $3,750 per occurrence to lower our rate last year. Worker's Compensation insurance rates decreased by 5%. However, our modification factor increased from .92% to 1.13% and since premiums are based on wages including overtime, we end up with a net increase. Last year we received a dividend reduction of $34,805. It is unknown whether we may receive one this year. We have appropriated the rate based on wages; General fund payroll of about $3.4 million. (Insurance premiums and W.C. for the Building Dept. to be charged to that fund.) PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 2360...... FUNCTION 510330 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 513 Liability Insurance $90,341 $95,000 $83,249 $95,000 514 Workers Comp & OFLT $155,553 $170,000 $112,185 $160,000 516 Fire & Auto $28,649 $24,000 $23,265 $24,000 517 Fidelity Bonds $1,252 $1,300 $1,252 $1,300 518 Boiler Insurance $1,174 $1,200 $1,246 $1,250 620 Interest Expense $0 $1,500 $0 $500 815 Uninsured Loss $11,086 $28,000 $19,909 $28,000 354 Contract Services $0 $550 $549 $550 $288,055 $321,550 $241,655 $310,600 [" ' 1 ! 1 I' 9 WMWA 1 M I'MUT MRIMMOMMORSION 13.34 mills 15 mills 15 mills 13 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: $79,298 $34,082 $34,082 $109,617 Real Estate taxes $245,940 $280,173 $282,405 $253,000 Protest Tax ($39,473) $39,473 $39,473 $0 Personal Property taxes $18,618 $23,017 $19,023 $18,000 Penalty & interest $1,735 $800 $1,630 $1,300 Light vehicle tax $22,532 $27,414 $25,882 $22,380 MV flat fees $1,285 $800 $708 $800 Corporation tax $13,356 $10,450 $19,340 $8,000 State personal property reimb. $5,936 $4,000 $5,807 $5,700 Total Available Total Expenditures Cash Carry over $349,227 $420,209 $428,350 $418,797 $315,145 $325,480 $318,733 $333,935 * 25.4% reserve for cash flow (Note: fund was $30,000 in the red prior to receiving Dec. tax collections) F KALISPFLL ill x FUND: RETIREMENT 2370 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 96/97 FY97/98 Retirement $315,145 $325,480 $325,380 $333,935 $315,145 $325,480 $325,380 $333,935 This fund is the clearing account for the State imposed retirement systems for City employees. The increase in this fund is due to the formula factor based upon salary increases. This budget reflects an increase of 2.6 %. The City pays retirement benefits for employees at various rates. Non -union and AFSCME union personnel at 6.7%, Firefighters retirement is 14.36%. The City Manager is a member of IMCA retirement at 10%. The Police retirement rate is also 14.36%. The retirement contributions are paid into and managed by the State Fund. ACCOUNT 401 410210 155 City Manager 402 410100 155 Mayor/Council 403 410550 155 Finance Department 404 411110 155 City Attorney 406 410360 155 Court 410 430100 155 Director Public Works 410 431330 155 Central Garage 410 430264 155 Traffic Sign & Signals 155 buyback -city portion 413 420140 155 Police 416 420400 155 Fire 412 411230 155 Building Maintenance 420 420530 155 Building Dept 421 430240 155 Street 436 460430.460430 155 Parks & Recreation 400 510300 155 Reserves 400 490500 620 Interest Expense FUND: RETIREMENT 2370 1 ACTUAL FY95/96 $7,400 $4, 627 $7,776 $5,790 $4,344 $7,753 $5,137 $3,670 $135,082 $100,359 $9,754 $11,457 $11,906 $90 $0 $315,145 CITY OF 113 $7,530 $3,050 $7,965 $7,300 $5,335 $5,700 $5,300 $3,600 $142,040 $105,520 $0 $11,070 $6,800 $12,270 ACTUAL FY96/97 $6,406 $3,548 $8,073 $6,913 $5,088 $6,090 $5,414 $3,783 $140,634 $102,395 $10,876 $7,523 $11,898 $92 $318,733 BUDGET FY97/98 $8,000 $3,200 $8,400 $7,300 $5,335 $6,000 $5,300 $3,600 $3,000 $146,000 $110,000 $1,300 $0 $7,000 $14,000 $5,000 $500 17.28 mills 19.5 mills 19.5 mills 16 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 97/98 Cash on Hand $107,337 $52,033 $52,032 $149,307 Real Estate taxes $358,811 $364,468 $370,216 $309,500 Protest Taxes (Albright) ($57,723) $57,723 $57,723 $0 Personal Property taxes $26,070 $26,070 $27,778 $23,000 Penalty & interest $2,549 $2,000 $2,314 $1,500 Light vehicle tax/heavy $32,267 $32,267 $35,975 $28,000 MV flat fees $1,853 $1,200 $1,036 $1,800 Corporation tax $19,096 $20,000 $28,059 $10,000 St. Personal Prop. reimb. $8,683 $3,185 $8,352 $4,400 Total Available Health Insurance Total Expenditures Cash Carry over $498,943 $558,946 $583,485 $527,507 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION $446,910 $440,224 $434,178 $422,641 $446,910 $440,224 $434,178 $422,641 $52,033 $118,722 $149,307 $104,866 * 25 % reserve for cash flow (Fund was $30,000 in the red in December) I FUND: HEALTH INSURANCE 2380 1 ACTUAL BUDGET estimated BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Health Insurance $446,910 $440,224 $439,224 $422,641 $446,910 $440,224 $439,224 $422,641 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget provides for health insurance for all general fund government employees. Special Revenue funds and Enterprise Funds also pay premiums for those employees charged to those funds. The City self insures with Blue Cross as the Administrator. The City also provides dental insurance and vision is available for purchase by the employee. The City raised rates 2.5% July 1 st 1995. We will not need a change in rates for this year. monthly rate Family rates $445.87 2 Party rates $383.35 Single rates $184.40 This budget has decreased by 4% due in part to moving the Building Department personnel to a Special Revenue Fund. FID IN ! FUND: HEALTH INSURANCE 2380 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 401 410210 153 Manager $9,363 $10,700 $8,801 $9,950 402 410100 153 Mayor/Council $5,350 $5,350 $4,788 $5,350 403 410550 153 Finance $14,263 $16,520 $14,280 $16,520 404 411110 153 City Attorney $12,866 $12,812 $14,459 $16,056 406 410360 153 Court $15,176 $15,300 $14,895 $16,056 410 430100 153 Director of Public Works $20,545 $14,355 $14,430 $14,525 410 431330 153 Central Garage $15,426 $16,052 $15,301 $16,052 410 430264 153 Traffic Signals $9,951 $9,951 $9,951 $9,951 413 420140 153 Police Department $161,009 $159,610 $160,301 $160,100 416 420400 153 Fire Department $99,808 $97,424 $98,084 $97,900 412 411230 153 Building Maint. (1/2 year) $0 $0 $2,675 420 420530 153 Building Dept. $21,764 $31,350 $27,558 $0 421 430240 153 Street Department $29,265 $15,588 $18,564 $18,563 436 460430. 460430 153 Parks & Recreation $32,124 $34,212 $32,767 $37,943 400 490500 620 Interest Expense $0 $1,000 $1,000 $446,910 $440,224 $434,178 $422,641 I.- "Jnffl��W]Rftpj REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL PROPOSED FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY98/98 CASH: Operating $120,509 Building permits $165,000 Plumbing permits $23,000 Mechanical permits $27,600 Plan Review $50,000 Sign permit fees $1,000 Total Available $387,109 Operating $296,491 Capital Outlay $0 Total Expense $296,491 Cash Carry Over: operating $120,509 $90,618 This function was previously reported in the General Fund. An equity transfer will be required to move fund equity from the General fund to this fund. ACCOUNT Personal Service Materials and Services Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $175,252 $178,154 $232,224 $232,224 $26,290 $34,900 $64,267 $64,267 $1,326 $0 $0 $0 $202,868 $213,054 $296,491 $296,491 This fund reflects a major change in budgeting from the General Fund to a separate Special Revenue Fund. This will allow us to independently track and verify the validity of our fee structure for these services. This budget has a 39% increase with $68,387 directly related to these accounting changes. The Building Department has a threefold purpose. It has the responsibility to develop and maintain an effective program of regulating building construction within the city limits of Kalispell and the extraterritorial county zone. It administers the City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance and administers the Floodplain Management Program. ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equipment 215 Computer Supplies & Software 229 Other Supplies 231 Gas & Oil 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Code Books 331 Publication & Filing Fees 335 Membership & Dues 341 Electrical 342 Water 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephones 354 Contract Services 356 Consultants 360 Repair/Maintenance Services 366 Building Maint & Supplies 369 Radio Maintenance & Supplies 373 School & Travel ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 GENERAL FUND $172,082 $175,154 $3,170 $3,000 other funds other funds other funds other funds $175,252 $178,154 STAFF'S MANAGER'S Request 97/98 FY97/98 $187,904 $3,000 $30,480 $10, 840 $232,224 $187,904 $3,000 $30,480 $10, 840 $232,224 $1,920 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $32 $200 $200 $200 $222 $600 $2,000 $2,000 $412 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 other funds other funds $3,500 $3,500 $451 $600 $600 $600 $588 $700 $700 $700 $662 $1,000 $2,500 $2,500 $936 $800 $800 $800 $965 $900 $900 $900 $709 $700 $800 $800 $256 $300 $600 $600 $856 $700 $1,000 $1,000 $580 $500 $600 $600 $2,532 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 $210 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $72 $700 $0 $0 $0 $0 $500 $500 $59 $500 $500 $500 $1,849 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: BUILDING CODE 2394... DEPARTMENT 420, ...FUNCTION 420530 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 510 Insurance - auto 510 Insurance - liability 532 Lease -building 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Data Processing Transfer Subtotal M&O Capital Outlay: 946 Computer Equipment 944 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay WWW other funds other funds other funds other funds $12,979 $14,000 other funds other funds other funds other funds other funds other funds $632 $6,068 $12,800 $500 $12,966 $3,401 $632 $6,068 $12,800 $500 $12,966 $3,401 $26,290 $34,900 $64,267 $64,267 $1,326 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,326 $0 $0 $0 $202,868 $213,054 $296,491 $296,491 r POSITION TITLE Building Official * Building Inspector ** Building Inspector ** Clerk II Zoning Officer Plans Reviewer ** merit & comptime subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Worker's comp & oflt am ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 General fund General fund 1 1 1 $37,208 $38,138 1 1 1 $24,606 $26,452 1 1 1 $24,502 $25,613 1 1 1 $18,458 $19,690 1 1 1 $28,934 $25,163 1 1 1 $27,456 $27,124 6 6 6 $161,164 $162,180 FY97/98 $38,138 $26,452 $25,418 $19,690 $25,163 $27,124 $12,000 $173,985 $12,135 $12,407 $13,310 $555 $568 $609 $8,648 $173,854 $175,154 $187,904 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Union hourly wages are based on 2080 hours this year (last year 2096). CITT OFAIV.'LISPELIC CASH: Maintenance Assessments Penalty & Interest Total Available Street Lighting Cash Carry Over 16.7 % reserve I: F& WAILI 19 ' : � WoNgTori ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY98 $18,078 $18,218 $18,218 $22,017 $60,838 $67,333 $68,671 $69,496 $447 $400 $396 $400 $79,363 $85,951 $87,285 $91,913 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION $61,145 $71,185 $65,268 $72,449 $18,218 $14,766 $22,017 $19,464 No change in assessments is needed. The Light Maintenance rate is .001420 per square foot for those properties served by the light district. This budget is increased by 1.8% with electrical costs accounting for more than the overall increase. M� 1 wl w 01 11311` FUND: LIGHT MAINTENANCE 2400..PUBLIC WORKS 410..FUNCTION 430263 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials and Services $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION The Street Lighting District is provided to improve visibility during darkness and to promote safe and efficient use of street facilities. This is accomplished by reducing pedestrian accidents at night, by reducing vandalism, and by reducing other crimes. I i f FUND: LIGHT MAINTENANCE 2400..PUBLIC WORKS 410..FUNCTION 430263 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Materials and Services 244 Lighting Supplies $1,037 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 341 Electricity $58,621 $63,250 $65,000 $65,000 355 Billing Costs $400 $800 $800 $800 360 Repair & Maint Services $2,075 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 522 Administrative Transfer $3,135 $3,135 $3,149 $3,149 Total M & S $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 Capital Outlay 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Total $65,268 $71,185 $72,449 $72,449 FFV 2401 �.• . T, REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY98 CASH: $12,638 $9,005 $7,707 $2,260 Maintenance Assessments $703 $0 $70 $4,285 Penalty & Interest $137 $0 $22 $0 Total Available $13,478 $9,005 $7,799 $6,545 10,14U21,3131 Street Lighting $5,771 $7,870 $5,539 $6,048 Cash Carry Over $7,707 $1,135 $2,260 $497 *Note: District has 4,285' frontage. The previous rate was $1.00 ft. The maximum allowable cash carryover is 30% of appropriation. New decorative lights at Woodland park are not included in this light district. Costs for those lights will need to be paid from the General Fund. CITY OF KALISPELL 125 FUND: DECORATIVE LIGHTS 2401..PUBLIC WORKS 410..FUNCTION 430263 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Materials and Services $5,539 $7,870 $6,048 $6,048 The Decorative Street Light Maintenance District is provided as an aesthetic feature in the business district as well as to promote beautification by landscaping and other appurtenances. This budget decreases 23.1 % due to a decrease in estimated electrical costs and repair and maintenance services. i ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY98 CASH: $5,257 $8,119 $8,119 $36,697 Gas Tax Apportionment $278,498 $277,618 $280,172 $280,172 Public Works Charges $7,336 Total Available $283,755 $285,737 $295,627 $316,869 IMMUNRION Street Department $275,636 $279,600 $258,930 $288,863 Cash Carry Over $8,119 $6,137 $36,697 $28,006 This budget reflects an increase in expenditures for 3.31 %. This fund anticipates a slight increase in revenue to support these expenditures. The major increase is for a capital outlay to replace an unsafe crack sealer. IFRII I 11 V MIRA 11 ON V.-I1 FUND: GAS TAX 2420..STREET 421..FLJNCTION 430240 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Materials and Services 231 Gas & Oil 344 Natural Gas 354 Contract Services 368 Overlays & Chipseals 369 Radio Maintenance 452 Gravel 453 Materials -Contract Preparation 471 De-Icer/Road Oil 472 Asphalt 473 Crack Sealing Material 533 Equipment Rental Total Materials & Services 940 Crack Sealing Heater 950 Construction in Progress Windward Way Construction Sunnyview Lane (unfunded) Total $7,977 $8,000 $8,400 $8,400 $3,262 $3,000 $3,100 $3,100 $13,257 $80,000 $0 $0 $88,415 $7,500 $150,000 $150,000 $0 $100 $100 $100 $17,224 $18,000 $20,000 $20,000 $18,120 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $28,990 $25,000 $30,000 $30,000 $10,993 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 $3,920 $5,000 $7,500 $7,500 $60 $3,000 $500 $500 $192,218 $199,600 $269,600 $269,600 $0 $0 $19,263 $19,263 $66,712 $80,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $258,930 $279,600 $288,863 $288,863 [a] va- I W, " 1 11, V., 10 1, k ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: $77,279 $99,697 $99,697 $56,267 Maintenance Assessments Bille $312,810 $370,781 $351,983 $370,781 Public Works Charges $3,485 $0 $3,485 $0 Penalty & Interest $1,769 $1,200 $2,125 $1,200 Total Available $395,343 $471,678 $457,290 $428,248 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Street Department $273,209 $393,980 $382,136 $390,551 Debt Service $19,122 $19,125 $18,887 $0 Capital Outlay $3,315 $0 $0 $7,000 Total Expenditures $295,646 $413,105 $401,023 $397,551 Cash Carry Over $99,697 $58,573 $56,267 $30,697 Street Maintenance assesstments are billed on square footage at a rate of .0045 itPff-1,1SPELT FUND: SPECIAL STREET MAIM'. 2500... STREET 421...FUNCTION 430240 ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 STAFF'S MANAGER'S Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $265,095 $258,772 $258,646 $258,646 Materials and Services $135,928 $154,333 $131,905 $131,905 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $51,000 $7,000 $401,023 $413,105 $441,551 $397,551 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Special Street Maintenance funds will be primarily used for street sweeping, flushing, leaf pick-up, sanding, deicing, snow plowing and snow removal. The overall goal is to maintain all city streets in a clean, safe and driveable condition during all seasons. Due to a decrease in funding of materials and services this budget experiences an overall decrease of 3.87% while providing a capital improvement to an unsafe building condition at the street department. Line Item Detail: Special Street Maintenance 354 Contract services - $10,000 - Additional funds for snow removal. 920 Buildings - $ 7,000 - Improvements to building insulation, wiring ,etc. UNFUNDED $44,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $44,000 - Bobcat with high flow planer, milling for thermoplastic, u-cuts, patching key ways. EW 01 9► 01 By W.-I1 FUND: SPECIAL STREET MAINT. 2500... STREET 421 ... FUNCTION 430240 1 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 216 Computer Equipment 229 Other Supplies 231 Gas & Oil 354 Contract Services 355 Billing Costs 369 Radio Maintenance 388 Medical services/drug test 533 Equipment Rental 610 Debt Retirement 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Data Processing Transfer Subtotal Capital Outlay: 920 Buildings 940 Machinery & Equipment Subtotal Total ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 $204,662 $204,199 $204,073 $204,073 $11,287 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $36,220 $32,520 $32,520 $32,520 $12,926 $12,053 $12,053 $12,053 $265,095 $258,772 $258,646 $258,646 $1,762 $1,000 $500 $500 $1,855 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $6,424 $6,500 $6,600 $6,600 $3,421 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $600 $600 $600 $600 $500 $500 $200 $200 $1,688 $350 $500 $500 $1,533 $5,000 $500 $500 $18,887 $19,125 $0 $0 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $15,404 $15,404 $18,273 $18,273 $3,854 $3,854 $2,732 $2,732 $135,928 $154,333 $131,905 $131,965 $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 $0 $0 $44,000 $0 $0 $0 $51,000 $7,000 $401,023 19 $413,105 $441,551 $397,551 im FUND: SPECIAL STREET MAINT. 2500... STREET 421 ... FUNCTION 430240 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Superintendent * 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,267 $9,499 $9,499 Working Foreman 0.50 0.50 0.50 $13,288 $13,740 $13,740 Equipment Oper/Drivers** 4.00 6.00 6.00 $94,953 $149,614 $149,614 Surveyor 0.00 0.30 0.30 $0 $8,304 $8,304 subtotal salaries: 4.5 6.8 6.8 $117,508 $181,157 $181,157 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $8,989 $13,859 $13,859 Unemployment tax $411 $630 $634 Workers Comp $8,857 $8,123 $7,518 Oflt $588 $899 $906 TOTAL 110 $136,353 $204,668 $204,073 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Equipment Operator/Drivers moved from General Fund Street Dept FY97. Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. t. LOAN REVOLVINGt REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: Operating Cash $45,582 $53,880 $56,979 $26,290 Interest Subsidy Acct $9,684 $9,407 $6,402 $5,074 Loan to be paid off $16,000 $31,000 $53,120 Due from Service Hook-ups ($5,510) $5,510 ($6,737) $12,247 Interest Income $1,599 Loan Proceeds $6,826 $10,116 $7,929 $8,343 Interest Subsidy $125 $191 $120 Human Resources Lease/purchase $78,198 Total Available $136,504 $94,913 $95,764 $105,194 Housing $69,715 $82,680 $62,881 $100,000 Loan contingency $402 $0 $0 $0 Interest Subsidy $3,100 $9,407 $1,519 $1,200 Total Expenditures $73,217 $92,087 $64,400 $101,200 Cash Carry Over: operating $53,880 $2,826 $26,290 $0 Interest Subsidy $9,407 $0 $5,074 $3,994 ' 1 FUND: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT LOAN REVOLVING ....... 2880 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Loans & Grants/Housing $64,400 $92,087 $101,200 $101,200 Total $64,400 $92,087 $101,200 $101,200 The Community Development Loan Revolving Fund is comprised of Program Income from various funding sources allocated to the rehabilitation mortgage amounts. This Program Income will be utilized to buy down the purchase price of the three and four bedroom units on South Woodland and/or Teton Terrace to reach the very low income buyers as originally targeted. The Interest Subsidy Account is escrowed at Glacier Bank for old rehabilitation mortgages which were subsidized down to a 3% interest rate. Each month a portion is drawn from the escrow account and applied to subsidize the interest payment down to the pledged 3% rate. Loan proceeds is anticipated interest earned on City -made rehabilitation mortgages. Loans to be paid off in FY98 are: Aurand $29,600 & Rooney $23,520 This budget increases by 9.8 % to appropriate funds provided by loan payoffs that are anticipated. Hm 2882 COURTYARD AIAINTENANCE FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 95/96 96/97 96/97 97/98 CASH: $19,004 $3,552 $32,092 $30,572 Courtyard Reserve $1,190 $4,742 $4,742 $8,294 Gross Rent Receipts $39,318 $57,875 $53,250 $53,250 Total Operating Income: $58,322 $61,427 $85,342 $92,116 ID ' � ►D r It ����� Property Management Cost: $27,050 $27,050 $27,050 $35,000 Transfer to Maintenance Reserve $3,552 $3,552 $3,552 $3,552 Debt Service: $24,168 $24,168 $24,168 $25,000 $54,770 $54,770 $54,770 $63,552 Cash Carry Over: operating $3,552 $6,657 $30,572 $20,270 reserve $4,742 $8,294 $8,294 $11,846 0113,' r r FUND: COURTYARD MAINTENANCE 2882...480...470240... ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 Maintenance & Operations $0 $30,602 $30,602 $35,000 Debt Service $0 $24,168 $24,168 $25,000 $0 $54,770 $54,770 $60,000 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Courtyard Maintenance Reserve Fund is budgeted to reflect those costs which are incurred related to our 16 units of housing managed by Northwest Human Resources Management. The revenues reflect rent. The utilities and debt services costs will all be paid by Northwest Human Resources per the Joint Venture Agreement with them to manage this housing complex. We need budget authority to simply record these expenditures on our books. This is the City's equity in this project. This account experiences a 16.0% increase due to an increase in management related costs. i EM 12 r , r Ell Mal ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 97/98 CASH: operating $184,552 $113,843 $111,818 $111,114 rehab grant account $3,823 $3,929 $3,929 $4,037 Loan Receivable $333,681 $333,681 $333,681 $333,681 Rehab grant interest $106 $0 $108 $100 Decrease in Contract Payable ($4,060) ($1,815) $0 $0 Total Available $518,102 $449,638 $449,536 $448,932 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Community Development $400,330 $445,021 $334,385 $427,796 Cash Carry Over -operations $113,843 $688 $111,114 $16,999 Cash Carry Over -Rehab Gran $3,929 $3,929 $4,037 $4,137 This budget reflects a 3.4 % decrease in expenditures. This decrease is due to a decrease in the affordable housing budget. Affordable housing is a carryover from this fiscal year. * Joint Venture Mall Income is budgeted as a General Fund revenue (1996-1997 $45,110). 9 I FUND: f• . / .... FUNCTION 470210 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $204,958 $214,611 $227,845 $227,845 Materials and Services $81,427 $107,910 $103,651 $103,451 Housing & Grants $48,000 $122,500 $110,500 $96,500 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $334,385 $445,021 $441,996 $427,796 Eligible Use of UDAG Program Income The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the City of Kalispell to track the use of program income after close-out of any federal or state funded grant. We must assure such use meets a national federal objective of benefiting low and moderate income persons and complies with the "Provisions of Title I, of the Community Development Act of 1974" (Act). The City's PECDD, as administrator of the HUD Urban Development Action Grant and other state and federal grants, is charged with the responsibility to ensure that a minimum of 51 % of the funds be used for activities that are clearly designated to meet the identified needs of persons of low and moderate income. Section 105(a) of Title 1, of the Act lists eligible activities and there are publ]sned guidelines. Program income is and will continue to be monitored by the State Department of Commerce and its auditors. The eligible uses include all of the activities currently funded by the UDAG program income budget and could also include many other activities related to planning and implementing economic and community development programs with emphasis on benefit to low and moderate income persons and economic development. F UDAG Program Income is derived from the debt service payments received on the City's secondary loan on the Kalispell Center Mall (Kalispell Center Limited Partnership). This annual income stream pays all of the administrative costs, with the exception of the Building Division, for the Planning, Economic & Community Development Department (PECDD). PECDD administers the three tax increment financed redevelopment plans, all federal and state funded housing grant/loan programs and related economic development activities. During this fiscal year, PECDD will be charged with the responsibility for administration and implementation of: The Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan Proceeds from the sale and new ad valorem taxes created from new construction on Haven and Daley Fields will be utilized to implement the goals identified in the Redevelopment Plan. Budget details are identified in TAX INCREMENT FUND 2185. The South Woodland and Teton Court Affordable Housing Projects The Westside Urban Renewal Plan. Major activities include participation with Gateway West Mall to facilitate the multi -million expansion and remodel of the facility, expediting the reconstruction of Meridian Road, implementation of the North Meridian Neighborhood Plan goals, and facilitating solutions of storm drainage issues on the west side of Kalispell. TAX INCREMENT FUND 2188 identifies the project budget. The Kalispell Downtown Urban Renewal Plan activities are planned to be funded with the annual cash flow from the Downtown Tax Increment District over the next 4 years - prior to the district's "sunset" in September 2001. The details of the TIF projects and budget will be presented in the TAX INCREMENT FUND 2180 presentation in this year's budget. 354 Contract Services - will include the following. Investment in Flathead Data Resource Center $5,000 Title searches & surveys $1,500 Computer services contract $2,500 FRDO -master plan update $2,000 Miscellaneous data & design services $52000 $16,000 396 Studies/Surveys - budget has been reduced by $2,250 from last year but will still allow for the hiring of consultants and the printing of various studies to implement program goals that are eligible under UDAG repayment guidelines. 790 Affordable Housing - $71,500 carryover for Samaritan House. 712/795 Emergency Housing $5,000 and Residential Rehab $10,000 - grants To the Agency on Aging to be used as matching funds to aid elderly homeowners requiring minor repairs or home modifications, such as handicapped accessible ramps or bathroom modifications, required to allow continued independent living. L001 pi r r. 733 Eagle Transit request for Bus -$14,000 no .0 .... FUNCTION 470210 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY96/97 ervices: BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries & Wages $175,981 $180,421 $190,495 121 Overtime $151 $5,000 $5,000 153 Health Insurance $17,726 $16,776 $19,720 155 Retirement - PERD $11,100 $12,414 $12,630 Total Personal Services $204,958 $214,611 $227,845 Materials and Services 210 Office Supplies $1,665 $2,400 $1,500 212 Project Expenses $6,534 $6,000 $6,000 213 Small Office Equip $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 215 Computer Supplies $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 229 Other Supplies $1,051 $1,000 $1,000 231 Gas & Oil $38 $250 $250 312 Postage $1,222 $1,600 $1,500 320 Printing $129 $1,000 $1,000 335 Membership & Dues $2,595 $3,500 $3,000 341 Electricity $709 $800 $800 342 Sewer & Water $383 $750 $600 339 Other Publicity $673 $600 $600 344 Gas (Heat) $856 $1,000 $1,000 345 Tele/lease & long distance $5,113 $5,000 $5,500 353 Auditing $2,222 $2,000 $2,000 354 Contract Services $1,050 $16,000 $16,000 363 Office Equip Maintenance $2,078 $2,000 $1,000 373 School and Travel $6,467 $6,000 $6,500 379 Meetings $200 $1,500 $1,500 380 Training Materials $175 $1,500 $1,500 396 Studies/Surveys $1,637 $7,246 $5,000 510 Property & Liability Insurance $5,668 $6,500 $6,500 531 Office Rent $12,198 $12,500 $12,800 521 Central Garage Transfer $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 522 Administrative Transfer $21,077 $21,077 $19,685 528 Data Processing Transfer $2,687 $2,687 $3,416 Subtotal M & S $81.427 $107.910 $190,495 $5,000 $19,720 $12,630 $227,845 $1,500 $6,000 $2,000 $2,000 $1,000 $250 $1,500 $1,000 $2,800 $800 $600 $600 $1,000 $5,500 $2,000 $16,000 $1,000 $6,500 $1,500 $1,500 $5,000 $6,500 $12,800 $1,000 $19,685 $3,416 um FUND: UDAG 2886.... DEPT 480 .... FUNCTION 470210 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Grants & Housing: 733 Eagle Transit Grant -operating $7,500 $7,500 $10,000 $10,000 733 Eagle Transit Grant -bus $0 $0 $14,000 $0 795 Emergency Housing $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 712 Residential Rehab"AOA" $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 790 Affordable Housing (carryover) $28,500 $100,000 $71,500 $71,500 Subtotal Grants & Housing , 900 CapitalOutlay/land $0 $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTALS $334,385 $230,410 $441,996 $427,796 flM � •: r , r � i .; r ' ' 1 FUND: UDAG 2886.... DEPT 480.... FUNCTION 470210 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Director * Director -Car Allowance Housing Division Manager Planning & Redevelopment Division Manager Secretary Clerk II Merit Subtotal salaries Payroll taxes: Fica/medt Worker's Comp. Oflt Unemployment ins. Total for line item 110 1 1 1 $49,536 $50,651 $50,651 $2,500 $3,000 $3,000 1 1 1 $34,975 $35,849 $35,849 1 1 1 $34,950 $35,823 $35,823 1 1 1 $21,025 $21,551 $21,551 1 1 1 $18,250 $19,481 $19,481 $8,000 5 5 5 $161,236 $166,355 $174,355 $11,718 $12,726 $13,338 $1,314 $1,373 $1,320 $0 $800 $872 $536 $582 $610 $174,804 $181,836 $190,495 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. MVA REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 97/98 Cash $0 $84,376 $86,401 ($1,472) CDBG Grant $141,741 $258,259 $257,759 $500 HOME Grant $370,761 $29,239 $29,039 $200 Sale of Land Proceeds $0 $348,000 $16,000 $321,472 Total Available $512,502 $719,874 $389,199 $320,700 Housing Program Cash Carry Over EXPENDITURE PROJECTION $426,101 $719,874 $390,671 $86,401 $0 ($1,472) $320,700 $0 '.t FUND: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM 2950 .... 480.... 470210 1 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY95/96 Housing Program $390,671 $390,671 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S FY96/97 Request 97/98 Proposed FY98 $719,874 $719,874 $320,700 $320,700 Twenty four, three and four bedroom first time home buyer units are being created on the seven acre site the City owns on So. Woodland Avenue. A second site called Teton Terrace will accommodate 20 to 24 two bedroom units which the City committed to build when seeking funding from HOME, CDBG and the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle. The $400,000 CDBG and $400,000 HOME Grants were applied to infrastructure development and a $198,000 grant from the Federal Home Loan Bank will provide down payment and closing cost assistance. Montana Board of Housing will provide the permanent financing for these units at interest rates from 5 7/8% to 6 3/8% on fixed thirty year terms. Local lending institutions will be providing the construction financing for the respective buyers at reduced interest rates. This budget reflects only the construction amount active. The balance of the project is all that is budgeted. This as a 55.5% decrease from FY96/97. $320,700 1 i 1 I 2916 DRUG ENFORCEMENT GRANT REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: $1,449 $4,913 $4,913 $5,059 Donations $100 $0 $0 Grant $35,625 $33,733 $32,995 $34,729 General Fund Transfer $12,408 $12,785 $12,685 $10,000 Total Available $49,582 $51,431 $50,593 $49,788 Crime Control $44,669 $46,518 $45,534 $47,969 Cash Carry Over $4,913 $4,913 $5,059 $1,819 ' 0 FUND: DRUG ENFORCEMENT GRANT 2916.... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $43,993 $44,977 $46,306 $46,306 Materials and Services $1,541 $1,541 $1,663 $1,663 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $45,534 $46,518 $47,969 $47,969 �M- i M900I104W The goal of this project is to enforce the State and Federal statutes relating to the possession and/or sale of dangerous drugs and the criminal activity associated with dangerous drug use in Flathead County and its incorporated cities. The multi -agency task force concept is intended to insure a well -coordinated county -wide drug enforcement program whose purpose is to attack the drug market place at all levels by placing equal importance on the casual user, the addict and the traffickers. This budget reflects an increase in grant funding and match from the City. Overall the fund increases by 2.8%. ***The City's' matching grant is 25%. The officers salary and benefits $46,306.00 x 25% _ $11,577 The contracted services are: 1/4 Sal $6,651 x 25% _ $1,663 TOTAL: $13,240 Note: due to available cash carryover, we have reduced the transfer to $10,000 for this fiscal year. 1 FUND: DRUG ENFORCEMENT GRANT 2916 .... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $33,013 $33,358 $34,370 $34,370 121 Overtime $1, 981 $2, 000 $2, 000 $2, 000 153 Health Insurance $4,600 $5,220 $5,350 $5,350 155 Retirement $4,399 $4,399 $4,586 $4,586 Total Personal Services $43,993 $44,977 $46,306 $46,306 Materials and Services 210 Office Supplies $0 $0 $0 $0 354 Contract Services $1,541 $1,541 $1,663 $1,663 Subtotal $1,541 $1,541 $1,663 $1,663 GRAND TOTALS $45,534 $46,518 $47,969 $47,969 r �. , PROGRAM SERVICES 2975 ISTEA REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: $42,556 $30,704 $23,568 $9,003 Grant $4,776 $69,280 $40,194 $252,815 City Share'98 $0 $0 $0 $5,008 Total Available $47,332 $99,984 $63,762 $266,826 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Capital Improvements $16,628 $80,000 $54,759 $259,470 Cash Carry Over $30,704 $19,984 $9,003 $7,356 This budget reflects a large increase (161.6%) due to the planning for projects and banking of grant funds over the past few years. These projects should proceed within this budget year. FUND: ISTEA 2975 ... 460451 ... 460453 ... 460455 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGEWS ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Capital Improvements STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: $54,759 $80,000 k�- • ': 1 111 $259,470 $259,470 ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act), also known as CTEP (Community Transportation Enhancement Program), was signed into law on December 18, 1991. ISTEA requires a Transportation Enhancement set -aside which can only be used to fund specific categories. These federal funds come to Montana through the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). Total monies available from '92 to '97 are $397,122. The City is responsible for approximately 13.4% of the total cost over the 5 years. Projects total ISTEA Program $397,122 Fy 94 Fy 95 Fy 96 Fy 97 FY 98 Grant City $343,908 $53,214 ($26,474) ($21,732) ($50,899) $0 ($40,194) $0 ($252,815) ($5,008) Balance $0 $0 Y FUND: ISTEA 2975... 460451... 460453... 460455 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 el �u19IOVIOU'rI 460451 North Main Project* 950 Construction In Progress 460453 Dream Trail Project** 950 Construction In Progress 460455 Meridian Rd. Trail*** 950 Construction In Progress Unallocated 950 Construction In Progress $54,759 $60,000 $100,000 $100,000 '•/ lil '•1 /11 ►. 1 111 •• 1 •• 1 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,759 $80,000 $259,470 $259,470 * North Main Trail - Phase One complete through Lawrence Park to Stillwater River. Phase II takes in access across Stillwater River to Whitefish Stage Road and into historic Lawrence Park. ** Dream Trail - Phase III final loop around the soccer field connecting the lower loops around the lagoon. *** Meridian Road Trail - Pedestrian trail access along Meridian Road east side from Ashley Creek to Highway #2. DEBT SERVICE FUND CASH ESTIMATED REVENUE EXP. CARRY OVER FUND CASH 7/1/97 ANTICIPATED PROJECTION 6/30/98 G.O. BOND $19,901 $60,430 $64,418 $15,913 REVOLVING $33,904 $0 $0 $33,904 1989 S&C $760 $1,445 $2,205 $0 1990 S&C $0 $2,520 $2,520 $0 1991 S&C $300 $496 $796 $0 1992 S&C $0 $1,142 $1,142 $0 1993 S&C $100 $881 $981 $0 1994 S&C ($400) $6,770 $6,370 $0 1995 S&C $200 $4,636 $4,836 $0 1996 S&C $0 $3,226 $3,226 $0 MERIDIAN S&C $380 $806 $1,186 $0 SID 337 $7,967 $9,726 $13,700 $3,993 SID 341 $10,000 $10,400 $10,400 $10,000 SID 342 $34,578 $21,860 $53,860 $2,578 Total $107,690 $124,338 $165,640 $66,388 `) G.O. BOND - BRUCKRAUSER POOL REVENUE PROJECTION 2 mills 2.5 mills 2.5 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: $30,067 $15,202 $15,202 $19,901 Real Estate Taxes $38,738 $46,580 $46,888 $47,905 Protest Taxes ($5,985) $5,916 $0 Personal Property Taxes $4,512 $3,827 $2,861 $2,751 Penalty & Interest $414 $250 $321 $260 Light Vehicle Tax $4,407 $4,556 $4,071 $3,822 MV Flat Fees $231 $125 $106 $225 Corporation Tax $2,658 $2,500 $2,920 $2,690 State Personal Property Reimb. $889 $1,200 $1,081 $1,277 Interest Earnings $2,064 $1,000 $1,203 $1,500 Total Available $77,995 $75,240 $80,569 $80,331 1W A040101 Debt Service $62,793 $61,668 $60,668 $64,418 Cash Carry Over $15,202 $13,572 $19,901 $15,913 NOTE: The 1985 General Obligation Bond for Bruckhauser Pool was refunded in 1992. The original issue was for $550,000. The Refunding issue is for $385,000 with final payment due April 1, 2000. Amortization Schedule: ISSUE FY G. O. BOND 1992 FY 1998 S55,000 $8,168 FY 1999 $55,000 S5,555 FY 2000 $55,000 S2,805 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT 95/96 96/97 FY96/97 97/9 3010-Gen Oblig Bond'85 Principal $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $55,000 Interest $12,543 $10,418 $10,418 $8,168 N isc. Interest $0 $1,000 $0 $1,000 Fiscal Agent Fees $250 $250 $250 $250 3500 SID Revolving $0 $0 $0 $0 3570-3595 Sidewalk & Curbs Principal $18,242 $20,980 $20,980 $15,484 Interest $7,490 $7,396 $7,396 $5,753 N1isc.Interest $0 $2,275 $2,275 $2,025 3637-3641-3642 SID's Principal $10,000 $24,000 $24,000 $55,000 Interest $5,100 $34,795 $34,795 $22,760 Fiscal Agent Fees $0 $200 $200 $200 $103,625 $151,314 $150,314 $165,640 The G.O. Bond Fund is voted levy for debt service for the city Bruckhauser Pool construction. The original debt was $550,000 sold in 1985 for 15 years. The SID Revolving fund is used to make loans to individual Special Improve- ment District debt service funds to pay for shortfalls of revenue needed to pay principal and interest. We have numerous SID's and Sidewalk & Curb funds which are assessed against the property and billed on the County tax notice. Prepayments on SID 342 have resulted in calling additonal bonds for FY98. reff F 6- VA on, PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: SIDEWALK AND CURBS & SID'S ...... DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 96/97 FY97/98 3587 1987 S & C Principal $2,275 $0 $0 $0 Interest $137 $0 $0 $0 Misc Interest $0 $0 $0 $0 Principal $5,000 $7,412 $7,412 $0 Interest $871 $571 $571 $0 Misc Interest $0 $0 $0 $0 3589 1989 S & C Principal $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Interest $525 $315 $315 $105 Misc Interest $0 $100 $100 $100 3590 1990 S & C Principal $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 Interest $575 $550 $550 $370 Misc Interest $0 $350 $350 $350 3591 1991 S & C Principal $280 $280 $280 $560 Interest $373 $270 $270 $136 Misc Interest $0 $100 $100 $100 3592 1992 S & C Principal $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Interest $525 $490 $490 $42 Misc Interest $0 $100 $100 $100 CITY OF KALISPELL 161 PR •AM OF • ' ICES FUND: SIDEWALK AND CURBS & SID'S ...... DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT 95/96 96/97 96/97 97/98 3593 1993 S & C Principal $730 $730 $730 $730 Interest $241 $220 $220 $176 Misc Interest $0 $75 $75 $75 3594 1994 S & C Principal $4,257 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 Interest $3,932 $2,100 $2,100 $1,870 Misc. Interest $0 $500 $500 $500 3595 1995 S & C Principal $0 $2,858 $2,858 $2,852 Interest $0 $2,625 $2,625 $1,484 Misc Interest $0 $1,000 $1,000 $500 3596 1996 S & C Principal $0 $0 $0 $1,519 Interest $0 $0 $0 $1,457 Misc Interest $0 $0 $0 $250 3570 Meridian S & C Principal $900 $900 $900 $1,023 Interest $311 $255 $255 $113 Misc Interest $0 $50 $50 $50 CASH: Charges for service Proceeds 1995 S & C warrants Proceeds 1996 S & C warrants Proceeds 1997 S & C to be issued Total Available Construction Costs Cash Carry Over $50,000 ACTUAL 96/97 $0 $3,285 $12,148 $9,585 BUDGET 97/9 $0 $50,000 $25,018 $50,000 10"OU0,49ply• • $50,000 $25,018 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 IWAU501,11118,11, � r FUND: 4290....... SIDEWALK AND CURB CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Construction $25,018 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $25,018 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The sidewalk and curb construction fund is used to record expenditures for replacing sidewalks and curbs which residents request or which the City orders in. The costs are paid for by the property owner. They are billed for the cost of construction plus 5% for administration. The property owner can have the cost put on the tax notice for a period of 8 years. The City sells sidewalk and curb warrants for the amount of the assessment. This budget is "no change" since it is an authorizing account only and expenditures are driven by public demand. Im I oleo r �- r i CASH: Operating Replacement Acct. Bond construction cash Metered Water Sales (cash) Hookup Fees(Replacement acct) Hydrant Rental Installation Charges Misc. Water Tower Rental Interest Earnings Interest Earnings -Bond money Proceeds of revenue bond Total Available Water Billing Water Operating Capital Outlay Debt Service Replacement -Unfunded '98 Water Bond Construction Total Expenditures 5210 WATER FUND ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 $412,467 $517,874 $517,874 $430,804 $413,345 $609,629 $609,629 $777,043 $0 $954,000 $954,000 $205,752 $827,271 $900,000 $868,787 $875,000 $46,284 $25,000 $47,667 $60,000 $34,104 $0 $0 $0 $27,760 $20,000 $18,281 $12,000 $1,666 $200 $513 $1,000 $2,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $58,870 $50,000 $74,297 $60,000 $37,906 $2,500 $954,000 $0 $0 $0 $2,778,567 $3,081,503 $3,133,754 $2,428,899 IM49091MIJIMI $59,159 $64,770 $61,154 $80,836 $625,218 $705,051 $703,120 $642,797 $14,707 $332,000 $61,015 $484,750 ($2,024) $108,937 $108,712 $107,363 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $148,000 $0 $954,000 $786,154 $150,000 $847,060 $2,314,758 $1,870,155 $1,613,746 Add back unfunded Deprec/Replacement Cash Carry Over Operating $517,878 Replacement Reserve Acct. $609,629 Bond construction Cash $954,000 $402,116 $514,629 $0 $430,804 $777,043 $205,752 Note: $430,000 of replacement funds to be used for capital outlay FY98. Cel a $150,000 H WW'0113 111 to r ' , r FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S _ ACCOUNT FY95/96 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $332,899 $319,550 $319,351 $319,351 Materials and Services $370,221 $385,501 $323,446 $323,446 Capital Outlay $61,015 $332,000 $716,360 $484,750 Debt Service $108,712 $108,937 $107,363 $107,363 Deprec./Replacement Reserve $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $148,000 Water Bond Construction $786,154 $954,000 $150,000 $150,000 $1,809,001 $2,249,988 $1,766,520 $1,532,910 u I C1041 Its)• The responsibility of the Water Department is to provide safe, potable and palatable water for the needs of the domestic, institutional, industrial and commercial consumers and to provide adequate pressure and flow to meet fire fighting and irrigation needs. Maintenance of the three wells and Noffsinger Spring as water sources along with maintenance of the distribution system, storage facilities, fire hydrants, valves, meters and related controls is an integral part of the function of this department. This budget is responsible for pumping and treating millions of gallons annually. This budget reflects a 31.8% decrease. This large decrease is due to $62,055 in the materials and services portion of the budget in conjunction with $804,000 decrease in the water bond projects. 336 Licenses Fees - $12,500 $12,000 Montana Dept. of Environmental Quality - Community Water System Assessments $ 500 Water certifications for six operators 354 Contract Services - $14,000 $14,000 Leak Detection Services, compaction testing 360 Repair & Maintenance - $11,000 $10,000 Contracted labor for facilities and general maintenance $ 1,000 General repair & maintenance 920 Buildings - S 2,000 $ 2,000 Remodel & construct office wall at Lawrence Park 931 Contract Main Installation - $170,000 $ 20,000 B&B water main replacement (Constuction to be done by City) $150,000 Wyoming Street water main improvements (carryover) 934 Capital Improvements -$ 260,000 & $35,000 $260,000 Additional funding needed for Liberty St. and north side water well projects. $ 35,000 Consultants Hwy 93 So. 940 Machinery & Equipment - $ 17,750 $10,000 Tapping machine $ 4,000 Chlorine residual analyzer w/circle recording chart $ 3,750 HP Color Plotter for Engineering drawings and mapping -cost shared w/sewer 920 Buildings - $15,000 $15,000 - Sand shed for storing gravel in winter 931 Contract Main Installation - $ 210,000 $160,000 4th Ave East water main replacement $ 45,000 Corporate Way to Greenbriar water main extension 940 Machinery & Equipment - $11,610 $ 5,750 John Deere Model 325 Lawn mower $ 1,350 8 hp snow blower $ 3,135 Plow to mount on GMC 4x4 service truck for snow removal $ 1,375 Rotating Laser Measuring Device for survey -cost shared w/sewer N. 1 WU 01,211311 ON V,11 FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96197 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $263,002 $259,647 $262,301 $262,301 121 Overtime $16,278 $6,798 $5,000 $5,000 153 Health Insurance $38,637 $38,115 $36,640 $36,640 155 PERD $14,982 $14,990 $15,410 $15,410 Total Personal Services $332,899 $319,550 $319,351 $319,351 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $249 $500 $250 $250 213 Small Office Equip $512 $500 $500 $500 215 Computer Supplies $468 $500 $500 $500 216 Computer Equipment $3,902 $4,000 $1,000 $1,000 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $609 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 224 Janitorial Supplies $445 $500 $500 $500 226 Chlorine & Chemical $561 $750 $750 $750 229 Other Supplies $2,912 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 231 Gas & Oil $7,107 $4,000 $6,000 $6,000 241 Consumable Tools $3,550 $3,300 $1,000 $1,000 312 Postage(samples) $0 $0 $125 $125 320 Printing (maps) $0 $0 $125 $125 335 Membership & Dues $707 $1,000 $1,200 $1,200 336 Licenses & Fees $11,776 $11,680 $12,500 $12,500 341 Electricity $63,220 $65,000 $67,000 $67,000 342 Water/Sewer $317 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 344 Natural Gas $6,599 $7,500 $7,600 $7,600 345 Telephone $7,654 $6,300 $6,500 $6,500 349 Lab Services $6,777 $7,500 $8,000 $8,000 353 Auditing $1,111 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 354 Contract Services $31,134 $23,195 $14,000 $14,000 li 356 Consultants $0 $0 $1,000 $1,000 357 Consumer Counsel Tax $0 $900 $0 $0 360 Repair & Maintenance $2,058 $3,000 $11,000 $11,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $6,565 $9,000 $5,000 $5,000 363 Office Equip Maintenance: $132 $1,500 $500 $500 366 Building Maintenance $2,333 $3,000 $1,000 $1,000 CITY OF KALISPELL 170 ACCOUNT ACTUAL FY96197 BUDGET FY96197 STAFFS Request 97/98 MANAGER'S Proposed FY% 369 Radio Maintenance $590 $500 $700 $700 373 School & Travel $1,171 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 380 Training Materials $0 $300 $200 $200 388 Medical Services/drug testing $627 $500 $700 $700 395 Equipment Rental $725 $2,000 $500 $500 410 Construction Materials $11,585 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 421 Meters $25,450 $20,000 $15,000 $15,000 422 Hydrants $19,997 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 423 Materials - Mains $16,676 $20,000 $10,000 $10,000 424 Materials - Service lines $8,033 $15,000 $5,000 $5,000 425 Materials - Pumps $891 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 510 Property & Liability Ins. $16,127 $13,000 $13,000 $13,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $15,000 $15,000 $10,000 $10,000 522 Administrative Transfer $77,596 $75,977 $77,671 $77,671 528 Data Processing Transfer $15,055 $14,599 $9,625 $9,625 Total Material & Services $370,221 $385,501 $323,446 $323,446 Capital Outlay: 920 Land / Buildings $2,693 $0 $17,000 $2,000 931 Contract Main (R & D) $31,322 $270,000 $375,000 $170,000 934 Capital Imp. -Well & Liberty St. $0 $260,000 $260,000 934 Consultants -Hwy 93 So. $15,000 $50,000 $35,000 $35,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $12,000 $12,000 $29,360 $17,750 Total Capital Outlay $61,015 $332,000 $716,360 $484,750 490200 620 Debt Service $108,712 $108,937 $107,363 $107,363 510400 831 Deprec/replacement reserve $0 $150,000 $150,000 $148,000 unfunded FY98 Total $872,847 $1,295,988 $1,616,520 $1,382,910 5220 WATER BOND CONSTRUCTION 430590 950 Water well & bonded projec $786,150 Grand Total Water Fund $954,000 $150,000 $150,000 Im FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Public Works Director 0.25 0.25 0.25 $11,532 $11,820 $12,420 Asst. City Engineer 0.35 0.35 0.35 $11,861 $12,765 $12,765 Superintendent 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,267 $9,498 $9,498 Admin. Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.25 $6,123 $5,991 $5,991 Working Foreman 1.00 1.00 1.00 $25,647 $27,479 $27,269 Maintenance & Repair 5.00 5.00 5.00 $127,085 $132,155 $131,144 Surveyor 0.40 0.40 $11,072 $11,072 Surveyor's Aide 0.40 0.40 $9,135 $9,533 $0 Clerk II 0.25 0.25 0.25 $4,531 $4,844 $4,844 merit & comptime buyout $1,398 ($246) $15,000 subtotal salaries 7.75 8.15 7.75 $206,579 $224,911 $230,003 Payroll taxes Fica/Medt $18,171 $17,206 $17,595 Worker's comp. $16,758 $16,762 $12,748 Oflt $1,200 $1,231 $1,150 Unemployment tax $831 $862 $805 Total for line item 110 $243,539 $260,972 $262,301 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan lst and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. FUND: WATER 5210.. 447... 430560... WATER BILLING COSTS B ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $46,853 $48,781 $50,876 $50,876 Materials and Services $14,301 $15,989 $24,960 $24,960 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $61,154 $64,770 $80,836 $80,836 The water rates which went into effect September lst 1996 segregate the billing costs as a flat fee. To accommodate tracking these costs we've set up anew function number to separate billing costs from water operating. (This was done in the Sewer Fund last year to accommodate the Evergreen contract). Costs include one Billing Clerk and 1/2 of the meter reader's salary. The prior year numbers are estimated. Line Item detail: 940 Capital Outlay - PC for water office to accommodate the new windows based software which we hope to have complete next year. This software program will provide us with the capability to send water bills in the year 2000. The amount budgeted includes hardware, software, licenses, cabling to the network and network installation. 173 I to RAM FUND: WATER 5210.. 447... 430560... WATER BILLING COSTS ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 354 Contract Services/software 355 Billing Costs 522 Admistrative transfer 528 Data Processing Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: 940 PC for Water Office/Billing $36,518 $38,446 $40,413 $40,413 $8,025 $8,025 $8,025 $8,025 $2,310 $2,310 $2,438 $2,438 $46,853 $48,781 $50,876 $50,876 $612 $500 $500 $500 $847 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $987 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $0 $0 $1,500 $1,500 $6,441 $5,500 $5,500 $5,500 $1,392 $3,011 $3,619 $3,619 $4,022 $4,478 $10,341 $10,341 $14,301 $15,989 $24,960 $24,960 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 Total Billing Costs $61,154 $64,770 $80,836 $80,836 i SEWEPJWWTP D BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH:Operating Sewer/WWTP $274,445 $301,602 $325,567 *** WWTP Capital Improvement $1,276,263 $1,203,857 $1,276,496 ** WWTP Equipment Repl/Evergreen $543,886 $508,886 $837,082 * Sewer Replacement $658,848 $682,888 $626,851 Subtotal Cash $2,753,442 $2,697,233 $3,065,996 REVENUE and sources of cash: SEWER SERVICE -billed $2,020,000 $2,014,707 $2,000,000 Decrease (Increase) A/R., Comp. Abs. ($43,796) *** Hookup-WWTP $70,000 $72,639 $70,000 * Hookup -Sewer $65,000 $53,360 $90,000 Misc. Revenue $0 $2,882 $3,500 Interest -operations $204,775 $193,620 $210,000 Interest-W WTP/Evrgn $33,3 87 Loans & repayments $0 $11,440 $0 Subtotal Revenue $2,359,775 $2,338,239 $2,373,500 Total Available $5,113,217 $5,035,472 $5,439,496 EXPENSES and uses of cash: SANITARY SEWER operating $534,073 5559,659 $558,883 * Sewer Replacement funds $375,000 5120,837 $410,000 BILLING COSTS $81,807 $82,473 $92,125 WWTP operating $1,695,439 $1,573,316 $1,729,408 ** WWTP Equip. Replace/Evergreen $155,500 $5,191 $246,000 Transfer to operating reserve $8,000 Subtotal Expenses $2,841,819 $2,349,476 $3,036,416 Add unfunded depreciation to cash $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 CASH CARRY OVER: Sewer Fund - operating Z M32 23 1 *** WWTP Capital Improvement 51,346,263 $1,276,496 $1,346,496 ** WWTP Equipment Repl/Evergreen $688,386 $837,082 $891,082 * Sewer Replacement $348,848 5626,851 5306,851 Total $2,651,398 $3,065,996 $2,783,080 Sewer service billed - based on five months of billing under new rate schedule. Although, the new rate increased from S2.54 to 52.98 per 1000 gallons, the elimination of minimums has negated some of the effect of the rate increase on total revenue. M 1 FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGERS ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $143,780 $134,431 $144,652 $144,652 Materials and Services $177,196 $146,832 $179,028 $160,983 Capital/Constuction & Replacemt $166,856 $460,600 $691,625 $496,625 Debt Service (Sanitary Sewer) $112,664 $87,210 $86,623 $86,623 Depreciation (unfunded) $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $680,496 $909,073 $1,181,928 $968,883 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: It is the responsibility of the Sewer Maintenance Division to operate and maintain the sewer collection and transmission system of the City of Kalispell. Maintenance procedures include jet nodding, gravity flushing, television inspection, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods as required. This budget reflects an increase of 6.6%. The major expenditures for this budget are "carryover" items from the 96/97 budget. This amount is $375,000. With these carryover expenditures the proposed budget would have decreased 34%. 177 934 Capital Improvements - $35,000 $35,000 - Highway 93 So. Engineering (Carryover) 940 Machinery & Equipment - $ 51,625 $ 3,000 - Gas Monitor $ 1,500 - Jet Cleaning hose $ 3,750 - HP Color Plotter for Engineering drawings and mapping -cost shared with water. $12,000 - Lift Station alarm for 6 lift stations $ 1,375 - Rotating Laser Measuring Device for survey -cost shared w/water $30,000 - Trailer mounted generator (Carryover) PLACE FUNDS - $410,000 931 Contract Main Installation - $ 80,000 $80,000 - 6th Alley WN Sewer main replacement (Carryover) 950 Construction in Progress - $280,000 & $50,000 $280,000 - Elk's Sewage Lift Station Reconstruction (Carryover amt. $180,000) $ 50,000 - Lift Station #5 replacement - Green Acres (Carryover) ft I 1 0 0 P M1 931 Contract Main Installation - $100,000 $50,000 - Lift Station #4 replacement - Liberty St $25,000 - Manhole replacement - 4th Alley East & 2nd St $25,000 - Manhole replacement - 5th Alley East & 5th St 940 Machinery & Equipment - $ 90,000 $90,000 - Backhoe to replace 1974 Case am 1' • ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S AGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries & Wages $114,084 $111,845 $117,049 $117,049 121 Overtime $4,802 $0 $5,000 $5,000 153 Health Insurance $18,511 $16,022 $16,051 $16,051 155 Retirement - PERD $6,383 $6,564 $6,552 $6,552 Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $493 $500 $250 $250 213 Small Office Equipment $500 $500 $500 $500 215 Computer Supplies $0 $500 $500 $500 216 Computer Equipment $3,250 $1,075 $750 $750 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $432 $500 $500 $500 224 Janitorial Supplies $280 $300 $300 $300 229 Other Supplies $1,279 $1,000 $1,500 $1,500 231 Gas & Oil $3,695 $2,000 $3,000 $3,000 241 Consumable Tools $702 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 312 Postage & Shipping $9 $500 $750 $300 320 Printing $157 $0 $150 $150 336 Licenses & Fees $893 $200 $400 $700 341 Electricity $7,785 $6,000 $6,200 $8,000 342 Water $392 $450 $500 $500 344 Natural Gas $2,139 $1,950 $2,200 $2,200 345 Telephone $5,215 $3,400 $3,600 $3,600 353 Auditing $1,111 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 354 Contract Services $45,402 $26,000 $37,195 $19,000 356 Consultants $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 357 Consumer Counsel Tax $0 $600 $0 $0 360 Manhole Rehab $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $3,947 $4,000 $4,000 $4,000 366 Building Maintenance $852 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 369 Radio Maintenance $500 $500 $750 $750 373 School & Travel ($0 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 388 Medical Services $393 $350 $400 $400 395 Equipment Rental $0 $250 $250 $250 con't. FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 410 Construction Materials $12,154 $10,000 $16,000 $16,003 425 Materials - Pumps $4,738 $5,000 $5,000 $3,500 510 Property & Liability Ins. $11,622 $7,500 $15,000 $15,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 $7,000 522 Administrative Transfer $52,135 $52,135 $40,212 $40,212 528 Data Processing Transfer $10,122 $10,122 $6,621 $6,621 Subtotal $177,196 $146,832 $179,028 $160,983 Capital Outlay: 934 Hwy 93 So. (carryover) $15,000 $50,000 $35,000 $35,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $20,971 $65,600 $141,625 $51,625 950 Greenacres $7,354 910 Land $2,694 Subtotal $46,019 $115,600 $176,625 $86,625 430635 Sewer Replacement 931 Sanitary Sewer $19,757 $115,000 $180,000 $80,000 950 Elk's Lift (carryover $180,00 $101,080 $180,000 $285,000 $280,000 950 Greenacres Lift (carryover) $0 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $120,837 $345,000 $515,000 $410,000 000 490200 Debt Service 610 Principle $30,000 $30,000 $41,698 $41,698 620 Interest $82,664 $57,210 $44,925 $44,925 $112,664 $87,210 $86,623 $86,623 454 510400 831 Depreciation/replacement $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Total Sanitary Sewer $680,496 $909,073 $1,181,928 $968,883 I FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Assistant City Engineer 0.2 0.2 0.2 $6,778 $7,295 $7,295 Working Foreman 1.0 1.0 1.0 $27,497 $28,527 $28,309 Maintenance & Repair 2.0 2.0 2.0 $50,837 $53,134 $52,728 Surveyor's Aide 0.4 0.4 0.4 $9,135 $9,533 $9,460 merit & comptime buyout $234 $5,000 Subtotal Salaries 3.6 3.6 3.6 $94,481 $98,489, Payroll taxes: Fica/medt $7,228 $7,534 $7,864 Worker's comp. $7,421 $7,421 $5,520 Oflt $472 $492 $514 Unemployment $331 $345 $360 Total for line item 110 $109,933 $114,282 $117,049 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan lst and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. r 114 Q D112 I ! a FUND: SEWER 5310.. 454... 430620 SEWER BILLING COSTS ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $63,895 $59,818 $63,565 $63,565 Materials and Services $18,578 $21,989 $23,560 $23,560 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $82,473 $81,807 $92,125 $92,125 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget is increased 12.6% to accommodate a capital outlay of $5,000 for a new PC for the billing office and a reapportionment of data processing costs and personal services. The costs for billing sewer and wwtp are separated to accomodate billing the Evergreen Sewer District. The costs are for one billing clerk and 1/2 of the meter reader. Also included are administrative costs of billing and data processing based on our formula. These costs were previously apportioned to both Sewer and WWTP operating. Billing costs include postage and printing of the forms and other costs attributable to collection. Contract services for software include a report writer program for the utilties to run with the new Utility Billing software (carryover item). The Progress software is windows based and will require replacing the monitors in the water office with PCs. One budgeted in Water and one in Sewer Billing. The other billing clerk and 1 /2 of the meter reader are budgeted in the Water Fund. Line Item detail: 940 Capital Outlay - PC for water/sewer office to accommodate the new windows based software which we hope to have complete next year. This software program will provide us with the capability to send water bills in the year 2000. The amount budgeted includes hardware, software, licenses, cabling to the network and network installation. f , • FUND: SEWER 5310.. 454... 430620 SEWER BILLING COSTS ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 320 Printing 354 Contract services/software 355 Billing Costs/postage 522 Admistrative transfer 528 Data Processing Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay 940 PC for Utility Billing Total Billing Costs $51,143 $47,435 $51,151 $51,151 $9,336 $9,518 $9,473 $9,473 $3,416 $2,865 $2,941 $2,941 $63,895 $59,818 $63,565 $63,565 $562 $3,000 $2,000 $2,000 $11,500 $1,500 $1,500 $10,527 $10,000 $8,000 $8,000 $3,011 $3,011 $3,619 $3,619 $4,478 $4,478 $8,441 $8,441 $18,578 $21,989 $23,560 $23,560 $0 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $82,473 $811,807 $92,125 $92,125 LULI *02210113 FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $244,667 $267,394 $283,405 $283,405 Materials and Services $516,013 $558,530 $582,430 $578,620 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 Debt Service $512,636 $569,515 $567,383 $567,383 WWTP Replacement/equip. $5,191 $155,500 $273,000 $246,000 Replacement Reserve $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $1,578,507 $1,850,939 $2,006,218 $ STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility is responsible for treating domestic wastewater to meet the discharge permit issued by the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. The treated wastewater is discharged to Ashley Creek in accordance with specific limitations, requirements, and conditions. Facility Maintenance: 7 buildings, 53 pumps, 14 gear reducers, 24 mixers, 6 large & 7 small submersible pumps, 1 scum buster pump, 200 valves of all sizes, 5 air compressors, 1 electric generator, 2 gas boilers, 3 make-up air units, 8 ventilation fans, 16 electric heaters, I air conditioner, 3 gas heaters, 16 sand filters, 3 200hp air blowers, 9 auto electric valves, 15 flow meters, 4 gas detectors, 2 programmable logic controllers, 2 ultraviolet light units, 4 clarifiers, 1 I bio-cells, 1 equalization tank, 3 digesters, 2 fermenter tanks, 2 dissolved air floatation tanks, 2 belt filter presses, 15000 gal. Alum tank, 1 pickup, 2 sludge trucks and 1 jeep. This budget reflects a 6.7% overall increase. This consists of a 4.3% increase in the operations budget and a 58% increase in equipment/replacement expenditure. ($150,000 of this increase is a carryover from the 96/97 budget). Without the carryover expenditure the budget is a reduction of 1.4%. Im r . I 354 Contract Services - $98,000 Glacier Gold Contract 362 Equipment Maintenance - $51,710 $ 501,000 - Project equipment maintenance costs (see note) $ 1,710 - Air Lift Units NOTE: The line item figures in the FY98 budget have been adjusted based on actual and projected costs for FY97 and projected increased flow. The statistical projected equipment repair and maintenance cost (line item 362) should be 3/10 - 5110 of 1 % of the cost of the facility. That amount would be ($42,000-$70,000). Budget $50,000. 366 Building Maintenance - $4,500 $ 2,000 - Floor Care $ 21,500 - Misc. Building & grounds maintenance; summer contract labor 940 Capital Replacement - $ 246,000 (funded from City/Evergreen replacement funds) $ 5,000 - Dilution Water Flow Meter - This meter is used to control solids and settling in the production of volatile fatty acids for phosphorus removal. It is located inside the scum tank. The corrosive atmosphere is destroying the meter. Repair is more expensive than replacement and the new meter will be relocated outside the scum tank. $ 31,000 - Biocell Dissolved Oxygen Monitors & Aeration Control Valves - these units are experiencing severe malfunction during cold weather and need constant recalibration. $150,000 - Digester Facility (carryover) - structural evaluation under way. $ 60,000 - Effluent pipe to reaeration basin - determined to be leaking, this pipe carries the entire effluent flow. Repair options are being evaluated with the Digester facility. 940 Capital Replacement - $ 27,000 $ 27,000 - Utility Vehicle FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $188,745 $208,423 $224,483 $224,483 121 Overtime $14,510 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 153 Health Insurance $28,329 $31,515 $30,776 $30,776 155 Retirement - PERD $13,083 $13,456 $14,146 $14,146 Total Personal Services $244,667 $267,394 $283,405 $283,405 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $489 $250 $400 $400 213 Small Office Equip $200 $200 $200 $200 215 Computer Supplies $250 $200 $100 100 221 Safety Equipment & Supply $1,158 $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 222 Lab Supplies $3,854 $3,000 $4,000 $4,000 224 Janitorial Supplies $11 $150 $150 $150 225 Alum $4,874 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 226 Chemicals $15,892 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 229 Other Supplies $3,169 $3,000 $3,500 $3,500 231 Gas & Oil $5,532 $7,500 $8,000 $8,000 241 Consumable tools $5,301 $6,000 $2,500 $2,500 312 Postage & Shipping $458 $600 $600 $600 335 Membership and Dues $235 $250 $500 $500 336 Licenses and Fees $4,539 $3,650 $5,000 $5,000 341 Electricity $164,716 $150,000 $160,000 $160,000 342 Water $1,687 $2,000 $2,200 $2,200 344 Natural Gas $26,663 $30,000 $30,000 $30,000 345 Telephone & Alarms $3,096 $2,500 $2,700 $2,100 349 Lab Services $3,761 $3,500 $3,500 $4,000 353 Auditing $1,667 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 354 Contract Services -Glacier Gold $101,754 $100,000 $98,000 $98,000 356 Consultant - Electrical engineer $3,168 $5,000 $2,000 $2,000 360 Digester Cleaning (carryover) $1,292 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 360 Maintenance Service -misc. $0 $1,000 $3,500 $3,500 362 Equipment Maintenance $48,245 $50,000 $55,420 $51,710 continued U.% FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT i ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96197 FY96197 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Materials and Services-con't. 366 Building Maintenance $1,612 $2,000 $4,500 $4,500 369 Radio Maintenance $89 $150 $150 $150 373 School & Travel $1,610 $2,000 $21,500 $2,500 380 Training Materials $317 $250 $250 $250 388 Medical Services $142 $350 $350 $350 395 Equipment Rental $0 $300 $300 $300 510 Property & Liability Insurance $24,592 $26,240 $26,240 $26,240 521 Central Garage Transfer $5,000 $5,000 $6,500 $6,500 522 Administrative Transfer $76,162 $76,162 $81,874 $81,874 528 Data Processing Transfer $4,478 $4,478 $3,696 $3,696 Total Materials & Services , Capital Outlay: New Equip. 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Capital Outlay 000 490210 Debt Service/Revenue Bonds 610 Principle $55,000 $115,000 $120,000 $120,000 620 Interest $172,496 $169,195 $162,123 $162,123 490215 Debt Service/SRF Loan 610 Principle $144,000 $150,000 $156,000 $156,000 620 Interest $141,140 $135,320 $129,260 $129,260 455 430645 WWTP Replacement 940 Machinery & Equipment $5,191 $155,500 $273,000 $246,000 Total Replacement $5,191 $155,500 455 510400 831 Depreciation/Replacement Reserve $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Total WWTP $1,578,507 $1,850,939 $2,006,218 $1,975,408 ! 31 I , t' ' FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97 Director/City Engineer WWTP Manager Assistant City Engineer Administrative Coordinator Operator/Maintenance Lab Tech Clerk H Pager pay-$95 per week merit & comptime buyout subtotal salaries Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Worker's comp. Oflt WWTP total for line item 110 0.10 0.10 0.10 $4,613 $4,728 1.00 1.00 1.00 $33,433 $34,269 0.20 0.20 0.20 $6,778 $7,294 0.25 0.25 0.25 $5,049 $5,991 4.00 4.00 4.00 $100,924 $104,363 1.00 1.00 1.00 $24,357 $25,362 0.10 0.10 0.10 $1,812 $1,938 $1,425 6.65 6.65 6.65 $178,391 $183,945 $13,647 $624 $10,168 $892 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. Pager pay was not included on the budget form in prior years, however, it was paid. $4,968 $34,269 $7,294 $5,991 $103,572 $25,168 $1,938 $4,940 $9,000 $197,140 Comptime buyout is to pay off 25% of 200 hours accrued comptime by the assistant engineer. The personnel schedule reflects actual salaries, the expenditure page amounts do not agree because non union raises went into effect Jan lst and were only appropriated for 1/2 year. ME CASH: Operating STORM REVENUE: Storm Assessments -billed Penalty & interest Return of bond reserve-1976 bonds (Increase) Decrease assessments rec. Subtotal cash available 04,490011131 EXPENSES: STORM Operations & Debt Subtotal Expenses Add Depreciation to cash CASH CARRY OVER: Storm - operating BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 FY96/97 F'Y97/98 $524,737 $524,781 $403,661 $233,054 $229,834 $235,000 $2,000 $1,264 $1,200 $115 $757,791 $755,994 $638,661 $664,151 $374,333 $272,154 $664,151 $374,333 $272,154 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $115,640 $403,661 $388,507 [ FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 j ACTUAL BUDGET STAFFS MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $68,483 $64,885 $68,439 $68,439 Materials and Services $52,074 $68,653 $61,535 $61,285 Capital Improvements $196,683 $473,520 $180,000 $90,000 Debt Service $35,093 $35,093 $30,430 $30,430 Depreciation $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $374,333 $664,151 $362,404 $272,154 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Storm Sewer Maintenance Division is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Storm water collection, transmission, detention and disposal facilities of the City of Kalispell. The purpose of this system is to collect and properly dispose of storm water from snow melt, rainfall and other sources without going through the wastewater treatment plant. The division maintains over nine miles of storm water facilities including catch basins, inlet, culverts, storm drains, detention basins and outfalls. The storm sewer operating budget reflects a small decrease (3%) in materials and a drop in debt service (14%) due to the refinancing of the 1986 Sewer Revenue bonds. Capital Improvements dropped dramatically as the budget only reflects those projects which may be completed this fiscal year. H& 934 Capital Improvements - $ 90,000 $ 40,000 Spring Creek engineering (carryover) - Completion of Engineering Analysis and design for Spring Creek High Water Bypass. $ 50,000 Phase I Spring Creek implementation - Storm drainage piping and outfall facilities to divert Spring Creek high flows directly to Ashley Creek. UNFUNDED - $ 90,000 $ 75,000 - Spring Creek Phase H. Future storm sewer needs include construction of improvements for the established drainage path in the Jr. High/Ramsgate area. Also, drainage improvements in Southeast Kalispell, FVCC, Fairgrounds and Liberty/Two Mile Dr. Additional funds needed for these future improvements estimated at $125,000. $ 15,000 - to improve the storm sewer outfall at the City Shop complex, although budgeted in FY96 & FY97, we were unable to complete this project. 1 '` US ZEN FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $55,273 $52,454 $55,793 $55,793 153 Health Insurance $9,970 $9,345 $9,363 $9,363 155 Retirement - PERD $3,240 $3,086 $3,283 $3,283 Subtotal Personal Services $68,483 $64,885 $68,439 $68,439 Materials and Services: 216 Computer equipment $500 $575 $500 $500 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $245 $200 $200 $200 231 Gas & Oil $1,652 $2,100 $2,100 $2,100 241 Consumable Tools $725 $1,400 $200 $200 320 Printing -blue prints $0 $500 $150 $150 353 Auditing $555 $500 $500 $500 354 Contract Services $17,560 $14,000 $3,200 $3,200 355 Billing Costs -assessments $800 $800 $800 $800 360 Repair & Maintenance Services $892 $1,250 $1,250 $1,000 371 Curb & Gutter $4 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 410 Construction Materials $1,547 $17,713 $15,000 $15,000 510 Property & Liability Insurance $1,574 $800 $1,825 $1,825 522 Administrative Transfer $22,362 $22,362 $29,378 $29,378 528 Data Processing Transfer $2,958 $3,853 $3,232 $3,232 532 Lease Payments $1,200 $600 $1,200 $1,200 Subtotal materials & services $52,074 $68,653 $61,535 $61,285 430246 934 Capital Improvements $33,986 $315,000 $180,000 $90,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $4,159 $8,000 $0 $0 950 Construction-14th St. E. $158,538 $150,520 $0 $0 Subtotal Capital Outlay $196,683 $473,520 $180,000 $90,000 490220 620 Debt Service $35,093 $35,093 $30,430 $30,430 510400 831 Depreciation -unfunded $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 TOTAL Storm Sewer $374,333 $664,151 $362,404 $272,154 CITY OF KALISPELL 193 FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 POSITION TITLE Surveyor's Aide Maintenance & repair person Administrative Coordinator Surveyor* merit subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Workers Comp Oflt TOTAL 110 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 0.20 0.20 0.20 $4,652 $4,766 $4,730 1.00 1.00 1.00 $24,170 $27,353 $27,972 0.00 0.25 0.25 $0 $5,991 $5,991 0.00 0.30 0.30 $0 $8,304 $8,304 $2,000 1.20 1.45 1.45 $28,822 $46,414 $48,997 $2,205 $3,551 $3,748 $101 $162 $171 $2,035 $2,492 $2,631 $144 $232 $245 $33,307 $52,852 $55,793 Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. i G SANITARY 1997 Sewer Bond-9 year refunding Principal $41,698 Interest $44,925 Subtotal Sewer JaL62 WWTP 1991 Sewer Bond-20 year Principal $120,000 Interest $162,123 WWTP SRF Loan-20 year Principal $156,000 Interest $129,260 Subtotal WWTP 556 3la STORM SEWER 1997 Bond-4 year refunding Principal $23,303 Interest $6,377 Subtotal Storm Sewer J22,680 Total Debt Service 68 6,�i8 PROGRAM F SERVICES 5410 AMMULANCEFUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: operating $21,205 $22,217 $22,217 $13,972 *R & D Account $41,555 $32,736 $32,736 $60,036 Fees for Services $455,779 $483,600 $463,620 $458,500 less allowance for uncollectible ($52,506) ($60,000) ($77,908) ($60,000) less increase in A/R ($48,279) ($27,495) $27,495 Proceeds of loan/ambulance $30,000 auction proceeds $2,300 Interest Earnings $3,185 $2,500 $4,499 $3,000 Total Available for Operations $450,939 $481,053 $419,969 $503,003 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Ambulance Service $307,152 $368,371 $320,690 $363,131 Capital Outlay $75,591 $18,000 $13,831 $36,000 Debt Service $13,243 $11,440 $11,440 $10,600 Replacement Reserve $20,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Total Expense $415,986 $422,811 $370,961 $434,731 Cash Carry Over: Operating $22,217 $25,506 $13,972 $8,236 R & D account $32,736 $57,736 $60,036 $85,036 Total $54,953 $83,242 $74,008 $93,272 PROGRAMOF FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Service $233,624 $267,420 $259,681 $259,681 Materials and Services $87,066 $100,951 $103,450 $103,450 Capital Outlay $13,831 $18,000 $36,000 $36,000 Debt Service $11,440 $11,440 $10,600 $10,600 Replacement Reserves $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $370,961 $422,811 $434,731 $434,731 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The ambulance service is operated by the Kalispell Fire/EMS Department. This revenue producing transport service responds 14 miles north, 14 miles east, 14 miles west and 25 miles south of Kalispell for 911 calls and further if requested. Transfers are conducted as far as Seattle, Billings, Missoula and Calgary, Canada. The ambulance service made 1884 responses during 1996, traveling 37,737 miles. This compares to 1873 responses in 1995. We have 4 ambulances located at City Hall to provide our State Licensed Class A Advanced Life Support Service. REVENUE PROJECTION: 1750 TOTAL CALLS 60% - 1,750 CALLS = 1050 @ $290.00 = $304,500 40% - 1,750 CALLS = 700 @ $220.00 = $154,000 $458,500 197 0 '` 0115 1 1 FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries & Wages $208,871 $237,119 $230,741 $230,741 121 Overtime $6,934 $12,000 $10,000 $10,000 153 Health Insurance $9,121 $9,960 $10,640 $10,640 155 Retirement $8,698 $8,341 $8,300 $8,300 Total Personal Services $233,624 $267,420 $259,681 $259,681 210 215 231 241 312 320 345 353 359 354 361 362 369 373 380 391 399 510 521 522 528 Materials and Services: Office Supplies Computer Supplies Gas and Oil Consumable Tools Postage Printing Telephone Auditing Collection Services Contract Serv.Paramedic Ed. MV Maintenance Equipment Maintenance Radio Maintenance School & Travel Training Materials Treatment -Medical Supplies Laundry Property & Liability Ins. Central Garage Transfer Administrative Transfer Data Processing Transfer Total M & O $308 $350 $103 $250 $3,244 $5,000 $2,448 $2,000 $1,209 $2,500 $2,263 $2,300 $688 $750 $278 .$250 $7,584 $10,000 $2,088 $6,000 $593 $1,250 $2,934 $2,800 $1,512 $1,600 $1,712 $2,000 $754 $2,000 $17,169 $20,000 $439 $400 $8,240 $8,000 $7,000 $7,000 $21,127 $21,127 $5,373 $5,374 $87,066 $100,951 CITY OF KALISPELL 198 $350 $300 $5,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $750 $300 $10,000 $6,000 $1,500 $3,000 $1,600 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 $450 $8,500 $7,000 $21,200 $5,500 $350 $300 $5,500 $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 $750 $300 $10,000 $6,000 $1,500 $3,000 $1,600 $2,000 $2,000 $20,000 $450 $8,500 $7,000 $21,200 $5,500 PROGRAM OF SERVICES 11 V It V 1914 06 01 Dy ky,"I1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Capital Outlay: 940 Equipment - pulse oximeter $0 $1,100 $0 $0 - IV Pump $2,500 $2,500 940 Defib $13, 831 $11,400 $0 $0 940 Pro-Pac Monitors (2) $19,000 $19,000 940 Heavy Rescue Equipment $12,000 $12,000 940 Computer upgrade $3,500 $2,500 $2,500 940 Ambulance cot $0 $2,000 $0 944 Ambulance $0 $0 $0 $13,831 $18,000 $36,000 $36,000 490540 Debt Service: 610 Debt Retirement $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 620 Interest Expense $1,440 $1,440 $600 $600 $11,440 $11,440 $10,600 $10,600 510400 831 -Replacement reserve $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 Total Ambulance $370,961 $422,811 $434,731 $434,731 CITY KALISPELL PROGRAM r 1 FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 1 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY95/9 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 Ambulance Clerk II 1.0 1.0 1.0 $19,894 $21,305 $21,305 Fire Chief 0.5 0.5 0.5 $25,149 $25,687 $25,687 Assistant Fire Chief 0.5 0.5 0.5 $23,014 $22,971 $22,971 subtotal salaries: 2.0 2.0 2.0 $68,057 $69,963 $69,963 merit $5,000 1750 runs @ $73 $127,750 $138,700 $127,750 EMT-P Certification 8 x $90xl2mo $6,720 $8,640 EMT -I Certification 3 x $35xl2mo $6,500 $0 $1,260 EMT Certification $5,700 $3,300 $0 subtotal salaries: $208,007 $218,683 $212,613 Payroll taxes: Fica $1,522 $1,630 $1,630 Medt $2,985 $3,171 $3,083 Unemployment tax $728 $765 $744 Workers Comp $8,632 $11,940 $11,609 Oflt $1,040 $1,093 $1,063 TOTAL 110 $222,914 $237,283 $230,741 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. CITY OF KALISPELL 200 PROGRAM OF SERVICES 5510 SOLED WASTE FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 CASH: operating $35,039 $58,484 $58,484 $156,564 *Replacement Account $72,768 $127,768 $127,768 $78,112 (Increase) in Receivables ($45,077) ($7,902) Assessments $383,786 $383,786 $408,314 $400,000 Penalty & Interest $2,790 $2,200 $2,870 $2,200 Interest Earnings $5,748 $3,000 $12,400 $7,000 Total Available $455,054 $575,238 $601,934 $636,876 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Garbage Service $251,189 $242,867 $243,852 $324,139 Capital Outlay $17,613 $110,900 $123,406 $50,000 Replacement/Reserve $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 Total Expense $323,802 $408,767 $422,258 $429,139 Cash Carry Over: Operating $58,484 $149,603 $156,564 $136,625 *Replacement Account $127,768 $71,868 $78,112 $133,112 Total $186,252 $221,471 $234,676 $269,737 * Replacement account funded new garbage truck for $104,656 FY96/97 OPERATING 5510...G ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 Personal Services $165,678 $162,472 $218,726 $218,726 Materials and Services $78,174 $80,395 $105,413 $105,413 Capital Outlay $123,406 $110,900 $50,000 $50,000 Depreciation $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 $10,000 $422,258 $408,767 $429,139 $384,139 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Solid Waste Operating Division is responsible for the collection, conveyance and disposal of all refuse accumulated within the city in an efficient and sanitary manner. This budget has an increase of 10.5 %. The increase is due to adding one full time employee and contract services to complete a performance evaluation of this service. The performance evaluation should enable us to recognize and implement efficiencies that are not currently being utilized. Kim Line Item Detail: Solid Waste Fund 110 Personal Services Additional full time driver to assist with alley cleanup and provide relief of overtime. Surveyor aide moved from water since he spends a great deal of time on assessments. 229 Other Supplies - $1,600 $600 - Uniforms, $1,000 - PVC & miscellaneous material for container repair. 356 Consultants - $21,000 $20,000 - Performance & plan for Solid Waste requirements $1,000 - Hansen Software Consultants 366 Building Maintenance-$1,200 Roof and seams in the Solid Waste shop need to be resealed. 369 Radio Equipment & Maintenance - $1,800 Replace Ihandheld radio (worn out) and purchase 2 truck radios 940 Machinery & Equipment - $25,000 Additional containers (various sizes) 944 Vehicles-$25,000 Truck to replace 1969 Chevy step side pickup. 1 By .._ ` 0 FUND: SOLID WASTE OPERATING 55 10 ... GARBAGE 460...430840 I ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 Request 97/98 FY97/98 110 Salaries & Wages $133,991 $128,576 $178,457 $178,457 121 Overtime $5,635 $8,000 $4,000 $4,000 153 Health Insurance $17,933 $18,265 $25,519 $25,519 155 Retirement - PERD $8,119 $7,631 $10,750 $10,750 Total Personal Services $165,678 $162,472 $218,726 $218,726 Materials and Services: 216 Computer Equipment 221 Safety Equipment & Supplies 224 Janitorial Supplies 229 Other Supplies 231 Gas and Oil 241 Consumable Tools 331 Publications 341 Electricity 342 Water 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone 354 Contract Services 355 Billing Costs (County) 356 Consultants 360 Repair & Maintenance 366 Building Maintenance 369 Radio Maintenance 388 Medical services 510 Property & Liability Insurance 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Data Processing Transfer Total M & O $375 $500 $750 $750 $0 $250 $250 $250 $138 $500 $500 $500 $465 $1,000 $1,600 $1,600 $10,641 $9,000 $10,000 $10,000 $240 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $359 $200 $300 $300 $0 $1,400 $1,550 $1,550 $0 $100 $100 $100 $2,287 $2,000 $2,100 $2,100 $0 $500 $600 $600 $2,533 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $1,310 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $0 $0 $21,000 $21,000 $439 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,343 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $295 $500 $1,800 $1,800 $318 $350 $350 $350 $11,036 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $16,541 $16,541 $18,081 $18,081 $3,854 $3,854 $2,732 $2,732 MM n I FUND: SOLID WASTE OPERATING 55 10 ... GARBAGE 460...430840 1 POSITION TITLE Director/City Engineer* Assistant City Engineer* Superintendent* Administrative Coordinator* Foreman Equipment Operators Surveyor's Aide ** merit & comptime buyout subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Workers Comp Oflt TOTAL 110 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY95/96 FY96/97 FY97/98 0.25 0.25 0.25 $11,532 $12,240 $12,420 0.25 0.25 0.25 $8,472 $9,118 $9,118 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,267 $9,499 $9,499 0.25 0.25 0.25 $6,123 $5,991 $5,991 1.00 1.00 1.00 $27,082 $28,108 $27,893 2.00 2.00 3.00 $49,068 $50,766 $75,047 0.40 $9,460 $420 $7,000 4.0 4.0 5.4 $111,964 $115,722 $156,428 $8,450 $8,853 $11,967 $387 $405 $547 $7,791 $5,001 $8,733 $560 $579 $782 129,152 $130,559 $178,457 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page includes 1/2 year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. Hourly wages for FY97 were based on 2096 hours; wages for FY98 will be for 2080 hours. Comptime buyout is to pay off 35% of 200 hours accrued comptime by the Assistant City Engineer. This amounts to approximately $1,000 in the Solid Waste Fund. I'llml 5Fl!'lQEVW, REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY95/96 FY96/97 FY96/97 FY98/98 CASH: Operating $13,418 $8,761 $8,761 $8,260 Cash, Replacement account $0 $20,805 $20,805 $40,805 Charge for services -other Funds $92,150 $56,880 $56,880 $60,351 Video Gaming revenue $51,250 $39,675 $39,675 $58,007 Hwy. Traffic Safety Grant $10,000 $0 $0 $29,620 Auction proceeds $155 $0 Interest $1,535 $1,500 $2,670 $2,000 Total Available $168,353 $127,621 $128,946 $199,043 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Data Processing $29,225 $27,825 $32,455 $40,450 Capital Outlay $92,032 $39,500 $38,454 $84,420 Debt Service $17,530 $8,980 $8,972 $4,514 Deprec./replacement reserve $20,805 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Total Expense $159,592 $96,305 $99,881 $149,384 Cash Carry Over: operating $8,761 $10,511 $8,260 $20,854 Replacement account $20,805 $40,805 $40,805 $48,805 WK11 a ice. r 9 �a FUND: DATA PROCESSING 6030... FINANCE 403..410580, 410585 1 ACTUAL BUDGET STAFF'S MANAGER'S ACCOUNT FY96/97 FY96/97 FY97/98 FY98/98 Operating Expenses $32,455 $27,825 $40,450 $40,450 Capital Outlay $38,454 $39,500 $84,420 $84,420 Debt Service $8,972 $8,980 $4,514 $4,514 Replacement/Depreciation $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $99,881 $96,305 $149,384 $149,384 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget has increased 44% for operations due to moving the leases for all of the copiers, supplies and maintenance to this fund and increased usage of paper and printer supplies. Capital outlay has increased 214 % due to a Highway Traffic Safety Grant budgeted in this fund for police laptops. Debt service has decreased due to paying off the Board of Investmer loan on the RS6000. We anticipate using replacement reserves for police department computer replacements. The internal service fund charges other funds for the services provided. Transfers from each fund are included in their budgets as expenditures. Items which are fund specific are prorated only to the funds receiving benefit. The BARS software and the dot matrix printer are charged to the utility billing function. For maintenance and operations, the percent attributable to each department is related to usage on the RS6000. Water and sewer are the biggest users (20%) with the ambulance (6%)program next. The funds which have both A/P and payroll are at 3%, Airport only has A/P and is at 1%. The General Fund share is the remaining amount which we have funded with proceeds of Video Gaming as in the past. Line Item Detail: Data Processing 229 supplies - computers $ 1,000 computer paper $ 4,000 ribbons 229 supplies - other equipment $ 3,000 copy paper 120+ cases (600,000 pieces of paper!) $ 1,000 fax cartridges; ink rollers, tape and water for postage machine Postage Machine $ 500 maintenance on postage machine $ 1,200 meter charges postage machine Maintenance contract for UST is $3,795 which includes the software upgrades. Call outs for maintenance for network problems, printers and other software problems are on an hourly basis. Equipment maintenance includes contracts for 10 printers. All 4 copiers are pooled and paid from the Data processing fund and recovered through the data processing transfer. The pooled lease arrangement includes all of the maintenance and all of the supplies. We may have excess copy charges if we exceed 34,000 copies a month. Lease amount $14,400 + amount for excess usage. Debt service is the last payment on the RS6000 to the Mt. Board of Investments. Transfers: (Revenue) Airport $614 Building $3,401 Water $9,625 Water Billing $10,341 Sewer $8,441 Sewer Billing $6,621 WWTP $3,696 Storm $3,232 St. Maintenance $2,732 Solid Waste $2,732 Ambulance $5,500 UDAG $3,416 total transfers $60,351 General Fund share $58,007 I FUND: DATA PROCESSING 6030... FINANCE 403..410580, 410585 1 ACCOUNT ACTUAL FY96/97 BUDGET FY96/97 STAFFS FY97/98 MANAGER'S FY98/98 Operating expense: 410580 Computer 215 Computer Supplies $5,517 $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 354 Contract Services -UST $6,302 $6,500 $8,000 $8,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $4,232 $3,000 $4,500 $4,500 381 Computer Training/school $476 $2,000 $1,250 $1,250 410585 Copier, Fax, Postage machine 229 Other Supplies (paper, etc.) $3,129 $3,300 $4,000 $4,000 354 Contract Services -Copiers $4,308 $2,500 $0 $0 354 Contract Services -Postage $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 362 Equipment Maintenance $0 $500 $500 $500 532 Copier Rental (2) (4-98) $7,291 $6,825 $16,000 $16,000 Total M & O $32,455 $27,825 $40,450 $40,450 410580 Capital Outlay: 940 PC workstations for network $13,874 $11,000 $10,000 $10,000 940 Manager's laptop $3,000 $3,000 940 Police Dept. system (replacement) $12,000 $12,000 940 Police Dept. -grant - Laptops $29,620 $29,620 940 Park's Dept. PC/printer $4,637 $6,000 $5,000 $5,000 940 Public Works -PC $4,943 $5,000 $4,000 $4,000 940 Court -PC/ printer $5,000 $5,000 940 Fire Department-PC/printer $4,000 $4,000 940 Laser printers (3) and scanner $6,000 $6,000 940 Dot Matrix Printer-wtr (carryover) $0 $2,500 $1,800 $1,800 940 Progress software/BARS $15,000 $15,000 $4,000 $4,000 Total Capital Outlay $38,454 $39,500 $84,420 $84,420 490545 Debt Service: 610 Total Debt Service $8,972 $8,980 $4,514 $4,514 510400 Deprec/replacement reserve 831 Replacement reserve $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Total Budget $99,881 $96,305 $149,384 $149,384