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Budget 1999-2000BUDGET MESSAGE............................................................ i -xvii EXHIBITS................................................................ xviii -xxxvi REVENUE DETAIL SUMMARY ..................................................... 1-4 EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY ................................................ 5 - 12 GENERAL GOVERNMENT....................................................... 13 - 14 CITYMANAGER................................................................15-17 CITYCOUNCIL.................................................................18-21 FINANCE......................................................................22-24 CITYATTORNEY...............................................................25-28 CITYCOURT...................................................................29-31 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION ............................................... 32 - 35 TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SIGNS ...................................................... 36 - 38 CENTRAL GARAGE............................................................. 39 - 41 CITY HALL MAINTENANCE...................................................... 42 - 44 POLICE........................................................................45-50 FIREDEPARTMENT............................................................. 51-55 ZONING DEPARTMENT.......................................................... 56 -58 STREET DEPARTMENT.......................................................... 59 - 61 PARKS MAINTENANCE.......................................................... 62 - 66 RECREATION PROGRAMS....................................................... 67 - 70 URBANFORESTRY.............................................................. 71 - 73 SENIORS.......................................................................74-76 TENNIS/ICE SKATING...........................................................77-79 OUTDOOR PROGRAMS.......................................................... 80 - 82 BASKETBALL..................................................................83-85 POOL..........................................................................86-88 AIRPORT.......................................................................89-92 TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN ................................................. 93 -101 TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT .................................................... 102 - 104 TAX INCREMENT-WESTSIDE.................................................. 105 - 108 PARKIN LIEU................................................................109-110 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE ................................................. 111 - 113 RETIREMENT................................................................114-116 HEALTHFUND...............................................................117-119 BUILDING DEPARTMENT...................................................... 120 - 124 LIGHT MAINTENANCE........................................................ 125-127 DECORATIVE LIGHTS......................................................... 128-130 GASTAX....................................................................131-133 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE .............................................. 134 - 138 MT. AIR & CONGESTION GRANT ............................................... 139 - 141 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT/LOAN REVOLVING ............................... 142 - 144 COURTYARD MAINTENANCE FUND ............................................ 145 - 147 UDAG-PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ......................................... 148 - 154 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND ................................................. 155 - 157 POLICE RESOURCE GRANT .................................................... 158 - 161 POLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT ................................................. 162 - 165 UNIVERSAL POLICE GRANT ................................................... 166 - 169 LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT .......................................... 170 - 172 MONTANA CULTURAL ARTS GRANT ........................................... 173 - 175 ISTEA.......................................................................176-178 DEBT SERVICE...............................................................179-183 SIDEWALK AND CURB CONSTRUCTION ........................................ 184 - 186 WATTRIWATER BILLING ...................................................... 187 - 196 SEWER/SEWER BILLING....................................................... 197 - 205 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT ............................................ 206 - 210 SEWER DEBT SCHEDULE.......................................................... 211 STORMSEWER...............................................................212-217 AMBULANCE................................................................218-223 SOLIDWASTE................................................................224-229 DATAPROCESSING...........................................................230-233 SELF INSURED HEALTH FUND ................................................. 234 - 236 List of Exhibits: A Taxable Valuation Change compared to CPI and Mill Levy B Gaming Revenue History C Gaming Revenue vs. Tax Revenue - General Fund D FTE-History of Full time Equivalent Employees E Chart - Fund Balance Comparison since 1987 F Gas Tax funded Chip Seals Downtown TIF funded Chip Seals Downtown TIF funded Overlays Westside TIF funded Chip Seals G Preliminary City/County Health Department Budget summary H Chart - Total Budget Expenditures with and without TIF funds I Chart - General Fund Expenditures & General Fund Revenues J Mill Levy - 5 Year History and FY2000 J-1 SB 184 mill levy calculations K Administrative Transfer Formula CITY OF KALISPELL of Kallspell Post Office Box 1997 • Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 • Telephone (406) 758-7700 • FAX (406) 758-7758 Budget Message TO: The Honorable Mayor William E. Boharski Council Member Atkinson Council Member Donahue Council Member Graves Council Member Haarr Council Member Larson Council Member Nystul Council Member Scarff Council Member Van Natta Citizens of Kalispell FROM: Chris Kukulski, City Manager DATE: October 6, 1999 This budget has been prepared in accordance with applicable Montana State Statutes. The City Manager with the assistance of City Staff is required to submit a budget to the City Council. This 1999/2000 year document has been a formidable challenge, particularly in light of decreasing revenues and a constant demand for services. The best way to describe this budget is a "status quo budget". The overall expenditures are down by 4.33%, the General Fund expenditures are down by 1.04%. There are a number of capital improvements and betterment programs in the budget that will assist your staff in providing a good level of services to the citizenry. 117lI ON 63UJIlu M.�'/ The FY/2000 budget for the City is $23,748,775 compared to $24,781,232 last year, or a 4.3% decrease. A more detailed summary reflects: Budget Expenditure Comparison FY99 FY00 % change General Fund $ 4,831,792 $ 4,781,342 -1.04% Special Revenue 13,626,964 11,065,305 -17.71% Debt Service 126,491 126,575 0 % Capital Project 50,000 25,000 -50.00% Enterprise Funds: Water $ 1,100,768 $ 1,693,051 53.81% Sewer 2,887,691 2,989,174 3.51 % Storm 263,368 735,993 279.45% Solid Waste 676,000 856,723 26.73% Ambulance 482,607 511,412 5.97% Internal Service Funds $ 916,500 $ 964,200 5.20% TOTAL BUDGET $ 24,781,232 $ 23,748,775 -4.33% Changes in Special Revenue Funds reflect the completion of the Samaritan House project and a reduction in budget in the Downtown Urban Renewal District. Capital Project Fund budget authority for the Sidewalk & Curb construction fund has been reduced to more accurately reflect usage of the program. Water & Storm Sewer Fund increases are mostly related to Capital Improvements and equipment purchases. Inclusion of the Highway 93 South Project in the Storm Sewer Fund is $395,000 and this fund's share of a loader amounts to $40,000. The Ambulance Division will purchase another Ambulance. ii The budget for the general fund totals $4,781,342 compared to $4,831,792 for last year or a 1.04% decrease. A comparison of the expenditures of this fund by function is shown below: General Fund Totals by Function FY99 FY00 % change Personal Services $ 3,349,793 $3,520,695 5.10% M & O 922,073 865,250 -6.16% Capital Outlay 509,244 346,789-31.90% Debt Service 17,162 8,103-52.79% Operating Transfers 33,520 40,505 20.84% $ 4,831,792 $ 4,781,342 -1.04% The reoccurring expenditures such as personal services and M & O represent a collective increase of 2.7% while capital, a one time expenditure, represents a decrease of 31.90%. The debt service decrease relates to short term borrowing for, operational equipment and the increased operating transfer is to match grants for law enforcement. TAX LEVIES FOR 1999 COMPARED TO 2000 Fund 1999 Mills 2000 Mills General 67.66 69.54 Comp. Insurance 9.00 10.28 Retirement 14.00 14.39 Health Insurance 18.00 18.50 G. O. Bond 2.50 1.54 Total City Mills 111.16 114.25 *Health Department 1.56 4.40 iii Recent tax legislation, specifically SB 184, resulted in calculating the mill levy to generate the same revenue as the previous year. The 114.25 levy is calculated (See exhibit J-1) per the formula provided by the State Department of Revenue. The calculation takes into account the effects of SB260 which lowers the City's motor vehicle tax revenue, changes in classification of personal property, state reimbursements and reappraisals. While the bottom line( revenue) is the same, the G. O. Bond for the swimming pool is in its last year, so we can use the cash reserve to help with the payment. Salaries now amount to 73.63% of the general fund. If one pulls out the mill levy in the general fund for personal services (51.20 mills), adds this to the retirement levy (14.39 mills), the health insurance levy (18.5), and separates out the Workman's Compensation portion(7.5) of the insurance levy, it totals 91.59 mills of our total 114.25 or 80.17% of our total levy being spent for personal services. *This levy is administered by the County, and the City of Kalispell has been including the same levy for the City that is adopted by the County. The Health Department's Budget Summary is Exhibit G . The City's authority to raise property taxes is related to those revenues raised in FY/1999. SB 184 calculations are shown in Exhibit J-1. Finance Director Amy Robertson has calculated the fiscal 2000 year property tax cap at $2,351,493 in revenues, which is 114.25 mills. This number is exclusive of newly taxable property, construction and annexations. It is estimated that the City's newly taxable property will generate an additional $86,487 in revenue. Most the new construction will be in Urban Renewal Areas. iv CITY PROPERTY TAXES Il®T LISPELL: 1999 1999 2000 2000 Market Value Taxable Mill Levy Taxable Mill Levy Value 0.11116 Value 0.11425 MV x .03816 MV x .0371 $ 40,000 $ 1,526 $ 169.67 $ 1,484 $ 169.55 $ 50,000 $ 1,908 $ 212.09 $ 1,855 $ 211.93 $ 60,000 $ 2,290 $ 254.51 $ 2,226 $ 254.32 $ 70,000 $ 2,671 $ 296.93 $ 2,597 $ 299.30 $ 80,000 $ 3,053 $ 339.35 $ 2,968 $ 339.09 $ 100,000 $ 3,816 $ 424.19 $ 3,710 $ 423.87 $ 125,000 $ 4,770 $ 530.23 $ 4,638 $ 529.83 $ 150,000 $ 5,724 $ 636.28 $ 5,565 $ 635.80 $ 200,000 $ 7,632 $ 848.37 $7,420 $ 847.74 This chart reflects the City property taxes that an owner paid on houses valued from $40,000 - $200,000 in 1999 and will pay in FY/2000 for services provided by the City. Despite the increased millage, the change is insignificant. MA 1996 Census FY/1999 POPULATION CITY TOTAL MILL 91,195 Billings 89.00 57,758 Great Falls 88.79 51,204 Missoula 139.84 27,982 Helena 86.19 28,522 Bozeman 138.79 15,678 Kalispell 111.16 10,232 Havre 115.49 8,882 Miles City 119.69 7,509 Livingston 127.15 6,380 Lewistown 126.74 Three of the 10 largest cities in Montana have a lower city levy than Kalispell and 6 have a higher levy in FY99. One must be careful in these comparisons because not all cities use property tax for the same functions. For example, Helena, Bozeman, and Great Falls use a special district for their forestry program. Some cities have their library within the City's property tax levy while ours is a County levy. Most of the largest cities such as Missoula, Bozeman, Billings, Helena and Great Falls have a cable TV franchise fee that generates the equivalent of more than 2 mills. While the levy comparisons are of interest, one needs to be careful not to draw hard conclusions from the comparisons. FY2000 numbers are not available at this time. vi A. Property tax caps as established by SB 184. Property valuation information was not available until the 1 S` of October to provide for the calculation of revenue. (See chart on Exhibit A showing property valuation compared to the past 13 years consumer price index.) B. Our gaming revenues for the current year were down by $58,713 and we project the FY/2000 revenues to be the same as 1999. From 1989 through 1997 our gaming revenues increased by an average of $98,600 per year. In 1989, the first year of gaming revenues, these funds produced an equivalent of 13.89 mills and peaked in 1997 when gaming revenues reached the equivalent of 53.12 mills. (See attachment entitled "Kalispell Gaming History" on Exhibit B and Exhibit C comparing gaming revenue with property tax revenues for the general fund.) C. Our revenues for fines and forfeitures were down $85,028 from our budget projections for 1999. Approximately $60,000 is due to the police slow down this summer and $25,000 was due to over projections since our two new officers were not hired until mid -year and are still at the academy. These revenues are projected to increase by $35,000 in FY/2000; however, they are still expected to be down due to loss of time payments related to the slow down. D. Salary adjustments primarily related to labor contracts have added $102,500 to the FY/2000 budget and fringe benefits have raised this to $149,503 with $115,117 of this amount coming from the general fund. vii E. The $20,000 contribution to the Conrad Mansion to assist them in sprinkling the mansion. A. Reduction in debt service funded from property taxes as our swimming pool will be paid off this year and we are able to use all of the cash carryover in this fund to help make this final payment (less from property taxes than last year). B. The downtown urban renewal fund continues to provide 45.5% of the City's administrative budget estimated at $235,510. See Exhibit K . C. Federal grants received in police and park departments. D. Continued use of UDAG funds to fund operations of the community development office. E. A number of capital improvements in the Urban Renewal Districts have provided the City with funds to replace and expand our infrastructure. viii CITY DEBT Summary of long term debt as of July 1, 1999 Urban Renewal Bonds $ 655,000 Sewer/Storm/WWTP 5,827,000 Water Bonds 910,000 G. O. Bonds 55,000 Sidewalk & Curbs 55,050 S.I.D.'s 265,000 Board of Investments 26,282 $ 7,793,332 The General Obligation debt will be retired in Fiscal 2000 and the Storm Sewer portion of the sewer debt will be amortized in July, 2001. The Urban Renewal debt for the downtown project will be paid off in July of 2002. The City's debt structure is in good condition. ix INCLUDE: 1. A new sprinkling system for the Conrad Mansion. 2. Full implementation of the COPS program that added two police officers to the department. 3. Implementation of the school resource police officer program. 4. Development of a Fire Department plan related to ISO ratings and fire station location. 5. Quarterly updates of the City Code. 6. Replacement of a 50 year old motor grader and 30 year old loader in the Public Works Department. 7. Development of facility plans for the storm sewer system, sanitary sewer collection system, and the water system. 8. Expanded and improved space for City Hall. 9. Additional parking space for the downtown TIF. 10. City's share of funding Highway 93 South improvements. (contingent upon land sales.) 11. A new solid waste truck. 12. Specific improvements to several parks: Greenbriar (playground), Hawthorne (resurface tennis courts), Flathead High School (irrigation), and Begg (Neighborhood Park). 13. Significant improvements to the water, sewer and storm systems. 14. New fire truck, ambulance, and Fire Marshall vehicle. 15. Sidewalk improvement in general City and Downtown Urban Renewal areas. 16. General improvements to several parks: Begg, Woodland, Lawrence, Depot, and the Athletic Complex. x 17. Trail improvements: Lawrence Park Trail, Dream Trail, Meridian Load Trail and Highway 93 Trail. 18. A replacement truck for biosolids at the sewage treatment plant. 19. A new roof for water reservoirs one and two. 20. A new storage building at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. 21. A rebuilt police car to add another vehicle to the Police Department to accommodate the COPS Program. 22. One of the largest street chip seal and overlay programs in the City's history. 23. New bleachers at the Thompson, Woodland, and Meridian Ballfields. The number of Full Time Employees (FTE) in the proposed budget is the same as last year - 138 %2. A ten year tabulation of FTE's is shown on Exhibit D . As previously mentioned, salary adjustments have added approximately $102,500 to this budget and the increased cost of fringe benefits have added another $47,003, for a total of $149,503. The health insurance costs are increased by $27,514. We have increased the contribution to the health fund by 4% for a family and single with dependents membership, and 2'/z% for a single employee. Our self insured health fund still has a good balance, but our claims have exceeded our contributions for several years. We have used the interest on the cash balances to pay claims. This new premium is the maximum allowed in any of our Union contracts and this should become a City cap. It is hoped the Health Committee will find a solution to this funding issue. The City's liabilities for compensated time, accrued vacation and sick leave show an increase of $42,708 from 1997 to 1998: xi Compensated Absences Liability The dollar amount is the total of accrued vacation, 1 /4 of accrued sick leave and all of the comp time accumulated. 6/30/98 6/30/97 Police $ 291,050 $ 291,378 Fire 202,873 201,711 Other General 155,152 108,852 Building Dept. 16,691 15,664 Comm. Dev. 7,803 20,393 Enterprise Funds 135,026 127,889 Total Payable $ 808,595 $ 765,887 We need to strive to reduce this liability. In prior years we have shown a breakdown of compensated time but our computer program makes that more difficult this year. We need to continue to monitor the compensated time liability with a goal of eliminating it. The proper classification of our exempt employees will be a step in that direction and we have reduced the use of comp time in the Fire Department. Hopefully the new contract with the Police Association will result in a reduction in the compensated liability for this department. The sick leave and vacation liabilities will increase slowly. Some cities are funding this liability with a designated reserve and then using the interest on the reserve to fund new liabilities. We are not in a financial position to do this now but we need to monitor these liabilities. Cut from the preliminary requests was two firefighter/EMT positions. The City cannot continue to ignore these needs, but they might be delayed until after the ISO study. xii The City's cash carryover for the general fund is projected to be $764,044 or 15.98% compared to last year's budget projection of $796,068 and 15.55%. The projected actual cash carryover for FY 1999 is now projected to be $1,084,421 or 25.17%. The difference in the 1999 projection developed a year ago and the actual relate to two major factors: A. The actual cash balance brought forward to 1999 was $880,370 rather than the projected $796,068 ($94,302) B. An unusual number of vacant positions throughout the year, including the City Manager's position. ($50,000+) C. A number of other general fund line items involving several departments will not spend all of their allocations ($200,000) Fire Truck appropriation $137,397 carryover. On the other side of the ledger, we experienced some offsetting revenue shortfalls, including an anticipated reduction in fines and court fees ($85,000), and a reduction in gambling revenues ($60,000). We did not borrow money for the new fire truck ($110,000), $87,000 to be borrowed FY2000. The FY/2000 General Fund budget expenses anticipate using $146,123 of cash reserves, assuming everything budgeted were spent. A good guide line and policy for cash carryover for the general fund is two months operating expenditures or 16.66%. While we are a bit short of this in the proposed budget, I am confident that at the end of FY/2000 we will be above 16.66% as revenues are projected conservatively and we will not expend all of our appropriations. The exhibit on page E reflects the City's cash balances for the general fund since 1987. It is important for the City to manage these balances. State law limits cash carryover by fund to 50% of the annual operating costs. Except for the small ornamental street light fund, the City is in good shape, and that small fund balance will need attention in FY/2001. The Public Works Department has requested $85,000 to develop a new facilities plan. The City had a plan developed in 1984 called the "Hafferman" plan, but it is out of date as the City has experienced significant changes in the past 15 years. A request has been made for a similar Master Plan for the sanitary sewer collection system and for the storm drainage system, each to cost $75,000. These plans are long over due and will be a tremendous guide to make future decisions. A component to all three studies is a current demographic report on the City's inhabitants. The estimated cost of the demographic report is $30,000, and we have placed $5,000 each in the three increment funds, the water, sanitary sewer and storm sewer funds. This item was originally in the general fund, but it was part of the cuts in this fund. I have talked to the Director of FRDO and he agrees that this data needs to be collected; they do not have the staff to do it but they would assist the City in drafting an RFP. ► , l -T LT101011 The street chip/seal and overlay programs are shown on Exhibits F-1 through G-8 . The City has funds from the gas tax and increment districts that total $707,000 to be used in FY/2000. While $285,000 is a projected carryover from FY/1999, this represents a significant program. Our street system is in good shape, and this program will keep it that way. We have not budgeted any chip/seal or overlay work from the general street fund for FY/2000. xiv As stated previously, the joint City/County Health program is administered by the County. The City has included the same levy in the City budget for property owners in the City as the County includes for the citizens in the unincorporated area of the County in previous years. They have requested a 4.4 mill levy up from 1.561 last year. The Health Director presented his budget to Council in May. A summary of their budget request is shown on Exhibit G . The detailed budgets for the three Urban Renewal Districts' budgets were submitted to you at the April 91h workshop but are also included in this document. The downtown project reflects the many actions that you have taken in our workshop sessions. We have also included the projects that you have identified for the 2001 and 2002 years. The impact of this budget is reflected on Exhibit H . The Airport/ Athletic Complex TIF budget includes the sale of both Daley Field parcels with appropriations for the Hwy 93 SO project and airport improvements contingent on funding. The budget for the Westside TIF project anticipates additional increment dollars, however, the budget remains as presented in the Preliminary document. The latter two TIF budgets will need to be monitored to be sure money is available before expenditures are made. xv While developing the current year budget, it is important to look forward to developing the next year's budget. Issues that will have to be considered are: 1. Increased dollars from the general fund to meet police and fire contracts will be $50,000 and an estimated $18,000 for the AFSCME employees funded from the general fund. In addition, the AFSCME contract to be negotiated next year will require approximately $19,000 from our other funds and to treat our non -union employees in a similar fashion an additional $20,000 will be needed. In all, this adds up to $107,000 without fringe benefits. Since our revenues from gaming and other existing revenues are projected to be flat, a property tax increase seems inevitable or change in the current tax system, most notably, local option taxes. 2. A health insurance committee is being formed to look at options for the City to consider regarding health insurance costs. The City's policy of paying the full premium for a strong family health plan for each employee is beyond what most public employers provide. This year the City's contribution will be the maximum provided in all Union contracts and consideration of capping the contribution from the employer is appropriate. 3. Kalispell is the only first class City in Montana not asking a franchise fee for cable television. Columbia Falls adopted a franchise fee of 5% in 1999 and expect it to raise $25,000 the first year and substantially more in years ahead as the Internet becomes part of the cable system. It is my estimate that Kalispell can raise from $40,000 to $50,000 from a similar fee. With the shortfall in other revenue sources, the City needs to explore this revenue source used by many Montana cities. xvi 4. The creation of a shade tree district like is being used in Bozeman, Helena, and Great Falls is another revenue source that needs to be explored. 5. The actions of the 1999 Montana legislature during their final week need to be analyzed. It would appear that the legislature will not replace all of the dollars that they are taking away from cities and countries to provide tax relief, but may authorize the local units of government to raise property taxes to make up some of the lost funds they have used for tax relief. With the rejection of the local option taxes, and the tax relief the State has provided, the cities will really have no recourse but to raise property taxes in FY/2001. This budget document represents the efforts of many City employees. I want to thank them for the assistance they have provided me and the patience that they have had with the questions, sometimes repetitive, that I have asked of them. A special thanks to Amy Robertson who directed the preparation of this document. As adopted, this document will provide the blueprint for delivering services to the City for Fiscal Year 2000. Respectfully submitted, cj�'aA"q Chris Kukulski City Manager xvii �Y11`LICSIM, kluolm CITY OF KALISPELL EXHIBIT A TO CPI AND MILL LEVY FY Taxable valuation * % chg Mills levied Consumer Price Index % ch TIF valuation % chg 1999/2000 21,338,655 0.793% 114.25 2 $ 3,110,343 -20.837% 1998/1999 $21,170,715 -1.409% 111.16 1.7 $ 3,929,012 0.888% 1997/1998 $21,473,297 3.239% 116.16 1.4 $ 3,894,447 7.157% 1996/1997 $20,799,501 2.845% 116.16 2.30 $ 3,634,332 3.424% 1995/1996 $20,224,154 4.293% 108.00 3.00 $ 3,514,011 24.511% 1994/1995 $19,391,590 1.559% 107.50 3.30 $ 2,822,247 -14.317% 1993/1994 $19,093,874 14.578% 107.00 2.63 $ 3,293,832 16.918% 1992/1993 $16,664,525 1.946% 114.22 2.99 $ 2,817,205 7.105% 1991/1992 $16,346,409 4.097% 114.77 3.01 $ 2,630,321 2.022% 1990/1991 $15,703,078 0.303% 117.39 4.28 $ 2,578,179 -8.765% 1989/1990 $15,655,702 0.977% 117.90 5.40 $ 2,825,857 19.581% 1988/1989 $15,504,294 -0.329% 115.57 4.82 $ 2,363,125 28.546% 1987/1988 $15,555,491 -5.182% 114.28 4.14 $ 1,838,343 98.473% 1986/1987 $16,405,644 4.091% 1 114.28 1 3.65 1 $ 926,245 -34.686% The average annual percentage change in taxable value for the last 14 years is 2.27% while the Consumer Price Index increased an average of 3.19%. During the same period the City's Mill levy decreased 2.7%. The increased gambling revenue allowed this to happen. * General Fund, Comp. Ins.,Health, Retirement, G.O. Bond, Revolving and Gov't Study Funds. TIF valuation is for the Downtown Urban Renewal District. The average annual increase is 9.3%. oc en 06 00 cc I W s9 vj h vl h D\ 00 0 00 rV O cqcq M O D h ON 69 O M cq cn -N Gos Tr 69 69 0 N O\ h 0000 O 69 O M 6A O V 69 69 69CD 6R et M r M 00 h th N ^ ttt O v) �D O � rP b9 O 7 N O 69 V N3 M �63 69 &9 6A N N N O ON N N �.,� N N O v1 clq M K7 LA h eh N N O fA O N 65 N �D d O 00 000 V' M O\ N M In 00 M 00 N h N M fA 011 N O ON 69 ON N 6A N Gn G 6A &9 �O v� O —� O cdO V M Oo N�n V' h 0000h N v1 �O V a\ D\ V N O ^� 00 h 00 M 1A ffi N O\ 00 N N V-3 O N 6A 69 � 69 6A oc cq ON h N d O oc O � ON O 00 � 00 CY O �O h 69 00 O fA vhi ® F GCOD 69 H N M In N ON M cq6A �O 00 N 00 z W [� 69 [� 65 �O M 6R O QsON 69 W y M M N ^ C o N 6A eh �O -., 6A IT O M ^ 6A b9 r M� v N o 1O O d ocli po 6 o^ ° � � oc O w N cq �� h ip M 65 m Tr O n .�.. 69 M.1 6A N 6AON H3 oc M p h 00 M fA �O M O h M O\ h h (`i 00 N OC 00 � 69 N � N N 1A fA 69 O d y ch w U Q � ❑ ^ aG L'y tj old _ V V N e) > CD EXHIBIT C ® O N all I 00 C\ o0C, rvor to 00 O O� IT N �lO M IC M O O _r 1n O N M CV �t O It to O N t` 00 V1 (V O M N to 00 ct 't 00 kn O O — r O M �c y 0 0 N N N M �O It It — — — — — — — — — .-i ..� j 69 � 69 69 H9 69 69 69 69 69 69 69 �a 00 O� (7� O� O� O H rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn rn o Irj N H Q� M W-0 �D 00 to N Wn N C� r --� N M 00 01 to Wn 00 M O\ 00 N 00 cl �O 00 di' N y1 M O\ 1 a0 N� IT M r Q\ O r oo a, O� O C C 0 � rM N �i M 69 69 69 69 60'i 69 69 69 64 69 69 69 rn O N M It kn 11O r 00 ON O r•I 00 C� C\ ON ON CN a% 0� ON ; � � Obi O r4 O C� ti ON rl Eft 6R3 5R3 b�3 bF3 i-M f O U O LOn t-� S q cn m O O r O Ln - to - N m L-, O O m CT Ln \D i-i Ln CN 00 �SSaSS�SSSSSSSSS o LnL,0S SN��N'SS }CN c-+ d' M m CN N cn '. M O O to N M L-� O to ON Ln \O r4 m CV m LL N O G G G C Ln G C C G G C G G O G G m to O G Ln O Ln LO G O G D\ C C O O N C C O C O C O 0 C G y. CN r -I' cn M CN Nm O m O CD � O �O Ln CN cn N G in O� Ln z d' CN M Gs rq �O O C G 0 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 C 0 0 0 O O Ln Ln O G LC i Ln 0 0 0 0 0 011 G C C to 0 C 0 0 C 0 G 0 0 0 O C N N G C N M N cy o In m 4 CN C'n O m O O �-+ O z Ln NLn 4 C7 LC) O\ V' n r 4 tN m Lr r Ln C O O C O O G O Q C C C 0 0 0 C Ln Ln C O Ln to 0 0 0 0 0 O\ CDO G to CDO O O v' O G G CD G O G N N O O N M N N O O Lm }. CN r -t CN M d+ CN M 0 m O O �-+ O N m CV in -+ O Ln O� -I, N G't NN 4L clq co G C Ln to G O M G M O O Q O CT O C Lm O O O O O O O C O O G C C N N O C N rf+ A N C Ln }Nr. It N M d+ N M 1- N C O �O Ln N Ln M O tm CT M N O ccM coN O S S 0 S O 0 S 0 0 0 O O S O O N n S Ln N z ON 0 S in dG+ O CNCN M d' CN m �--� N N r- r-+ CT to to N m n M N LL � N O O O O O O to O O tm C^ C O O ^ 0 to to C O tm C O O LC') O C CT O C C C C C N C O N O O G C C O C N N . }. N r. C N M dt '. M N CT "t to C-L to M G N Lx. N N C O to O C Ln O C C^^ to C N G C N O O C m O O O G O to Lm Ln O N N O m O O p tm O pp C 00 0 CT O N Ln O cn r-+ O CN r~ r N rf' LC'i O CN M cn er w d' �o r-i c*i O N L1 Lscn v. v OA M G n�i to �Nr-I v� nc�a�3 � v v°¢ mm EXHIBIT E 6R � �••i ,...i 6R 6R 65 69 � 6R 66 69 .-. (4 00 In M ON V m eo9 613 6A d4 609 609 b9 h9 6e V9 V) Vf F!9 51) W t- N M ON O �" 00 00 00 O, Q\ O, O, O\ O, 5, O O O, O ON O\ O, C\ ON ON O U KAL151'bLL Mvntann_---- RXiii Greatw navwm4 Moms" FY1999/2000 Chip Seal Project GAS TAX FUNDS Exhibit F-2 Description Front To " oiBlks Width Inter. Sq.Yd's. TomAgg, Gallons Od Est, Cast 1 -OWN�r t. .�$�. ���.�'�....x..7 Gas Tax Southwest --- 5th Ave, W. I lth St. W. Sunnyside Dr. 5.5 30 3 6227 77.83 2,241.60 S4,98133 6th Ave. W. I Ith St. W. Sunnysrde Ear. 5.5 30 3 6227 7T83 2,241.60 S4,981.33 7th Ave. W. 1Ith St. W. Sunnyside Ear. 5�5 30 3 6227 7T83 2,241.60 S4,981.33 S nnys de Dr. 5th Ave. W. City Limits 5 30 3 5727 71.58 2.061.60 S4,581.33 Denver Ave, Sante Fe Sunnwide South End Boise Ave. Denver Ave. 4 1 40 3 6060' 32 3 1793' 75.75 22,42 2,181.60 645.60 S4,848.00 S 1 A34.67 Phoenix Boise Ave. DenverAve. 1 32 3 1793' 22.42 645.60 SI,434.67 Bismark Boise Ave, Denver Ave. 1 32 3 1793 22.42 645.60 SIA34.67 Boise Ave. Boise Ave. Denver Ave. 1 32 3 1793 - 22.42 645.60 S 1,434b7 East Side 3rd Ave. E. 6th St. E, 18th St. E. l8th 'St. E Hwy. 93 N. 5th Ave. E_ 5th Ave. W, 14th St. W. South End 14th St_ E. 2nd Ave. E. 8th Ave. E. 13th St- E. 2nd Ave. E. 8th Ave. E. 13 30 4 32 7 28 6 32 6 32 5 2 4 7 7 14211 4751 7502 8096 8096 177.64 5,116.GO $11,368.89 59.39 1,710.40 S3,800.89 93.78 2300-80 S6,00L78 101.19 2,914.40 $,476.44 101.19 2,914440 56,476.44 12th St. E. 2nd Ave. E. 8th Ave. E. l lth St. E. 2nd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 6 32 9 32 61 9 7853 11780 98.17 2.827,20 $6282-67 147.25 4,240.80 S9,424.00 10th St. E. 2nd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 7 321 7 9162 114.53 3,298,40 S7,329.78 9th St. E. 2nd Ave- E. Woodland Ave. 8th St. E. 2nd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 7 32 6.5 32 7 7 9162 8629 114.53 3,298.40 S7,329.78 107,86 3,106A0 $6,903.11 4th Ave. E. 8th St. E. 14th St. E. 8 32 4 9502 11838 3A20A0 $7,60138. 8th Ave- E. 8th St. E. 114th St. E. 1 61 321 41 73691 92.111 2,652.80 S5.895.11 East Mile 3rd St. E. 3rd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 4 32 4 5236' 65A4 1,884.80 S4,188.44 4th St. E. 3rd Ave. E. 5th St. E. 3rd Ave. E. Woodland Ave- 4 Woodland Area 4.5 32 4 5236 32 4 5769 65A4 7111 1,884A0 S4,188.44 2,076.80 S4,615.1 l 6th St. E. 3rd Ave. E. Woodland Ave. 5 32 5 6544' 81.81 2,356-00 S5,235.56 7th St. E. 2nd Ave. E. 7th St, E. 5 34 2 6151' 76.89 2,214.40 S4,920A9 4th Ave. E. Center St. 8th St. E. 8 32 51 9744' 121.81 3,50&001 S7,795.56 6th Ave, E. 3rd St. E_ 8th St. E. 5 32 5 65" 81.81 2,356,00 S5,235.56 7th Ave. E. 6th St. E. 10th St.E. 4 32 41 5236 65.44 11884A0 $4,188.44 West Side 8th Ave. W. Center St, I1th St. W. 11 32 10 14156 176.94 5,096.00 S11,324A4 9th Ave. W. Center St. 8th St-W. 8 32' 9 10713 133.92 3856.80 S8,57I-67 10th Ave- W. Center St. 8th St, W. 8 32 9 10713 133.92 ,856-80 S8,570.7 11th Ave. W. 7th St. W. 8th St. W. 1 32 2 1551 19.39 558.40 S1,240.89 8th St. W. 6th Ave. W. 12th Ave. W. 6 32 2 6884 86.G6 2,478.40 $5,507.56 7th St. W. 6th Ave. W. S. Meridian 7 32 7 9162 114.53 3,298.40 $7,329.78 6th St. W . 7th Ave. W. S. Meridian 6 32 6 7853 98.17 2,827.20 $6 82467 5th St. W, 7th Ave- W. S. Meridian 6 32 6 7853 98.17 2,827.20 $6282.67 4th St. W. 7th Ave. W. S. Meridian 6 32 6 7853 98.17 2,827.20 $6282.67 31d St. W. 7th Ave. W. 1 Oth Ave. W. 3 32 3 3927 49.08 I A 13.60 S3,141.33 2nd St. W. S. Meridian West End 3 33 3 4027 5033 1,449,60 S3,221.33 3rd St. W. S. Meridian West End 3 33 5 4511 56.39 1,624.00 S3,608A9 4th St. W. Meridian Rd. S. Meridian West End 7th St. W. 2nd St. W. 3 32 5 30 2 10 3694 46D6 7422 92.78 1,326.40 2,672.00 $2,947.56 $5,93738 Total Estimated Quantities for Chip 1Seal's 196 172 2:49462 3,118.28 89,806.40 $235,619.56 APPLICATION RATE:: .36 gallons CR.S-2It per sq.yd. 25 pounds cover aggregate per sq.yd. COST EST.; $0.80 sq. yd. xxv FY1999/2000 Chip Seal Project Downtown Tax Increment Description FFOHI TO of Fibs Width Inter. Sq-Yds. Trans AB9-. t3alluns i)il Est, Cost FMONOW. IN� -.�.. SEAL I)4WNTOWN TAX IIYC ' NT Montana main St. 7th Ave-W. 7 32 5 9678 108,47 3,124.E $6,94222 E.Center St, Main St. 5th Ave. W. 5 32 4 6302 78.78 2,268.80 $5,04138 2nd St. Wi Main St. 7th Ave.W. 7 32 3 8193 102.42 2,949.6O $6,554,67 2nd St E. Main St. -- 3rd Ave. E. 3 32 3 3927 49.08 L413.60 $3,141.33 3rd St. W. --- 4th St. W. Main St. Main St. 7th Ave. W. 7th Ave. W. ---7-------32 7 35 S 6 8678 962t) 1 ti8A7 17i1.25 o 5 3,124_00 3,463.20 $6,942.22 $7,696DO 4th St. E. Main St. 3rd Ave. E. 3 40 3 4727 59.08 1,701.60 $3,781.33 5th St_ W. 5th St. E. Main St. Main St. 7th Ave. W. 3rd Ave. E, 7 3 35 32 5 3 9378 3927 117.22 49-08 3,376_00 1,413kO $7,5 222 $3,141.33 7th St. W. 5th Ave. W. 6th Ave. W. 1 32 31 1793 22.42 645.6t1 $1 A34.67 7th St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 2 2618 32.72 942.40 '$2,094.22 8th St. W. Main St. Sim Ave. W. 6 32 4 7369 92.11 2,652.80 - $5,895.11 8th St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 2 2618 32.72 942-40 $2,09422 10th St- W. Main 4st. Sixth Ave. W. 6 32 5 7611 95.14 2„740�00 $6,088.89 1 Oth St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 2 2618 32.72 942.40 $2,094.22 I1th St. W. Main St. 2ndAve-W. 2 32 6 3587 44A3 1,291.20 $2,869.33 11 th St. E. Main St. 2nd Ave. E. 2 32 2 2618 32.72 942.40 $2,09422 12th St. W_ 12th St. E. 13th St_ E_ Main St. Main S . Main St. 2nd Ave. W. 2nd Ave. E. 2nd Ave. E. 2 2 21 32 32 32 4 2 2 3102 2618 2618 38.78 3232 32.72 1,116.81 942AO 942A0 $2,48138 $2,094.22 $2,094.22 7th Ave. W. 6th Ave. W. Center St Center St. Sixth St:W. Nmth St. W. 16th 6 9 32 32 6 9 7853 11780 98.17 147.25 2.827,20 4,24080 $6282-67 24.0€ - 4th Ave. W. - Center at. 4th St. W. 4 32 4 5236 6544 1,884.80 $4388A4 4th Ave. W. 4th Ave. W. 5th St. W. 8thSt. W. St.W. Ninth St. W. 1 1 32 32 1 1 1309 1309 16.36 16,36 47120 471.20 $1,047.11 $1,047.11 3rd Ave- W. center st. 3rd St. W. 2 32 9 4313 53.92 1,552.8-0 $3,450.67 2nd Ave. W, 4th St. W. 12th St. W. 8 32 5 9744 121.81 3,508DO $7,795.56 3rd Ave. E.N. Center St. Idaho St. 4 47 4 7236 90.44 2,604-80 $5,788.44 3rd Ave.E. Center St. Si th St, E. 6 32 6 7853 9817 2,82720 $6282,67 -- --- - - - - -- -- -___- - Total Fstimated Quanities for Chip Seals 119 107 159231 1,990.391 577,M-201 $127,394.99 APPLICATION RATE. COST EST.: _36 gallons CR.S-2R. per sq_yd. 25 pounds cover aggregate per sq_yd. $0.80 sq. yc1. xxvi WY 1444vinim ti-aaviAv rTntwrr uowntow.n 2 4 1 IFWAA a lt4wrrraa ep v � o m BAUIBIT F—b i 7 i 8 6 ¢w � c D a 1 � k 03,011, soa��aa� XX®ii GreaW " EXHIBIT H c N to to O M O m M M 1fr O M N p 00 �O N N e4 00 �O IT 69 l- O� t- ..+ 61, el FI4 EA Nel GTr O u > > = ,o d y L C7�nAUW� v j � M O U F E � W o A z W a O � C U 0 0 0. CJ M � N � � N ctl � E C N ON In O M O ON p ON IO 64 64 69 ti W � a w y a � * •o C i.r L d � a a O a O Lu EXHIBIT I E w W Q C W y aFFFFFF€F## € €€€tt€ p o z - p� o C man ease - s > SpP t eases sasses - W y p x #f - - f�`[`t# f#iff#{fff4tf aaaaaaaaWj aaaaaaaaa y y W O aaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa w C z aaaaaaaaa LIO a. .L U 00 M O N 66 GOS ""i Gn G GM CA .a .a Zz R L7C7Uw°i.o;a U 00 1h O O t� N O O N p [- to O N [- �z M M I- O O N M b M= 'It = C, N %C .r O\ M 00 M FJ9 qtt ,y •r H9 Ni fA FA EA 64SIt W Go4 Ge y N � Li ee u ee a vz w R a rA a y102) +" u zQ.=t lolto W ° u eta 6 e o �' > EXHIBIT J Mill Levy - 5 year History & Current Year 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 GENERAL FUND 62.16 59.94 65.94 74.66 67.66 69.54 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 12.22 12.22 13.22 10.00 9.00 10.28 RETIREMENT 12.34 13.34 15.00 13.00 14.00 14.39 HEALTH INSURANCE 17.28 19.50 19.50 16.00 18.00 18.50 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND 3.00 2.00 2.50 2.50 2.50 1.54 LOCAL GOV'T STUDY 0.50 1.00 TOT 107.50 108.00 116.16 116.16 111.16 114.25 City/County Health Fund 4.15 4.15 4.15 3.997 1.561 4.402 (Administered by the County) The levy for FY2000 was set October 4, 1999 by Resolution 4511. The FY2000 levy was delayed to implement the tax legislation as a result of SB 184. This legislation provided for calculation of the mill levy based on reduced valuations, and state reimbursements. The levy is increased in number of mills but should generate the same revenue as the previous year exclusive of newly taxable property. See Exhibit J-1 for calculations fiffoh"WHIM., M EXHIBIT J-1 184 PROCEDURE FOR CALCULATING LEVY Ad Valorem Tax Revenue assessed (previous year) (calculated by DOR 111.16 mills x 21,218 mill value) Add: Light Vehicle Tax Revenue (actual fy99) Less: Light Vehicle Tax anticipated -current year Add: Personal Property Tax reimbursement rec. -prior year (HB20 & S13417) Less: Personal PropertyTax reimbursement anticipated -current year (111320 & S13417) Less: SB 184 Reimbursement Adjusted Property Tax Revenue Assessed )le Value Per Mill Less: Newly taxable property - current year Adjusted Taxable Value per mill Authorized mill levy under SB 184 (includes floating mills) Adjusted Taxable Value per mill Add: Newly taxable property per mill - current year Taxable Value per mill (including newly taxable property) Authorized Mill levy under SB 184 (includes floating mills) Current Property Tax Limitation Previous Year Adjusted Property Tax Revenue assessed (6) Amount attributable to newly taxable property Current Property Tax Revenue DOR = Dept. of Revenue Assumption and Comments Certified levy $ 2,358,643 9 actual fy99 $ 225,282 85 % of fy99 $ (191,488) $ 33,794 actual fy99 $ 78,268 DOR $ (70,241) $ 8,027 (11)*(8) OF KALISPELL DOR $ (48,970) $ (48,970) $ 2,351,493 DOR $ 21,339 DOR $ (757) $ (757) DOR $ 114.25 $ 20,582 757 $ 757 21,339 114.25 $ 2,437,980 $ 2,351,493 $86,487 2,437,980 sbl84calc 10/6/99 XXXV [0 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER FORMULA - FY2000 BUDGET Support Services: FY99 budef Support services include health & retirement Manager $132,171 Mayor/council $108,861 Finance $166,227 Attorney $154,311 DPW $93,343 City Hall $98,012 General Gov't. $125,512 TOTAL $878,437 x Departments supported: '99 Budgets Airport $17,679 0.14% Building $273,742 2.22% TIF * $5,606,828 45.52% TIF-Airport/Ballfield ** $250,000 2.03% UDAG $272,313 2.21% Water $1,025,642 8.33% Water Billing $75,125 0.61 % Sewer $717,862 5.83% Sewer billing $87,878 0.71% WWTP $2,081,951 16.90% Storm $263,368 2.14% Ambulance $482,607 3.92% Garbage $676,000 5.49% Street Maint. $407,864 3.31 % Light Maint. $71,462 0.58% Decr. Lt. Maint. $6,287 0.05% Total supported $12,316,608 100.00% Total supported $12,316,608 Total city budget FY98 $ 20,913,124 (excluding internal services funds and TIF projects & loans) Total - amended Internal Services budget Tif proj/int budget Airport of budget 58.89% _ $517,348 yearly monthly $743 $ 62 $11,498 $ 958 $235,510 $ 19,626 $10,501 $ 875 $11,438 $ 953 $43,081 $ 3,590 $3,156 $ 263 $30,153 $ 2,513 $3,691 $ 308 $87,450 $ 7,288 $11,063 $ 922 $20,271 $ 1,689 $28,395 $ 2,366 $17,132 $ 1,428 $3,002 $ 250 $264 $ 22 $517,348 $ 43,112 = 58.89% $ 24,438,678 * excludes-$800,000 parking, $350,000 City hall $ (916,500) 821,586 unallocated, $100,000 int. expense $ (2,071,586) $ (537,468) $ 20,913,124 ** Includes appoximately $250,000 actual expense FY99. admin3/24/99 C FFY OF KALISPELL xxxvi 1 r"wrola W41wMwolwl DETAIL OF ESTIMATED RE ENCASH AVAILABLE GENERALFUND new 69.54 mills 74.66 mills 67.66 mills 67.66 mills 67.66 mills FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET PROPERTY TAXES: Real Property Taxes $1,486,000 $1,351,901 $1,352,215 $1,352,215 Reals generated by newly taxable property $52,645 Personal Property $87,205 $80,488 $89,811 $79,139 Penalty & Interest $9,505 $8,500 $6,313 $6,500 Light Vehicle Tax-2% (reduction of $25,018 SB260 $128,667 $130,000 $141,577 $116,559 SUBTOTALSI,607,058 LICENSES AND PERMITS MV: Flat fees $13,135 $14,000 $12,100 $12,100 Plate fees $55,173 $55,000 $56,697 $56,697 Title fees $3,301 $3,200 $3,338 $3,338 SUBTOTAL BUSINESS LICENSES: Alcohol Beverage $18,598 $18,525 $21,823 $21,823 General and occupational $2,616 $3,000 $2,137 $2,137 Amusement $500 $500 $650 $650 Signs permits $0 $1,200 $3,110 $3,200 Excavation Permits $325 $0 $250 $250 Zoning fees $25,000 $14,900 $24,000 Animal licenses$880/bike licenses $20 $1,043 $1,000 $920 $900 SUBTOTAL S23,082 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE: Hwy safetry reim. 99/Troops grant for training '00 $9,030 $1,945 $10,000 Police Equipment / Grant Reimbursement $0 $0 $10,500 $1,000 Universal Police Grant -moved to Special Revenue Fund $25,000 $0 $0 Forestry Grant $0 $1,250 $0 $0 CMAQ grant - public works $5,000 $0 $0 STATE SHARED REVENUE DUI task force reimbursement $8,145 $10,400 $10,400 $10,400 Personal Property Reimb. H.B. 20 $24,165 $22,792 $25,335 $21,991 Personal Property Reimb. S.B.417 $5,769 $5,769 $24,976 $21,477 Personal Property Reimb. S.B.184 $0 $0 $0 $30,249 Corporation Tax ($10,643) $19,733 $72,446 $68,602 Video Machine apport. $983,208 $1,000,000 $941,287 $950,000 Gaming Machine Permits $43,925 $44,500 $45,025 $45,025 Liquor Tax Apportionment $78,249 $76,000 $74,733 $74,733 Wine Tax Apportionment $2,279 $2,500 $2,576 $2,576 Beer Apportionment $55,973 $54,000 $70,849 $70,849 M.V. Ad Valorem Tax $5,676 $8,000 $3,461 $3,461 Live Card Game Permit, keno & bingo $3,283 $3,280 $1,727 $1,727 SUBTOTAL $1,209,059 $1,278,224 $1,285,260 $1,312,090 CITY OF KALISPELL 0 GENERALFUND II :_'I • FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET CHARGES FOR SERVICES: Sale of Maps, etc. $32 $300 $458 $500 Administrative chg. $461,700 $522,481 $522,561 $517,624 Board of Adjustment $0 $2,000 $350 $1,000 Police services $7,124 $7,500 $7,271 $7,000 Central Garage $137,000 $140,000 $141,000 $116,000 Public works charges-TSS,garage $16,116 $24,333 $25,659 $10,000 DPW fees- banners, etc. $900 $694 $1,050 $1,050 Pool $50,979 $65,000 $64,795 $65,000 Parks usage fee $5,693 $4,500 $6,025 $6,000 Pick-nic in the Park $5,919 $6,975 $6,900 $13,000 Recreation fees + scholarship $23,370 $24,570 $24,698 $24,728 Basketball $8,655 $19,775 $11,052 $13,665 Ice Skating $426 $389 $56 $100 Tennis $6,096 $10,700 $7,423 $6,880 Day Camp/Outdoor Programs $33,696 $36,838 $36,660 $36,660 Senior Programs/Independent living $12,690 $17,490 $14,361 $18,000 SUBTOTAL $770,396 $883,545 $870,319 $837,207 FINES AND FORFEITURES: City Court fees $31,733 $32,000 $28,782 $28,782 City Court Fines $380,963 $405,000 $323,190 $358,000 SUBTOTAL$386,782 MISC. REVENUE Joint Venture Mall income (last year) $10,656 IDB fees for refinancing Mall Note $17,570 Golf Course $15,121 $15,121 $15,477 $15,477 Auction proceeds, misc. collections $7,473 $0 $1,163 $1,000 Donations-Kidsport $9,125 $12,180 $11,838 $24,000 Intercap leases-$87,603 $4,599 $167,303 $26,282 $87,603 SUBTOTAL 336,318 S194,604 INVESTMENT REVENUE: $126,713 $120,000 $83,940 $83,940 TOTAL GENERAL REVENUE $4,361,250 $4,605,687 $4,362,748 $4,497,822 CASH AVAILABLE JULY 1ST $1,052,592 $874,276 $880,370 $898,859 Designated for Fire Truck $137,397 $137,397 $137,397 Equity Transfer in (out) ($103,361) $0 $12,461 $0 Prepaid Expenditure (CMAQ Grant match) $0 ($11,308) $11,308 TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR BUDGET $5,310,481 $5,617,360 $5,381,668 $5,545,386 RECOMMENDED EXPENDITURES $4,298,808 $4,821,292 $4,345,412 $4,781,342 CASH CARRY OVER (year end) $1,011,673 $796,068 $1,036,256 $764,0441 23.40% 15.55% 23.85% 15.98% 0 DETAIL OF ESTIMATED REVENUE/CASH AVAILABLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 AIRPORT $15,807 $17,870 $17,823 $22,083 TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN $5,064,065 $7,676,415 $4,312,983 $4,534,374 TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT $1,524,615 $787,468 $707,665 $1,920,384 TAX INCREMENT-WESTSIDE $0 $0 $168,592 $405,907 PARKS IN LIEU OF $32,085 $17,355 $29,040 $32,314 COMP. INSURANCE $431,989 $431,553 $450,154 $446,135 RETIREMENT $425,022 $445,334 $461,094 $501,854 HEALTH $541,722 $570,193 $584,470 $652,572 BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT $415,252 $472,573 $434,427 $430,041 LIGHT MAINTENANCE $92,266 $96,686 $102,853 $104,420 DECORATIVE LIGHT MAINTENANCE $6,545 $6,949 $5,051 $5,658 GAS TAX $324,397 $371,763 $392,558 $550,516 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE $441,195 $455,298 $483,926 $634,839 MT.AIR & CONGESTION INITIATIVE GRANT $0 $180,949 $180,949 $86,383 CD LOAN REVOLVING $42,168 $54,506 $106,605 $95,981 COURTYARD RESERVE FUND $92,238 $84,804 $84,673 $88,234 UDAG/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT $2,939,452 $2,723,154 $2,490,701 $2,612,689 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM $47,967 $302,979 $295,655 $241,251 MT. CULTURAL ARTS GRANT $0 $30,745 $26,333 $33,000 POLICE RESOURCE GRANT $0 $0 $0 $48,676 DRUG ENFORCEMENT $51,451 $50,919 $55,818 $59,496 UNIVERSAL COPS GRANT (amended) $0 $79,990 $50,557 $92,413 LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GT $18,074 $43,074 $43,770 $3,896 COPS GRANT $0 $10,609 $10,359 $0 SAMARITAN HOUSE GRANTS $191,323 $1,112,848 $1,009,712 $0 ISTEA $24,375 $329,338 $23,350 $458,261 Special Revenue Available $12,722,008 $16,353,372 $12,529,118 $14,061,377 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTLUA BUDGET G.O. BOND - POOL $80,151 $78,256 $80,662 $58,948 S.I.D. REVOLVING FUND $21,090 $21,090 $12,238 $12,238 SIDEWALK & CURBS $28,447 $20,150 $20,150 $17,123 SID 337 Sewer $17,775 $17,050 $17,050 $12,250 SID 341 Sewer $27,686 $27,557 $27,557 $28,952 SID 342 Corporate way $57,196 $24,722 $24,722 $26,181 Debt Service Revenue $232,345 $188,825 $182,379 $155,692 3 DETAIL OF ESTIMATED RE ENCASH AVAILABLE CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FY97/98 FY98/99 ACTUAI BUDGET 429X WALK & CURB $16,175 $50,000 Capital Project funds available $16,175 $50,000 WATER SEWER/WWTP STORM SEWER AMBULANCE SOLID WASTE Enterprise funds available DATA PROCESSING FUND SELF INSURED HEALTH FUND Internal Service funds available GRAND TOTALS REVENUE/CASH AVAILABLE FY97/98 FY98/99 AC T BUDGE $2,260,830 $2,031,110 $5,631,585 $5,889,947 $683,388 $773,123 $487,072 $530,378 $693,054 $962,231 $9,755,929 $10,186,789 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FY97/98 FY98/99 AC',TUAL BUDGET $201,153 $180,152 $1,412,563 $1,407,005 $1,613,716 $1,587,157 FY98/99 AC $1,687 $1,687 FY98/99 $2,155,365 $5,938,005 $769,002 $511,062 $840,058 $10,213,492 FY98/99 ESTIMATED $181,372 $1,402,005 $1,583,377 FY99/00 BUDG $25,000 $25,000 FY99/00 BUDGE $2,325,122 $6,192,806 $884,599 $549,671 $1,047,702 $10,999,900 FY99/00 BUDG $197,856 $1,387,979 $1,585,835 $29,650,654 $33,983,503 $29,891,721 $32,373,190 1 GENERAL GOVERNMENT Personal Services M&O Debt Service CITY MANAGER Personal Services (amended) M&O CITY COUNCIL Personal Services M&O FINANCE Personal Services M&O CITY ATTORNEY Personal Services M&O CITY COURT Personal Services M&O PUBLIC WORKS Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay TRAFFIC SIGNALS & SIGNS Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Debt Service CENTRAL GARAGE Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY GENERAL FUND FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET (561,403) (564,307) 5187,516 $202,130 $219,350 $0 517,162 SO Subtotal $126,113 5154,985 $219,350 545,146 559,420 594,611 537,489 554,950 57,950 Subtotal 582,635 $114,370 5102,561 586,382 586,042 $85,542 513,183 $13,975 $15,130 Subtotal 599,565 $100,017 5100,672 $138,907 5137,954 5140,768 $5,800 58,000 58,000 Subtotal $144,707 5145,954 5148,768 $121,204 5121,204 5122,071 510,674 $10,600 510,350 Subtotal 5131,878 $131,804 $132,421 592,665 $92,950 594,522 532,515 539,200 $29,200 Subtotal S 125,180 S 132,150 $123,722 567,817 $63,420 $64,380 $10,349 $10,050 511,215 $0 $7,950 $0 Subtotal 578,166 581,420 575,595 563,194 $63,120 564,935 524,991 $27,000 531,000 58,820 $18,500 $0 SO SO $2,383 Subtotal 597,005 5108,620 $98,318 590,298 $90,405 593,117 $161,615 5175,700 5167,300 53,725 $21,700 52,500 Subtotal 5255,638 5287,805 5262,917 CITY UF KALISPETL 5 EXPENDITURE DETAIL SUMMARY - con't. GENERAL FIT - con't. FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET CITY HALL MAINTENANCE Personal Services 521,744 521,982 522,668 M & O 563,394 572,500 571,664 Capital Outlay SO $0 SO Subtotal $95,138 $94,482 594,332 POLICE (amended FY99) Personal Services $1,304,518 $1,317,438 $1,340,225 M & O 594,552 $95,200 5101,200 Capital Outlay 564,718 $63,900 525,600 Transfers to Funds 533,520 533,520 $40,505 Subtotal 51,497,308 51,510,058 $1,507,530 FIRE Personal Services 5798,037 5809,572 $817,464 M & O 532,815 532,625 543,450 Capital Outlay 51,713 5262,500 5253,000 Subtotal $832,565 51,104,697 $1,113,914 ZONING Personal Services 523,432 530,937 $35,010 M & O $7,673 52,800 $2,935 Capital Outlay $0 $0 SO Subtotal 531,105 533,737 $37,945 STREET DEPARTMENT Personal Services 5105,626 5119,697 5112,899 M & O 533,580 530,606 56,950 Debt Service SO $0 $0 Capital Outlay 538,167 562,494 513,389 Subtotal 5177,373 $212,797 5133,238 PARK MAINTENANCE Personal Services $179, 857 S176,876 $196,180 M & O 543,674 $47,787 $48,287 Transfer to ISTEA 55,008 SO SO Capital Outlay 558,429 563,500 552,300 Debt Service SO SO $5,720 Subtotal 5286,968 5288,163 5302,487 RECREATION PROGRAMS Personal Services 534,625 $35,106 541,602 M & O 527,923 526,889 528,429 Subtotal 562,548 561,995 570,031 EXPENDITURE DETAIL SU Y - co 't. GENERAL FUND - con't. FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 URBAN FORESTRY Personal Services $50,056 $50,085 $51,688 M & O S3,987 $6,025 S6,025 Subtotal $54,043 $56,110 $57,713 SENIOR PROGRAMS Personal Services S20,436 $20,008 $23,414 M & O $8,000 $8,365 $4,061 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $28,436 $28,373 $27,475 TENNIS/ICE SKATING Personal Services $7,591 $9,141 S6,052 M & O $1,064 $2,045 $1,150 Subtotal $8,655 $11,186 $7,202 OUTDOOR RECREATION Personal Services $28,167 $31,395 $34,014 M & O $13,069 $13,610 $10,991 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $41,236 $45,005 $45,005 BASKETBALL Personal Services $415 $5,725 S4,191 M & O $11,024 $13,966 $9,785 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 Subtotal S11,439 $19,691 $13,976 POOL Personal Services S77,337 S71,622 $75,342 M & O S27,607 $28,050 $30,828 Capital Outlay $8,700 $8,700 $0 Subtotal $113,644 $108,372 $106,170 TOTAL GENERAL FUND S4,366,337 S4,831,791 $4,781,342 Y99 budget of $4,901,282 lowered S79,990-police budget transferred to Special Rev. Fund and police budget increased S 10,500 Hwy traffic safety grant) GENERAL FUND TOTALS BY FUNCTION %change Personal Services 5.10% $3.349,792 $3,520,695 M & O -6.16% $922,073 $865,250 Capital Outlay -31.90% $509,244 $346,789 Debt service -52.79% $17,162 $8,103 Operating transfers 20.84% $33,520 $40,505 -1.04% $4,831,791 $4.781,342 EXPENDITIRE SUMMARY SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS FY98/99 7MITOKE FY98/99 BUDGET FY99/00 BUDGET AIRPORT -operations Personal Services $0 $9,090 $13,055 M & O $7,739 $8,589 $9,028 Capital Outlay $3,100 $0 $0 Subtotal $10,839 $17,679 $22,083 TAX INCREMENT -DOWNTOWN Redevelopment Activity $2,325,940 $7,231,367 S4,314,857 Loans & Grants $50,000 $85,458 $50,000 Debt Service S262,850 S359,590 $262,850 Subtotal $2,638,790 S7,676,415 S4,627,707 TAX INCREMENT -AIRPORT Redevelopment Activity $669,662 $787,468 $1,920,384 Subtotal $669,662 $787,468 S1,920,384 TAX INCREMENT - WESTSIDE Redevelopment Activity (amended FY99) $59,070 $90,000 S347,865 Subtotal $59,070 $90,000 $347,865 PARK IN LIEU Capital Outlay $1,726 $12,100 $32,048 Subtotal S1,726 $12,100 $32,048 COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE Personal Services M & O $263,542 $320,967 $316,570 Subtotal S263,542 S320,967 $316,570 RETIREMENT Personal Services $320,384 $348,718 $352,735 Subtotal S320,384 S348,718 $352,735 HEALTH FUND Personal Services $396,928 $448,997 $452,493 Subtotal S396,928 $448,997 $452,493 BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Subtotal S180,366 $214,494 $213,188 S62,780 $56,748 S53,603 $1,240 $2,500 $0 $244,386 $273,742 $266,791 OF KALISPE 8 EXPENDITURE DETA SIT Y - con't. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - con't. FY98/99 7MMAI FY98/99 LIGHT MAINTENANCE BUM FT-' M & O 568,539 $71,462 Capital Outlay $0 $0 Subtotal 568,539 571,462 DECORATIVE LIGHTS M & O 53,677 $6,287 Capital Outlay $0 $0 Subtotal 53,677 $6,287 GAS TAX M & O 5140,901 $342,858 Capital Outlay $0 $0 Subtotal 5140,901 5342,858 SPECIAL STREET MAINTENANCE Personal Services $267,775 5296,480 M & O 5108,745 $111,384 Debt Service $0 SO Capital Outlay $0 SO Subtotal $376,520 5407,864 MT. AIR & CONGESTION M & O 5180,949 5180,949 Subtotal 5180,949 $180,949 COMM. DEV. LOAN REVOLVING Loans and Grants 540,157 $47,200 Subtotal $40,157 547,200 COURTYARD MAINTENANCE FUND M & O $28,281 $35,000 Debt Service $22,456 $25,000 Subtotal $50,737 $60,000 UDAG-PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Personal Services 5115,530 5169,029 M & O 574,215 $81,284 Housing & grants (amended FY99 5124,000) 516,495 $146,000 Subtotal 5206,240 5396,313 PUBLIC FACILITIES GRANTS (Amended) Samaritan House Grant Subtotal AFFORDABLE HOUSING GRANT FUND Construction Subtotal 51,040,337 51,111,813 51,040,337 $1,111,813 5295,655 5295,655 5302,979 5302,979 FY99/00 571,502 $0 $71,502 55,514 $0 55,514 5512,979 $0 $512,979 5273,545 $94,887 513,360 S 140,000 5521,792 586,383 586,383 594,460 594,460 $35,000 $25,000 560,000 5124,352 571,243 5254,000 $449,595 $241,251 $241,251 EXPENDITURE DETAIL SIT Y - con' . SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS - con't. FY98/99 FY98/99 POLICE RESOURCE GRANT Personal Services Subtotal POLICE DRUG ENFORCEMENT Personal Services M&O Subtotal POLICE UNIVERSAL GRANT Personal Services(amended FY99) Subtotal $0 $0 $46,211 $1,779 $47,990 $40,943 $40,943 $46,671 $1,778 $48,449 579,990 $79,990 FY99/00 $48,676 $48,676 $51,891 $2,247 $54,138 $92,235 $92,235 LAW ENFORCEMENT/COPS GRANTS Personal Services $10,359 $10,609 $0 Capital Outlay $43,074 $43,074 $3,200 Subtotal $53,433 $53,683 $3,200 CULTURAL ARTS GRANTS $26,333 $30,745 $33,000 Grants Subtotal $26,333 $30,745 $33,000 ISTEA Capital construction $18,340 $329,338 $451,904 Subtotal $18,340 $329,338 $451,904 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE $7,196,078 $13,446,016 $11,065,305 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS FY98/99 AU 1 UAL FY98/99 FY99/00 BUDGET B013CYTT G.O. BOND 560,805 $61,805 $58,055 WALK & CURB FUNDS $19,417 $20,156 $17,123 SID 337, SID 341, SID 342 $40,393 $44,530 $51,397 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $120,615 $126,491 $126,575 CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 4290 WALK & CURB CONSTR. $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 TOTAL PROJECT FUNDS $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 10 EXPENDITURE . E , FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 WATER FUNDBILLING Personal Services $408,575 $380,051 $391,064 M & O $395,305 $338,826 $438,131 Debt service $108,888 $108,888 $108,856 Capital Outlay $37,775 S126,003 S615,000 Depreciation $139,325 $147,000 $140,000 Subtotal $1,089,868 S1,100,768 $1,693,051 SEWER/WWTP BILLING FUND Personal Services S485,123 $505,145 $523,643 M & O S585,886 $692,608 $651,208 WWTP replacement/Sewer replace $466,707 S401,885 $340,306 Capital Outlay $102,630 $259,475 $441,112 Debt Service $648,353 $648,578 $652,905 Depreciation & Replacement $380,000 $380,000 $380,000 Subtotal $2,668,699 S2,887,691 $2,989,174 STORM SEWER Personal Services $63,734 $69,295 $68,665 M & O $34,372 $43,033 $42,568 Capital Outlay $40,175 $94,365 $551,000 Debt Service S34,675 $34,675 $45,960 Depreciation $22,000 $22,000 $27,800 Subtotal $194,956 $263,368 $735,993 AMBULANCE FUND Personal Services S248,653 $277,015 $294,156 M & O $91,469 $100,512 $116,481 Capital Outlay $74,609 $75,000 $65,775 Debt Service $5,080 S5,080 $0 Deprec/Replacement reserve S25,000 $25,000 $35,000 Subtotal $444,811 $482,607 $511,412 SOLID WASTE FUND Personal Services S221,458 $229,201 $276,773 M & O $117,523 S122,799 $94,950 Capital Outlay S55,625 $222,000 $330,000 Debt Service $0 $57,000 $55,000 Deprec/Replacement reserve S45,000 S45,000 $100,000 Subtotal $439,606 S676,000 $856,723 TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS $4,837,940 $5,410,434 $6,786,353 INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 DATA PROCESSING FUND M & O $48,337 546,500 $48,500 Capital Outlay 545,379 $50,000 $85,700 Deprec/Replacement reserve 520,000 520,000 $30,000 Subtotal 5113,716 5116,500 5164,200 CITY SELF INSURED HEALTH FUND M & O - claims payable 5799,029 5800,000 5800,000 Subtotal 5799,029 5800,000 5800,000 TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS $912,745 5916,500 5964,200 ALL 1 TYPES ALL FUND TOTALS BY FUNCTION: Personal Services M&O Capital Outlay Debt service Redevelopment/grants Depreciation Operating transfers $17,435,402 $24,781,232 $23,748,775 % change 4.08% 0.76% 57.60% -6.07% -26.21 % 11.55% 20.84% -4.17% Original BudgetFY99 Budget amendments FY99 General Fund -police grant grant Airport TIF -corrected amt. Westside TIF UDAG -loan Mt Air & Congestion Grant Total amendments TOTAL AMENDED BUDGET FY99 56,434,577 54,283,657 52,174,984 51,382,464 59,833,030 5639,000 533,520 524,781,232 524,43 8,678 $ 10,500 $ (62,895) $ 90,000 $ 124,000 $ 180.949 $ 342,554 S 24,781,232 56,697,166 54,316,044 53,427,834 S 1,298,609 $7,255,817 $712,800 540,505 23 748 7 [a] v IVOIS ;I:6 4y 9_p)61_/ NUIDIM �.&Iupllj i FUND: GENERAL 1000 ... DEPARTMENT 400, GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Administration & Operations $126,113 $154,985 $219,350 $126,113 $154,985 $219,350 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The purpose of the General Government budget is to provide funding for expenses of a general nature having application to all functions of general government. The budget includes funding for maintenance and operational items such as telephone service charges, data processing, the City's share of the City -County planning organization expense, Hockaday support, and costs associated with auditing and records administration. Funds are budgeted for the City's annual audit. A filing fee is due each year based on revenue totals. The filing fee is a State assessment for $975 this year. $24,000 payment for State lands lease is offset with a revenue "Donation from Kidsport". $3,000 for recodification update for 35 City code books. $20,000 Donation to the Conrad Mansion toward the sprinkling system. Note: $75,000 contingency funds FY99 contingency funds were used for the Fire contract, implementation of the Police contract and non union salary adjustments. 59 % of this budget is funded through the Administrative transfer (revenue). 13 04, 011 to 15A bllff� FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 400, GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT GENERAL GOVERNMENT 410530 Audit 331 Publication & Filing Fees 353 Audit 410560 Purchasing 210 Office Supplies 320 Printing 410600 Elections 354 Contract Services 410900 Records Admin. 322 Code books (MCA) 331 Publication & Filing Fees 352 Recodification (annual fee) -City Code 358 Survey/Title Fees 410830 Personnel 338 Negotiations 338 Recruitment 354 Contract services -accounting 411030 Planning 397 Contract (50% FRDO) 411300 Central Communications 345 Telephone & Communications 460452 Hockaday 366 Building Maintenance 460454 Conrad Mansion Sprinkler 920 Capital Improvement 460446 Lease Payment-ballfields 354 Kidsport 510100 Special Assessments 545 County Garbage 510300 Contingency 000 unallocated * ($75,000 FY98) transfer for Fire contract transfer for Police dept. transfer for other non union adjustments 490500 Debt service 610/620 Board of Investment loan ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $917 $1,000 $1,000 $3,800 $4,000 $4,000 $954 $2,500 $2,000 $4,640 $4,000 $4,000 $0 $0 $2,000 $0 $0 $350 $1,599 $2,500 $2,500 $7,915 $8,000 $3,000 $0 $1,000 $0 $2,029 $6,000 $4,000 $11,043 $7,500 $0 $1,215 $2,000 $37,336 $37,350 $37,350 $34,680 $33,000 $30,000 $6,600 $6,600 $6,600 $0 $0 $20,000 $11,838 $12,180 $24,000 $1,547 $1,500 $1,550 $75,000 $75,000 ($23,207) ($35,000) ($6,100) moved exp. $0 $17,162 to dept. budget 126,113 $154,985 1 5 FUND: GENERAL 1000 .... DEPARTMENT 401, CITY MANAGER.... 410210 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services Materials and Services STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: $45,146 $59,420 $94,611 $37,489 $54,950 $7,950 $82,635 $114,370 $102,561 The City Manager is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City. The Manager's responsibilities include supervision of the City employees, implementation of City policy, preparation and oversight of the City budget, advising the City Council, and informing the citizens of Kalispell about City plans, programs and actions. Line Item Detail: 373 School and travel includes the League of Cities and Towns annual meeting as well as quarterly meeting for the managers' group. Also included are funds for the annual ICMA meeting and an Economic Development Seminar as indicated in the manager's contract. 335 Memberships and Dues include the ICMA membership and fees for notary for the receptionist. 59 % of budget is funded through the administrative transfer. CITY OF KALISPELL 15 PROGRAM O SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 401, CITY MANAGER.... 410210 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $45,093 $59,420 $94,611 121 Overtime (Secretary) $53 $0 $0 Total Personal Services $45,146 $59,420 $94,611 Maintenance & Operations: 229 Other Supplies $513 $400 $400 312 Postage $200 $200 $200 322 Books $58 $350 $350 335 Membership & Dues $0 $1,300 $1,300 345 Telephone (long distance & cell) $735 $700 $700 354 Contract Services(interim mgr.) $34,204 $48,000 $0 373 School & Travel $1,779 $3,500 $4,500 379 Meetings $0 $500 $500 Subtotal $37,489 $54,950 $7,950 TOTAL $82,635 $114,370 $102,561 *FY98 budget amended by Resolution 4407-$56,000 i, 0101 at 4101 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT .... POSITION TITLE City Manager City Manager -Car Allowance City Manager -Life Insurance Executive Secretary City Hall Receptionist Clerk I Clerk II Merit (8 months)-mgr contract_ ibtotal salaries: ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 1 1/2 yr 1 $65,776 $32,888 $60,000 $4,944 $2,472 $4,800 $1,316 $658 $1,224 1 $24,055 $0 $0 1 $0 $19,001 1 $20,379 $1,200 2 2 2 $96,091 $55,019 $87,603 Payroll taxes: Deferred comp Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs inclu $1,998 $1,999 $2,000 Worker's comp. $1,209 $1,662 $1,662 Health Insurance $9,950 $9,950 $9,950 Retirement-PERD $1,568 $1,273 $1,365 ICMA Retirement ** Fund 2 $6,386 $6,578 $6,578 $2,800 $0 $7,351 $4,209 $6,702 $336 $193 $307 $106,578 $59,420 $94,611 Executive Secretary position combined with Clerk of Council, union Receptionist position established by City Manager on April lst, 1998. City Hall Receptionist promoted to Clerk I by the Acting City Manager on July 1st, 1998. Clerk I promoted to Clerk II by the Acting City Manager on Dec. lst, 1998. CITY OF KALISPELI 17 FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL .... FUNCTION 410100 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $86,382 $86,042 $85,542 Maintenance & Operations $13,183 $13,975 $15,130 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $99,565 $100,017 $100,672 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Kalispell City Council is composed of eight (8) City Councilors and the Mayor. The City is divided in four (4) Wards with two (2) Councilors elected from each and the Mayor is elected at large. Each member of City Council serves a four year term of office, council member terms are staggered. All functions of City government fall or indirectly within jurisdiction of the City Council. The greatest responsibility of City Council lies in their legislative activities, which include enacting ordinances, establishing policy and levels of service, adopting the budget, setting service fees and appropriating money to fund the City's programs and services. The Mayor presides at all Council meetings and is a voting member of Council. The Clerk of Council is responsible for recording, storing and retrieval of all Council/City official documents. Kalispell City Council meets on the first and third Monday of each month in regular session at 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. 59 % of budget is funded through the administrative transfer. CITY OF KALISPELL 18 PROGRAM OF SER FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL .... FUNCTION 410100 1 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 213 Small Office Equip.(lateral files) 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Books-MCA/CD ROMs 335 Membership & Dues 345 Telephone & Communications 363 Office Equip Maintenance 373 School & Travel - Council 373 School & Travel - Clerk 379 Meetings Subtotal ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $83,803 $2,579 $83,542 $2,500 $83,542 $2,000 $86,382 $86,042 $85,542 $0 $0 $830 $511 $350 $350 $250 $250 $350 $84 $100 $100 $633 $625 $700 $3,705 $3,800 $3,800 $122 $300 $300 $214 $50 $0 $4,443 $5,000 $5,000 $2,717 $3,000 $3,000 $504 $500 $700 $13,183 $13,975 $15,130 $99,565 $100,017 $100,672 F KALISPELL 19 Line item detail: Mayor/Council budget 312 Postage - $350 $100 added due to increase in postage amount and mailings. 213 Small Office Equipment - $830 This addition to the budget allows for the purchase of two lateral filing cabinets. 322 Books - $700 The slight increase in this line item is to allow for any increase in cost of the leather bound books used for Resolutions, Ordinances & Minutes. 373 School & Travel/Council - $5,000 $4,000 has been budgeted to allow six members of the Council to attend the Montana League of Cities Convention in Bozeman in September. $1,000 miscellaneous expenses. 373 School & Travel - Clerk of Council $3,000 Travel for the Clerk of Council includes the Clerk's Institute in Billings and the IIMC Conference. These institutes are essential for the Clerk to obtain the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk, a requirement for the position. 379 Meetings - $700 $200 has been added to this line item to cover the possibility of additional meetings with the new City Manager. CITY OF KALISPELL 20 PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPT. 402, MAYOR/COUNCIL .... FUNCTION 410100 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Mayor: 1 1 1 July -Dec. '97 Jan. -June '98 City Councilors 8 8 8 July -Dec. '97 Jan. -June '98 Clerk of Council * 1 1 1 subtotal salaries: 10 10 10 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: 1998 1999 2000 Worker's comp. S749 S676 S676 Oflt $346 $388 s0 Health Insurance S4,600 $5,350 S5,568 Retirement S3,580 S3,494 S3,508 $9,000 $9,000 $6,480 $0 $4,500 $0 $40,000 $40,000 $15,840 $0 $20,000 $0 $23,800 $28,354 $28,354 $70,620 $77,354 $77,354 $5,402 $5,918 $5,918 $247 $271 $271 $76,270 $83,542 $83,542 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst 1998. CITY OF KALISPELL 21 '. M, 010 , . , FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 403, FINANCE.... FUNCTION 410550 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: $138,907 $137,954 $140,768 $5,800 $8,000 $8,000 $0 $0 $0 $144,707 $145,954 $148,768 The Finance Department is responsible for all activities concerning finances within the City. Planning, reporting, controlling the revenue and expenditures through various systems of checks and balances is a major duty. Investment, financial reporting and fulfilling regulation requirements are part of the daily responsibilities. These responsibilities include: General Supervision and management of fiscal concerns of the City. Preparation of the Annual Financial Report Maintenance of accounting records/data processing Investment of City funds, debt service, SID's Personnel Management/payroll/safety committee Insurance -Property, Liability, Worker's Compensation and Health. Accounts payable for all city departments Water office billing and collections Fixed Asset management Budget preparation 59 % of budget is funded through the administrative transfer. CITY OF KALISPELL 22 FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 403, FINANCE .... FUNCTION 410550 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $138,907 $137,954 $140,768 Total Personal Services $138,907 $137,954 $140,768 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $139 $500 $250 213 Small Office Equipment $138 $250 $250 312 Postage $2,000 $2,000 $2,250 320 Printing $98 $250 $500 322 Books $391 $750 $700 335 Membership & Dues $916 $1,000 $1,000 345 Telephone & Communicaitons $254 $300 $300 363 Office Equip Maintenance $53 $200 $0 373 School & Travel $1,811 $2,750 $2,750 Subtotal $5,800 $8,000 $8,000 TOTAL $144,707 $145,954 $148,768 CITY OF KALISPELL 23 FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 403, FINANCE.... FUNCTION 410550 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Finance Director * 1 1 1 $47,338 $49,232 $49,232 Assistant Finance Director * 1 1 1 $29,718 $30,907 $30,907 Personnel Specialist * 1 1 1 $27,672 $28,779 $28,779 Accounts Payable/Clerk 11 ** 1 1 1 $20,093 $20,692 $21,423 subtotal salaries: 4 4 4 $124,821 $129,610 $130,341 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. Health Insurance Retirement 1999 1999 2000 $1,985 $2,145 $1,577 $16,308 $14,370 $14,892 $8,112 $8,403 $8,733 $9,549 $9,915 $9,971 $437 $454 $456 $134,807 $139,979 $140,768 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ACTUAL BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 Personal Services $121,204 $121,204 Maintenance & Operations $10,674 $10,600 $131,878 $131,804 BUDGET FY99/00 $122,071 $10,350 $132,421 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The City Attorney's office has the following responsibilities: 1) Represent the position of the City before the City Court, the District Court, and other Courts where the City's legal interests are involved; 2) Compile contracts, ordinances, resolutions, and other documents necessary for the operation of City government. 3) Give written opinions to the Manager, Mayor and Council on questions pertaining to the duties, rights, liabilities and powers of the City; and 4) such other duties as the City Council prescribe. The office of the City Attorney also advises the various City departments on legal matters pertaining to department policy and operations. Statistics: Calendar Year Complaints filed by City Attorney Omnibus Hearings (Pre -Trial) Jury Trials held Bench Trials - parking tickets and cases carried over Appeals 59 % budget is funded through the administrative transfer. 1997 1998 101 148 647 772 17 20 318 241 9 0 CITY OF KALISPELL 25 Line Item Detail: City Attorney 322 LEXIS (2 connections) - $1,000 In FY 98/99, this office subscribed to LEXIS, an on-line legal research service. The City receives a special rate of $1,000 per year which authorizes two users unlimited access to legal research materials. The addition of LEXIS is anticipated to provide this office with substantial long-term savings in library expenses, as well as ease problems with lack of shelf space for books. $155 - State Bar of Montana - City Attorney $155 - State Bar of Montana - Assistant City Attorney $420 - International Municipal Lawyers Association - City of Kalispell - City of Kalispell $ 60 - Northwest Montana Bar Association - City Attorney $ 50 - Notary - Secretary $ 20 - Notary Bond - Secretary PROGRAM O; R O SERVICES FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 404, ATTORNEY.... FUNCTION 411110 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and Payroll costs $121,204 $121,204 $122,071 Total Personal Services $121,204 $121,204 $122,071 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 312 Postage 322 Books 322 Lexis 335 Membership & Dues 345 Telephone & Communications 351 Legal Fees 373 School & Travel Subtotal $270 $500 $450 $615 $600 $650 $6,574 $6,500 $5,700 $0 $500 $1,000 $790 $900 $900 $548 $250 $300 $0 $100 $100 $1,877 $1,250 $1,250 $10,674 $10,600 $10,350 TOTAL $131,878 $131,804 $132,421 CITY OF KALISPELL 27 I' : L 1Q°:10j111jA f FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 404, ATTORNEY.... FUNCTION 411110 1 POSITION TITLE City Attorney Secretary * Ass't City Attorney/ Prosecutor subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. Health Insurance Retirement Oflt ***FTE*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1998 1999 2000 S1,235 S1,368 S1,368 S16,050 S16,050 S16,704 S7,083 S7,573 S7,573 S529 S565 SO ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 $50,046 $50,046 $50,046 $23,747 $22,255 $22,255 $34,542 $40,728 $40,728 $108,335 $113,029 $113,029 $8,087 $8,647 $8,647 $379 $396 $396 $116,801 $122,071 $122,071 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. CITY OF KALISPELL 28 I ON r ' r � r FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $92,665 $92,950 $94,522 Maintenance & Operations $32,515 $39,200 $29,200 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $125,180 $132,150 $123,722 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Our courts have been established as a forum where the parties in a dispute can present their differences and obtain a solution. The system functions under the adversary procedure where each parry to the dispute presents his evidence and arguments in the manner most beneficial to his position. It is essential for the proper operation of the system that the trial or hearing be presided over by an impartial judge. The judge must make certain that the proper law is applied and proper rules of evidence and procedure followed. Line item detail: Municipal Court 322 LEXIS - $1,000 The Court is requesting computer based online research service. m (--FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $92,665 $92,450 $94,022 121 Overtime $0 $500 $500 Total Personal Services $92,665 $92,950 $94,522 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $2,073 $1,000 $1,000 213 Small Office Equip $183 $1,000 $1,000 215 Computer Supplies/Maint. $0 $1,000 $1,000 229 Other Supplies $862 $600 $600 312 Postage $2,500 $2,500 $2,500 320 Printing $1,184 $1,800 $2,000 322 ;Books (Lexis on line service) $0 $0 $1,000 335 Membership & Dues $271 $300 $300 345 Telephone & Communications $189 $300 $300 351 Legal Fees $14,083 $17,000 $10,000 354 Contract Services $1,400 $3,700 $2,500 363 Office Equipment Maint. $0 $500 $500 373 School & Travel $1,585 $1,500 $1,500 394 Jury & Witness fees $8,185 $8,000 $5,000 Total M&O $32,515 $39,200 $29,200 940 Equipment $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $125,180 $132,150 $123,722 30 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT. 406, MUNICIPAL COURT... FUNCTION 410360 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 City Judge Municipal Judge 1 1 1 $37,789 $40,000 $40,000 Clerk II ** 1 1 $20,483 $21,214 Clerk of Court ** 1 1 1 $23,901 $25,119 $25,843 Clerk I 1 0 0 $17,895 $0 $0 subtotal salaries: 3 3 3 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs : 1998 1999 2000 Worker's comp. $844 $792 $855 Health Insurance S15,300 S15,300 $15,924 Retirement S5,332 S5,735 $5,833 Oflt S398 S428 $0 $79,585 $85,602 $6,088 $279 85,952 $6,549 $300 92,450 $87,057 $6,660 $305 94,022 ** Union salaries settled after adoption of FY98 budget have been amended to reflect the correct union salaries for FY98 on this page. $1,400 was transferred to line item 110. 31 PROGRAM R,l is O SERVICES ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY98/99 Personal Services $67,817 Maintenance & Operations $10,349 Capital Outlay $0 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY98/99 RIMMM $10,050 $7,950 BUDGET FY99/00 $64,380 $11,215 M. $78,166 $81,420 $75,595 The responsibility of the Public Works Administration/Engineering Department is the design, construction, maintenance and administration of the City's infrastructure. These areas include streets, curbs, sidewalks, traffic signals, signage, water production and distribution, storm water drainage, sewage collection, wastewater treatment and equipment maintenance. CITY OF KALISPELL 32 213 Small Office Equipment - $500 $500 - Cabinets for Assistant City Engineer & Administration files to store engineering records. $ 40 - Montana Board of Professional Engineers & Land Surveyor's $115 - Montana Association of Registered Land Surveyor's $355 - American Public Works Association $155 - American Society of Civil Engineers 373 School & Travel - $2,000 $900 - American Public Works Association Conference $500 - Continuing education requirements $300 - Auto Cad instructor as needed basis $300 - Safety Workshops CITY OF KALISPELL 33 PROGRAM OF SERVICES : ( hNhKAL luau.. ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime ACTUAL FY98/99 $66,367 $1,450 BUDGET FY98/99 $61,420 $2,000 BUDGET FY99/00 $62,380 $2,000 Total Personal Services $67,817 $63,420 $64,380 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $1,264 $1,000 $1,000 213 Small Office Equipment $250 $0 $500 215 Computer Supplies $822 $500 $900 216 Computer Equipment $1,067 $1,200 $1,500 229 Other Supplies $1,465 $1,200 $1,200 241 Consumable Tools $110 $500 $400 312 Postage $600 $600 $600 320 Printing $199 $700 $500 331 Publication $1,196 $700 $900 335 Membership & Dues $874 $500 $665 345 Telephone & Communications $665 $400 $500 354 Contract Services $167 $0 $0 362 Equipment Maintenance $20 $250 $250 369 Radio Maint. & Supplies $240 $300 $300 373 School & Travel $1,410 $2,200 $2,000 Subtotal $10,349 $10,050 $11,215 Capital Outlay: 940 Equipment $0 $7,950 $0 Subtotal $0 $7,950 $0 TOTAL $78,166 $81,420 $75,595 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director/City Engineer * 0.25 0.25 0.25 $12,433 $12,868 $12,868 Design Tech/Proj Mgr. * 1.00 0.50 0.50 $39,747 $20,470 $20,470 Construction Inspector ** 1.00 0.50 0.50 $26,063 $13,343 $13,761 Clerk II 0.50 0.50 0.50 $9,995 $10,294 $10,660 subtotal salaries 2.75 1.75 1.75 $88,238 $56,975 $57,759 Payroll taxes: Fica/medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Other fund payroll costs: 1998 1999 2000 Workers Compensation S4,738 S2,905 S2,972 Olft S441 SO s0 Health Insurance S14,525 S9,175 S9,549 Retirement 6.8% S5,912 S3,817 S3,928 $6,750 $309 $95,297 $4,359 $199 $61,533 $4,419 $202 $62,380 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. CITY OF KALISPELL 35 r FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS...430264 1 ACTUAL -ACCOUNT FY98/99 Personal Services $63,194 Maintenance & Operations $24,991 Capital Outlay $8,820 Debt Service $0 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY98/99 $63,120 $27,000 $18,500 $0 BUDGET FY99/00 $64,935 $31,000 $0 $2,383 $97,005 $108,620 $98,318 This division has the responsibility for determining proper sign location, maintenance of signs, striping of crosswalks and streets, maintenance of traffic signals and placement of emergency signage where needed to provide the safe and orderly passage of vehicles and pedestrians in the City of Kalispell. This division supports The Police Department for emergency traffic control and street blockage for parades and other unique events. Line Item Detail : 428 Paint Materials - $6,000 Additional material for Thermo -Plastic Pavement Markings. Application machine was purchased FY98/99. Thermo -Plastic markings have a substantially improved service life. Debt Service - Thermoplastic Applicator $6,250 purchased FY99 3 year contract. 610 Principal - $2,083 Montana Board of Investments. 620 Interest - $ 300 Montana Board of Investments. CITY OF KALISPELL 36 I' ' 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS ... 430264 1 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 221 Safety Equip & Supplies 224 Janitorial Supplies 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 242 Street Signs 243 Traffic Signals 245 Barricade Materials 341 Electricity 345 Telephone & Communications 354 Contract Services 362 Equipment Maintenance 366 Building Maintenance 369 Radio Maintenance 373 School & Travel 428 Paint Materials Subtotal Capital Outlay 940 Machinery & Equipment Subtotal 610/620 Debt Service/Principal/Interest ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $60,153 $60,120 $61,935 $3,041 $3,000 $3,000 $63,194 $63,120 $64,935 $20 $500 $500 $277 $300 $300 $409 $500 $500 $472 $500 $400 $6,288 $7,000 $7,000 $814 $2,500 $3,500 $909 $1,000 $800 $1,806 $2,100 $2,000 $83 $200 $200 $2,500 $8,500 $8,500 $179 $500 $400 $446 $300 $300 $93 $200 $200 $0 $400 $400 $10,695 $2,500 $6,000 $24,991 $27,000 $31,000 $8,820 $18,500 $0 $8,820 $18,500 $0 $0 $0 $2,383 $0 $0 $2,383 $97,005 $108,620 $98,318 CITY OF KALISPELL 37 F9 , �- ; M. FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 410..TRAFFIC SIGNS & SIGNALS ... 430264 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Traffic Sign Tech 1 1 1 $27,830 $28,460 $29,302 Traffic Sign Tech 1 1 1 $26,583 $27,207 $28,045 subtotal salaries: 2 2 2 $54,413 $55,667 $57,347 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt. Unemployment tax General Fund total for line 110 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's Comp. Oflt. Health Retirement 1998 1999 2000 S2,922 $3,390 $6,464 S272 s0 $0 S9,950 $9,950 S10,356 S3,646 $3,730 S3,900 $4,163 $190 $58,766 $4,259 $195 $60,120 $4,387 $201 $61,935 Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. CITY OF KALISPELL 38 WIC1,100 FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 410... CENTRAL GARAGE ... 431330 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $90,298 $90,405 $93,117 Maintenance & Operations $161,615 $175,700 $167,300 Capital Outlay $3,725 $21,700 $2,500 $255,638 $287,805 $262,917 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Central Garage is responsible to maintain all city vehicles and equipment in a safe and dependable condition at the lowest cost per mile or hour with the least inconvenience to each department. An extensive record keeping system of repairs and maintenance is maintained and recommendations are provided to insure the City is receiving cost effective use of vehicles and equipment. Line Item Detail: 940 Machinery & Equipment - $2,500 $2,500 - Electrical System Analyzer which is required to trouble -shoot and repair modern automotive electrical systems. Present equipment is not compatible with computer controlled systems. WAZI ':,, FUND: GENERAL 1000 ... DEPARTMENT 4 10 ... CENTRAL GARAGE ... 431330 I ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $88,899 $88,905 $91,617 121 Overtime $1,399 $1,500 $1,500 Total Personal Services $90,298 $90,405 $93,117 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $522 $500 $300 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $222 $300 $200 229 Other Supplies $2,495 $2,500 $2,200 231 Gas and Oil $34,884 $38,000 $38,000 232 Motor Vehicle Parts $70,129 $60,000 $60,000 233 Tires $9,566 $15,000 $15,000 238 Filters $2,603 $4,700 $4,000 241 Consumable Tools $1,799 $2,000 $1,000 322 Books $640 $500 $400 341 Electricity $2,768 $3,000 $2,500 342 Water $133 $400 $200 344 Natural Gas $4,750 $5,200 $1,500 345 Telephone & Communications $85 $50 $50 354 Contract Services -repairs $29,371 $40,000 $40,000 362 Equipment Maint $367 $1,000 $500 366 Building Maint $994 $1,500 $500 369 Radios $0 $200 $200 373 School & Travel $75 $500 $500 388 Medical Services $212 $350 $250 Subtotal M&O $161,615 $175,700 $167,300 Capital Outlay 940 Machinery & Equipment $3,725 $21,700 $2,500 Subtotal Capital Outlay $3,725 $21,700 $2,500 TOTAL $255,638 $287,805 $262,917 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000... 412, CITY HALL... FUNCTION 411230 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries $21,160 $21,482 $22,168 121 Overtime $584 $500 $500 $21,744 $21,982 $22,668 Maintenance & Operations: 213 Small Office Equipment $0 $1,000 $500 224 Janitorial Supplies $1,782 $2,000 $2,000 241 Consumable Tools $0 $1,000 $500 341 Electricity $19,594 $22,000 $22,000 342 Water $2,286 $2,500 $2,500 344 Natural Gas $13,146 $16,000 $16,000 354 Contract Services $0 $0 $0 362 Equipment Maintenance $7,230 $7,500 $7,664 366 Building Maintenance $19,356 $20,500 $20,500 Total M & O $63,394 $72,500 $71,664 TOTAL $85,138 $94,482 $94,332 CITY OF KALISPELL 43 m MA 9 0' V to FUND: GENERAL 1000 .... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $1,304,518 $1,317,438 $1,340,225 Maintenance & Operations $94,552 $95,200 $101,200 Capital Outlay $64,718 $63,900 $25,600 Transfer to Grant Funds $33,520 $33,520 $40,505 Grant City Match $1,497,308 $1,510,058 $1,507,530 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Mission statement: the Kalispell Police Department is committed to improving the health, safety and welfare of our citizens by providing the best possible service. This will be accomplished by establishing a working environment where department members are encouraged to grow and excel. The Kalispell Police Department currently has 38 full time employees and 2 part time employees. The department's administrative staff consists of the Chief of Police, Assistant Chief, Lieutenant of Patrol and Lieutenant of Detectives. The Department has 6 Patrol Sergeants and 2 Sergeants assigned to the Detective Division. There are currently 12 officers assigned to Patrol, 1 assigned to D.A.R.E/Crime Prevention, 1 assigned to the Drug Enforcement, a School Resource Officer and 2 are currently at the Law Enforcement Academy. This is in an attempt to meet our minimum staffing goal of 3 Patrol Officers on duty during the day and 4 Officers on duty in the evening. Our main objectives for FY99/00 are to improve two way communication with the community, incorporate community policing strategies into our professional police model, improve training and performance standards, institute job related evaluations, motivate department members, enhance career development, clarify roles within the agency and improve our leadership skills. 46 specific tasks were identified to help achieve those objectives. The department will enjoy its first full year of bike patrol and we will see the first year of our organized Crime Prevention Program and School Resource Officer. In FY98/99 the Kalispell Police Department handled 17,459 calls for service. That is compared to 17,619 in FY97/98. Accidents increased to 881 from the previous year's total of 700. 293 warrants were served in 1998 compared to 283 in 1997 and the detective division investigated 221 felony cases. 45 Line Item Detail: 218 Equipment / Grant Reimbursement - $1,000 Bullet Vests 50% Reimbursement from Federal Government - Grant 227 Ammo and Supplies - $3,500 Line item 227 should be increased to $3,500.00 in FY 99/00 from $3,000.00 in FY 98/99. This increase will be realized from savings in line item 374. 228 Patrol Car Supplies - $7,000 This line item should be increased to $7,000.00 in FY 99/00 from $5,500.00 in FY 98/99. This increase will be realized from savings in line item 374. 235 Bike Patrol - $1,500 We have created a $1,500.00 line item to provide for Bike Patrol services in the future. This increase will be realized from savings in line item 374. 363 Office Equipment and Maintenance - $9,500 We anticipate an increase in this line item from Y2K related consultations and upgrades in the amount of $1,500. This increase will be realized from savings in line item 374. 374 LETN - $00 This line item will be eliminated and the service cancelled 388 Medical Services - $5,000 Medical Services as required in the Collective Bargaining Agreement. 941 Radar Gun - $1,500 Need 1 Radar Gun to maintain our replacement schedule. 944 Vehicles - $14,000 We are requesting $14,000.00 for vehicle replacement in an attempt to initiate a new rebuilding program. As a result of increased manpower we have the need to increase our fleet of patrol cars to a total of 7 (seven) cars from the current 6 (six) cars we maintain. We have investigated a rebuilding program that will allow us to fully rebuild one of our current units. This rebuilding program carries a 3-year, 50,000 (fifty thousand) mile warranty on the powertrain work. Our goal is to rebuild one vehicle from our existing fleet that was replaced in FY 98/99. The car scheduled for replacement will have in excess of 100,000 miles at the time of replacement.We typically receive approximately $1,500.00 for our cars when they are retired. This program would allow us to rebuild those vehicles to include new paint, new engine, new transmission and other structural work for between $10,000.00 and $14,000.00 each. We have contacted a number of departments that have utilized this program and we believe we can rebuild cars in our existing fleet as effectively as we can buy new cars for one cycle. These used cars would be rebuilt and placed into our fleet instead of purchasing new cars. We believe we can maintain them for the same period (3 years and approximately 80,000 miles) as our new purchases are typically maintained before we retire them. M Line Item Detail, continued: 944 Car Radio/Light Bar - $4,400 The additional vehicle we anticipate we will add to our fleet will need one more car radio and light bar. Those items have been capitalized under this line item. The increase in our request over FY98/99 is due to a manufacturer price increase. 949 Portable Radios/ Base Radio (replacement) - $5,700 To maintain our already existing replacement schedule of portable radios we have again requested money for the purchase of five portables. Our old units are becoming increasingly obsolete and it is imperative we maintain this schedule. The increase in our request over FY98/99 is due to a manufacturer price increase. The estimate for the portables is $5,700.00. M4 011 to FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 1 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs (amended) $1,211,680 $1,226,074 $1,260,225 112 Severance -retirement $26,601 $21,000 $25,000 121 Overtime $49,648 $48,964 $40,000 122 DUI Overtime $2,684 $5,000 $0 125 DUI Task Force $10,495 $10,400 $12,000 124 Special Traffic Enforcement $3,410 $6,000 $3,000 Total Personal Services $1,304,518 $1,317,438 $1,340,225 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $3,286 $3,500 $3,500 218 Equipment / Grant Reimbursement $0 $0 $1,000 220 Investigative Supplies $6,624 $6,500 $6,500 221 Safety Equipment $3,953 $7,000 $7,000 223 Canine Supplies $1,616 $1,500 $1,700 227 Ammo & Supplies $2,972 $3,000 $3,500 228 Patrol Car Supplies $9,489 $5,500 $7,000 229 Other Supplies $5,768 $6,000 $6,000 230 D.A.R.E. Supplies $3,025 $3,000 $3,000 235 Bike Patrol $0 $0 $1,500 312 Postage $1,009 $1,300 $1,300 320 Printing $4,378 $5,000 $5,000 335 Membership Dues $1,251 $1,200 $1,200 345 Telephone & Communications $4,428 $4,000 $4,000 354 Shelter/Animal :Vet. Treatment $1,691 $2,000 $2,000 362 SRT Support/Computer Maint. $3,108 $3,000 $3,000 363 Office Equip Maintenance $8,199 $8,500 $9,500 369 Radio & CHN (Dept.Justice) $9,739 $10,000 $10,000 373 School & Travel $15,136 $14,000 $14,000 374 LETN Training $3,492 $4,700 $0 380 Training Supplies $2,073 $3,500 $3,500 388 Medical Services $0 $0 $5,000 391 Prisoners Medical Treatment $3,165 $1,500 $1,500 392 Prisoners Room & Board $150 $500 $500 Total Maintenance & Operations $94,552 $95,200 $101,200 aM a 010113 VIN1 FUND: GENERAL 1000.... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 1 ACCOUNT 829 Transfer to Resource Grant 2914 827 Transfer to Drug Fund 2916 823 Transfer to Universal Grant 2917 (amended) 824 Transfer to Cops Grant Fund 2919 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 941 Machinery & Equipment: Portable Radar Trlr (amended FY99/Grant ) 941 Police Equipment: Radar Gun 944 Vehicles: Patrol Car Radios 1 Vector Lt. Bar 949 Capital Outlay: Portable Radios Subtotal Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTUAL FY98/99 BUDGET FY98/99 BUDGET FY99/00 $0 $0 $1,913 $12,000 $12,000 $12,250 $20,484 $20,484 $26,342 $1,036 $1,036 $0 $33,520 $33,520 $40,505 $10,500 $10,500 $0 $874 $1,500 $1,500 $43,192 $42,000 $14,000 $2,800 $2,800 $2,800 $1,600 $1,600 $1,600 $5,752 $5,500 $5,700 $64,718 $63,900 $25,600 $1,497,308 $1,510,058 $1,507,530 CITY OF KALISPELJ 49 FUND: GENERAL 1000 .... DEPARTMENT 413, POLICE.... FUNCTION 420140 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 *Chief 1 1 1 $53,411 $50,000 $50,000 *Assistant Chief 1 1 1 $48,503 $49,000 $49,000 * Lieutenants 2 2 2 $87,877 $96,000 $96,000 ***Detectives 2 2 2 $78,863 $80,102 $83,350 ***Sergeant II 1 1 1 $42,423 $47,944 $48,634 ***Sergeants 5 5 5 $195,557 $218,278 $221,110 ***Patrolmen (amended) 13 13 13 $422,781 $447,057 $453,308 Retirement savings FY00 ($26,123) ($4,919) Contract Implementation ($8,500) **Clerk II 1 1 1 $21,757 $22,363 $23,093 **Dispatcher trainer 1 1 1 $23,172 $23,783 $25,500 **Dispatchers 4 4 4 $85,718 $88,135 $94,468 **Animal control 1 1 1 $26,458 $27,082 $27,813 *Departmental Secretary 1 1 1 $22,334 $22,892 $22,892 Fill -In Dispatcher $12,300 $12,300 $12,300 Pager Pay -Animal Control $600 $600 $600 Pager Pay -police $7,800 $7,800 $7,800 Uniform allowance $2,400 $2,400 $2,400 Uniform allowance -union $13,800 Dispatch Sunday/Holiday pay $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 Fica/medt $21,190 $22,963 $25,222 Unemployment compensation $4,022 $4,298 $4,354 Comptime buyout $16,724 $17,200 $10,000 Comptime buyout - AFSCME $10,000 $10,000 $0 Total 110 line item , Other fund payroll costs: 1998 1999 2000 Health Insurance 5163,210 5169,764 5164,976 PERD 6.8% 513,159 512,482 513,000 Police Retirement 14.36% 5132,503 5131,806 5146,780 Worlanan's Comp 553,781 $55,993 559,928 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. FY99Patrolmen amended from 16 to 13 see Universal Grant Budget and COPS budgets *** K.P.A. contract implemented 3/21/99- a budget transfer of $35,000 includes longevity, cola and implementation of the 2080 hour schedule. FY99 budget show actual salaries under new contract -adjusted appropriation because the contract was not implemented until March. ($26,123) Non union pay adjustments are included in the budget transfer. FY2000 salaries reflect new contract. 6V I FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 416, FIRE..FUNCTION 420400 I ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $798,037 $809,572 $817,464 Maintenance & Operations $32,815 $32,625 $43,450 Capital Outlay $1,713 $262,500 $253,000 $832,565 $1,104,697 $1,113,914 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The primary mission of the Kalispell Fire Department is the protection of life and property in the City of Kalispell, and to provide the best possible emergency medical care to the people of the Kalispell area. We strive through fire safety education and fire code enforcement to reduce the number of fires and accidents within our community. We know when ever there is a fire, property is being lost or damaged and there is a potential for injury or even loss of life. Our goal is to educate anyone interested on the dangers of unsafe practices and to be there to help when things go wrong for them. The department answered 248 fire calls in 1998. Five of these were general alarms, with an average of 14 men returning from off -duty. This compares with 219 calls in 1997 and 2 general alarms. Estimated fire loss for 1998 was $129,550 compared to $229,180 for 1997. Another responsibility of the department is to provide quality emergency medical services for the people living and visiting in the Flathead Valley. Providing this service takes up about 80% of our time and also requires many hours of training. All firefighters were recertified in C.P.R. and defibrillation training was conducted. Currently the Fire Department has 9 paramedics, 2 EMT-I's and 10 EMT-D's. 51 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: con't. Most fire departments provide emergency medical services within the city or district limits with taxpayer supported equipment and personnel. These personnel respond and stabilize the patient until the arrival of an ambulance that transports and bills the patient. We are able to do this transporting with user fee supported ambulances, thus getting paid for the same response. We also have 4 C.P.R. instructors within the department that are able to keep us certified in C.P.R. as well as instruct members of other departments and the public. In 1998 we made 2045 responses with our ambulances compared with 2035 in 1997. 356 Consultants - $10,000 $10,000 - A consulting firm to look at our fire department from I.S.O. perspective with the goal of lowering our I.S.O. rating. 362 Equipment Maintenance - $5,000 Equipment Maintenance has been increased by $2,000 to lower the cost of having our aerial recertified. This must be done by an Certified Inspector every 5 years. 940 Equipment - $5,000 Air Bottle Fill Station - Safety Item for Personnel when filling air bottles. 942 Fire Truck Replacement - $225,000 - $62,397, $75,000 Carry over $87,603 current $62,397 + $75,000 Fire Truck amount re -appropriated from FY98, FY99 year (Carryover) and an additional $87,603 for this year. 944 Vehicles - $23,000 $11,000 - Carry over from FY99. $12,000 - requested to replace the Fire Marshal's vehicle which is a 1984 GMC pickup. This vehicle is used for emergency response and the transport of rescue equipment and personnel. Mileage is unknown due to speedometer change. Unfunded: 110 Salaries The Fire Department is requesting the addition of 2 Fire Fighter/Paramedics. This would give us a total 5 person per shift. We would allow one person off shift for vacation or comp time and use overtime for sick leave. This would assure us of always having at least a 4 person response. When we have a 5 person shift and the ambulance goes on a run we would only bring one off duty person back for coverage. We think by doing this we can fund one person from the Ambulance budget leaving one person to be funded from the general fund. This will help us with our I.S.O. Rating project. I ' ! —1 10,614 OEM '; V to FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 416, FIRE..FUNCTION 420400 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 110 Salaries $768,151 $771,572 $777,464 112 Salaries Retirement $16,876 $25,000 $25,000 121 Overtime $13,010 $13,000 $15,000 Total Personal Services $798,037 $809,572 $817,464 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $139 $250 $250 213 Small Office Equip $383 $400 $400 215 Computer Supplies $0 $200 $200 219 CPR Supplies $232 $150 $150 221 Safety Equipment $3,942 $4,000 $4,000 231 Gas & Oil $1,680 $2,200 $2,200 232 Motor Vehicle Parts $93 $200 $200 241 Consumable Tools $1,895 $2,000 $2,000 312 Postage $250 $250 $250 314 Hydrant Rental $2,400 $2,400 $2,460 320 Printing $347 $500 $500 322 Books $163 $150 $150 331 Publications & Filing Fees $129 $75 $75 333 Subscript/Fire Codes Update $514 $550 $550 335 Membership & Dues $215 $200 $200 345 Telephone & Communications $418 $550 $550 356 Consultants -ISO $0 $0 $10,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $5,015 $5,000 $5,000 365 Fire Hazard Control $1,139 $1,000 $1,000 369 Radio Equip.& Maintenance $1,718 $2,000 $2,000 373 School & Travel $3,524 $3,600 $4,000 380 Training Materials $1,294 $1,500 $1,500 388 Medical Services $4,723 $5,000 $5,340 395 Hazardous Waste Disposal $2,145 $0 $0 399 Laundry Services $457 $450 $475 Subtotal $32,815 $32,625 $43,450 53 54 FUND: GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 416, FIRE..FUNCTION 420400 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Fire Chief * 0.5 0.5 0.5 $26,509 $26,907 $27,304 Asst. Fire Chief * 0.5 0.5 0.5 $23,660 $23,660 $24,000 Fire Marshal 1 1 1 $44,695 $46,167 $47,242 Training Officer 1 1 1 $43,463 $44,904 $45,954 Captain 3 3 3 $127,437 $129,785 $131,380 Lieutenants 4 4 4 $152,475 $152,653 $156,060 Firefighters 10 10 10 $364,155 $334,660 $332,018 Temp Rank Adj $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Comptime buyback -union $5,000 $5,000 subtotal salaries: 20 20 20 $783,394 $764,735 $769,958 Payroll taxes: Medt $3,753 $4,160 $4,829 Unemployment tax $2,742 $2,677 $2,677 General Fund total for line item 110 $789,889 $771,572 $777,464 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's Comp. Oflt Health Insurance Retirement 1998 1999 2000 s0 S33,577 S36,336 $3,917 S3,706 $0 $103,250 $92,550 $113,808 S112,238 S104,646 $121,684 S219,405 $234,479 S271,828 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. **Budget Transfer has been done to cover the Union Contract wage increases $23,207 6161 CITE' OF KALISPELL 56 rNK ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equipment 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 322 Books 331 Publication & Filing Fees 335 Membership & Dues 354 Contract Services 373 School & Travel ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $23,360 $27,937 $32,010 $72 $3,000 $3,000 $23,432 $30,937 $35,010 $70 $300 $100 $0 $0 $100 $78 $200 $150 $39 $200 $200 $85 $600 $300 $0 $0 $130 $112 $600 $600 $155 $0 $155 $6,035 $0 $0 $1,099 $900 $1,200 $7,673 $2,800 $2,935 TOTAL $31,105 $33,737 $37,945 CITY OF KALISPELI-6, POSITION TITLE Zoning Officer * subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Health insurance Retirement Worker's Comp. Oflt ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Building Fund General General 1 1 1 $25,868 $29,639 $29,639 1 1 1 $25,868 $29,639 $29,639 1999 2000 $5,350 S 5,568 $1,733 S1,986 S1,575 $1,805 S129 SO $1,979 $2,267 $2,267 $91 $104 $104 $27,937 $32,010 $32,010 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. . ..,Im ill* I FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT... FUNCTION 430240 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $105,626 $119,697 $112,899 Maintenance & Operations $33,580 $30,606 $6,950 Capital Outlay $38,167 $62,494 $13,389 $177,373 $212,797 $133,238 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The function of the street department is to maintain Kalispell platted streets, alleys, and public right-of-way areas. The funds provided to this division are used to finance salaries for personnel engaged in maintenance activities such as surface sealing, patching, crack sealing and utility cut repair. These employees also assist in operational activities such as street sweeping, sanding, flushing, leaf pick-up, snow plowing, snow removal and de-icer application. Line Item Detail: Street Department 368 Overlay & Chipseal - $0 Chip Seal and Overlays for FY99/00 Fully funded in Gas Tax Budget and TIF Budgets. 940 Machinery & Equipment - $13,389 City matching money for the MACI grant. See fund 2825 for details. F KALISPELL 59 F- FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT...FUNCTION 430240 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries $101,410 $111,697 $104,899 121 Overtime $4,216 $8,000 $8,000 Total Personal Services $105,626 $119,697 $112,899 Maintenance & Operations: 215 Computer Supplies $644 $700 $500 221 Safety Equip/Supplies $334 $1,000 $500 224 Janitorial Supplies $333 $500 $400 229 Other Supplies $1,996 $1,000 $1,000 241 Consumable Tools $1,382 $1,000 $500 341 Electrical $2,464 $2,250 $2,000 342 Water $133 $600 $150 345 Telephones & Communications $446 $300 $500 360 Contract Labor/Maint. $12,136 $10,000 $0 366 Building Maintenance $414 $500 $400 368 Overlays & Chipseal $12,142 $11,506 $0 369 Radio Equipment & Maint. $573 $750 $600 373 School & Travel $583 $500 $400 Subtotal $33,580 $30,606 $6,950 Capital Outlay: 940 Machinery & Equipment $10,120 $8,000 $0 940 CMAQ equipment match $28,047 $54,494 $13,389 Subtotal $38,167 $62,494 $13,389 TOTAL $177,373 $212,797 $133,238 1 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 421, STREET DEPT ... FUNCTION 430240 1 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY98/99 FY99/00 Superintendent * 0.25 0.25 0.25 $10,077 $10,077 Working Foreman ** 0.5 0.5 0.5 $13,978 $14,714 Equip Operators ** 3 3 3 $79,477 $83,338 Equipment Oper/Drivers -solid waste*** ($11,000) subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt. Unemployment tax General fund total for line item 110 3.75 3.75 3.75 $103,532 $97,129 Other fund payroll costs : 1998 1999 2000 Workers Compensation S5,445 S6,225 S6,531 Oflt S507 S516 s0 Health Insurance S18,563 S18,563 S19,320 Retirement 6.8% S6,793 S6,917 S7,353 $7,920 $7,430 $362 $340 $111,815 $104,899 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. *** FY2000 work for the benefit of Solid Waste by Street employees will be charged directly to Solid Waste Budget Fund 5510. Estimated reduction of Personnel costs to be $11,000 from this fund. 3r ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $179,857 $176,876 $196,180 Maintenance & Operations $43,674 $47,787 $48,287 Transfer to ISTEA $0 $0 $0 Debt Service $0 $0 $5,720 Capital Outlay $58,429 $63,500 $52,300 $281,960 $288,163 $302,487 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This year the Kalispell City Parks Department will maintain approximately 490 acres of athletic fields, green belts and buffers throughout the city. Public requests for park and recreational sites, services and facilities are continuing to rise. This years parks budget reflects last years laborer addition to the maintenance staff in the personnel service category. The maintenance and operations budget is being held to FY98/99 limits. The majority of requests for capital outlay are in the park improvement and project area. Identifying Begg, Woodland and Lawrence Parks for major development and maintenance projects along with land acquisition for the Rails to Trails Westside Park. Debt Service - Kabota Mower - purchased FY99 610 $5,000 - Principal payment to Montana Board of Investments. 620 $ 720 - Interest payment to Montana Board of Investments Capital Outlay 910 Land Acquisition - $7,000 General Fund; $7,000 Parks in Lieu fund Land acquisition for the Rails to Trails project on the west side of Kalispell 920 Buildings - $5,500 Parks Maintenance shop lean-to for equipment storage located at City Shops. (due to shortage of storage facilities for equipment. 934 Capital Improvements - $4,800 Bleacher replacement: Thompson, Meridian and Woodland Ballfields. 937 Projects/Park Improvements $30,000 10,000 - Begg Park: Phased development of neighborhood park. (Walking Paths, Landscaping, Gazebo, Trees) $ 10,000 - Woodland Park: Continue with Lagoon Stabilization, Gazebo replacement and $10,000 -Lawrence Park: Improvements to continue Phase VH Irrigation topsoil, Landscaping. (As per recommendations by Friends of Lawrence Park). 944 Vehicles - $5,000 Maintenance pick up for seasonal use. 1 ACCOUNT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $174,422 $169,916 $189,220 121 Overtime: Call outs $5,435 $6,960 $6,960 Total Personal Services $179,857 $176,876 $196,180 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $770 $847 $847 213 Small Office Equipment $586 $800 $800 224 Janitorial Supplies $1,471 $1,500 $1,500 229 Other Supplies $5,756 $6,000 $6,000 241 Consumable Tools $1,394 $1,300 $1,300 312 Postage $703 $700 $700 320 Printing $501 $500 $500 333 Subscriptions $193 $200 $200 335 Membership & Dues $185 $190 $190 337 Advertising $993 $500 $500 341 Electricity $6,517 $6,000 $6,500 344 Natural Gas $2,341 $3,000 $3,000 345 Telephone & Communications $954 $700 $700 354 Contract Services/Tennis/Depot Park $2,759 $3,000 $3,000 354 Contract Services -MDOT $0 $0 356 Consultants $1,100 $1,000 $1,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $1,550 $1,500 $1,500 364 Landscape $2,337 $2,000 $2,000 366 Building Maintenance $3,251 $3,500 $3,500 369 Radio Maintenance $1,013 $1,050 $1,050 con't. CITT OF 64 I i FUND:GENERAL 1000.DEPARTMENT 436, PARKS.FUNCTION 460430 1 ACCOUNT Maintenance & Operations, con't: 373 School & Travel 380 Training Material 388 Medical services: Drug Testing 395 Equipment Rental 420 Metal Products/Fencing 430 Wood Products/Picnic Tables 440 Irrigation Supplies 452 Gravel Total Maintenance & Operations 490545 610 Principal Debt Service/Board of Investments 620 Interest Debt Service/Board of Investments Capital Outlay: 910 Land Acquisition 920 Buildings 934 Capital Improvements -bleachers 937 Projects/Park Improvements -see detail 940 Machinery & Equipment 944 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $800 $1,500 $1,500 $186 $150 $150 $377 $500 $500 $120 $1,000 $1,000 $295 $2,500 $2,500 $922 $2,350 $2,350 $3,370 $2,500 $2,500 $3,230 $3,000 $3,000 $43,674 $47,787 $48,287 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 $0 $720 $0 $0 $7,000 $0 $0 $5,500 $0 $0 $4,800 $35,431 $38,500 $30,000 $22,998 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $58,429 $63,500 $52,300 $281,960 $288,163 $302,487 CITY OF KALISPELL 65 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director *** 0.75 0.75 0.75 $31,961 $33,239 $33,239 Working Foreman * 1.00 0.75 0.75 $28,891 $22,143 $22,778 Parks Caretaker * 3.00 3.00 3.00 $77,459 $65,298 $81,818 Clerk H * 0.75 0.50 0.50 $15,304 $10,502 $10,868 Total FTE: 5.5 5.00 5.00 Seasonal Labor 9.00 Total salaries Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Workers Compensation Health Insurance Retirement 9.00 9.00 122 1999 2000 $11,555 $12,326 $10,055 $29,425 $24,767 $25,020 $9,980 $8,789 $10,112 $153,615 $131,182 $148,703 $26,500 $26,500 $26,500 $180,115 $157,682 $175,203 $13,779 $630 $12,063 $552 $13,403 $613 $194,524 $170,297 $189,220 * One new Maintenance & Repair personnel - budgeted for 1/2 year beginning Jan 1, 1999. Shift in Maint. & Repair two personnel to 50% Parks - 50% Forestry; Clerk H -25% Forestry *Hourly wages for FY98 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY99 will be for 2096 hours. *** Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. :GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION... FUNCTION 460431 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $34,625 $35,106 $41,602 Maintenance & Operations $27,923 $26,889 $28,429 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $62,548 $61,995 $70,031 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Recreation is essential in everyday life. "If you watch a game it's fun. If you play it, it's recreation. If you work at it, it's golf." - Bob Hope. Last year the City Recreation Department sponsored over 75 different recreational programs for all ages. More than 12, 528 participants registered and participated in 74,105 hours of structured recreation. These programs are positive for the residents of Kalispell. This coming year our department has made an effort to streamline programs that are very popular with the community. This year we are adding a Co-ed Soccer program for the Summer and Golf lessons. The fees cover contracted services, other supplies, postage, printing, advertising, and salaries for instructors. The estimated payback ratio for 1999-2000 is 100% in operations. A number of programs are offered to the public at no charge, which are Santa's Calling, Christmas on Ice, Punt, Pass, and Kick, Fleer Baseball, Hersey Track and Field, and Pick-nic in the Park (sponsored). The Recreation Department is always striving to meet the needs of the residents of Kalispell. We continue to develop programs that the public requests without duplicating or competing with the private or public sector. 67 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION, Recreation Dept. continued Our goal for FY 98/99 was to reach a total pay back ratio of 75% for the entire Recreation Division. All indications show that we will reach our goal. The FY99/2000 budget reflects a total pay back value of 77%. Line Item Detail; 35 - Contract Services - $17,672 Increase in line item - added seven more "Evening Music" concerts, Co-ed Soccer, Golf Lessons and more Dance Classes. r r , FUND:GENERAL 1000 ... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION... FUNCTION 460431 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 110 Salaries and payroll costs $34,006 $35,106 $41,102 121 Overtime $619 $0 $500 Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 229 Program Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 312 Postage 320 Printing 333 Subscriptions 335 Membership & Dues 337 Advertising 345 Telephone & Communications 354 Contract Services 373 School & Travel Subtotal M & O $34,625 $35,106 $41,602 $26 $250 $250 $6,399 $7,550 $5,590 $0 $0 $0 $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 $1,800 $1,800 $1,800 $125 $100 $100 $85 $100 $100 $1,609 $1,367 $1,167 $260 $200 $200 $16,139 $13,972 $17,672 $280 $350 $350 $27,923 $26,889 $28,429 TOTAL $62,548 $61,995 $70,031 L9 .:1 I FUND:GENERAL 1000... DEPARTMENT 436, RECREATION... FUNCTION 460431 1 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director * 0.25 0.10 0.10 $10,654 $4,432 $4,432 Recreation Coordinator ** 1.00 1.00 1.00 $19,261 $19,857 $25,056 Clerk II 0.25 02 0.25 $5,101 $5,252 $5,434 TOTAL FTE 1.50 1.35 1.35 Rec Instructors - Seasonal 4.00 4.00 4.00 $3,135 $3,135 $3,135 Total Wages FTE & Seasonals $38,151 $32,676 $38,057 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $3,728 $2,500 $2,911 Unemployment tax $168 $114 $133 General Fund total for line item 110 $42,047 $35,290 $41,102 Other fund payroll costs include: 1998 1999 2000 Worker's comp. & Oflt $2,091 $1,782 $2,035 Health Insurance $8,025 $7,220 $7,520 Retirement $2,275 $2,288 $2,375 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Upgrade - Based on reclassification of Recreation Coordinators Position. 70 FUND:GENERAL 1000.DEPARTMENT 436,URBAN FORESTRY.FUNCTION 460433 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $50,056 $50,085 $51,688 Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: $6,025 M $6,025 M $54,043 $56,110 $57,713 The Parks Department maintains approxi between 50 and 100 trees with 25 trees scheduled for removal each year. The tree maintenance season runs from November through March which includes pruning, removal, planting and special requests. The community has an investment in excess of 15 million dollars in its' street trees. This past year was the first year we created an Urban Forestry budget. This allowed us to better track specific costs related to the Urban Forestry Program. The Forestry budget shows no increase over last year and lists two pieces of replacement equipment as unfunded for the coming year. This coming year I feel it is necessary to continue to pursue the "tree maintenance district" concept. This will enable our community to ensure the preservation and enhancement of our community forest which is a major asset to the City of Kalispell. 940 Line Item Detail: Unfunded: Tree Stumper - $13,000 Boom Truck - $32,500 9 IT, -1 �. 1*149,510111 V tor [-FUND:GENERAL 1000.DEPARTMENT 436,URBAN FORESTRY.FUNCTION 460433 1 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 312 Postage 320 Printing 333 Subscriptions 345 Telephone & Communications 354 Contract Services 362 Equipment Maintenance 364 Trees 369 Radio Maintenance 373 School & Travel 380 Training Material 393 Forestry Grant Sub -Total Maintenance & Operations 940 Capital Outlay TOTAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 609 $49,085 $50,688 $1,447 $1,000' 111 $50,056 $50,085 $51,688 $3 $100 $100 $446 $500 $500 $541 $700 $700 $14 $50 $50 $20 $50 $50 $10 $25 $25 $0 $100 $100 $450 $500 $500 $163 $500 $500 $1,638 $1,500 $2,750 $0 $200 $200 $438 $500 $500 $264 $50 $50 $0 $1,250 $0 $3,987 $6,025 $6,025 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $54,043 $56,110 $57,713 The FY97/98 Budget for Forestry was part of the Parks budget and was separated for accountability in Fiscal 1999. FUND:GENERAL 1000.DEPARTMENT 436, URBAN FORESTRY.FUNCTION 460433 ***FTE*** **BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director ** 0.00 0.15 0.15 $0 $6,648 $6,648 Working Foreman* 0.00 0.25 0.25 $0 $7,381 $7,593 Maintenance & Repair * 0.00 1.00 1.00 $0 $26,424 $27,259 Clerk II 0.00 0.25 0.25 $0 $5,252 $5,434 Total Salaries 0.0 1.65 1.65 $0 $45,705 $46,934 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 Workers Compensation Health Insurance Retirement 1998 1999 2000 $0 $2,739 $2,571 $0 $8,810 $7,148 $0 $3,045 $3,191 $0 $3,496 $3,590 $0 $160 $164 $0 $49,361 $50,688 * Hourly wages for FY98 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY99 will be for 2096 hours. ** Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page pro increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. CITY OF KALISPELL 73 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436..SBNIORS.... FUNCTION 460442 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $20,436 $20,008 $23,414 Maintenance & Operations $8,000 $8,365 $4,061 $28,436 $28,373 $27,475 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Recreation activities suitable for senior citizen lifestyles which offer the greatest health benefit that is essential to impacting the quality of life are hiking, backpacking, canoeing, trail riding, mountain biking, cross country skiing, snowshoeing, birdwatching, nature studies, and all other outdoor programs. With 15% of our population being senior age and growing. Our department is experiencing a high public request for outdoor recreation programs that benefit the senior population. Recreation provided by parks and recreation will increase healthy life styles and socialization for the senior citizen that is active or passive. All recreation programs are staffed by certified professionals and funded by some grants. This past year Senior Recreation programs provided 10,509 hours for 1,136 participants. Estimated revenue for this public requested program is $18,000. Overall operational and administrative costs reflect a generous 70% payback. We see a slight decrease over last years budget. The pay back figure is estimated at 8% higher than the previous years. This program will cost each resident approximately .49 cents per year. m 1*1 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 345 Telephone & Communications 354 Contract Services 373 School & Travel Total Maintenance & Operations TOTAL ACTUAL FY98/99 am BUDGET FY98/99 $19,708 $300 BUDGET FY99/00 $23,114 $300 $20,436 $20,008 $23,414 $24 $50 $50 $473 $500 $250 $0 $0 $0 $450 $450 $375 $0 $100 $100 $6,833 $7,065 $3,286 $220 $200 $0 $8,000 $8,365 $4,061 $28,436 $28,373 $27,475 WIR FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436..SENIORS .... FUNCTION 460442 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99100 Senior Rec. Coord.-permanent * Q 911 Q,5 $9,323 $9,563 12,528 Total FTE 0 0.5 0.5 Recreation Aid - Seasonal 0 1 I $6,357 $8,685 $8,874 subtotal salaries: $15,680 $18,248 $21,402 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $1,200 $1,396 $1,637 Unemployment tax $55 $64 $75 General Fund total for line item 110 $16,934 $19,708 $23,114 Other fund payroll costs include: Worker's comp. Health Insurance Retirement 1998 1999 2000 $842 $1,111 $1,293 $2,675 $2,675 $2,784 $640 $640 $852 * Upgrade - Based on reclassification of Senior Recreation Coordinators Position. INM FUND: GENERAL 1000..PARKS DEPT.. 436, FUNCTION 460447 TENNIS/SKATING J ACCOUNT Personal Services Maintenance & Operations STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Tennis and Ice Skating ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $7,591 $9,141 $6,052 $1,064 $2,045 $1,150 $8,655 $11,186 $7,202 The tennis program focuses on all abilities and ages for beginners and competitive levels. The lessons will be at the new Tennis Complex and at Linderman School for the youth that cannot travel to new facilities. Again, we will be offering free tennis lessons for two weeks in May. The United States Tennis Association awarded the Parks and Recreation Department a $2,500 grant to help promote the free lesson program. Also, we received $1,000 to help the youth tennis program. Last year, we had 185 participants with 2091 recreation hours. Ice Skating lessons is for all ages and abilities. It is difficult with ice conditions and weather permitted, but the program is still successful. Last year we had 40 participants with 80 recreation hours. Revenue covered instructors fees and operational costs. Total revenue estimated $7,480 Tennis/Ice Skating. Note: $2,500 United States Tennis Association Grant is paid directly to the advertisers. $1,000 United States Tennis Association Junior Tennis Grant is paid to the City for subsidizing salaries 110. ��b �# MR M ki 9 04 9 m 79 GENERAL111 l • OUTDOOR ... FUNCTION 460448 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY98/99 Personal Services $28,167 Maintenance & Operations $13,069 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY98/99 $31,395 $13,610 6 IIXII7 $34,014 $10,991 $41,236 $45,005 $45,005 The Outdoor program is a highly requested activity that generates many hours of recreation opportunity. This popular program has been fine tuned to fit the available recreational needs of our community. The benefits of outdoor recreational programs is to provide a healthier life style, both physical and mental, engaging in supervised activities that are educational and exciting for all ages. These programs include nature hikes, swimming, rafting, sailing, canoeing, aquatic studies, ecology, orienteering, trail riding, games, arts, and crafts, backpacking, mountain biking, cross country skiing, rock climbing, and special events. Recreation programs benefit community and family as well as individual. are well supervised with a ratio of ten (10) students to one (1) counselor. Outdoor Recreation programs provided 28,998 hours for 794 participants. Estimated revenue for FY99/2000 is 35,998. An 80% program pay back. Recreation programs This past year FUND:1/1 l • OUTDOOR•460448 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 229 Other Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 337 Advertising 354 Contracted Services Subtotal ACTUAL FY98/99 $27,065 $1,102 BUDGET FY98/99 $29,895 $1,500 BUDGET FY99/00 $33,214 $800 $28,167 $31,395 $34,014 $1,940 $2,140 $1,690 $0 $240 $240 $550 $550 $550 $480 $480 $245 $10,099 $10,200 $8,266 $13,069 $13,610 $10,991 191 t swom $41,236 $45,005 $45,005 ME FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPT 436, OUTDOOR... FUNCTION 460448 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Outdoor Rec. Coord.-permanent 05 15 If $9,323 $9,563 12,528 Outdoor Rec. Coord. -seasonal 0 0 1 Counselors** seasonal 7 7 7 Recreation Aid* seasonal 1 1 0 Recreation Instructors -seasonal 2 2 0 Number of Seasonals Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax General Fund total for line item 110 10 10 8 $0 $0 $5,176 $13,050 $15,480 $13,050 $2,789 $1,582 $0 $708 $1,056 $0 $25,870 $27,681 $30,754 $1,979 $2,118 $2,353 $91 $97 $108 $27,940 $29,895 $33,214 Other fund payroll costs include: 1998 1999 2000 Worker's comp. $2,088 $1,733 $1,858 Health Insurance $2,300 $2,675 $2,784 Retirement $625 $640 $852 **Counselors - seasonals Rate Hours Total (1) Head. Counselor $6.25 280 $1,750 (1) Head. Counselor $6.25 400 $2,500 (1) Head. Counselor $6.25 400 $2,500 (4) Rec. Counselor $5.50 1600 $8,800 (1) Rec. Aid $7.50 211 s0 * (1) Rec.Instructor $8.00 48 s0 * (1) Rec.Instructor $14.00 48 s0 * Hourly wages for FY98 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY99 will be for 2096 hours ** Upgrade - Based on reclassification of Outdoor Recreation Coordinators Position. W r ' r C 1►81 Personal Services Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $415 $5,725 $4,191 $11,024 $13,966 $9,785 $0 $0 $0 $11,439 $19,691 $13,976 The Men's League plays on Wednesday and Sunday nights at the local school gyms, with a scorekeeper and two officials provided for each game. The gym monitors average 9hrs a week monitoring the gym, lining up officials, scorekeepers, etc. The 5 on 5 Gary Robinson League has an A and B with the A being the most competitive. In 1999 we are anticipating 8 teams on the 5 on 5 league, 10 teams on the 4 on 4 league and 6 teams for the Fall warm-up league. This coming year we have taken on the program "Hoops Basketball" for girls and boys. It will be a competitive program in the summer evenings for 8th - 12th grade. The league will have gym monitors, officials and scorekeepers. The revenue generated this past season for Basketball was 100% payback of operations, while providing for nearly 7,000 hours or recreational play for 485 participants. Projected Revenue for the coming year is $13,666.00 F KALISPELL 83 Fit ACCOUNT Personal Services Maintenance & Operations Capital Outlay ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $77,337 $71,622 $75,342 $27,607 $28,050 $30,828 $8,700 $8,700 $0 $113,644 $108,372 $106,170 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Bruckhauser Pool is one of our busiest attractions utilized by the community as a whole. Open 80 days throughout the summer season we averaged 272 open swim patrons per day. The pool this season operated at 68% pay back percentage. In an attempt to raise the pay back percentage pool fees will be raised Spring of 99 as discussed by Council. Personnel Services will be held to the Fiscal Year 98/99 levels with operations showing a slight decrease. Based on estimated adjustments from previous years actual expenditures. The age of the pool is beginning to show based on the number and type of repairs made these past years. The original bond is maturing this year and will be paid off. In the future it would by my recommendation to hire a pool consultant to assess our pool's mechanical and physical condition and make recommendations as to our future actions and needs. Line Item Detail: 213 - Small Office Equipment - $600 $600 - Cash Register 362 - Diving Boards - $2378 $2,378 - Diving Boards - (Replacement) 90 - Unfunded- $3,500 Contracted service for professional consultant to assess pool conditions and complete a report to the City. M , 01 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs 121 Overtime Total Personal Services Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies 213 Small Office Equipment 221 Safety Equip. & Supplies 224 Janitorial Supplies 226 Chlorine & Chemicals 229 Other Supplies 241 Consumable Tools 242 Street Signs 320 Printing 337 Advertising 341 Electricity 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone & Communications 360 Pool Repairs 362 Equipment Maintenance 362 Equipment Maintenance/Diving Board 366 Building Maintenance 373 School & Travel 380 Training Materials Total M & O 940 Capital Outlay -Pool Blankets Total Pool Budget ACTUAL FY98/99 $76,334 $1,003 BUDGET FY98/99 BUDGET FY99/00 $74,342 $1,000 $77,337 $71,622 $75,342 $140 $150 $150 $0 $0 $600 $128 $100 $150 $625 $650 $650 $3,329 $3,200 $3,500 $1,687 $2,000 $2,000 $187 $500 $500 $130 $50 $100 $250 $250 $250 $470 $500 $500 $2,220 $2,000 $2,250 $15,072 $11,500 $11,500 $283 $250 $200 $1,203 $3,000 $3,000 $751 $2,300 $2,000 $0 $0 $2,378 $972 $1,000 $1,000 $62 $500 $0 $98 $100 $100 $27,607 $28,050 $30,828 $8,700 , $8,700 $0 $113,644 $108,372 $106,170 FUND: GENERAL 1000..DEPARTMENT 437, POOL... FUNCTION 460445 1 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 ALL SEASONAL: Manager * 1 1 1 $8,874 $8,874 $10,080 Shift Manager * 3 3 3 $4,524 $4,524 $7,100 Desk Personnel * 5 5 5 $7,366 $7,366 $7,366 Guards * 15 15 15 $20,685 $20,685 $20,685 Instructors * 15 15 15 $22,242 $22,242 $22,149 Maintenance * 1 1 1 $4,200 $1,700 $1,455 subtotal salaries: 40 40 40 $67,891 $65,391 $68,835 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $5,194 $5,002 $5,266 Unemployment tax $238 $229 $241 General Fund total for line item 110 $73,322 $70,622 $74,342 Other fund payroll costs include: 19988 .1999 2000 Worker's comp. $4,250 $4,094 $4,158 Health Insurance s0 $0 $0 Retirement $0 $0 $0 **Guards and Instructors are same people at different rates. Proposed Salary breakdown for pool employees 99/00: FY 97/9a FY98/99 FY99/00 Pool Manager $1,583 $1,583 $2,016 Shift Manager $6.00 $6.00 $6.50 Instructors $5.75 $5.75 $6.00 Lifeguards $5.50 $5.50 $5.50 Front Desk $5.15 $5.15 $5.25 Maintenance $5.15 $5.15 $5.15 EI? CITY OF KALISPELL )''010to as1 M Public Works Projects: This budget will allow the Public Works Department to do the following: Facility Plan Consultants-$5,000 $5,000 The funding for the planning phase includes the demographics will be split with the three Urban Renewal Districts, the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and Storm. 943 Traffic Signal 950 Sanitary Sewer (carryover) $10,000 1st Alley East - Replace manholes on 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street, and 5th Street Slip line 3 blocks of 15" sewer main and 1 block of 10" sewer main. ($180,000 carryover) 1 st Alley WN - Replace 18" sewer main from Montana Street to Railroad Street. Upsize to 24" and install new manhole at Ist Alley West & Montana Street. ($56,000 carryover) 2nd Alley East - 3rd Street to 5th Street - upsize main from 6" to 8" and lower sewer main 12". Install new manholes on 3rd Street, 4th Street and 5th Street. ($110,000 carryover) Montana Street from lst Alley West to 5th Alley West - Slipline 4 blocks of 15" sewer main and install new manholes at 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Alleys WN. ($180,000 carryover) 950 Storm Sewer (Carryover) 9th Street West Storm Drain Project ($72,000 carryover) $109,447 lst Ave. E. to 5th W. -Center Street $35,000 950 Water hydrants-$9,442 (Carryover) $30,000 new) $39,442 Hydrants throughout the District are old and difficult to utilize. There are 45 hydrants that require updating to improve flows and maintain current standards. Street Department: 368 Chip Seal & Overlay - $111,229 carryover; $140,000 $241,229 354 Sidewalks - $75,000 new; $77,932 (carryover) $152,932 The Tax Increment Sidewalk replacement program proved to be successful and well received by the public and should be continued to make sidewalks safer. 950 Alley paving - within District $40,000 Alley - reconstruct concrete 2nd Alley E./ lst to 4th St. $80,000 97 950 Streets - reconstruction Reconstruct lst Ave. E., 6th St. to 12th St including utilities $650,000 Total Public Works $1,889 050 Parks Department: Budget provides funding the following parks projects located within the district: 364 Replace Tree Grates for Downtown Streets. Existing grates are too small. Periodic replacement is warranted as the base of the tree grows to maturity. Landscaping: Flowers and shrubs for Depot Park and City Hall. Downtown Benches replacements and new requests. $30,500 364 Irrigation - High School Parking lot boulevard $8,000 Total Parks 1 1i Downtown Projects: 932 Downtown Parking - City participation to provide off-street parking $440,000 950 Downtown Improvements as provided for in the urban renewal plan $250,000 Total Downtown Projects -$690,000 GRAND TOTAL - TAX INCREMENT BUDGET $4,627,707 CITY OF KALISPELI 98 411240 354 354 396 922 922/3 54 470130 110 353 354 354 FUND: TAX INCREMENT ... 2180... DOWNTOWN DISTRICT ACCOUNT Improvements to Bldgs: Central School - interim mains. Hockaday$10,200;Library $75,000 Surveys & Studies/parking City Hall/construction or purchase City Hall Improvements & space needs Total Administration: Director's Salary,health & retirement Auditing GIS system consultant Contract Services/FERDO 356 Consultants- Bond Counsel 522 Administrative Transfer Total 470230 354 354 354 396 840 910 934 935 935 470240 714 732 Redevelopment Projects: Urban Design contract Historic preservation projects/ Antique ligh Parking Lot Improvements Studies/Surveys Redevelopment Projects (unallocated) Land Assemb. 93 & Idaho Hyw 93 So. Project 1st East project to Woodland Ave. Ave of Arts/Conrad Connection Total Rehabilitation: Commercial Loans Comm. Design Grant Total ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $0 $3,000 $0 $75,000 $85,200 $0 $5,300 $15,000 $0 $0 $250,000 $261,776 $43,360 $117,000 $0 $123,660 $470,200 $261,776 $0 $0 $29,351 $2,500 $2,500 $2,140 $0 $10,000 $0 $37,336 $37,350 $37,350 $0 $20,000 $0 $225,693 $225,693 $235,510 $265,529 $295,543 $304,351 $0 $30,000 $30,000 $0 $21,000 $0 $4,003 $35,000 $0 $2,400 $15,000 $10,000 $13,233 $821,586 $141,180 $0 $200,000 $150,000 $0 $0 $800,000 $9,545 $20,000 $0 $0 $150,000 $0 $29,181 $1,292,586 $1,131,180 $72,646 $82,958 $50,000 $250 $2,500 $0 $72,896 $85,458 $50,000 09 FUITIM 14RUMIM, I FUND: TAX INCREMENT ... 2180... DOWNTOWN DISTRICT I ACCOUNT Kelocanon: 470270 354 Elimination of Blight (Carry-over) Total 490700 Debt Urban Renewal Bonds: 610 Principal 620 Interest 630 Fiscal Agent Fees Total Debt Service 400 510110 Special Assessments 547,548,549 Assessments (FVCC) Business Improvement District 410430100 Public Works Projects: 933 Facility Plan 943 Traffic Signal 410 430630 Sanitary Sewer ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $86,695 $150,000 $0 $86,695 $150,000 $0 $180,000 $180,000 $200,000 $78,765 $78,765 $62,025 $825 $825 $825 $259,590 $259,590 $262,850 $715 $0 $0 $0 $715 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $191,104 $170,000 $10,000 950 Sewer Main & manholes (carryover) $243 $630,000 $526,000 410 430246 Storm Sewer: 950 Construction-9th St W. $8,650 $90,000 $109,447 Construction- lst Ave. E to 5th W./Center S $0 $35,000 410 430550 Water Fund 950 Hydrants ($9,442 carryover;$30,000 new) $49,007 $60,000 $39,442 410 430234 Sidewalk Construction 354 ($77,932carryover; $75,000 new) $25,672 $103,436 $152,932 421 430240 Street Department: 368 Overlays, etc. - (Sill„ 229canyover;S140,0 $0 $120,000 $241,229 940 Equipment $35,870 $38,000 $0 950 Alley paving/reconstruct concrete $9,051 $0 $120,000 950 Streets -reconstruct lst Ave. E.,6th to 12th St. $0 $0 $650,000 Total Public Works $319,597 $1,211,436 $1,889,050 100 FUND: TAX INCREMENT...2180... DOWNTOWN DISTRICT ACCOUNT 436 460430 Parks Department: 364 Landscaping & Trees/ grate replacements 364 Irrigation- High School Parking Lot 364 City Hall Landscaping, Depot & Downtow 354 Park Improvements -Downtown 926 Depot Park Gazebo, tables, power, patio 934 City Hall Patio Improvements Total Parks 470235 Downtown Projects: 928 Market Place Project III (carryover) 936 Central School (carryover) 932 Downtown Parking (carryover) 933 Kalispell Center Mall 938 KDC Site (carryover) 950 BID Downtown Improvements 470250 354 Affordable Housing 620 Interest Expense/project loans Grand Total budget ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 BUDGET FY99/00 $12,529 $10,500 $0 $0 $0 $8,000 $3,750 $3,750 $0 $2,450 $2,450 $30,500 $9,434 $10,250 $0 $5,453 $6,500 $0 3, 16 $33,450 T38,500 $0 $80,000 $0 $1,088,289 $1,098,152 $0 $160,000 $800,000 $440,000 $0 $0 $0 $199,022 $1,800,000 $0 $0 $0 $250,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,447,311 $3,778,152 $690,000 $0 $100,000 $0 $2,638,790 $7,676,415 $4,627,707 Cash on Hand 7/1/98 Bond Reserve Taxes rec. FY99 (Real & Personal) Sale of Land (fy99 received) Interest Earnings - est. Loan Repayments Available `USED 10/06/99 1999 FY2000 $1,787,326 $1,664,458 $2,125,815 $295,358 $86,942 $7,807 $4,303,248 Anticipated Expenditures FY (see detail) ($2,638,790) Cash Carroyover -July 1, 1999 1.664.45 Expenditure Detail: Future years expenditures: Debt Service Administration Director - .5 fte Market Place III ($80,000 moved to unallocated) Parking (carryover) Lots So. of City Hall $275,000 Tele/Sportsman lot Valley Bank lot $160,000 FY99 City Hall /construction or purchase Urban Design contract services (carryover) Studies / Surveys (carryover) Ave. of Arts/Conrad Connection (carryover) Corners Hwy93 & Hwy 2 Commercial Loans Public Works FY99 (carryover) Facility Plan -Public Works Water projects Reconstruct 1st Ave. E., 6th to 12th St. Traffic Signal -1st Ave. W & 3rd St. -Post office Overlays/chip seal Alley Paving-20 blocks per year Storm -reconstruct & raise -1st Ave. E. to 5th Ave. W./Center St. Alley -reconstruct concrete -2nd Alley EdIst to 4th St. Sidewalks ($77,932 carryover fy99) Parks Dept. Downtown beautification Hwy 93 South project BID Downtown Improvements requested Hockaday rehab County request -Detention center elevator -50% match County request -Detention 2 cell addition-50% match County request -Youth Court Services addition-50% match Health Dept. new building Street Lights H.S. -underground sprinklers Redevelopment Activity Total expenditures requested by year 2001 FY2002 ($961,675) ($763,293) $123,046 $1,903,842 $2,225,000 $2,230,000 $85,000 $75,000 $50,000 $12,732 $9,432 $6,132 $1,347,757 $1,645,885 ($4,627,707) ($2,111,050) ($1,730,625) 9a _77" $262,850 $259,050 $283,625 $275,000 $275,000 $275,000 $29,351 $30,000 $30,000 $440,000 $200,000 $261,776 $500,000 $30,000 $10,000 $0 $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $756,118 $5,000 $30,000 $490,000 $525,000 $650,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $40,000 $35,000 $80,000 $152,932 $150,000 $150,000 $30,500 $27,000 $27,000 $800,000 $250,000 $50,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $8,000 $141,180 $4,627,707 $2,111,050 $1,730,625 NOTE: FY2000 numbers now reflect actual cash forward and estimated tax revenue for FY2000. The tax revenue is still an estimate as we don't know what the consolidated mill levy will be under the new tax legislation. As you can see, without changing 2001 and 2002 revenue and expenditures we are out of balance. The future budgets will need revisions particulary as revenue declines. 101a 2185 TAX INCREARNT AURPORT FUND ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL. BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Cash Sale of Land: Haven Field Daley Fields 3 acre site Daley Fields 7 acre site Rosauer's reimbursement - sewer Due to other funds FAA Grant ($116,975) Mt. Aeronautics Grant Purchase contract Interest earnings Personal Property Reimbursements Reals or pymt in lieu Real Estate Taxes _ Total Available $1,524,615 $787,468 $707,665 $1,920,384 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS Capital Improvements $937,067 $787,468 $669,662 $1,920,384 $0 $587,548 $587,548 $38,003 $699,729 $0 $0 $742,103 $0 $0 $500,000 $27,000 ($32,978) $0 $0 $90,000 $0 $5,000 $57,329 $39,236 $54,611 $25,000 $3,821 $13,684 $0 $0 $102,971 $5,000 41I $2,736 $1,220,000 $0 $0 $14,004 $10,000 $11,377 $100,000 $27,000 Cash Carry Over $587,548 $0 $38,003 $0 *Payment in Lieu from developer is uncertain as to the amount and is estimated. 1'' ED ; s ►i i _I D1` FUND: AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT 2185... DEPT.000, FUNCTION 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET - -ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Airport $135,012 $132,830 $652,311 Public Works $1,111 $121,347 $1,250,000 Parks/Ballfields $515,466 $515,218 $0 Debt Service $18,073 $18,073 $18,073 $669,662 $787,468 $1,920,384 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Airport Tax Increment district budget is anticipated to grow with the sale of City ballfield property known as Daley fields. The sale of the land plus the added development will, over the next few years, generate a substantial amount of increment. A developer's agreement is in place with the Rosauers Store development which estimates a tax revenue of $142,000 beginning in January 2001. A developer's agreement is in place with the developers of Southfield Park (formerly Haven Ballfield) which estimates a tax revenue of $124,000 or less. Anticipated revenue or increment will enable the City to fund a share of the Highway 93 infrastructure project with these funds next year. Should the sale of property generate the funds indicated on the revenue page there will be available money for redevelopment projects and airport improvements. 933 Facility Plan Consultants-$5,000 The funding for the planning phase including the demographics will be split with the three Urban Renewal Districts, the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and Storm. CITT OF KALISPELI FUND: AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT 2185... DEPT.000, FUNCTION ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 430300 Airport B-1 910 Land Acquisition-Timmreck 354 Title searches, etc. 522 Administrative transfer 356 Master Plan -Phase I- $45,222 complete 3/99 356 Master Plan -Phase II-$81,400 934 Airport redevelopment (unallocated) 934 Capital Imp. Fog Seal & Fence 934 Fencing phase II Airport total 410 Public Works: 356 430100 Facility Plan Consultants 950 430630 Sanitary sewer -Rosauers 950 430246 Storm -Rosauers 950 430240 City share Access Road - Rosauers 430420 Hwy 93 South Project 951 Construction in Progress 430264 Traffic Control devices 943 Traffic Signal Public works total 436 Parks Department: 460446 Ballfields-Capital Improvements 934 Construction & Engineering 490530 Debt Service-Timmreck 10/620 Prin. & interest Total Budget $0 $0 $0 $2,903 $2,610 $0 $10,220 $10,220 $10,501 $12,523 $32,700 $0 $89,366 $67,300 $24,733 $592,077 $20,000 $20,000 $0 $25,000 $135,012 $132,830 $652,311 $0 $0 $5,000 $15,000 $0 $80,000 $50,000 $0 $15,000 $30,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $1,111 $26,347 $150,000 $1,111 $121,347 $1,250,000 $515,466 $515,218 $0 $18,073 $18,073 $18,073 $669,662 $787,468 $1,920,384 2188 TAX INCREMEENT WESTSIDE LNWROVENMNTDISTRICI REVENUE PROJECTION AMENDED BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY98/99 98/99 FY99/00 Cash on Hand $0 $0 $109,522 (Increase) in Taxes Rec. ($24,656) $24,656 Real Estate taxes (billed) $90,000 $181,126 $220,568 Personal Property Taxes $9,600 $9,000 Personal Property Reimbursement $0 $39,561 Penalty & Interest $88 $100 Interest Earnings $0 $2,434 $2,500 Total Available $90,000 $168,592 $405,907 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Urban Renewal Projects $90,000 $59,070 $347,865 $90,000 $59,070 $347,865 Cash Carry Over $0 $109,522 $58,042 FUND: WESTSIDE TAX INCREMENT 2188... DEPT.000, FUNCTION ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY98/99 Capital Improvements $59,070 $59,070 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY98/99 '�•1 111 BUDGET FY99/00 $347,865 $347,865 The Westside Urban Renewal District budget is growing and final budget figures for taxes have been revised. This results in a cash carryover for next fiscal year. Authority to spend the increased cash this fiscal year would require a budget amendment and public hearing to amend the appropriation. At the time this budget was prepared the tax revenue was estimated using the prior year consolidated mill levy. These numbers may still change depending upon the levies set by all of the taxing jurisdictions. Line Item Detail: Westside Urban Renewal District 933 Facility Plan Consultants-$5,000 The funding for the planning phase including the demographics will be split with the three Urban Renewal Districts, the Water Fund, Sewer Fund and Storm. 950 Sewer Construction-$15,000 Installation of a Generator for the Liberty Street Lift Station 950 Storm Construction-$175,000 Drainage improvements for the Meridian Road Project. The amount needed is $350,000 and will be funding over two years. 950 Storm Construction-$39,000 Lower Spring Creek Design 934 Street Improvements - $20,365 Design for 2 Mile Drive Street Improvements. Cost $70,000. $49,635 UNFUNDED 368 Streets- Chipseal and Overlays-$70,000 Estimated costs for work in the district. See maps. 934 Parks Improvements -$23,500 Greenbriar Park improvements to the playground - $14,000 Hawthorne Park tennis and basketball court improvements - $9,500 Unallocated 840 Redevelopment Activities (carryover) (unallocated)-$47,000 Estimated carryover amount for Westbrook project $18,000 Funding for future redevelopment is funds are available $29,000 Lei aSM1na"MIKNTaNJR 107 IDD A ROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: WESTSIDE TAX INCREMENT 2188... DEPT.000, FUNCTION Amended ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 480470230-840 Redevelopment Projects $59,070 $90,000 $0 Administration $0 $0 $0 410-430100-933 Facility Plan Consultants $0 $0 $5,000 454430630-950 Sewer Generator/Liberty St Lift station $0 $0 $15,000 453430246-950 Storm -Meridian Road $0 $0 $175,000 Lower Spring Creek Design $0 $0 $39,000 Streets 421430240-354 2 Mile Drive design improvements $0 $0 $20,365 (UNFUNDED-$49,635) 421430240-368 Chip Seal & Overlays $0 $0 $70,000 436460430-934 Greenbriar Park Improvements $0 $0 $14,000 Hawthorne Park tennis courts $0 $0 $9,500 TOTAL $59,070 $90,000 $347,865 Developer's payments: Donations Willow Sub -division Total Available Park Improvements Cash Carry over ACTUAL FY97/98 1 .a BUDGET FY98/99 $12,355 ACTUAL FY98/99 $12,355 $27,314 $4,047 $5,000 $1,075 $5,000 $0 $0 $15,610 $0 $32,085 $17,355 $29,040 $32,314 $19,730 $12,100 $1,726 $32,048 $12,355 $5,255 $27,314 $266 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget appropriates Parks in Lieu of Funds received by the City from developers to make improvements in specific parks. This coming year the Willows Sub -division is the projected income to this budget. By state law this money can only be used for purchase of park land and or development and improvement to park lands. The donation category covers anticipated donations for community service projects (such as playgrounds, gazebos, recreational facilities and equipment ). The monies from Willow Sub -division is earmarked for Meridian Trail development ($20,048) will be transferred to ISTEA fund as City Match, an additional $7,000 dedicated to the purchase of land for the Rails to Trails Westside Park Project. The additional monies in donations will be expended in areas designated by the donating parry ($5,000). 110 ,0 i'I . . REVENUE PROJECTION Cash on Hand Real Estate Taxes Reals generated by newly taxable property Personal Property Taxes Penalty & Interest Light Vehicle Tax MV Flat Fees Corporation Tax Personal Prop Reimb HB20 Personal Prop Reimb SB417 Personal Prop Reimb SB 184 Total Available Insurance (less dividend) Uninsured Loss Total Expenditures Cash Carry over 10.28 mills 10 mills 9 mills 9 mills 10 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $186,331 $199,144 $17,526 $1,760 $21,858 $1,711 ($2,961) $4,002 $2,618 $0 $212,353 $212,353 $180,000 $187,736 $13,000 $1,500 $16,500 $800 $2,400 $4,000 $1,000 $0 $12,160 $937 $18,912 $1,614 $9,703 $3,394 $3,345 $0 $199,634 $7,784 $12,000 $1,000 $17,234 $1,000 $10,143 $3,192 $3,129 $4,407 $431,989 $431,553 $450,154 $446,135 $198,163 $292,967 $221,205 $276,570 $21,473 $28,000 $42,337 $40,000 $219,636 $320,967 $263,542 $212,353 $110,586 $186,612 $316,570 $129,565 Note: Annual premiums for Liability Insurance and Property Insurance are due in July. Work Comp is due quarterly. PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: COMPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 2360...... FUNCTION 510330 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Insurance $250,067 $292,967 $276,570 Uninsured Loss $42,337 $28,000 $40,000 $292,404 $320,967 $316,570 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The comprehensive insurance fund is a tax supported fund which pays for general liability insurance, worker's compensation insurance, fire, auto, boiler insurance and fidelity bonds. (The Enterprise funds pay for their own insurance). We are members of the Montana Municipal Insurance Plan for liability and worker's compensation insurance. During Fy99 we joined the MMIA for our property and fire insurance. MMIA also provides for our boiler policy and fidelity bonds. CITY OF KALISPELL 112 -PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: CONIPREHENSIVE INSURANCE 2360...... FUNCTION 510330 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 513 Liability Insurance $90,216 $100,000 $115,000 Liability retro adj. $11,617 ($13,200) 514 Workers Comp (W.C.) $152,569 $150,000 $160,000 NMA Dividend -work comp. ($28,862) unknown 516 Fire & Auto, Boiler $5,695 $28,300 $13,900 517 Fidelity Bonds $337 $1,300 $370 518 Boiler Insurance $1,250 $1,250 $0 620 Interest Expense $0 $500 $500 815 Uninsured Loss $42,337 $28,000 $40,000 354 Contract Services $0 $0 $0 $263,542 $320,967 $316,570 Actual W. C. for FY99 was $152,569. The $28,862 dividend was recorded as a reduction in premiums resulting in $123, 707 in work comp premiums. Work Comp. Rates are increased due to increased salaries. Liability insurance rates reflect an increase in our experience factor for .86% to 115%. The uninsured loss is a budget item to cover costs of claims up to our deductibles. Our liabilty deductible is $7,500 per claim; property varies but most is at $1,000. 2370 RETIREMENT F REVENUE PROJECTION 14.39 mills 13 mills 14 mills 14 mills 14 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: $110,710 $108,988 $108,988 $140,710 Real Estate taxes $258,817 $279,817 $284,733 $284,733 Reals generated by newly taxable property $10,897 Personal Property taxes $19,882 $18,000 $15,777 $11,555 Penalty & interest $1,987 $1,200 $1,320 $1,200 Light vehicle tax $26,016 $25,000 $26,541 $24,127 MV flat fees $2,142 $800 $2,366 $1,000 Corporation tax (refund) ($2,627) $3,435 $12,611 $12,611 Personal Prop Reimb HB20 $3,277 $4,000 $4,348 $4,470 Personal Prop Reimb SB417 $4,817 $4,094 $4,410 $4,381 Personal Prop Reimb SB 184 $0 $0 $0 $6,170 Total Available $425,022 $445,334 $461,094 $501,854 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Total Expenditures $316,034 $348,218 $320,384 $352,735 Cash Carry over $108,988 $97,116 $140,710 $149,119 FUND: RETIREMENT 2370 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET -ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Retirement $320,384 $348,218 $352,735 $320,384 $348,218 $352,735 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This fund is the clearing account for the State imposed retirement systems for City employees. The increase in this fund is due to the formula factor based upon salary increases. This budget reflects an increase of 2.6 %. The City pays retirement benefits for employees at various rates. Non -union and AFSCME union personnel at 6.7%, Firefighters retirement is 14.36%. The City Manager is a member of IMCA retirement at 10%. The Police retirement rate is also 14.36%. The retirement contributions are paid into and managed by the State Fund. CITE' OF KALISPELL 115 ACCO 401 410210 155 City Manager 402 410100 155 Mayor/Council 403 410550 155 Finance Department 404 411110 155 City Attorney 406 410360 155 Court 410 430100 155 Director Public Works 410 431330 155 Central Garage 410 430264 155 Traffic Sign & Signals 413 420140 155 Police 416 420400 155 Fire 412 411230 155 Building Maintenance 420 420540 155 Zoning t21 430240 155 Street 136 460430, 46043 1,46043 3 155 Parks & Recreation t00 510300 155 Unallocated 100 490500 620 Interest Expense FUND: RETIREMENT 2370 ACTUAL UNT FY98/99 $1,747 $2,757 $8,713 $7,665 $5,766 $4,114 $5,605 $3,922 $145,231 $110,888 $1,350 $1,453 $6,594 $14,579 $0 $0 $320,384 CITY OF KALISPELL 116 BUDGET FY98/99 $7,700 $3,500 $8,500 $7,635 $5,800 $6,000 $5,500 $3,850 $160,000 $110,000 $1,400 $1,733 $7,100 $14,500 $5,000 $0 $348,218 BUDGET FY99/00 $8,000 $3,600 $8,500 $7,635 $5,850 $4,000 $5,700 $4,000 $160,000 $113,000 $1,400 $1,800 $7,250 $16,500 $5,000 $500 $352,735 REVENUE PROJECTION 18.5 mills 16 mills 18 mills 18 mills 18 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY96/97 97/98 FY98/99 99/00 Cash on Hand $152,630 $138,386 $138,386 $187,542 Real Estate taxes $318,491 $360,490 $362,463 $362,463 Reals generated by newly taxable property $14,002 Personal Property taxes $25,881 $23,000 $19,491 $18,244 Penalty & interest $2,676 $2,175 $1,509 $1,500 Light vehicle tax $33,485 $30,000 $33,323 $31,002 MV flat fees $2,675 $1,700 $3,002 $3,000 Corporation tax (refund) ($4,331) $4,227 $15,519 $15,519 Personal Prop Reimb HB20 $6,122 $6,215 $5,427 $5,743 Personal Prop Reimb SB417 $4,093 $4,000 $5,350 $5,629 Personal Prop Reimb SB184 $0 $0 $0 $7,928 Total Available $541,722 $570,193 $584,470 $652,572 ..� Health Insurance $403,336 $448,997 $396,928 $452,493 Total Expenditures $403,336 $448,997 $396,928 $452,493 Cash Carry over $138,386 $121,196 $187,542 $200,079 W F- FUND: HEALTH INSURANCE 2380 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT 98/99 98/99 FY99/00 Health Insurance $396,928 $448,997 $452,493 $396,928 $448,997 $452,493 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: This budget provides for health insurance for all general fund government employees. Special Revenue funds and Enterprise Funds also pay premiums for those employees charged to those funds. The City self insures with Blue Cross as the Administrator. The City also provides dental insurance and vision is available for purchase by the employee. The City raised rates 2.5% July 1st 1995. We will raise rates this year 2 1/2% for single and 4% for two party and married. These rate are the cap allowed in the union contracts. old rates new rates monthly rate monthly rates Family rates $445.87 $464.00 2 Party rates $383.35 $399.00 Single rates $184.40 $189.00 See fund 6050 -Internal Service Fund for claims history. C 118 I - FUND: HEALTH INSURANCE 2380 1 ACCOUNT 1401 410210 153 Manager 402 410100 153 Mayor/Council 403 410550 153 Finance 404 411110 153 City Attorney 406 410360 153 Court 410 430100 153 Director of Public Works 410 431330 153 Central Garage 410 430264 153 Traffic Signals 313 420140 153 Police Department 116 420400 153 Fire Department 112 411230 153 Building Maint. 120 420530 153 Zoning Dept. 121 430240 153 Street Department 136 460430, 460430 153 Parks & Recreation 100 490500 620 Interest Expense ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 98/99 FY99/00 $5,734 $9,950 $11,136 $5,350 $5,350 $5,568 $14,280 $16,520 $14,900 $16,051 $16,056 $16,705 $15,301 $16,056 $16,705 $9,622 $14,525 $9,550 $15,301 $16,056 $15,924 $9,951 $9,951 $10,356 $151,969 $170,110 $170,000 $93,974 $104,000 $108,240 $1,804 $2,215 $2,268 $3,121 $5,350 $5,568 $17,502 $18,563 $19,320 $36,968 $43,295 $45,253 $0 $1,000 $1,000 $396,928 $448,997 um REVENUE PROJECTION BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET 98/99 98/99 99/00 CASH: Operating $199,233 $195,150 $190,041 Building permits $165,000 $138,939 $130,000 Plumbing permits $20,000 $19,052 $20,000 Mechanical permits $25,500 $26,236 $25,000 Plan Review $62,840 $54,750 $65,000 House Moving $300 Total Available $472,573 $434,427 $430,041 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Operating Capital Outlay $273,742 $243,146 $266,791 $0 $1,240 $0 Total Expense $273,742 $244,386 $266,791 Cash Carry Over: operating $198,831 $190,041 $163,250 104"19 1V to14, . r I 1'UINI1P. b✓ ... LL I"%A 1-NA .wv, ..+. ACCOUNT Personal Service Materials and Services Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $180,366 $214,494 $213,188 $62,780 $56,748 $53,603 $1,240 $2,500 $0 $244,386 $273,742 $266,791 The Building Department has a threefold purpose. It has the responsibility to develop and maintain an effective program of regulating building construction within the city limits of Kalispell and the extraterritorial county zone. It administers the City of Kalispell Zoning Ordinance and administers the Floodplain Management Program. The Zoning Administrator is funded by the General Fund and supervised by the Building Official. Line Item Detail: 213 - Small Office Equipment - $900 Replace Fax Machine Building Dept. 1/2 - Community Development 1/2 of cost. 9 04 9 1 V a 10 ITS-0ya-M ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries and payroll costs $146,277 $169,026 $173,326 121 Overtime $4,962 $3,000 $3,000 153 Health Insurance $19,624 $31,200 $27,060 155 Retirement $9,503 $11,268 $9,802 Total Personal Services $180,366 $214,494 $213,188 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies $840 $1,700 $900 213 Small Office Equipment $517 $200 $900 215 Computer Supplies & Software $920 $2,000 $1,200 229 Other Supplies $1,042 $1,000 $1,000 231 Gas & Oil $1,111 $1,000 $1,000 312 Postage $400 $400 $400 320 Printing $423 $100 $200 322 Code Books (carryover) $3,792 $2,500 $600 331 Publication & Filing Fees $242 $200 $200 335 Membership & Dues $948 $900 $900 341 Electrical $652 $800 $800 342 Water $182 $600 $600 344 Natural Gas $721 $1,000 $800 345 Telephone & Communications $356 $600 $600 354 Contract Services $15,303 $4,000 $4,000 356 Consultants $0 $1,000 $1,000 366 Building Maint & Supplies $6 $500 $500 369 Radio Maintenance & Supplies $0 $500 $500 373 School & Travel $3,270 $3,600 $3,600 PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: BUILDING CODE 2394... DEPARTMENT 420, ...FUNCTION 420530 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 510 Insurance - auto $0 $632 $700 510 Insurance - liability $3,537 $5,000 $5,000 532 Lease - building $12,802 $12,800 $12,900 521 Central Garage Transfer $500 $500 $750 522 Administrative Transfer $12,121 $12,121 $11,498 528 Data Processing Transfer $3,095 $3,095 $3,055 Subtotal M&O $62,780 $56,748 $53,603 Capital Outlay: 946 Computer Equipment 944 Vehicles Total Capital Outlay $1,240 $2,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,240 $2,500 $0 TOTAL $244,386 $273,742 $266,791 CITY OF KALISPELL 123 POSITION TITLE Building Official * Building Inspector ** Building Inspector ** Clerk II Zoning Officer Plans Reviewer ** merit & comptime subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Worker's comp ***FTE*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 General fund Building Fund $38,138 $40,383 $40,383 $26,452 $27,562 $28,401 $25,613 $26,309 $27,038 $19,690 $20,901 $21,400 $25,163 $0 $0 $27,124 $28,334 $29,072 $4,824 $6,000 $162,180 $148,313 $152,294 $12,407 $11,346 $11,650 $568 $519 $533 $8,848 $8,848 $175,154 $169,026 $173,326 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan lst. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Union hourly wages are based on 2096 hours this year (last year 2088). CITY OF KALISPELL 124 2400 LIGHT MAINTENANCE F 1; ACTUAL GET ACTUAL GET F Y97/98 F Y98/99 F Y98/99 F YY99/00 CASH: $22,017 $26,472 $26,472 $34,314 Decrease in Assessments Rec. $6,263 Maintenance Assessments $69,815 $69,814 $69,706 $69,706 Penalty & Interest $434 $400 $412 $400 Total Available $92,266 $96,686 $102,853 $104,420 Street Lighting Cash Carry Over Imo: ►D • 1 ' C t 1 •BOO $65,794 $71,462 $68,539 $71,502 $26,472 $25,224 $34,314 $32,918 No change in assessments is needed. The Light Maintenance rate is .001420 per square foot for those properties served by the light district. m w 127 CASH: Increase in Accounts Rec. Maintenance Assessments Penalty & Interest Total Available REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL, BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $2,261 $2,665 $1,165 $1,374 ($312) $4,269 $4,269 $4,169 $4,269 $15 $15 $29 $15 $6,545 $6,949 $5,051 $5,658 Street Lighting $5,380 $6,287 $3,677 $5,514 Cash Carry Over $1,165 $662 $1,374 $144 *Note: District has 4,269' frontage. The rate was$1.00 ft. Uffl,41VPIRLISPELI FUND: GAS TAX 2420.... STREET FUNCTION 430240 TI ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Materials and Services $140,901 $342,858 $512,979 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $140,901 $342,858 $512,979 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Funds received from Gas Tax will be used to support the street and alley maintenance/ construction program. This program is accomplished by prioritizing construction and maintenance projects through the use of the pavement management information system. Note: Chipseal and Overlay expenditures are also budgeted in the Downtown TIF Fund, Westside TIF. Line Item Detail: 354 Sidewalk Replacement - $25,000 As per Resolution 4291 360 Contract Labor/Maintenance - $15,000 $15,000 - For snow removal or construction support FLJND: GAS TAX 2420..STREET 421..FL NCTION 430240 1 ACCOUNT Materials and Services 231 Gas & Oil 344 Natural Gas 354 Contract Services 360 Contract Services/Maintenance 368 Overlays & Chipseals 368 Overlays & Chipseals Carryover 369 Radio Maintenance 452 Gravel 453 Materials -Contract Preparation 471 De-Icer/Road Oil 472 Asphalt 473 Crack Sealing Material 533 Equipment Rental Total Materials & Services 354 Sidewalk Replacement 940 Machinery & Equipment Total ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $6,126 $7,000 $7,000 $1,377 $3,100 $2,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $80,096 $228,658 $216,317 $0 $0 $148,562 $0 $100 $100 $4,558 $18,000 $18,000 $6,282 $18,000 $10,000 $12,510 $30,000 $30,000 $21,783 $30,000 $30,000 $8,169 $7,500 $10,000 $0 $500 $1,000 $140,901 $342,858 $487,979 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $140,901 $342,858 $512,979 133 F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN LOAN REVOLVING1 ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: Operating Cash $26,290 $30,426 $30,426 $63,190 Interest Subsidy Acct $5,074 $4,032 $4,032 $3,258 Loan to be paid off $1,042 $0 $57,427 $0 Due from Service Hook-ups $662 $11,585 $1,515 $10,070 Big Sky Manor loan receivable $0 $0 $0 $11,000 Loan Proceeds/Principal-Interest $8,993 $8,343 $13,144 $8,343 Interest Subsidy $107 $120 $61 $120 Total Available $42,168 $54,506 $106,605 $95,981 IWA WIN Q , • Housing $5,912 $45,000 $39,322 $92,460 Loan contingency $649 $1,000 $0 $1,000 Interest Subsidy $1,149 $1,200 $835 $1,000 Total Expenditures $7,710 $47,200 $40,157 $94,460 Cash Carry Over: operating $30,426 $4,354 $63,190 $143 Interest Subsidy $4,032 $2,952 $3,258 $2,378 r BROWN • r •. r •. • ::� ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Loans & Grants/Housing $40,158 $47,200 $94,460 Total $40,158 $47,200 $94,460 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Community Development Loan Revolving Fund is comprised of Program Income from various funding sources allocated to the rehabilitation mortgage amounts. This Program Income will be utilized to buy down the purchase price of the three and four bedroom units on South Woodland and/or Teton Terrace to reach the very low income buyers as originally targeted. The Interest Subsidy Account is escrowed at Glacier Bank for old rehabilitation mortgages which were subsidized down to a 3% interest rate. Each month a portion is drawn from the escrow account and applied to subsidize the interest payment down to the pledged 3% rate. Loan proceeds is anticipated interest earned on City -made rehabilitation mortgages. CITY OF KAIL 143 144 2882 COURTYARD t REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/.99 98/99 99/00 CASH: $37,940 $31,554 $37,995 $33,936 Gross Rent Receipts $54,298 $53,250 $46,678 $54,298 Total Operating Income: $92,238 $84,804 $84,673 $88,234 Property Management Cost: $22,599 $35,000 $27,426 $35,000 Transfer to reserve $7,468 $0 $855 $0 Debt Service: $24,176 $25,000 $22,456 $25,000 $54,243 $60,000 $50,737 $60,000 Cash Carry Over: operating $37,995 $24,804 $33,936 $28,234 C�iT FUND: COURTYARD MAINTENANCE 2882...480...470240... 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Maintenance & Operations $27,426 $35,000 $35,000 Debt Service $22,456 $25,000 $25,000 02 •i ili $60,000 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Courtyard Maintenance Reserve Fund is budgeted to reflect those costs which are incurred related to our 16 units of housing managed by Northwest Human Resources Management. The revenues reflect rent. The utilities and debt services costs will all be paid by Northwest Human Resources per the Joint Venture Agreement with them to manage this housing complex. We need budget authority to simply record these expenditures on our books. This is the City's equity in this project. This account is projected at the same level as 1998/1999 expenses. CITY OF KALISPELL WE REVENUE PROJECTION amended ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL, BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: operating $111,114 $126,154 $39,942 $123,539 Investment $2,450,000 $2,450,000 $2,509,202 $2,160,922 rehab grant account $4,037 $0 $0 $0 Loan Receivable $314,985 $0 ($198,228) $198,228 Rehab grant interest $57 $0 $0 $0 Interest (accrued) $59,259 $147,000 $139,785 $130,000 Total Available $2,939,452 $2,723,154 $2,490,701 $2,612,689 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Community Development $390,252 $396,313 $206,240 $449,595 Cash Carry Over -operations $39,942 $841 $123,539 $3,944 Cash Investments $2,509,201 $2,326,000 $2,160,922 $1,960,922 Transfer of $150,000 from investment to operating cash FYI 999 Transfer of $200,000 from investment to operating cash FY2000 148 FUND: UDAG 2886.... DEPT 480.... FUNCTION 470210 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $115,530 $169,029 $124,352 Materials and Services $74,215 $81,284 $71,243 Housing & Grants $16,495 $146,000 $254,000 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $206,240 $396,313 $449,595 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: Eligible Use of UDAG Program Income The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires the City of Kalispell to track the use of program income after close-out of any federal or state funded grant. We must assure such use meets a national federal objective of benefiting low and moderate income persons and complies with the "Provisions of Title I, of the Community Development Act of 1974" (Act). The City's PECDD, as administrator of the HUD Urban Development Action Grant and other state and federal grants, is charged with the responsibility to ensure that a minimum of 51 % of the funds be used for activities that are clearly designated to meet the identified needs of persons of low and moderate income. Section 105(a) of Title 1, of the Act lists eligible activities and there are published guidelines. Program income is and will continue to be monitored by the State Department of Commerce and its auditors. The eligible uses include all of the activities currently funded by the UDAG program income budget and could also include many other activities related to planning and implementing economic and community development programs with emphasis on benefit to low and moderate income persons and economic development. om UDAG Program Income is derived from the interest earned on the payoff of the Kalispell Center Mall loan. These funds are on deposit with the Montana Board of Investments. This annual income stream pays all of the administrative costs, with the exception of the Building Division, for the Planning, Economic & Community Development Department (PECDD). PECDD administers the three tax increment financed redevelopment plans, all federal and state funded housing grant/loan programs and related economic development activities. During this fiscal year, PECDD will be charged with the responsibility for administration and implementation of: The Kalispell City Airport/Athletic Complex Redevelopment Plan. Proceeds from the sale and new ad valorem taxes created from new construction on Haven and Daley Fields will be utilized to implement the goals identified in the Redevelopment Plan. Budget details are identified in AIRPORT TAX INCREMENT FUND 2185. The South Woodland and Teton Court Affordable Housing Projects. The Westside Urban Renewal Plan. Major activities include possible participation with Gateway West Mall to facilitate a redevelopment project, expediting the reconstruction of Meridian Road, implementation of the North Meridian Neighborhood Plan goals, and facilitating solutions of storm drainage issues on the west side of Kalispell. WESTSIDE TAX INCREMENT FUND 2188 identifies the project budget. The Kalispell Downtown Urban Renewal Plan activities are planned to be funded with the annual cash flow from the Downtown Tax Increment District over the next 3 years - prior to the district's "sunset" in July 2002. The details of the TIF projects and budget will be presented in the DOWNTOWN TAX INCREMENT FUND 2180 presentation in this year's budget. 150 110 Salaries - the Director's position will be fund 50% UDAG and 50% Increment Districts. Budget authority for 1/2 time Secretary for the department. 296 Small Office Equipment $5,000 Will cover the upgrade of two computer systems as well as sharing in 1/2 the cost of a new fax machine to be used by both the PECDD staff and the Building Department staff. 335 Membership and Dues - $1,000 This line item has been decreased because of the downsizing of departmental staff. It is anticipated that a new director and two Community Development Specialists will have limited need for professional memberships. 345 Telephone/lease & long distance - $4,000 While a decrease in staff has occurred which should decrease the cost of long distance calls, the lease costs from CenturyTel have increased. If the Parks personnel continue to occupy space in the building, arrangements will be made to charge their telephone lease to their department so PECDD remains within budget. 733 Eagle Transit Grant - Operating - $15,000 Kalispell's share of the rides provided to the elderly (who are considered by HUD to all qualify as low to moderate income individuals) is one-half of all rides provided. The City of Whitefish is contributing $7,700 for the operation of the transit system and Columbia Falls is contributing $5,000. 795 Emergency Housing - $10,000 These funds are allocated for emergency home repairs for the very low income residents of the City. Such expenses that might be covered are replacement of a furnace with a cracked heat exchange; roof repair due to snow load; burst water pipes in the winter, etc. 712 Residential Rehab "AOA" - $5,000 These funds are matched with HOME Repair grant dollars received by Agency on Aging and Flathead County. The sole intent is to do minor home repairs for the elderly who reside within the city limits. If the full amount is not expended this year, the carry over amount will be used as "matching funds" for AOA to seek another HOME Grant. 790 Redevelopment Activities/Affordable Housing - $100,000 The allocation for this line item is to be utilized in promoting affordable housing activities whether it be through a rehabilitation program, matching dollars for future grants, loans to developers to assist in retaining existing or creating new affordable housing projects for low and very low income residents. Funding was not requested last year due to on -going activity with the First Time Home Buyer Program and with the Samaritan House. 151 1 !' 101,419 1 1. FUND: UDAG 2886.... DEPT 480.... FUNCTION 470210 AAMNDED ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 110 Salaries & Wages $93,703 $145,479 $109,007 121 Overtime $7,758 $0 $2,500 153 Health Insurance $7,897 $15,120 $7,320 155 Retirement - PERD $6,172 $8,430 $5,525 Total Personal Services $115,530 $169,029 $124,352 Materials and Services 210 Office Supplies $973 $1,500 $1,200 212 Project Expenses $6,240 $6,000 $6,000 213 Small Office Equip $7,032 $2,000 $5,000 215 Computer Supplies $2,208 $2,000 $2,000 229 Other Supplies $436 $500 $500 231 Gas & Oil $220 $250 $250 312 Postage $997 $1,200 $1,000 320 Printing $50 $250 $250 335 Membership & Dues $1,242 $2,800 $1,000 338 Recruitment $521 $0 $1,000 339 Other Publicity $553 $500 $500 341 Electricity $715 $800 $750 342 Sewer & Water $187 $600 $250 344 Gas (Heat) $791 $1,000 $850 345 Telephone & Communications $3,427 $5,500 $4,000 353 Auditing $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 354 Contract Services $5,952 $5,500 $5,500 363 Office Equip Maintenance $452 $1,000 $600 373 School and Travel $1,518 $3,000 $2,000 379 Meetings $19 $1,500 $750 380 Training Materials $147 $500 $250 396 Studies/Surveys $0 $3,000 $2,500 510 Property & Liability Insurance $4,951 $6,000 $5,300 531 Office Rent $12,800 $12,800 $12,800 521 Central Garage Transfer $700 $1,000 $500 522 Administrative Transfer $17,489 $17,489 $11,438 528 Data Processing Transfer $2,595 $2,595 $3,055 Subtotal M & S S74. 15 S61.284 S7 . Mm km FUND: UDAG 2886.... DEPT 480.... FUNCTION 470210 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director * 1 1 0.5 $53,579 $46,000 $23,000 Director -Car Allowance $3,000 $3,000 $0 Housing Division Manager * 1 1 1 $36,924 $38,032 $38,032 Planning & Redevelopment Division Manager * 1 1 $36,898 vacant $0 Secretary * 1 1 $22,198 $22,198 $0 CD Specialist II $0 CD Specialist I 1 $25,500 Clerk II (secretary .SFTE) 1 1 0.5 $20,692 $20,692 $11,100 Merit & Comptime buyout $1,064 $2,892 $2,500 Subtotal salaries 5 5 3.0 $174,355 $132,814 $100,132 Payroll taxes: Fica/medt $13,338 $10,160 $7,660 Worker's Comp. $1,320 $1,376 $864 Oflt $872 $664 $0 Unemployment ins. $610 $465 $350 Total for line item 110 $190,495 $145,479 $109,007 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. 154 0 AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROCzRAM FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Cash ($1,472) $15,539 $15,539 $0 Loan from Udag $198,228 ($198,228) CDBG Grant $500 $0 $0 $0 HOME Grant $0 $200 $0 $200 Refund of Construction Ad $0 $0 $0 $34,730 Sale of Land Proceeds $48,939 $287,240 $81,888 $404,549 Total Available $47,967 $302,979 $295,655 $241,251 • I .toll i " WONXIN KeRl Housing Program $32,428 $302,979 $295,655 $241,251 Cash Carry Over $15,539 $0 $0 $0 i M-19014 11 I FUND: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROGRAM 2950 .... 480.... 470210 1 ACCOUNT Housing Program STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL FY98/99 $295,835 BUDGET FY98/99 $302,979 BUDGET FY99/00 $241,251 $295,835 $302,979 $241,251 Thirteen three and four -bedroom single family homes remain to be completed on the Woodland Court site and twelve townhouse units remain to be constructed at the Teton Terrace site. A $400,000 CDBG and a $400,000 HOME grant were applied to the infrastructure development at these two sites and an AHP Grant from the private sector (the Federal Home Loan Bank of Seattle) provided $198,000 in down payment and closing cost assistance for low and moderate income buyers. Montana Board of Housing and/or Rural Development are providing the permanent financing for the homes at interest rates from 5 7/8% to 6 3/8% on fixed thirty year terms. Local lending institutions are providing the construction financing at reduced interest rates and local title companies are providing the closing services to the City at a developer's reduced rate. There are "no" tax concessions to the home buyers; thus, the schools, county and city receive the normal taxes generated from any new construction. a " , - -ff 157 PROGRAM OF SERVICES 2914 POLICE RESOURCE GRANT REVENUE PROJECTION BUDGET ACTUAL GET 98/99 98/99 FY99/00 CASH: $0 $0 $0 Transfer from General $0 $0 $1,913 Resource Grant $0 $0 $46,763 Interest Earnings $0 $0 Total Available $0 $0 $48,676 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Crime Control $0 $0 $48,676 Cash Carry Over $0 $0 $0 PROGRAM OF SERVICES FUND: RESOURCE GRANT 2914.... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $0 $0 $48,676 Materials and Services $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $48,676 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The School Resource Officer program was developed to help improve security in and around schools. A federal grant through the Department of Justice was applied for with the purpose of maintaining a police officer at the Junior High and High School. The officer will investigate complaints, improve security, assist in classroom lectures and participate in mentoring and conflict resolution projects. CITE' OF KALISPELL 160 �7 Y Il'Z�7 17I1Y1 F:�J CASH: REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL. BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $5,059 $3,916 $3,916 $7,828 Donations $0 $0 $0 Grant $36,392 $35,003 $39,902 $39,418 General Fund Transfer $10,000 $12,000 $12,000 $12,250 Total Available $51,451 $50,919 $55,818 $59,496 Crime Control Cash Carry Over EXPENDITURE PROJECTION $47,535 $48,449 $47,990 $54,138 $3,916 $2,470 $7,828 $5,358 CITY OF KALISPELL 162 FUND: DRUG ENFORCEMENT GRANT 2916.... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $46,211 $46,671 $51,891 Materials and Services Capital Outlay STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: $1,779 $1,778 $2,247 $0 $0 $0 $47,990 $48,449 $54,138 The goal of this project is to enforce the State and Federal statutes relating to the possession and/or sale of dangerous drugs and the criminal activity associated with dangerous drug use in Flathead County and its incorporated cities. The multi -agency task force concept is intended to insure a well -coordinated county -wide drug enforcement program whose purpose is to attack the drug market place at all levels by placing equal importance on the casual user, the addict and the traffickers. ***The City's matching grant is 25% The officers salary and benefits $49,891' x 25% _ $12,473 The contracted services are: 1/4 Salary = $7228 x 25% _ $1,807 TOTAL: $14,280 Grant pays 100% overtime Note: due to available cash carryover, we have reduced the transfer to $12,250 for FY00. CITE' OF KAI 163 w"WIMS VIR R Ll 9 ol 9 1 101 V WAIDI M','". /f M-1 F i REVENUE PROJECTION AMENDED BUDGET ACTUAL FY98/99 98/99 CASH: $0 $0 $9,614 Transfer from General $10,484 $20,484 $26,342 Universal Grant $69,506 $30,000 $55,000 Interest Earnings $0 $73 $1,457 Total Available $79,990 $50,557 $92,413 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Crime Control $79,990 $40,943 $92,235 Cash Carry Over $0 $9,614 $178 Transfer from General is the City's match which will be taken from the Police General Fund overtime line item FY99. Grant requires the funds to be in an interest bearing account. CITTOF r , FUND: UNIVERSAL GRANT 2917.... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $40,943 $79,990 $92,235 Materials and Services $0 $0 $0 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $40,943 $79,990 $92,235 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The goal of the Universal Hiring Program is to supply local jurisdictions with additional Police Officers to allow additional man-hours to participate in community oriented policing strategies. The Department of Justice provides for 75% (Seventy -Five Percent) of Officers salaries and benefits, up to $75,000 (Seventy -Five Thousand Dollars), per officer over three years. Community policing strategies include bike patrol, crime prevention, school resource and conflict resolution. � �I RM i CASH: 2918-000-334018 MDOT -Traffic Safety 2918-000-331021 Law Enforcement Grant Interest REVENUE PROJECTION BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $18,074 $18,383 $696 $25,000 $25,000 M $387 $3,200 Total Available $43,074 $43,770 $3,896 Crime Control $43,074 $43,074 $3,200 Cash Carty Over $0 $696 $696 CITY OF KALISPELL 170 FUND: LAW ENFORCEMENT GRANT 2918.... POLICE 413.... FUNCTION 420140 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $0 $0 $0 Materials and Services $0 $0 $3,200 Capital Outlay $43,074 $43,074 $0 $43,074 $43,074 $3,200 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Kalispell Police Department proposes to employ a wireless emergency communications network using mobile data terminals in vehicles. Funds will be used to develop and install base and mobile computing hardware and software necessary to connect police vehicles with a base station and to exchange data and communications in a secure environment. The estimated total cost is $42,450. Of that estimate, $25,000 will come from the Montana Department of Transportation Traffic Safety Grant and $18,000 will come from a U. S. Department of Justice Grant. CITY OF KALISPELL 171 172 um f ] itrm CASH: Grant City Share 1998 City Share 2000 Total Available Capital Improvements Cash Carry Over 2975 ISTEA REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $14,614 ($2,032) $4,753 $331,370 $5,008 $0 ($2,032) $5,010 $25,382 $433,203 $0 $20,048 $24,375 $329,338 $23,350 $458,261 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION $26,407 $329,338 $18,340 $451,904 ($2,032) $0 $5,010 $6,357 City share match from Parks in Lieu Fund FUND: ISTEA 2975.... 436.... 460451 ... 460453... 460455... 460457 1 GSKK�li Capital Improvements STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $18,340 $329,338 $451,904 $18,340 $329,338 $451,904 ISTEA (Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act), also known as CTEP (Community Transportation Enhancement Program), was signed into law on December 18, 1991. ISTEA requires a Transportation Enhancement set -aside which can only be used to fund specific categories. These federal funds come to Montana through the Montana Department of Transportation (MDT). The City is responsible for approximately 13.4% of the total cost over 5 years. The City has already funded its share through transfers as shown below. Projects total ISTEA Program $627,693 Fy 94 Fy 95 Fy 96 Fy 97 FY 98 FY99 Balance for FY2000 Grant City 554 431 73 262 ($26,474) ($21,732) ($50,899) $0 ($40,194) $0 ($4,753) ($5,008) ($25,382) $0 ($433,203) ($20,048) CITY OF KALISPELL 177 W1,49,3013110 , r FUND: ISTEA 2975....436....460451...460453...460455...460457 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 460451 North Main Project* 950 Construction In Progress $2,874 $154,278 $145,000 (City share $22,148) 460453 Dream Trail Project** 950 Construction In Progress $7,515 $70,000 $65,265 (City share $ 9,393) 460455 Meridian Rd. Trail*** 950 Construction In Progress $7,951 $105,060 $128,148 (City share $25,830) 460457 950 KYAC #3 Trail $0 $0 $113,491 (City Share $15,230) GRAND TOTALS $18,340 $329,338 $451,904 * North Main Trail - Phase One complete through Lawrence Park to Stillwater River. Phase II takes in access across Stillwater River to Whitefish Stage Road and into historic Lawrence Park. ** Dream Trail - Phase III final loop around the soccer field connecting the lower loops around the lagoon. *** Meridian Road Trail - Pedestrian trail access along Meridian Road east side from Ashley Creek to Highway #2. **** KYAC 93 Trail - Pedestrian/Bicycle path that connects Meridian Road to the to the Kalispell Youth Athletic Complex along the West Side of Highway 93#, and along 4 mile drive. CITY OF KALISPELL 178 r � , �. r,. DEBT SERVICE FU\� j' FUND ESTIMATED CASH 7/1/99 REVENUE ANTICIPATED EXP. PROJECTION CASH CARRY OVER 6/30/00 G.O. BOND $19,857 $39,092 $58,055 $894 REVOLVING $12,238 $On 0 $0 $12,238 1991 S&C $0 $1,347 $1,347 $0 1992 S&C $0 $1,395 $1,395 $0 1993 S&C $0 $915 $915 $0 1994 S&C $0 $4,791 $4,791 $0 1995 S&C $0 $4,129 $4,129 $0 1996 S&C $0 $2,498 $2,498 $0 1997 S&C $0 $1,540 $1,540 $0 1998 S&C $0 $508 $508 $0 SID 337 $0 $12,250 $12,250 $0 SID 341 $18,879 $10,073 $19,882 $9,070 SID 342 $5,091 $21,090 $19,265 $6,916 Total $56,064 $99,628 $126,575 $29,118 mKimolmm REVENUE PROJECTION 1.54 mills 2 mills 2.5 mills 2.5 mills 1.5 mills ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: $19,901 $16,733 $16,733 $19,857 Real Estate Taxes $49,728 $49,728 $50,011 $31,036 Personal Property Taxes $3,312 $3,312 $3,014 $1,633 Penalty & Interest $384 $350 $225 $100 Light Vehicle Tax $4,558 $4,558 $4,929 $2,566 MV Flat Fees $397 $250 $431 $150 Corporation Tax ($772) $660 $2,423 $1,510 Personal Prop Reimb HB20 $857 $600 $848 $475 Personal Prop Reimb SB417 $608 $865 $835 $466 Personal Prop Reimb SB184 $0 $0 $0 $656 Interest Earnings $1,178 $1,200 $1,213 $500 Total Available $80,151 $78,256 $80,662 $58,949 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Debt Service $63,418 $61,805 $60,805 $58,055 Cash Carry Over $16,733 $16,451 $19,857 $894 NOTE: The 1985 General Obligation Bond for Bruckhauser Pool was refunded in 1992. The original issue was for $550,000. The Refunding issue was for $385,000. Amortization Schedule: ISSUE FY G. O. BOND 1992 FY 2000 principal $55,000 interest $2,805 fiscal agent $250 Note: The final payment is due April 1 st. The 2nd half tax revenue will not be received until June 15th or July 15th depending upon the County distribution. We will borrow internally to make the short fall. Any remaining money will be transferred to the General Fund by Resolution. 180 i 14 FUNDS: DEBT SERVICE - GENERAL OBLIGATIONS 3000 FUNDS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 3010-Gen Oblig Bond'85 Principal $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 Interest $5,555 $5,555 $2,805 NVlisc.Interest $0 $1,000 $0 Fiscal Agent Fees 250 250 2 0 SUBTOTAL $60.805 $61,805 $58,055 3570-3598 Sidewalk & Curbs Principal $14,275 $13,133 $11,946 Interest $5,142 $7,023 $5,177 SUBTOTAL $19,417 $20,156 $17,123 3637-3641-3642 SID's Principal $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 Interest $15,293 $19,330 $16,197 Fiscal Agent Fees 100 200 200 SUBTOTAL $40.393 $44,530 $51,397 $200,838 $252,982 $253,150 The G.O. Bond Fund is voted levy for debt service for the city Bruckhauser Pool construction. The original debt was $550,000 sold in 1985 for 15 years. The SID Revolving fund is used to make loans to individual Special Improvement District debt service funds to pay for shortfalls of revenue needed to pay principal and interest. We have numerous SID's and Sidewalk & Curb funds which are assessed against the property and billed on the County tax notice. CITE' OF KALISPELL 181 PROGRAM OF SERVICES 1 1 1 FUND: SIDEWALK AND CURBS & SID'S ...... DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 3590 1990 S & C Principal $1,900 $1,900 $0 Interest $95 $145 $0 3591 1991 S & C Principal $560 $560 $1,133 Interest $135 $235 $214 3592 1992 S & C Principal $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Interest $315 $415 $395 3593 1993 S & C Principal $730 $730 $730 Interest $110 $185 $185 3594 1994 S & C Principal $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 Interest $1,339 $1,839 $1,291 3595 1995 S & C Principal $2,852 $2,852 $2,852 Interest $1,255 $1,755 $1,277 3596 1996 S & C Principal $1,518 $1,519 $1,519 Interest $850 $1,100 $979 CITY OF KALISPELL 182 FUND: SIDEWALK AND CURBS & SID'S ...... DEBT SERVICE ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 3597 1997 S & C Principal $2,215 $1,072 $1,000 Interest $1,044 $1,349 $540 3598 1998 S & C Principal $0 $0 $212 Interest $0 $0 $296 S & C Subtotal $19,417 $20,156 $17,123 3637 SID 337 Principal $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Interest $2,975 $2,975 $2,250 3641 SID 341 Principal $5,000 $5,000 $15,000 Interest $5,070 $5,070 $4,782 Fiscal Agent Fees $0 $100 $100 3642 SID 342 Principal $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 Interest $7,248 $11,285 $9,165 Fiscal Agent Fees $100 $100 $100 SID'S Subtotal S40.393 $44,530 $51,397 CITY OF KALISPELL 183 L [ayrceon 1110aM9 oiw'� PROGRAMSERVICES 4290 S11DEWALK & CURB CONSTRUCTION REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: $0 $0 $0 Proceeds S & C Warrants $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 Proceeds Construction Costs $0 $0 $0 Total Available $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Construction Costs $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 Cash Carry Over $0 $0 $0 WE FUND: 4290....... SIDEWALK AND CURB CONSTRUCTION ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 [-construction $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 $1,687 $50,000 $25,000 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The sidewalk and curb construction fund is used to record expenditures for replacing sidewalks and curbs which residents request or which the City orders in. The costs are paid for by the property owner. They are billed for the cost of construction plus 5% for administration. The property owner can have the cost put on the tax notice for a period of 8 years. The City sells sidewalk and curb warrants for the amount of the assessment. The sidewalk and curb construction fund appropriations have been changed due to the recent history of construction. 185 186 1,1010,111 �' l �. REVENUE PROJECTION CASH: Operating * Replacement Acct. Metered Water Sales *Hookup Fees(Replacement acct) Installation Charges Misc. Water Tower Rental Board of Investments Loans Interest Earnings Decr.(Increase) in accounts receivable Total Available Water Billing Water Billing Total Water Operating Capital Outlay *Capital Outlay -replacement funds Debt Service -Includes Board of Inv. Depreciation -Unfunded '98,99,'00 Total Operating Expenditures Grand Total Oper/Water Billing ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $430,804 $306,136 $335,052 $421,595 $777,043 $736,174 $736,174 $783,227 $887,293 $875,000 $957,217 $940,000 $52,213 $40,000 $47,053 $50,000 $21,689 $18,000 $16,315 $15,000 $2,448 $1,000 $777 $500 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $4,800 $0 $0 $0 $40,000 $72,900 $50,000 $71,223 $70,000 $11,640 $0 ($13,246) $0 $2,260,830 $2,031,110 $2,155,365 $2,325,122 10,1490,21 Add back unfunded Deprec/Replacement Cash Carry Over Operating Cash *Replacement Cash Account $82,300 $75,125 $88,337 $75,934 $82,300 $75,125 $88,337 $75,934 $644,312 $651,427 $725,405 $753,261 $262,272 $36,003 $27,913 $125,000 $93,082 $90,000 $0 $490,000 $107,638 $108,888 $108,888 $108,856 $148,000 $139,325 $139,325 $140,000 $1,255,304 $1,025,643 $1,001,531 $1,617,117 $1,337,604 $1,100,768 $1,089,868 $1,693,051 $148,000 $139,325 $139,325 $140,000 $335,052 $383,493 $421,595 $428,844 $736,174 $686,174 $783,227 $343,227 $ 490,000 replacement funds to by used in FY00. [am 187 FUND: WATER 5210.. 447... 430560... WATER BILLING COSTS I ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $58,088 $53,145 $54,678 Materials and Services $20,387 $21,980 $21,256 Capital Outlay $9,862 $0 $0 $88,337 $75,125 $75,934 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The water rates which went into effect September 1st 1996 segregate the billing costs as a flat fee. To accommodate tracking these costs we've set up a function number to separate billing costs from water operating. We have completed the upgrade on monitors to PCs in anticipation of new software which will be windows based and year 2000 compliant. Costs for the software upgrade are in the Data processing fund. FUND: WATER 5210.. 447... 430560... WATER BILLING COSTS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies 312 Postage 320 Printing 354 Contract Services/software 355 Billing Costs 522 Administrative transfer 528 Data Processing Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay: 940 PC for Water Office/Billing $47,627 $42,557 $44,090 $8,026 $8,025 $8,025 $2,435 $2,563 $2,563 $58,088 $53,145 $54,678 $192 $500 $500 $1,190 $1,500 $1,500 $1,799 $2,000 $2,000 $972 $1,500 $750 $5,254 $5,500 $5,500 $3,305 $3,305 $3,156 $7,675 $7,675 $7,850 $20,387 $21,980 $21,256 $9,862 $0 $0 Total Billing Costs $88,337 $75,125 $75,934 CITY O. KALISPELI 189 m FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $350,487 $326,906 $336,386 Materials and Services $374,918 $324,521 $416,875 Capital Outlay $27,913 $36,003 $125,000 Capital Outlay Replacement Funds $0 $90,000 $490,000 Debt Service $108,888 $108,888 $108,856 Deprec./Replacement $139,325 $139,325 $140,000 $1,001,531 $1,025,642 $1,617,117 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The responsibility of the Water Department is to provide safe, potable and palatable water for the needs of the domestic, institutional, industrial and commercial consumers and to provide adequate pressure and flow to meet fire fighting and irrigation needs. Maintenance of the five wells and Noffsinger Spring as water sources along with maintenance of the distribution system, storage facilities, fire hydrants, valves, meters and related controls is an integral part of the function of this department. This budget is responsible for pumping and treating millions of gallons annually. 226 Chlorine & Chemicals - $7,500 City began Chlorinating in FY99 as required by the State of Montana following issuance of boil water notice in June 1998. 312 Postage - $7,400 Increase to include cost of mailing Consumer Confidence Report. Two reports this year, one report annually thereafter. All water agencies are now required to comply with this new U.S.EPA requirement. 320 Printing - $9,000 Maps & Consumer Confidence Report, required by the EPA. Two reports this year only, one report annually thereafter. Report may be up to 15 pages and details everything about City water supply. 356 Consultants - $15,000 Phase II Noffsinger Study to develop an operation and management plan for the continued use of the spring without the need to construct a filter plant. 366 Building Maintenance - $19,000 $18,000 increase for Well Improvements identified during MDEQ inspection of system facilities, including roof, secure doors, ventilation, drain changes at Depot and Armory wells. 422 Hydrants - $30,000 Replace 30 Defective Hydrants in areas of city outside urban renewal districts. 423 Main Materials - $20,000 Additional materials as system ages. Budget was reduced in prior years, but experience shows this level of expenditure is required for prudent maintenance. 610 Debt Service / Principal $2,858 / Interest $960 - Loader Six Months Principal payment to Montana Board of Investments. Note: The FY2001 Budget Principal will be based on a full 12 month period at a cost of approximately $5,714 Six Months Interest payment to Montana Board of Investments Note: The FY2001 Budget Interest will be based on a full 12 month period at a cost of approximately $1,920 Capital Outlay/Replacement Funds 931 Contract Main R&D Fund - $90,000 Carryover $90,000 - 5th Avenue W.N. Water Main 192 1 MIN -I I1 / r;l Capital Outlay/Replacement Funds, continued 931 Contract Main - $200,000 $195,000 - 8th Avenue East Water Main Replacement of old cast iron line. $ 5,000 - Piping Modifications to water tower and reservoir to permit supply transfer from upper zone to lower zone. 933 Facility Plan Consultants - $85,000 This provides for creation of a Water Facility Master Plan to support operation and future expansion of the Kalispell Water System. At this time, Kalispell has no such plan. The "Hafferman" Study performed in 1983, is totally out of date and fails to provide any guidance or effective information on current and future needs. All significant grant funding programs and virtually all major bonding decisions require a current facility plan. 934 Capital Improvements / Roof Replacement $200,000 $190,000 - Roof Replacement for reservoir # 1 & #2. Old roofs are leaking and allow entry of contaminants. Identified as possible source of coliform contamination that required the City to issue a boil water order last June. $10,000 - Install Sand Trap on Grandview Well. Capital Outlay 940 Machinery & Equipment - $40,000 Represents 1/3 Loader Cost shared with Sewer and Storm Sewer: $120,000 - Replace 30 year old Caterpillar Loader - 7 year loan at approximately 4.8% variable rate thru the Montana Board of Investments. Annual Principal & Interest shown in Debt Service for the Storm Sewer 1/3 share. Loader has passed its useful life and has required nearly $17,000 of repairs in the past 5 years. 193 AN 9 301-13 1 t1j FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $284,141 $268,261 $274,326 121 Overtime/Call Outs $12,088 $7,000 $7,000 153 Health Insurance $37,156 $36,640 $39,216 155 PERD $17,102 $15,005 $15,844 Total Personal Services $350,487 $326,906 $336,386 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $90 $250 $250 213 Small Office Equip $435 $500 $150 215 Computer Supplies $1,367 $500 $500 216 Computer Equipment $2,235 $1,500 $1,000 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $52 $800 $600 224 Janitorial Supplies $458 $500 $500 226 Chlorine & Chemical $5,893 $750 $7,500 229 Other Supplies $2,563 $2,500 $2,500 231 Gas '& Oil $5,038 $6,000 $6,000 241 Consumable Tools $1,857 $1,000 $1,000 312 Postage $35 $125 $7,400 320 Printing (maps) $331 $125 $8,000 335 Membership & Dues $471 $1,200 $1,200 336 Licenses & Fees $12,739 $13,000 $13,000 341 Electricity $74,607 $67,000 $75,000 342 Water/Sewer $147 $1,500 $300 344 Natural Gas $5,464 $7,600 $5,000 345 Telephone & Communications $6,902 $6,500 $6,500 349 Lab Services $9,013 $7,000 $7,500 353 Auditing $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 354 Contract Services $23,588 $16,000 $15,000 356 Consultants $12,121 $0 $15,000 360 Repair & Maintenance $6,660 $11,000 $9,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $4,423 $5,000 $4,000 363 Office Equip Maintenance $0 $500 $400 366 Building Maintenance $737 $1,000 $19,000 con't. r-FUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 369 Raa io amtenance 373 School & Travel $1,886 $3,000 $3,000 380 Training Materials $32 $200 $200 388 Medical Services/drug testing $103 $700 $700 395 Equipment Rental $939 $700 $1,000 410 Construction Materials $12,570 $10,000 $10,000 421 Meters $20,890 $20,000 $20,000 422 Hydrants $11,397 $15,000 $30,000 423 Materials - Mains $28,634 $10,000 $20,000 424 Materials - Service lines $11,828 $8,000 $8,000 425 Materials - Pumps $2,044 $5,000 $5,000 510 Property & Liability Ins. $20,535 $13,000 $19,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $10,000 $10,000 $8,500 522 Administrative Transfer $64,946 $64,946 $75,125 528 Data Processing Transfer $9,625 $9,625 $7,850 Total Material & Services $374,918 S324,521 $416,975 Capital Outlay Replacement Funds: 931 Contract Main (R&D Fund) (carry $0 $90,000 $90,000 931 Contract Main Replacement $0 $0 $200,000 934 Cap. Imp./Reservoir Roofs $0 $0 $200,000 Total Capital Outlay/Replacement $0 $90,000 $47U,70- Capital Outlay: 933 Facility Planning Consultants 934 Capital Improvements 940 Equipment (financed '00) 944 Vehicles 950 Construction in Progress Total Capital Outlay 490545 Water Replacement: 610 Debt Service/Board of Inv. Loan 490200 610/62o Debt Service/Bonds 630 Fiscal Agent Fees 5mo400 Depreciation expense 831 unfunded FY98, FY99,FY00 Total $0 $11,000 $85,000 $7,570 $0 $0 $20,343 $21,028 $40,000 $0 $3,975 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,818 8,1: • i 4 ,763 $139,325 $139,325 $140,000 $1,001,531 $1,025,642 $1,617.117 `W 19 M 1 M IFUND: WATER 5210.... WATER OPERATING 447..WATER FACILITIES 430550 1 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Public Works Director 0.25 0.25 0.25 $12,433 $12,868 $12,868 Asst. City Engineer 0.35 0.35 0.35 $12,765 $13,771 $13,771 Superintendent 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,783 $10,077 $10,077 Construction Inspector * 0.00 0.25 0.25 $0 $6,671 $6,880 Admin. Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.25 $6,159 $6,159 $6,159 Working Foreman 1.00 1.00 1.00 $27,956 $28,585 $29,428 Maintenance & Repair 5.00 5.00 5.00 $134,576 $137,707 $141,900 Surveyor 0.40 0.40 0.40 $11,382 $10,062 $10,062 Clerk II 0.25 0.25 0.25 $4,998 $5,147 $5,330 merit & comptime buyout $9,951 $4,243 $5,000 subtotal salaries 7.75 8.00 8.00 $230,003 $235,290 $241,475 Payroll taxes $383 Fica/Medt $17,595 $18,000 $18,473 Worker' s comp. $12,748 $12,748 $13,533 Oflt $1,150 $1,400 $0 Unemployment tax $805 $824 $845 Total for line item 110 $262,684 $268,261 $274,326 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. r 1 s..1�TP FUND ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97198 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH:Operating Sewer/WWTP $323,967 $348,220 $341,720 $518,719 *** WWTP Capital Improvement $1,276,496 $1,463,439 $1,451,057 $1,581,022 ** WWTP Equipment Repl/Evergreen $837,082 $1,125,170 $1,125,170 $1,089,880 * SANITARY sewer Replacement $626,851 $454,618 $454,618 $459,685 Subtotal Cash $3,064,396 $3,391,447 $3,372,565 $3,649,306 REVENUE and sources of cash: SEWER SERVICE -billed $2,107,674 $2,100,000 $2,188,211 $2,140,000 Decrease (Increase) A/R, Comp. Abs. $9,747 ($10,329) Other receivables *** Hookup-WWTP $105,248 $70,000 $54,118 $70,000 * Hookup -Sewer $65,581 $90,000 $35,226 $50,000 Misc. Revenue $9,344 $3,500 $327 $3,500 Interest -operations $109,279 $50,000 $120,967 $100,000 ** Interest-WWTP/Evrgn $54,574 $55,000 $70,107 $55,000 *** Interest-WWTP capital improve $69,313 $120,000 $75,847 $60,000 * Interest -Sanitary Replacement $25,869 $10,000 $25,886 $25,000 Board of Investment Loan $0 $0 $0 $40,000 *** Loans & repayments $10,560 $0 $5,080 $0 Subtotal Revenue S2,367,189 32,498,500, , Total Available $5,631,585 $5,889,947 $5,938,005 $6,192,806 EXPENSES and uses of cash SANITARY SEWER operating $529,366 $544,862 $497,984 $560,941 * Sewer Replacement funds $274,243 $173,000 $61,125 $276,112 BILLING COSTS $87,211 $87,878 $92,287 $87,617 WWTP operating $1,681,714 $1,680,066 $1,611,906 $1,751,925 ** WWTP Replace/Evergreen $66,486 $401,885 $405,397 $312,579 Subtotal Expenses Add unfunded depreciation to cash $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 CASH CARRY OVER Sewer Fund - operating L34 7720 26$ 8,914 S51K719 481 7 6 *** WWTP Capital Improvement $1,451,057 $1,653,439 $1,581,022 $1,711,022 ** WWTP Equipment Repll"Evergreen $1,125,170 $1,078,285 $1,089,880 $1,135,028 * Sewer Replacement $454,618 $381,618 $459,685 $258,573 Total Rate $2.98 per 1000 gallons $2.56 bi-monthly billing costs - flat fee m , FUND: SEWER 5310.. 454... 430620 SEWER BILLING COSTS ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $62,818 $64,171 $65,326 Materials and Services $20,796 $23,707 $22,291 Capital Outlay $8,673 $0 $0 $921,287 $87,878 $87,617 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The costs for billing sewer and wwtp are separated to accommodate billing the Evergreen Sewer District. The costs are for one billing clerk and 1 /2 of the meter reader. Also included are administrative costs of billing and data processing based on our formula. These costs were previously apportioned to both Sewer and WWTP operating. Billing costs include postage and printing of the forms and other costs attributable to collection. Contract services for software include a report writer program for the utilities to run with the new Utility Billing software (carryover item). MR kvil 9 1 . F FUND: SEWER 5310.. 454... 430620 SEWER BILLING COSTS 1 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 320 Printing 354 Contract services/software 355 Billing Costs/postage 522 Administrative transfer 528 Data Processing Total Materials and Services Capital Outlay 940 PC for Utility Billing Total Billing Costs ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $51,660 $51,580 $52,291 $8,553 $9,518 $9,906 $2,605 $3,073 $3,129 $62,818 $64,171 $65,326 $1,988 $2,000 $2,000 $840 $1,500 $750 $5,761 $8,000 $8,000 $31766 $3,766 $3,691 $8,441 $8,441 $7,850 $20,796 $23,707 $22,291 $8,673 $0 $0 $92,287 $87,878 $87,617 CITY OF KALISPELL 199 FUND: SEWER 5310.. 454... 430620 SEWER BILLING COSTS ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Meter Reader 0.50 0.50 0.50 $13,602 $13,914 $14,279 Billing Clerk 1.00 1.00 1.00 $20,197 $20,797 $21,005 Director/City Engineer 0.15 0.15 0.15 $7,460 $7,721 $7,721 Clerk H 0.15 0.15 0.15 $3,595 $3,695 $3,695 Merit $1,038 $200 subtotal salaries 1.80 1.80 1.80 $45,892 $46,127 $46,900 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $3,511 $3,529 $3,588 Unemployment tax $161 $161 $164 Worker's comp. $1,358 $1,598 $1,639 Oflt $229 $231 $0 Sewer billing total for line item 110 $51,151 $51,646 $52,291 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. alb" FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $157,572 $159,273 $163,941 Materials and Services $109,712 $130,459 $101,778 Capital/Construction $61,685 $86,475 $115,000 Replacement $61,310 $173,000 $276,112 Debt Service $88,830 $88,655 $100,222 Depreciation (unfunded) $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 $559,109 $717,862 $837,053 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: It is the responsibility of the Sewer Maintenance Division to operate and maintain the sewer collection and transmission system of the City of Kalispell. Maintenance procedures include jet rodding, gravity flushing, television inspection, mechanical and chemical cleaning methods as required. 0' D Line item detail: SEWER OPERATING Debt Service / Principal $2,857 / Interest $960 - Loader 610 Six Months Principal payment to Montana Board of Investments. Note: The FY2001 Budget Principal will be based on a full 12 month period at a cost of approximately $5,714. 620 Six Months Interest payment to Montana Board of Investments. Note: The FY2001 Budget Interest will be based on a full 12 month period at a cost of approximately $1,920. Capital Outlay: 933 Facility Plan Consultants - $75,000 The City has no Facility Master Plan for its Sewer System. The only effort made in the past involved planning to expand the City's Waste Water Treatment Plant. As growth occurs thoughtful analysis of system deficiencies and needed improvements and a comprehensive plan for implementation is necessary to ensure correct decisions are made. Grant and bond funding decisions will require the City to have such a plan. 940 Machinery & Equipment - $40,000 Represents 1/3 Loader Cost shared with Water and Sewer - replaces 30 year old loader $120,000 - Replace Loader 7 year loan at approximately 4.8% variable rate thru the Montana Board of Investments. Annual Principal & Interest shown in Debt Service for the Sewer 113 Share. Justification detailed in Water Budget. REPLACEMENT FUNDS - 931 Contract Main Installation - $201,112 $ 34,012- 1 lth St West - 5th Alley to 6th Alley Slip lining of deteriorated clay pipe sewer. (carryover) $ 22,100 - Manhole replacement-6th Alley East & 2nd St/4th Alley East & 2nd St. (carryover) $145,000 - 2nd Alley W.N. Sewer replacement of aged and cracked clay pipe sewer. 934 Sewer Main- Woodland Park - $25,000 950 Construction in Progress-$50,000 (carryover) $ 50,000 - Lift Station #4 replacement - Liberty Street CITY OF KALISPELL 202 ,...� . .. FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $127,683 $127,031 $130,778 121 Overtime $2,720 $5,000 $5,000 153 Health Insurance $19,587 $19,848 $20,501 155 Retirement - PERD $7,582 $7,394 $7,662 Total Personal Services $137,572 $139,273 S 7T,747 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $31 $250 $200 213 Small Office Equipment $486 $500 $400 215 Computer Supplies $947 $350 $400 216 Computer Equipment $1,727 $1,000 $1,200 221 Safety Equip & Supplies $928 $350 $350 224 Janitorial Supplies $321 $350 $300 229 Other Supplies $826 $1,000 $500 231 Gas & Oil $679 $3,000 $3,000 241 Consumable Tools $277 $1,000 $400 312 Postage & Shipping $300 $300 $200 320 Printing $0 $400 $100 336 Licenses & Fees $60 $700 $700 341 Electricity $6,536 $8,000 $6,500 342 Water $149 $500 $150 344 Natural Gas $2,192 $2,200 $1,700 345 Telephone & Communications $8,377 $3,600 $5,000 353 Auditing $500 $1,500 $1,500 354 Contract Services $12,402 $15,000 $7,000 356 Consultants $0 $0 $0 360 Manhole Rehab $0 $0 $0 362 Equipment Maintenance $2,080 $4,000 $3,000 366 Building Maintenance $56 $1,000 $500 369 Radio Maintenance $0 $500 $200 373 School & Travel $501 $2,000 $2,000 388 Medical Services $190 $400 $400 395 Equipment Rental $35 $250 $250 con't. 203 PROGRAM SERVICES EXPENDITURE DETAIL -continued FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 onstruction Materials $4,694 $10,000 S 10,70 423 Materials for Mains $238 $0 $0 425 Materials - Pumps $2,954 $3,500 $3,500 510 Property & Liability Ins. $10,73 8 $15,000 $15,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $7,500 $7,500 $2,750 522 Administrative Transfer $39,609 $39,609 $30,153 528 Data Processing Transfer $4,389 $6,700 $4,425 Subtotal $109,712 $130,459 $161, Capital Outlay: 933 Facility Plan Consultants $0 $0 $75,000 934 Capital Improvements $7,873 $11,000 $0 940 Equipment (financed) $28,946 $41,500 $40,000 944 Vehicles $24,866 $33,975 $0 950 Construction in Progress $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $61,685 $86,475, 430635 Sewer Replacement Funds: 931 Sanitary Sewer (carryover) $0 $73,000 $56,112 931 Sanitary Sewer $0 $0 $145,000 934 Sewer Woodland Park $25,000 950 Liberty St. Lift (carryover) $7,225 $50,000 $50,000 950 Greenacres Lift $54,085 $50,000 $0 $173,000 $276,112 000 4902oo Debt Service 610 Principle $50,000 $50,000 $60,000 620 Interest $38,255 $38,080 $35,830 630 Fiscal Agent Fees $575 $575 $575 490545 610/620 Debt Service-loan/loader $0 $0 $3,817 55 $100, 454 510400 831 Depreciation (unfunded) $80,000 $80,000 $80,000 Total Sanitary Sewer $559,109 $717,862 $837,053 rNIVADIN 71#.Twff" 204 FUND: SEWER 5310.... SEWER OPERATING 454..SEWER FACILITIES 430630 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Assistant City Engineer * 0.2 0.20 0.20 $7,567 $7,869 $7,869 Working Foreman 1.0 1.00 1.00 $28,995 $29,629 $30,475 Maintenance & Repair 2.0 2.00 2.00 $54,101 $55,354 $57,032 Surveyor's Aide 0.4 0.40 0.40 $9,734 $9,980 $10,924 Construction Inspector 0.25 0.25 $7,827 $7,827 merit & comptime buyout $2,395 $198 $500 Subtotal Salaries Payroll taxes: Fica/medt Worker's comp. Oflt Unemployment Total for line item 110 3.6 3.9 3.9 --ST62-, $7,864 $8,481 $8,769 $5,520 $6,751 $6,981 $514 $554 $0 $360 $388 $401 Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. * * The personnel schedules for union wages have been adjusted to reflect actual salaries after the contract settlement. MIR FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ACCOUNT Personal Services Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service WWTP Replacement/equip. Replacement Reserve STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $264,733 $281,701 $294,376 $455,378 $538,442 $527,140 $32,272 $0 $75,000 $559,523 $559,923 $552,683 $405,397 $401,885 $312,579 $300,000 $300,000 $302,727 $2,017,303 $2,081,951 $2,064,504 The Wastewater Treatment Plant Facility is responsible for treating domestic wastewater to meet the discharge permit issued by the Montana Department of Health and Environmental Sciences. The treated wastewater is discharged to Ashley Creek in accordance with specific limitations, requirements, and conditions. Facility Maintenance: 7 buildings, 53 pumps, 14 gear reducers, 24 mixers, 6 large & 7 small submersible pumps, 1 scum buster pump, 200 valves of all sizes, 5 air compressors, 1 electric generator, 2 gas boilers, 3 make-up air units, 8 ventilation fans, 16 electric heaters, 1 air conditioner, 3 gas heaters, 16 sand filters, 3 200hp air blowers, 9 auto electric valves, 15 flow meters, 4 gas detectors, 2 programmable logic controllers, 2 ultraviolet light units, 4 clarifiers, 11 bio-cells, 1 equalization tank, 3 digesters, 2 fermenter tanks, 2 dissolved air floatation tanks, 2 belt filter presses, 1 5000 gal. Alum tank, 1 pickup, 2 sludge trucks and 1 jeep. PROGRAM SERVICES OBJECTIVES: WWTP 1. Monitor and adjust the wastewater treatment process to meet the discharge permit; monitor Ashley Creek above and below the plant discharge outlet to insure that this discharge meets certain permit limitations. 2. Perform a minimum of 6,200 laboratory analyses per year to monitor and control the biological nutrient removal process, and perform analyses of specific parameters to meet the discharge permit requirements. 3. Continue efforts to reduce the inflow into the Plant which occurs during rainfall events. 4. Continue work on the Pretreatment Program to control wastewater quality; monitor the sludge for heavy metals and nutrients to ensure that it is acceptable for disposal. 5. Perform work orders (approximately 1500 per year) to keep equipment and processes functioning properly; perform equipment repairs and respond to alarms quickly so that the treatment process is interrupted as infrequently as possible. 6. Continue public relations (tours, articles, etc.) to educate the public on this unique process and the excellent quality of the treated wastewater. Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 336 Licenses & Fees - $5,875 $5,500 - Discharge Permit $ 300 - Operator Certification 360 Repair & Maintenance - $5,000 $2500 - Grounds capital improvement $2500 - Grounds summer maintenance help 920 Buildings - $75,000 Construct storage building for emergency equipment and other equipment, presently stored outside year round. Equipment is exhibiting signs of deterioration due to weather. 940 Machinery & Equipment Replacement (Carryover) $47,149 Secondary Clarifier rim drive $29,519; Generator $13,480; Digester/Fermentor $4,150 940 Machinery & Equipment Replacement Fund - $155,430 $ 3,930 - Sand filter air lift units (4) $90,000 - Redesign/replace grit removal system $ 500 - Laboratory auto analyzer monitor $ 2,500 - Laboratory PH,ORP, temperature meter $ 11,500 - Laboratory refrigerator $30,000 - Resurface/repair exterior plant bldg.surfaces $10,000 - Resurface/repair walls in biosolids press area $15,000 - Fix water leaks-RAS bldg walls/electrical panel $ 2,000 - Remove concrete baffles in Reaeration Basin 944 Vehicles Replacement Fund - $110,000 $110,000 - Replace Biosolids Hauling Truck 207 FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $211,720 $224,483 $235,656 121 Overtime $11,472 $14,000 $14,000 153 Health Insurance $28,277 $30,116 $31,154 155 Retirement - PERD $13,264 $13,102 $13,566 Total Personal Services $264,733 $281,701 $294,376 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $457 $500 $600 213 Small Office Equip $218 $200 $250 215 Computer Supplies $691 $100 $300 216 Computer Equipment $3,107 $0 $0 221 Safety Equipment & Supply $1,374 $1,000 $1,000 222 Lab Supplies $2,130 $4,000 $4,000 224 Janitorial Supplies $26 $150 $100 225 Alum $6,624 $7,500 $5,000 226 Chemicals $8,721 $15,000 $15,000 229 Other Supplies $1,908 $3,500 $3,500 231 Gas & Oil $5,559 $8,000 $6,000 241 Consumable tools $2,447 $2,500 $2,500 312 Postage & Shipping $353 $600 $600 335 Membership and Dues $572 $500 $500 336 Licenses and Fees $3,769 $4,500 $5,875 341 Electricity $130,679 $160,000 $160,000 342 Water $2,459 $2,200 $2,200 344 Natural Gas $27,966 $30,000 $30,000 345 Telephone & Alarms $3,083 $2,600 $3,000 349 Lab Services $1,903 $3,500 $3,000 353 Auditing $1,000 $1,800 $1,800 354 Contract Services -Glacier Gold $80,138 $108,000 $95,000 356 Consultant - Electrical engineer $1,776 $2,000 $2,000 360 Maintenance Service -misc. $5,266 $5,000 $5,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $44,555 $50,000 $50,000 continued 208 FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT i ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Materials and Services-con't. 366 Building Maintenance $4,133 $4,500 $4,500 369 Radio Maintenance $0 $150 $150 373 School & Travel $1,283 $2,500 $2,500 380 Training Materials $87 $250 $250 388 Medical Services $381 $250 $250 395 Equipment Rental $41 $150 $150 510 Property & Liability Insurance $21,420 $26,240 $26,240 521 Central Garage Transfer $6,800 $6,800 $4,000 522 Administrative Transfer $80,756 $80,756 $875450 528 Data Processing Transfer $3,696 $3,696 $4,425 Total Materials & Services $455,379 $538,442 $527,140 Capital Outlay:. 920 Buildings $0 $0 $75,000 934 Capital Improvements $32,272 $0 $0 Total Capital Outlay $32,272 $0 $73,000 000 490210 Debt Service/Revenue Bonds 610 Principal $120,000 $120,000 $120,000 620 Interest $154,563 $154,563 $146,883 490215 Debt Service/SRF Loan 610 Principal $162,000 $162,000 $169,000 620 Interest $122,960 $123,360 $116,800 455 430645 WWTP Replacement 940 Machinery & Equipment (carryover) $365,616 $374,685 $47,149 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 $155,430 944 Vehicles $39,781 $27,200 $110,000 Total Replacement $405,397 $401,885, 455 510400 831 Depreciation/Replacement Reserve $300,000 $300,000 $302,727 Total WWTP $2,017,303 $2,081,951 $2,064,504 209 ,► MIT" , ,F M. ,; ;" FUND: SEWER 5310.. 455... 430640 WASTE WATER TREATMENT ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Director/City Engineer 0.10 0.10 0.10 $4,968 $5,147 $5,147 WWTP Manager 1.00 1.00 1.00 $34,269 $36,532 $36,532 Assistant City Engineer 0.20 0.20 0.20 $7,294 $7,869 $7,869 Administrative Coordinator 0.25 0.25 0.25 $5,991 $6,159 $6,159 Working Foreman/differential 0.00 0.00 1.00 $0 $0 $1,070 Operator/Maintenance 4.00 4.00 3.00 $103,572 $108,081 $112,392 Lab Tech 1.00 1.00 1.00 $25,168 $26,476 $27,311 Clerk II 0.10 0.10 0.10 $1,938 $2,059 $2,132 Pager pay-$95 per week $4,940 $4,940 $4,940 merit & comptime buyout $9,000 $0 $3,000 subtotal salaries 6.65 6.65 6.65 $197,140 $197,263 $206,553 Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt $15,081 $15,091 $15,801 Unemployment tax $690 $690 $723 Worker's comp. $10,586 $12,013 $12,579.05 Oflt $986 $986 $0 WWTP total for line item 110 $224,483 $226,044 $235,656 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. CITY OF KALISPELL 210 SANITARY 1997 Sewer Bond-9 year refunding Principal Interest Subtotal Sewer WWTP 1991 Sewer Bond-20 year Principal Interest WWTP SRF Loan-20 year Principal Interest STORM SEWER Subtotal WWTP 1997 Bond-4 year refunding Principal Interest Subtotal Storm Sewer Total Debt Service $60,000 $35,830 95 830 $120,000 $146,883 $169,000 $116,400 552 283 $35,000 $3,325 38 325 CITY OF KALISPELL 211 PROGRAM F SERVICES 5349 STORM SEWER FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: Operating STORM $403,661 $528,315 $528,315 $596,046 REVENUE: Storm Assessments -billed $246,736 $244,816 $247,353 $247,353 Penalty & interest $1,368 $0 $1,721 $1,200 Decrease(increase) in A/R $31,631 $0 ($8,386) $0 Board of Investments Loan $0 $0 $0 $40,000 Subtotal cash available $683,396 $773,131 $769,002 $884,599 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION EXPENSES: Operations $147,401 $228,693 $160,281 $693,851 Debt Service $29,680 $34,675 $34,675 $42,142 Subtotal Expenses $177,081 $263,368 $194,956 $735,993 * Add Depreciation to cash $22,000 $22,000 $22,000 $31,618 CASH CARRY OVER $528,315 $531,763 $596,046 $180,224 * Depreciation and Replacement unfunded, add back to cash for cash flow purposes. 212 FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $63,734 $69,295 $68,665 Materials and Services $34,372 $43,033 $42,568 Capital Improvements $40,175 $94,365 $551,000 Debt Service $34,675 $34,675 $42,142 Depreciation $22,000 $22,000 $31,618 $194,956 $263,368 $735,993 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The Storm Sewer Maintenance Division is responsible for the maintenance and operation of the Storm water collection, transmission, detention and disposal facilities of the City of Kalispell. The purpose of this system is to collect and properly dispose of storm water from snow melt, rainfall and other sources without going through the wastewater treatment plant. The division maintains over nine miles of storm water facilities including catch basins, inlet, culverts, storm drains, detention basins and outfalls. The storm sewer operating budget for personnel and maintenance is relatively the same as the previous year. A 10% increase in debt service for new debt. Two years remain on the bond issue. Capital Improvements and purchases are detailed on the following pages. 10 I ,! ' x� Debt Service - purchase of Loader (cost shared with Water & Sewer Funds) Mt. Board of Investments program @4.8% for 7 years. 610 Principal $2,857 Six Months Principal payment 620 Interest $960 Six Months Interest payment Note: The FY2001 Budget will require a full years interest and principal - $7,634. Capital Outlay: 933 Facility Plan Consultants - $75,000 The City does not have a Stormwater Facility Master Plan. There are significant problem areas within the City and in areas that may become part of the City by annexation. Any solution of drainage related problems will be complex and costly and therefore should be based on a thoughtful analysis of the size of the problem and a comprehensive plan to implement solutions over time. 934 Capital Improvements - $15,000 $ 15,000 - Ashley Creek Storm water outfall - 50/50 cost share with State to mitigate impact of oily shop run-off to small wetland area south of City Shop. (carryover) 940 Machinery & Equipment - $40,000 1/3 interest in Loader shared with Water and Sewer - financed 7 years. $120,000 total cost. Justification detailed in Water Budget. 950 Construction in Progress-$26,000 $26,000 - Lower Spring Creek Design, cost shared with Westside TIF. Improvements are necessary to correct and reduce flood elevations at Zauners/Hampton Inn area. 951 Construction - Highway 93 S - $395,000 $395,000 - US 93 South SD improvements. 214 FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $51,776 $56,651 $55,830 153 Health Insurance $8,840 $9,363 $9,588 155 Retirement $3,118 $3,281 $3,247 Subtotal Personal Services $63,734 $69,295 $68,665 Materials and Services: 216 Computer equipment $471 $500 $500 221 Safety Equipment & Supplies $0 $200 $200 231 Gas & Oil $2,641 $2,100 $2,100 241 Consumable Tools $58 $200 $200 320 Printing -blue prints, etc. $0 $150 $150 353 Auditing $500 $500 $500 354 Contract Services $3,631 $3,200 $5,000 355 Billing Costs -assessments $800 $800 $1,600 360 Repair & Maintenance Services $0 $1,000 $1,000 371 Curb & Gutter $0 $2,000 $2,000 410 Construction Materials $7,884 $15,000 $11,000 510 Property & Liability Insurance $2,829 $1,825 $3,000 522 Administrative Transfer $11,126 $11,126 $11,063 528 Data Processing Transfer $3,232 $3,232 $3,055 532 Lease Payments $1,200 $1,200 $1,200 Subtotal materials & services $34,372 $43,033 $42,568 430246 933 Facility Plan Consultants $0 $0 $75,000 934 Capital Improvements (carryover) $11,792 $55,000 $15,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $28,207 $37,500 $40,000 950 Spring Creek Engineering $176 $1,865 $26,000 951 Construction Highway 93 S. $0 $0 $395,000 Subtotal Capital Outlay $40,175 $94,365 $551,000 216 ' ► ► YeaM 19,! FUND: STORM SEWER 5349... STORM SEWER OPERATIONS... 453...430246 1 POSITION TITLE Engineer/Tech Maintenance & repair person Administrative Coordinator Surveyor merit subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Workers Comp Oflt TOTAL 110 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 0.20 0.20 0.20 $4,868 $4,991 $5,462 1.00 1.00 1.00 $28,658 $29,288 $29,302 0.25 0.25 0.25 $6,160 $6,160 $6,160 0.30 0.30 0.30 $8,537 $7,547 $7,547 $774 $1,765 $775 1.75 1.75 1.75 $48,997 $49,751 $49,246 $3,748 $3,806 $3,767 $171 $174 $172 $2,631 $2,672 $2,645 $245 $249 $0 $55,793 $56,651 $55,830 Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. C1T'Z­41F_ff*YASPELk 217 13 0 MWEN as1 REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: operating $13,972 $41,759 $41,759 $42,821 *R & D Account $60,036 $87,119 $87,119 $48,430 Fees for Services $529,374 $507,500 $533,662 $557,920 less allowance for uncollectible 20% ($88,117) ($90,000) ($150,595) ($107,000) less increase in A/R ($34,511) ($20,000) ($8,613) $0 Interest Earnings $6,318 $4,000 $7,730 $7,500 Total Available for Operations $487,072 $530,378 $511,062 $549,671 0411 1. * • ► Ambulance Service $324,938 $377,527 $340,122 $410,637 Capital Outlay (Replacement acct.) $0 $75,000 $63,689 $41,300 Capital Outlay $22,696 $0 $10,920 $24,475 Debt Service $10,560 $5,080 $5,080 $0 Replacement Reserve $27,083 $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 Total Expense $385,277 $482,607 $444,811 $511,412 Cash Carry Over: Operating R & D account Total $41,759 $35,652 $42,821 $31,129 $87,119 $37,119 $48,430 $42,130 $128,878 $72,771 $91,251 $73,259 REVENUE PROJECTION: 1668 TRANSPORTS 43% - 1,668 CALLS = 717 @ $305.00 = $218,685 57% - 1,668 CALLS = 951 @ $235.00 = $223,485 Misc. Mileage & Disposable charges $115,750 Total $557,920 CITY OF KALISPELL 218 FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Service $248,653 $277,015 $294,156 Materials and Services $91,469 $100,512 $116,481 Capital Outlay $74,609 $5,000 $24,475 Capital Outlay -Replacement funds $0 $70,000 $41,300 Debt Service $5,080 $5,080 $0 Replacement Reserves $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 $444,811 $482,607 $511,412 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: The ambulance service is operated by the Kalispell Fire/EMS Department. This revenue producing transport service responds 14 miles north, 14 miles east, 14 miles west and 25 miles south of Kalispell for 911 calls and further if requested. Transfers are conducted as far as Seattle, Billings, Missoula and Calgary, Canada. The ambulance service made 2045 responses during 1998, traveling 33,599 miles. This compares to 2035 responses in 1997. We have 4 ambulances located at City Hall to provide our State Licensed Class A Advanced Life Support Service. Revenue is estimated based on number of chargeable calls. Expenses for personnel are based on runs, however, not all runs require call backs. CITY OF KALISPELL 219 1. r Capital Outlay: 940 Equipment - $24,475 $ 5,000 - Convert oldest Ambulance to Rescue truck. We budgeted $5,000 for this last year, "but used that money for a new billing program. $13,500 - Defib Monitor. We have three defibs one older one that needs to be replaced. $ 3,975 - 2 Suctions and 1 Stair Chair Cot. The 2 suction units will replace our 2 oldest units. 1 Stair Chair Cot to be used for people who cannot walk or be moved laying down and or removal of patients up or down stairs or other confined areas where a cot will not work. $ 2,000 - Lap Top Computer to be used for training purposes and presentations. Capital Outlay - Replacement Funds - $41,300 940 $40,000 - Ambulance replacement . We would like to replace our #3 Ambulance, which is a 1992 Chevrolet with 73,000 miles. This vehicle has been wrecked then repaired and has had numerous problems since. 944 $ 1,300 - This would replace 2 of our older portable radios that we use for Ambulance work. 110 Salaries The Ambulance Department is requesting the addition of 2 Fire Fighter/Paramedics. This would give us a total 5 person per shift. We would allow one person off shift for vacation or comp time and use overtime for sick leave. This would assure us of always having at least a 4 person response. When we have a 5 person shift and the ambulance goes on a run we would only bring one off duty person back for coverage. We would do this by funding one person from the Ambulance budget leaving one person to be funded from the General Fund. This would help us with our I.S.O. Rating project. 220 10,61400 ": 1 FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $218,510 $248,075 $260,216 121 Overtime $12,764 $10,000 $15,000 153 Health Insurance $9,473 $10,640 $10,640 155 Retirement $7,906 $8,300 $8,300 Total Personal Services $248,653 $277,015 $294,156 Materials and Services: 210 Office Supplies $330 $350 $600 215 Computer Supplies $1,469 $400 $750 231 Gas and Oil $3,596 $5,500 $5,800 241 Consumable Tools $2,953 $2,500 $3,200 312 Postage $2,511 $2,500 $2,500 320 Printing $2,995 $2,700 $2,850 345 Telephone & Communications $635 $750 $800 353 Auditing $300 $300 $300 359 Collection Services $6,970 $10,000 $10,500 354 Contract Serv.Paramedic Ed. $3,765 $6,000 $7,500 361 MV Maintenance $1,144 $1,500 $1,750 362 Equipment Maintenance $3,171 $3,000 $3,600 369 Radio Maintenance $1,871 $1,600 $3,200 373 School & Travel $988 $2,000 $3,600 380 Training Materials $738 $2,000 $4,000 391 Treatment -Medical Supplies $20,255 $21,000 $25,000 399 Laundry $452 $450 $650 510 Property & Liability Ins. $7,864 $8,500 $9,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $6,500 $6,500 $6,500 522 Administrative Transfer $17,772 $17,772 $20,271 528 Data Processing Transfer $5,190 $5,190 $4,110 Total M & O $91,469 $100,512 $116,481 CITY OF KALISPELL 221 DETAIL,PROGRAM OF SERVICES EXPENDITURE i 1 ACCOUNT Capital Outlay: 940 Equip. -convert to rescue vehicle 940 Equipment 940 DefibMonitor (1) 940 Suction (2),Cot, Stair Chair 940 Lap Top Computer for Training Capital Outlay -Replacement funds: 940 Ambulance 944 Ambulance radio 490540 Debt Service: 610 Debt Retirement 620 Interest Expense 510400 831 Replacement reserve Total Ambulance ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $0 $5,000 $5,000 $74,609 $0 $0 $0 $0 $13,500 $0 $0 $3,975 $0 $0 $2,000 $74,609 $5,000 $24,475 $0 $66,000 $40,000 $0 $4,000 $1,300 $0 $70,000 $41,300 $5,000 $5,000 $0 $80 $80 $0 $5,080 $5,080 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $35,000 $444,811 $482,607 $511,412 PROGRAMSERVICES PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND: AMBULANCE 5410... 440...420730 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** POSITION TITLE FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 Ambulance Clerk II 1.0 1.0 1.0 $21,816 $22,336 $23,068 Fire Chief 0.5 0.5 0.5 $26,509 $26,907 $27,304 Assistant Fire Chief 0.5 0.5 0.5 $23,660 $23,660 $23,660 subtotal salaries: 2.0 2.0 2.0 $71,985 $72,902 $74,032 merit $3,061 $0 $0 1900 runs @ $76 $127,750 $144,000 $144,400 EMSTC $135 x 12mo $0 $0 $1,620 EMT-P Certification 10 x $135xl2mo $8,640 $9,720 $16,200 EMT -I Certification 3 x $65x12mo $1,260 $1,260 $2,340 EMT Certification 13 Recertification Fees @40 $0 $0 $520 EMT Pay 7 @$40 x 12mo $0 $0 $3,360 subtotal salaries: $212,696 $227,882 $242,472 Payroll taxes: Fica $1,669 $1,709 $1,765 Medt $3,084 $3,304 $3,516 Unemployment tax $744 $798 $849 Workers Comp $11,613 $13,649 $11,614 Oflt $1,063 $1,137 $0 TOTAL 110 $230,741 $248,480 $260,216 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as of Jan 1 st. The dollar amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. CITY OF KALISPELL 223 PROGRAMF SERVICES 5510 SOLID WASTE FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: operating $156,564 $267,274 $267,274 $322,888 *Replacement Account $78,112 $121,810 $127,939 $134,068 Decrease in Receivables $38,429 $9,605 * Loan payback -parking ($11,302) $6,129 $6,009 Refunds ($11,504) Inception of lease wash bay $145,000 $0 $145,000 Assessments $413,648 $413,648 $416,737 $416,737 Penalty & Interest $3,199 $2,500 $3,378 $3,000 Interest Earnings $14,404 $12,000 $20,500 $20,000 Total Available $693,054 $962,232 $840,058 $1,047,702 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Garbage Service $272,143 $352,000 $338,981 $371,723 Capital Outlay $31,827 $222,000 $55,625 $170,000 Capital Outlay -replacement $0 $0 $0 $160,000 Debt Service/Board of Investment $0 $57,000 $0 $55,000 * Replacement Funded 2000 $55,000 $45,000 $45,000 $100,000 Total Expense $358,970 $676,000 $439,606 $856,723 Cash Carry Over: Operating $267,274 $209,422 $322,888 $210,902 *Replacement Account $121,810 $121,810 $134,068 $80,077 Total $389,084 $331,232 $456,956 $290,979 * loan to parking commission made from replacement funds -payback to replacement * replacement account not funded FY99 CITY OF KALISPELL 224 r FUND: SOLID WASTE OPERATING 5510... GARBAGE 460...430840 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET -ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Personal Services $221,458 $229,201 $276,773 Materials and Services Capital Outlay Debt Service/Board of Investments Depreciation & Replacement $117,523 $122,799 $94,950 $55,625 $222,000 $330,000 $0 $57,000 $55,000 $45,000 $45,000 $100,000 $439,606 $676,000 $856,723 The Solid Waste Operating Division is responsible for the collection, conveyance and disposal of all refuse accumulated within the city in an efficient and sanitary manner. GARBAGE RATES The garbage rates are currently as follows: Residential: $70.00 per year Non -Residential: 200 Gal 300 Gal. 400 Gal. DUMPSTER 1 Yard 1 1/2 Yard 2 Yard 1 Weekly $145.00 $217.00 $290.00 2 Weekly $267.00 $400.00 $480.00 3 Weekly $400.00 $516.00 $668.25 4 Weekly $445.50 $668.25 $891.00 5 Weekly $556.88 $835.34 $1,113.75 CITY OF KAI 225 Line Item Detail: Solid Waste Fund 110 Salaries - $32,000 *** Street Department personnel working in alleys will charge their time to Solid Waste. 610 Debt Service / Principal $48,333 / Interest $6,525 - Wash Bay Costs for the wash bay and equipment to be spread over 3 years. 920 Buildings - $95,000 (carryover) Construction in progress- building to support a wash bay to clean out the garbage trucks. 940 Machinery & Equipment - $50,000 (carryover) & $25,000 new appropriation $50,000 - Wash bay equipment for new building carryover (fmanced) (carryover) $25,000 - Additional containers -various sizes Capital Outlay - Replacement Funds 944 Vehicles- $160,000 - Tandem Axle Garbage 'Truck Garbage truck to be funded with replacement funds. The replacement fund has been increased this year to account for the probability that another rear load truck will be necessary next year. The present spare rear load truck is 18 years old and is unsafe to operate on the highway. We will consider replacement with a late model used truck to be a spare since the last new truck, 1997 was also a rear load model. We should also anticipate a potential need for rate increase if equipment requirements exceed our anticipated replacement plans. 226 ACCOUNT Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages 121 Overtime/Call outs 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Total Personal Services Materials and Services: 216 Computer Equipment 221 Safety Equipment & Supplies 224 Janitorial Supplies 229 Other Supplies 231 Gas and Oil 241 Consumable Tools 331 Publications 341 Electricity 342 Water 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone 354 Contract Services 355 Billing Costs (County) 356 Consultants 360 Repair & Maintenance 366 Building Maintenance 367 Maint. By Street Dept. 369 Radio Maintenance 373 School & Travel 388 Medical services 510 Property & Liability Insurance 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Data Processing Transfer Total M & O ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $186,187 $189,318 $233,244 $2,471 $4,000 $4,000 $22,232 $25,519 $27,964 $10,568 $10,364 $11,565 $221,458 $229,201 $276,773 $213 $750 $500 $250 $250 $200 $162 $500 $250 $1,116 $1,000 $500 $9,040 $10,000 $8,000 $61 $500 $250 $92 $300 $500 $0 $1,550 $0 $0 $100 $0 $1,874 $2,100 $1,200 $0 $600 $600 $6,988 $4,000 $5,000 $1,320 $1,500 $1,500 $3,800 $0 $0 $0 $2,000 $2,000 $128 $1,000 $800 $38,808 $37,000 ***see note $40 $1,500 $500 $0 $0 $200 $87 $350 $500 $8,245 $12,500 $13,000 $27,000 $27,000 $28,000 $15,704 $15,704 $28,395 $2,595 $2,595 $3,055 > > 227 1 i OVER I pr%� FUND: SOLID WASTE OPERATING 5510... GARBAGE 460...430840 1 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Capital Outlay: Operating funds 920 Buildings -Washbay (carryover) $0 $95,000 $95,000 940 Machinery & Equipment: $55,625 $77,000 $0 Washbay equipment (carryover) $0 $50,000 $50,000 Containers $0 $0 $25,000 944 Vehicles - Garbage Truck (replacement acc $0 $0 $160,000 Subtotal Capital Outlay -operating $55,625 $222,000 $737-0,ou 490545 610 Debt Service/Wash Bay $0 $57,000 $55,000 490545 510400 831 Depreciation/Replacement acct. -funded $45,000 $45,000 $100,000 Total Solid Waste $439,606 $676,000 $856,723 228 r FUND: SOLID WASTE OPERATING 55 10 ... GARBAGE 460...430840 1 POSITION TITLE Director/City Engineer Assistant City Engineer Superintendent * Project Manager Administrative Coordinator Foreman ** Equipment Operators ** Engineer/Tech ** Street Employees working alleys ** merit & comptime buyout subtotal salaries: Payroll taxes: Fica/Medt Unemployment tax Workers Comp Oflt TOTAL 110 ***FTE*** ***BUDGET*** FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 FY97/98 FY98/99 FY99/00 0.25 0.25 0.25 $12,433 $12,868 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,118 $9,837 0.25 0.25 0.25 $9,783 $10,077 0.00 0.25 0.25 $0 $10,235 0.25 0.25 0.25 $5,159 $6,159 1.00 1.00 1.00 $28,580 $29,212 3.00 3.00 3.00 $76,898 $78,008 0.40 0.40 0.40 $9,734 $9,981 $4,723 5.40 5.65 5.65 $156,428 $166,377 $11,967 $547 $8,733 $782 $178,457 $12,728 $541 $8,626 $773 $189,045 $12,868 $9,837 $10,077 $10,235 $5,991 $30,057 $82,625 $10,924 $32,000 $2,000 $206,614 $15,806 $604 $10,220 $0 $233,244 * Salaries for non -union personnel reflect actual salaries as amount budgeted on the detail page provides for a partial year appropriation for those pay increases. Therefore, prior year numbers do not match this personnel page. ** Hourly wages for FY99 were based on 2088 hours; wages for FY00 will be for 2096 hours. *** FY2000 work for the benefit of Solid Waste by Street employees will be charged directly to Solid Waste Budget Fund. Estimated Personnel costs to be $32,000. 229 lei yIAIKI]a Cl"RI9ola PROGRAM SERVICES 6030 DATA PROCESSING FUND REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 CASH: Operating $8,260 $22,347 $22,347 $46,299 Cash, Replacement account $40,805 $48,805 $48,805 $41,357 Charge for services -other Funds $60,351 $53,930 $53,930 $52,470 Video Gaming revenue $58,007 $51,070 $51,070 $53,730 Hwy. Traffic Safety Grant $29,544 $0 $0 $0 Auction proceeds $100 $0 $0 $0 Interest $4,086 $4,000 $5,220 $4,000 Total Available $201,153 $180,152 $181,372 $197,856 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Data Processing $42,581 $46,500 $48,337 $48,500 Capital Outlay $80,246 $50,000 $45,379 $85,700 Debt Service $4,254 $0 $0 $0 Deprec./replacement reserve $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $35,000 Purchase prepaid maint. $2,920 $0 $0 Total Expense $150,001 $116,500 $113,716 $169,200 Cash Carry Over: operating $22,347 $42,847 $46,299 $15,999 Replacement account $48,805 $40,805 $41,357 $47,657 $12,000 funded from replacement account FY98. $27,448 funded replacement fY99 $28,700 funded replacement FY00 CIT"Z'IVF IPWILISPELL FUND: DATA PROCESSING 6030... FINANCE 403..410580, 410585 1 ACCOUNT Operating Expenses Capital Outlay Debt Service Replacement/Depreciation STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 $48,337 $46,500 $48,500 $45,379 $50,000 $85,700 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $30,000 113,716 $116,500 $164,200 Additional funds are appropriated for onsite maintenance mostly related to network problems and unanticipated need for service. We still need to do some Y2K checking on PC's and other software besides the accounting system. The internal service fund charges other funds for the services provided. Transfers from each fund are included in their budgets as expenditures. Items which are fund specific are prorated only to the funds receiving benefit. The BARS software and the dot matrix printer are charged to the utility billing function. For maintenance and operations, the percent attributable to each department is related to usage on the file server.. Water and sewer are the biggest users (20%) with the ambulance (6%)program next. The funds which have both A/P and payroll are at 3%, Airport only has A/P and is at 1%. The General Fund share is the remaining amount which we have funded with proceeds of Video Gaming as in the past. Line Item Detail: Data Processing 229 - Supplies - Computers $ 1,000 computer paper $ 4,000 ribbons, laser cartridges, injet cartridges 229 Supplies - Other Equipment $ 2,500 copy paper 120+ cases (600,000 pieces of paper!) $ 1,500 fax cartridges; ink rollers, tape and water for postage machine Postage Machine $ 500 maintenance on postage machine $ 1,200 meter charges postage machine Maintenance contract for UST has been reduced from $11,000 to $8,480 per year since we purchased the ADG system for utility billing and accounts receivable. In contrast, ADG only charges $825 per year maintenance with unlimited calls. The stability of our original software vendor is still very much up in the air. We may return at a latter date to solve this problem, hopefully after the Y2K rush is over. Call outs for maintenance for network problems, printers and other software problems are on an hourly basis. Equipment maintenance includes contracts for 5 printers. Maintenance for Progress is $480 per year, Maintenance for the NT Server is $1,440. On site network maintenance contracted out at $60 per hour. All 4 copiers are pooled and paid from the Data processing fund and recovered through the data processing transfer. The pooled lease arrangement includes all of the maintenance and all of the supplies. We may have excess copy charges if we exceed 34,000 copies a month. Lease amount $17,707 + amount for excess usage. Transfers: (Revenue) Airport $685 Building $3,055 Water $7,850 Water Billing $7,850 Sewer $4,425 Sewer Billing $7,850 WWTP $4,425 Storm $3,055 St. Maintenance $3,055 Solid Waste $3,055 Ambulance $4,110 UDAG $3,055 total transfers $52,470 General Fund share $53,730 $106,200 1901011 232 _T, r FUND: DATA PROCESSING 6030... FINANCE 403..410580, 410585 ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET ACCOUNT FY98/99 FY98/99 FY99/00 Operating expense: 410580 Computer 215 Computer/printer Supplies $5,347 $5,000 $5,000 354 Contract Services -UST, ADG, $16,146 $10,000 $10,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $5,228 $6,500 $8,500 381 Computer Training/school $0 $1,000 $1,000 410585 Copiers, Fax, Postage machine 229 Other Supplies (paper, etc.) $2,394 $4,000 $4,000 354 Contract Services -Postage machine $1,410 $1,500 $1,500 362 Equipment Maintenance $245 $500 $500 532 Copier Rentals (4) (includes supplies) $17,567 $18,000 $18,000 Total M & O $48,337 $46,500 $48,500 410580 Capital Outlay: 940 PC's main - network (replacements) $42,344 $6,000 $8,000 940 Contingency (replaced main file server-99) $20,000 $25,000 940 Police Dept. system (replacements) $0 $8,000 $8,000 940 Police Dept. -grant - Laptops $0 $0 $0 940 Park's Dept. PC & laser printer $0 $4,000 $4,000 940 Public Works -PC & file server update $3,035 $4,000 $6,000 940 Attorneys- PC (Rich & Judy) (replacement) $0 $4,000 940 Court -PC (replacement) $0 $0 $2,000 940 Fire Department-1/2 int. laptop (amb.) $0 $4,000 $2,000 940 Printers & hardware (laser -Council Clerk) $0 $0 $1,500 940 Dot Matrix Printer -computer room $0 $0 $1,200 940 Document imaging system $0 $20,000 940 Progress software/BARS (carryover) $0 $4,000 $4,000 Total Capital Outlay $45,379 $50,000 $85,700 490545 Debt Service: 610 Total Debt Service $0 $0 $0 510400 Deprec/replacement reserve 831 Replacement reserve $20,000 $20,000 $30,000 Total Budget $113,716 $116,500 $164,200 REVENUE PROJECTION ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY97/98 97/98 98/99 F'Y99/00 Cash on Hand $637,935 $639,505 $639,505 $602,979 Premiums $744,016 $732,500 $732,126 $750,000 Investment Earnings $36,234 $35,000 $36,226 $35,000 Decrease (Incr) in Est. Liab for claim ($5,623) ($5,852) Total Available $1,412,562 $1,407,005 $1,402,005 $1,387,979 EXPENDITURE PROJECTION Health Insurance $773,057 $800,000 $799,026 $800,000 Total Expenditures $773,057 $800,000 $799,026 $800,000 Cash Carry over $639,505 $607,005 $602,979 $587,979 W FUND: HEALTH INSURANCE 6050...403...500620 1 ACTUAL ACCOUNT FY98/99 Health Insurance $799,026 $799,026 STATEMENT OF FUNCTION: BUDGET FY98/99 111 111 This budget provides for payment of claims and administration fees to Blue Cross. Health insurance premiums are paid by the various funds on behalf of the employees of those departments. Retirees and elected officials who chose to be on the plan also pay premiums to this fund. Trends: FY97 Premiums Interest Expenses & Administration surplus/(shortfall) $735,278 $744,015 $32,295 ($760.356) $36,234 $7,217 ($773,056) $7,193 BUDGET FY99/00 ',:11 111 FY99 $720,000 $33,650 The City raised rates 2.5% July 1st 1995. We will raise rates this year 2 1/2% for single and 4% for two party and married. These rate are the cap allowed in the union contracts. old rates new rates monthly rate monthly rates Family rates $445.87 $464.00 2 Party rates $383.35 $399.00 Single rates $184.40 $189.00 l9 $8,650 235 �4k,