TD&H Change OrderVof ZU1110 10 : LJ 011AIlu" k14.L1)4JV-107V r. VVl THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. In ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 690 north Mlondian. Suite 101 • Kalisooll, h4o^.tang 59901 • (405) 752-5245 . FAX (406) 752.5230 MEMORANDUM August 20, 1996 TO: Susan Moyer FROM: Ian Bailey, P.E. RE: Teton Terrace Development Change Order No. 1 Change Order No. 1 includes labor and materials for two separate items: 1. Electrical utility conduit and trenching from the transformers to the meter base Iocations at each residence. 2. An additional 6" gate valve to be used with the fire hydrant relocation on Iris Court. Justification is as follows: 1. The installation of electrical service trench and conduit has been moved from the actual home construction portion of the project to the infrastructure portion of the project to avoid requiring each home builder to dig electrical service trench through the graded and seeded common area. The change will also consolidate the electrical work under a single contractor versus up to 11 separate contractors. An ultimate project savings should be realized since the infrastructure contractor can install many of the service lines in a common trench with other electrical service lines and the backbone electric lines. The change will result in less trenching and less disruption of finish graded areas. 2. The 6" gate valve is required at the fire hydrant relocation on Iris Court to avoid disruption of service and disinfection procedures on the existing main serving Hawthorn West residents. There is no way to shut down the existing main close to the new construction. The entire existing main will require a 24 hour disinfection process if the existing valve is removed. The expense of the ;new valve is outweighed by the cost of temporary service, disinfection and aggravation to water users in Hawthorn West. The contractors prices for the above items are reasonable and consistent with the original bid prices. We recommend approval of this Change Order. Past -it' Fax Note 7671 Ta 7 _ From coiaeat.0 ` a. 0P Phorts # Phone d Fax k �O y Fax 4 "7 7 .Y THOMAS, DEAN & HOSKINS, INC. Ian J. BaeyNQP.E. KALISPELL, SPOKANE AND LEWISTON Accc --�� -Fi nzn6CITY OF KALISPELL E ';�-- AUGUST 20, 1996 TO: IAN BAILEY J�..�}-- vc ?,,�� —52- 3 � S ON' S CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 4. nJ vt V A PER YOUR FAX ON 8/19/96 REGARDING THE CHANGE ORDER FOR ° ELEC. SERVICE CONDUIT AND TRENCHPLUS AN ADDITIONAL GATE VALVE. a THEREI TALKED WITH SUSAN MOYER 8/20/96 REGARDING THIS C.O., AND # ! PROBLEM GETTING THE APPROVAL, REQUESTED# PREPARE A MEMO AS TO WHY AND HOW THE CHANGE ORDER CAME ABOUT, I.E., PACIFIC POWER'S REQUEST THAT THE ELEC. METERS WILL BE LOCATED FROM THE FRONT OF THE HOUSES TO ALONGSIDE, ETC., AND WHY THE ADD FOR 6" AUXILIARY GATE . VALVE AND VALVE # IN -PLACE. ` A MANAGER HAS REQUESTED THIS INFORMATION BEFORE PLEASE PREPARE THE MEMO ASAP AS THE NEW CITY 4e THE CLERK OF COUNCIL CAN PUT IT ON THE WORKSHOP 1 3. 1 AGENDA. PLEASE FAX TO ME AT 758-7739. v I #UNCIL'S WORKSHOP MEETING 8/26/96, BUT WON'T HOLIDAY,APPROVED UNTIL COUNCIL MEETING 9/9/96 (REG. MONDAY IS A # MEETING MOVED UP A t WHAT DO YOU WANT TO DO REGARDINGSAo la.a O DO THE WORK NEXT WEEK?? THANKS.. ASAP THANKS Q `r'Ht3MAS, DEAN & HOSKINS INC. im--1 :111; At] ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS 690 NOntl Meddian, Uitu 101 - KaliaptAl, Wxtttuid 5MI • (400) 7ri -5240 • f AX (app� 732-�230 FAt I •F. COVFR SUN; DATE: �fa PV T t. US. Al X V&i_ FAX to . _��•37 - - - Vid 2d qv ' F -Z-4At 9�14-s Y Thomas, Dean & Haskins, inc. 690 North Makik-ai, Suite 101 Karr-�, MT 59901 FAX No: (406) 752-5= Original to be Mated? Yes(9) Totaf Ntxnber of Pages Oncludmg this cover page): -3 RE: �n�y 72 ce' _ Se 1` by - U✓�C/YT 0 ij r OFFICES IN GREAT FALLS, BOZEMAN, KALISPELL A O SPOKANE NAME OF PROJECT: TEIQN-T—ERMCE Dk_VEJ.OPM.ENT OWNER-. C17Y. OF KALISPELL CONTRACTOR:. SANDONCONSTRUCHON COMPANY, INC. The following changes are hereby made to the CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: SCHEDULE jJ* WAVA AND--SE-NM-R- W MMM V I Add.- 535 L.P. Electrical SeMce Trench, In -place Add; 968 L.F. 3" Electrical Conduit, In -place (Jro Jusfflc�dien: Existing 6" gate valve to be left in place to maintain bacteriological integrity of adjacent existing main. Elccftir. service work is added to facilitate subsequent home conatniction bids and avoid excavation of finish graded common areas. naw Elmrical Service Trench, in Place 535 LF @ $2.00/LF $ 1,00.00 3" Electrical Conduit, In Place 968 LF @ $4,75/LF 4,598.00 6" Auxiliary Gate Valve & Valve Box, In Place I EA @ $6301EA 630.00 TOTAL $6,298.00 1 pilill 111111 iiii��illi � 11711�111 11; 1 11-11-111,�11-1 1 011 `11'111 i ilii:;:qi��i irir1 11 '33—IMMM CHANGE of CONTRACT TDAE: The CONTRACT TIME will increase by —0days. It I FT r M- Recomrnendtd By: lan, Baffey, P.E., Thomas, Dean & Hoskins, Inc. Ordered By: Susan Moyer, ofect MEager, City —ofKaUspefl Acwpted By; Greg Sandon, Sandon Construction Co., Inc. TOTAL P.03