Date: May 19, 2011, 7:00 PM
Attending: Paul Burnham, Sharon DeMeester, Roxanna Brothers, Charlie Harball,
Terri Loudermilk
Absent: Karlene Osorio-Khor & Rick Wills
Minutes: Approved from February 17, 2011 IFAC meeting
Welcomed new member: Roxanna Brothers
Public Comment: There was no comments made by the public (none in attendance)
Discussion: Discussed roll of the Impact Fee Committee — Charlie went over guidelines of the Impact Fee
Committee as set forth by State Statute. The statute was drafted by the State Legislator because of the
inconsistencies between the cities and counties in Montana and a uniform policy was needed.
The Impact Fee Committee is an advisory committee and advises the council in impact fee issues.
The committee does not advise on policy. Policy is set by the council and is the council's responsibility.
Every two years fees are reviewed for appropriateness. We have done all but transportation.
Meetings are the 3rd Thursday of each month that we have a meeting. Months where there is nothing on the
agenda to discuss there will be no meeting.
A discussion as to how meetings should be conducted — 1. Roberts Rules of Order or 2. something less formal.
It was decided that we would follow the guideline of Roberts Rules.
Discussed attendance of committee members — members are appointed by council and council can remove
members. The committee could ask the council to remove a member for non-attendance.
Motions/ Recommendations/ Votes:
Committee will review and make recommendations at next meeting regarding attendance.
Meetings must follow Open Meeting rules.
Election of Officers — need to set length of office.
Agenda 1. Zoning change of uses — planning member to attend
2. Finance Review
3. Hold elections
4.Bylaw recommendations
Date of Next Meeting: June 16, 2011
Motion to adjourn: Roxanna Brothers seconded by Sharon DeMeester