Rails to Trails PostcardsI support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Zii '
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
A road crossing is being. proposed over the Great Northern Rail Trail.
F The Turner family is proposing a 455-unit residential development on
Foy's Lake Road that will include a collector roadway to US 2 over the
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peds, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) would be
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safety is paramount to Rails to Trails of
Northwestern Montana. While Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our right to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City Hall
know how important this trail is to you!
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
ND 'QOY y _
Ad r sg - 49
j,/cx.. /y7T 6942q..�f
City, State zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
iddikk! kill' �:i 1Jili0 ��. +��t SS�113ilT:471iiA
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
1111I11/1 1It
Signa a Gj
Na1T1�o2 �
Zrl :" -- -'!!� /-0C Ji
City, State Zip
1 h'_V zz
G 1; IiF
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
k_V +�
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
A road crossing is being proposed over' the Great Northern Rail, Trail.
The Turner family is proposing a 455:-unit residential development on
Foy's Lake Road that wiltinclude a co lector roadway to IDS 2 over the
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peds, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) would be
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safety is paramount to Rails to Trails of
Northwestern Montana. While Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our right to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City Hall
know how important this trail is to you!
A road crossing is being proposed over the Great Northern Rail Trail.
The Turner family is proposing a 455-unit residential development on
Foy's Lake Road that will include a collector roadway to US 2 over the
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peels, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) would be
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safety is paramount to Rails to Trails of
Northwestern Montana. While Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our right to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City Hall
know how important this trail is to you!
00; Ft U-FW A VAL1°`PSC)UkC l
Name S —�
Ad ress ,
Mc! V, S E'
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
II _.
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
1, AlT
we Y1
is PW
City, State
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tamrni Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
1l l+1lM3hl 1�33��!!33l1��i!llllll!ll , all, di..",IMIMI
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail, users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
{i!!ill3lfill !!!!llll!!!l
! l P M_-- --�
a. �_ a
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
City, State zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
iIi,ititIH1!i!?ihI!,i'iiIhIi1ifi=:111111INHIII0Ni 111
1�11.L ] Vl 1 L&xxl x" 1 1J11V1
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
IOU! 1:1!!1=iHlis=m'-4lt1a=.t':1,1a�iiiclls��li:sa1s3111�1E�1
City, Statelzip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
SignaturF 4 L . iLJl .� =.o a: _ �. ,.•�
Yl V 41 ^
Name m
l ATIt `D
A dress�� Y A
City, State EP
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
gho,►' Fri cKIZ P M
Name Q
� - 1 b Ac1�,le„ +4i Ilse• ` �' ,1k �'' =�" ',�: �� .
Address i E
V'Ud gcll , Kr s99ot
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
—� tp
Nag aZO
Address --
City, State p
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Si ture
f D , yZ�
re A ss
�� u dulls ,MT 51411 Z,
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
d res r _
C ty, State Zi
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
141l1313I331lt3flt3i!!l3UlifM,Iji3liill lill!!1l�JA
a.� 2.-�"'"' -"�- Qom.--• ,y�;
Si az�uure G� � M �
Na 7G.-Y ��: -r .Mpv O
Add ss
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Signature SG� . �% ' h
rlJordan A;0 y
sx 130373 ? I U
a, MI 59913
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
A road crossing is being proposed over the Great Northern Rail Trail.
The Turner family is proposing a 455-unit residential development on
Foy's Lake Road that will include a collector roadway to US 2 over the
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peds, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) would be
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safetyis paramount to Rails to Trails of I
Northwestern Montana. While Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our right to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City Hall
know how important this trail is to you!
A road crossing is being proposed over the Great Northern Rail Trail.
The Turner family is proposing a 455-unit residential development on
Foy's Lake Road that will include a collector roadway to US 2 over the I
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peds, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) wouta ne
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safety is paramount to Rails to Trails of
Northwestern Montana. While Rails to Trails of Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our ri ht to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City Hall
know how important this trail is to you!
www.railstotrailsofnwmt.co ���,�
f /
V� f cf �d l2 G�-
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
O -
Name -
Address )1t�
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Su'odivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
1Ci!IlI:!if lli!!tiff I!li i!"iiilliilt!il!1!!1!!!£i
N me _
City, State Zip., 28
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
lU7 c-'-9 itmov
A r susZ. : 10
ity, State Zip 5 --fi'O
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
A road crossing is being proposed over the Great Northern Rail Trail.
The Turner family is. proposing a 455-unit residential development on
`Foy's Lake Road that will include a collector roadway to US 2 over the
trail. As currently proposed, 750 feet of trail would be sloped down to
cross the new road and would adversely affect the experience of the trail
users. All users (peds, cyclists, strollers, wheelchair users) would be
forced to come to a stop after a decline hundreds of feet long; then head
uphill from a dead stop. User safety is paramount to Rails to Trails of
Northwestern Montana. Whilesails to Trails of. Northwest Montana
respects the property rights of our neighbor to develop his property, we
need the developer to respect our right to a safe and efficient trail system.
Support our request for Kalispell City Council to require a safe bridge
crossing that separates vehicles and pedestrians. Let Kalispell City H 11
know how important this trail is to you! �e
a-1, V
Signature f �1 _ t V/k -C
Address ! T Imo'
City, State Zip l `
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
A ress
City, State Zip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
.SJgllat e //
City, Statelzip
I support separation of cars and trail users
at Willow Creek Subdivision
Mayor Tammi Fisher
Kalispell City Hall
201 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901