Thursday, June 9, 2011
Lower Level Main Conference Room
201 First Avenue East
Sean Conrad, Senior Planner
Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent
Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager
Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer
Dwain Elkins, Plans Examiner
Tom Jentz, Planning Director
P.J. Sorensen, Chairman
Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary
PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: Silverbrook — They did all of their improvements
originally so as not to bond, and they do not have a two-year maintenance bond. They have some
settlement issues around some manholes, but Shellinger has taken care of them so far. Regarding
Diamond Ridge, their bond is expiring in July but their trail has been completed. Fincher will
check with Baker regarding Timberwolf/DNRC, whose bond is also expiring in July. Birk with
Spring Creek wants to reduce his Letter of Credit for park improvements. Parks is still trying to
get him to replace some of the trees. Public Works has no issues left with this project. Spring
Creek Apts. — They still need to put in six bike racks. Sorensen has sent them a reminder.
OLD BUSINESS: Auto Zone — 130 West Idaho — old King's Buffet building and old brick
building (formerly a BBQ Hut and before that, a seamstress shop). They are tearing down the
building and the house behind it and replacing it all with an approximate 7,300 sq. ft. building just
off the alley, towards the north of the lot. Wargo noted we are waiting for stormwater
information from them. Sorensen noted that Mitch, the Asst. Design Manager, will be in town on
Tuesday for an ARC Meeting in the morning. Parks, Fire and Planning are okay with this project
as far as Site Review is concerned, but hold for one more week.
FVCC — 777 Grandview; new maintenance building — They are not taking this through the
agency exemption process. This is a 10,000 sq. ft. maintenance and storage building. It is located
on the north end, closer to Wal-Mart. Wargo said that Public Works has already approved the
plans on this and they are talking to them about taking over the sewer lift station behind the
Occupational Training Building. Architectural Review will still be reviewing this further. This
item is approved through Site Review.
OTHER REPORTS: Courthouse Parking Lot — for the Earl Bennett Building — they have put in
rock rubble next to the sidewalk, which is not allowed per City Ordinance. Fincher had no response
from the County, but did speak with Carver Engineering about this and they understand the problem.
They will be putting in a curb or a metal strap. They will let the Parks Department know what they
House at Nevada and 1st Avenue E.N. They have put in a cement slap and steps, a courtyard and a
fence. All or most of this is in our right-of-way. Johnson and Sorensen will go view the property.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:25 a.m.