Easement/Byrne and Kinchella„. - THIS INDENTL, bade the 29 day of April, 1944 by and between URJo r yrne and Lott_e e Byrne, his wife, of Flathead County, Mortara, parties of the first Dort, an,a Vivian r,in- aholla of the aaeln pldoe, porty of the gecorul purt, iITI�i 36LTF.: a 1EW'FclS, the parties- of the first part are the ovmcrs of the South 'r.rilf of the Northwest 4uarter (S heri) (le: s certain parcels) and the Sc•utY:^:est ^oc:rt:., of the .:orth- 3 east Quarter (5PI{N34) of Seetior. Twelve (1^), Towr.shi^ t Twenty-two (22) .rest ir. Flathead County, l.:onta%a; and S, the rarty of the second pert is the o:::er of t;:e r .1 os ir.. d•..:crit f;d ul estate in Flathead Count;;, ;,'ontcr,c, to -:.it: The I:oittea:; st cu,rtr of t!:aq e southest u::rtcr Lind the !:orLh !.ulf of tl.,: snuth;;est quarter of soot: ea t r:u::rter of Beotior: 12, ,:nd tr-ct out:,c:_.,t u.:. .r of .,cuth,._�st quarter of southoust vu::rter of said Section 1:2, described as ct the northe,•at corner of said southe::st quortcr of outt.eLst :u!_ tor; tht-no,. south loos, _'_st boundary of said subdivision 40 rods; thc:;ce ,..:st 1C ro is to ❑:r':. r_st co. _'er o:” st known as William Sh._rp tract, boing the p_..ce of t,:Cir..;inr� of tha her.:'.,; cric6ed; t, ence south 4C rods to an intersection; vritY: the souti: oo ... of ei,i .i5:.; _:; ; t .once west 20 rods to the soutl-e_ct corner of .:hit is ;:r.o::a .> t!,. ... ... Tnrr.,:ll tr: ct; thence north 40 rods to the northeast corner of sai lust :e::t' :.e . , _-ct; t1:a_.:!e -t :; reds to the p1Lice of begin:;inrc'; all. In.`ectlo❑ 1-2, To;:nnihl: and epntaininP C5 t:.,res, .:ore ., le:,,, to;~ett.r ;.-its n r..'. 1 ... r; :'.., _!! to use of .stars, etcr ditcl.cs ar. _ eme,;t., for snci: lit,r,, ;, and; both the m:rties of the first ,nl o .I ^ v_ �r part urr; tl. ��•;t�� o. oort:ir: water rights out of Sow.--,er 3prin Cre:}:, which ;.atcr rights _rc art=.r: :,t to their respective land; and R. �1uit r.5, the ik_-rties of the first uert conv-y thi „meter to •;i,ich tt.., rc : ta_tled , under their said ••,Lter rigt;t frog:, the Talbott-3yrn'e div,;rsion d;;r., ditch to the i oc the we. _ point west bourda* of the ,bove de crib 1,ni� �',, cI:„ to thr: parties of the first part, and thence eesterly _-cross; the ::ortl:erl; norti„u o." the said F land belonging to the parties of the first part to the test hou,dsr^ of ::o'' nd relon8 ing to the parties of the first urt and thence southern ne, oa Of P � y ^the .5'terly 1,ound.-ry said Southwest Q•uerter of the Northeast quarter to ut or near the so:;thetust corner of s,3Jd Southwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; and Y 7"HzRZAS in the pest the p' � P rty o. the second part end her >r.;,iece: sore cony,: , d, L their vrater tl:rough a ditch known as the Kinchella ditch while like,vi:{e croc•~ed t•he said land of the parties of the first Part, 'and it is considered by the hereto. thst. `. will be more convenient for the party of the second j•art to sconvey her wcAe r " aid dit - r a..- ...,.._. _ ch_of the ;w�ti.�.swpC� :t.,.i�.e:�`i-.:.spa :..:«= ;,� ._ ....�..,:.«.•:�::.�..z-�_... ...... �,.� � .__ _.. {;Fok �r_ Twenty-tv+o (£�) „est in Flutr.e:d cnunLy, r. ur�::•i� u,.1 tt. .. oe rt is ." ram. S the narty of the . :d �r tt.� o. estate in Flathead County, Yontuna, to -Wit: » . The i:ortl-east cus_�_. or t,.e southeast st quartor of ,,v�ctar Of jectiol U , am tr.., t :,, ...+;t: ,::;t n .r •; r of :, nt r,•:,;st querter of southeast _—=ter of said Sect:oc 1:'., def7cri '-d Lt the E northeast corner of said southeast quc^ter of c. uthe�st ::u_:t,:r; ti:e::c•. scut!: clo11 _..st boundt;r, of said subdivision 40 rods; tf.t;nCe ,...st lc i•o:S tD ,..r'...._ct ,,,,..per of t s ,mown as ltiilliam Sl:arp tr:..ct, beir,;, tl:e r_ ce of f ir::;in t:ence south 4C rods to an interscction •Mitt: the soy....,. of =i,• S�. -.; •..`.e!:_e crest 20 rods to the soatl:__ t ccrrer of .a:_ is 7. 1,:r-., 1 r ct; thersce north 40 rods to the northeast corner of sul. lest . cnt ::e t r ct; tt: .._+e t to the pace of ll. ;n.jectior. end cpatuinir.� C5 t!cres, .:ore __ lc.. •, tc•:-ct?--,r r r. .. _...: i.:a to use of .• t_. , ut_. ditcf.cs .:i:L :me:pt , for +c;. lit.' 3, and; both tLe parties of the f Irst _.:1 c�r..i cart r+: ti.., rc, of outer rights out of 3o',mer Springy Cre }:, rrt;icl: ;: t,:r rir,hts ; urL�.....;t to their respcctive land; anti %i'r!EREr.S, the ;,t rties of the first :urt coriv-y the , utur to „hick t;. ra entitled under their said -;:.-ter right frog. the Talbott-3yrne Iiv,;rsicn d%m d.:;er: tf:� T" 11•,ott,_3yrne ditch to the point on the `Nast boundury of the bovc d crib;: l:r.l; i:v'or:.r1: to fhe parties of the first part, and thence easterly _cross: tl•,e r.orttperly norti(a, of thu .,aid land belonging to the parties of the first part to the east bour;:f> r o' sni ! '+_:;d relor:g- ing to the parties of the first port, and thence southerly ne•+_r the oesterly t•ourni:.ry of said Southwest querter of the Northeast "uerter to at or near the southeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter; and '4'IaRE;;S, in tl:e pest the party of the second part enI her •,r.,de^ee.sor:; cnnv-,,'rI. their water through a ditch }mown es the Kinchella ditch while like.vi:+e cro:,'ad the said land,of the parties,of the first part, and it is considered by the ;,artirs hc-reto that It will be more convenient for the party of the second ,,art to convey her tauter. t),>rnlrrM said ditch of _the re. ."tios __.�.� .... '1'rs 7i7FORE: �,-- ---- —fir - �•Por 9Ad. —' _, _ .._ _ raa�Y• .«1Li r' .�� yj�i �'s.[a. 4 "ti ${�i ss �.±i' t -