04-21-11 Parking Commission MinutesKALISPELL PARKING COMMISSION
Date: April 21, 2011
Location: KPC Conference Room
In attendance:
Chairperson Mark Pirrie,
Ron Trippet, John Hinchey
and Joel Schoknecht.
Minutes recorded by: Karen Durado, KPC Office Manager
1. Call to Order:
Called to Order at 7:35 a.m., By: Mark Pirrie, Chairperson
2. Approval of the Agenda:
Moved by Ron, second by John. Approved by all Board Members present.
3. Approval of March 17 Board Meeting:
Moved by John, second by Ron. Approved by all Board Members present.
4. Hearing of the Public:
Mr. Brooks Brann attended the meeting to express concern over the 2 handicapped parking spots south
of the library being marked 2 hours. Mr. Brann contacted the Disability Rights of MT and says that we
are in violation of the state law and the Disability Rights of MT. He wants the 2-hour signs taken down
after we confirm that we are in violation. He thinks the city needs to be more compassionate to the
disabled and feels he should be allowed to park as long as he wants. He received a 2-hour
violation on 3/24/11 and again on 4/20/11. He intends to take both before Judge Albright because he
has a handicapped permit and does not think that time limit should apply to him. He suggested that we
contact Kathy with Disability Rights Montana. He thinks it may go against The Americans with
Disabilities' Act and if the city has an Ordinance that requires handicapped permit holders to move
every two hours it now becomes a Federal issue. He feels this could bring trouble to the city and
bad exposure. Mark will contact Charlie Harball (City Attorney) and make sure that we are following
the law. He also expressed concern over Jack and his vehicle. He suggested that Jack use his yellow
warning lights on his vehicle when issuing a ticket and doing avoid a turns.
5. Approval of Financial Statement of March 2011:
Moved by Ron, second by John. Approved by all Board Members present.
6. Updates from KPC:
Street Update — Jack
Jack informed the Board that the Job Service has moved their handicapped parking spot out of their lot
and onto the street.
KPC Office Update - Karen
See attached Office Managers Report
Unfinished Business:
Glacier Bank and Valley Bank Lot Contracts
The banks have not placed the appropriate signs in the lots that will allow Jack to start issuing tickets.
The current signs state that on April 8th The Parking Commission will start enforcing the parking lot.
They do not state the fine amount as requested by Judge Albright. Mark will follow up with Jim Ness to
get the status.
First Interstate Lot Contract
The contract has been signed and the signs have been ordered. Jack will start monitoring them as soon
as the signs are in place.
Eagles Lot and Valley Bank machine covers
Jack expressed concern over the newly installed ticket machine covers. They are not preventing water
from getting into the seams on the top of the machines. Ron will purchase magnetic strips to seal the
seam on top while still allowing the machine to be opened for maintenance.
Parking lot striping
Ron made a motion to approve striping up to $2,000, 2nd by John. Approved by all Board Members
present. This amount will allow for striping to be done in the Valley Bank, Eagles and Mountain Valley
Lots. These three were determined to be the most in need of striping.
Ticket Machine Purchase
Deb Deist (City Treasurer) provided us with a copy of the advance that we received from the general
fund for the purchase of the new ticket machine. We received a 5-year loan at 1.95% with semiannual
payments due on June 30th and December 31st with the final payment due on December 31st, 2015.
Lot Maintenance
Ron Trippet (R.N.T., LTD) provided The Board with a Proposal of $2,000.00 for spring/summer lot
maintenance. Payments due as following: April 30, 2011 $500.00, May 30, 2011 $1,000.00 and June
30, 2011 $500.00.
Kelly Main Street Property
With The Boards approval, Ron would like to visit with Ray Thompson (Sykes) construction crew to get
a ballpark figure of the cost for the partial demolition of Sykes. Ron will speak with them but not
discuss any numbers regarding possible sale of any city lots. Ron spoke with David Stone (realtor for
Eric who has the Kelly Main Street building in his inventory). They would not offer any dollar amounts
as far as asking price but said they will consider cash offers.
7. New Business:
The next meeting will be on May 19th
Adjourned at 8:15 a.m. moved by Ron, second by Joel. Approved by all Board Members present.
Respectfully submitted:
Karen Durado
KPC UPDATE: April 2011
Street Update — Jack
Office Update — Karen: See Reports. Questions for Karen?
Tickets: 408 tickets written for a total of $4,120, 54% collected
Parking Permits: Permits up $1,047.00 from last month, up $587.00 from last April
Collections: CPI income for April, $403.38
The Boot: The boot was used 6 times for a total of $500.00 ($290 fines, $210.00 boot fees)
Occupancy Report: Westside capacity is at 78% and Eastside is at 99% for a combined total of 87%
Meters: down $42.80 from last month, up $256.67 from March 2010
Notices: Current for those that we have addresses for
Lot striping
I spoke with Bill (Pavement Marking) and informed him that we have decided to stripe the Valley Bank,
Eagles and Mountain Valley Lots. He needs the temperature to reach 60 before he can begin striping. He
will schedule them as weather permits.
Parking meter
We had a double parking meter taken from the Central School Museum. We have 2 meters but not a
double housing. The Model 76 housing we have is missing a door and was discontinued so we are not
able to purchase a door for it. I received the following quote from Duncan Technologies to purchase a
new one.
Model 90 Duplex double meter housing:
$455.00 without a coin can
$491.50 with a sealed can