09/11/06 Sorensen/ReviewCity of Kalispell
Zoning Administrator
248 3�d Avenue East —Kalispell, MT 59901 —Telephone (406) 758-7732 — Fax (406) 758-7739
September 11, 2006
Richard Yanusaitis
Kaczmar Architects Incorporated
1468 West Ninth Street Suite 400
Western Reserve Building
Cleveland, Ohio 44113
Re: Hilton Garden Inn
Dear Rich:
We have continued our review of the Hilton project from a zoning and site review
perspective. Per your request, the committee will consider a limited approval for a perimeter
foundation and site work. While the comments from my letter of August 3 to David Maurer
stand in regard to a final permit (the numbering corresponds to that letter), the following
summary of zoning and site review issues should be addressed prior to granting the limited
(1) Public Works is comfortable with moving forward with the foundation and site work in
regard to impacts on the pump house. They will need final details as described in the
August 3 letter for the remainder permit.
(2) The City Attorney's revision of the legal description does not need to be fmalized for the
limited approval.
\v (3) Fire code issues will be addressed by the Fire Department. As I mentioned, they are
looking at additional hydrants in the northeast corner of the property and in the parking
lot to the west of the building where the break in the parking spaces occurs. They will
also require that the 20 ft aisle near the pump house be marked as a fire lane, and that an
FDC be provided by the front entrance to the building.
(4) Signs are subject to a separate process, and do not impact the limited approval.
(5) Final ARC approval is needed prior to the remainder permit, but is not necessary at this
(6) The outdoor lighting plan will need to be revised to show a maximum of .5 footcandles
at the property lines, and a maximum of 25 feet in height for the pole structures (the
height includes the base). The maximum height of the poles for a given location should
also be established by Peccia in regard to the airport height restrictions. Also, please
note the limitations under the lighting ordinance (in the zoning regulations) regarding the
flood lights and other architectural/landscape lighting.
(7) A landscaping plan should be amended to reflect the revisions to the east of the building,
and clear vision triangles should be maintained at both access points.
(8) It is particularly important that MDOT has reached a point where they are willing to
accept the accesses and the encroachments, including any underground electrical lines.
Please provide us with copies of their approval, or, if a full approval has not been
provided, an indication that they are willing to accept the design as presented.
(9) Paving will installed per city standards.
(10) Snow storage or removal is generally a maintenance issue, rather than design, and no
additional information is necessary.
(11) Drainage is being reviewed by Public Works. Approval of the drainage plan is critical
prior to paving of the site.
(12) Parking dimensions appear acceptable, with a final review pending receipt of the final
revisions shown on full-size drawings.
(13) We will need details on any new fencing prior to the remainder permit.
(14) We will need the stamped calculation from Peccia & Assoc. showing the maximum
building height allowed due to the airport prior to the remainder permit. While we will
not require the calculation prior to the limited approval, please bear in mind that fixing
the location of the building has the potential to reduce your available options if you need
to adjust the building height due to the airport height limitations.
(15) Please confirm the 20 foot setback from the front property line to the furthest projection
of the canopy by the front entrance.
(16) The zoning ordinance requires hotels to have designated loading areas based upon the
size of the building (25,000 to 40,000 sq ft is 1 required area; 40,000 to 100,000 is a
second area; and 1 additional area is required for every 100,000 sq ft thereafter). A
loading area is 12 ft x 35 ft. There may be multiple locations for the loading areas, but
one logical spot is near the southwest corner of the building. We have not scaled out
anything, but a rough sketch to give you an idea is attached.
(17) The casino signage issue is separate from the limited approval.
(18) Public Works will need to certify to the Building Department that all infrastructure
improvements are either properly installed or bonded for prior to issuance of any
building permit. They are reviewing the situation and are not anticipating a problem for
the limited approval.
(19) Improved pedestrian connection from the highway right-of-way to the hotel should be
(20)Other issues may arise as each department continues its review.
(21) Please provide at least 2 (and preferably 5) full-size sets of site/civil plans showing the
final revisions.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
PJ Sorensen
Kalispell Planning Office