Staff Report/Final Plat`-otai 414 Montana 5990 Phone: (406) 758-5980 Fax: (406) 758-5781 February 11, 1998 Clarence Krepps, City Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 RE: Final Plat Approval for Tire Rama Subdivision Dear Clarence: Our office has received an application from the Jackola Engineering for final plat approval for the above referenced subdivision. This is a two lot commercial subdivision located on the east side of Highway 93 South and south of First Avenue East in Kalispell. The property is zoned B-2, a General Commercial zoning district with a minimum lot size requirement of 7,000 square feet. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract 5XA located in Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Our office waived the preliminary plat subject to five conditions on October 24, 1997 because it has been found that the subdivision can meet the criteria for preliminary plat approval waiver as outlined in Section 2.06 of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations. Specifically, it can be found that the following conditions exist:: 1. The plat contains five or fewer lots. 2. There is no public dedication of streets or public or private parkland. 3. All lots have legal and physical access conforming to the subdivision regulations. 4. Each lot has a suitable building site and there are no environmental hazards present. 5. Municipal sewer and water are adequate and in place. 6. The subdivision complies with the subdivision regulations and current zoning regulations 7. No significant effects are anticipated on agriculture and agricultural water user facilities, local services, the natural environment, wildlife and wildlife habitat and the public health and safety. The City Council will need to adopt findings of fact for approval found in attached staff report KWP98-1 concurrent with the final plat approval. The following is a list of the conditions of approval and a discussion of how they have been met. • ,# • • • • • Condition No. 1. That an approach permit be obtained for the City of Kalispell Public Works Department for the approach onto First Avenue East. Providing Community Planning Assistance To: • Flathead County • City of Columbia Falls • City of Kalispell • City of Whitefish • Final Plat for Tire Rama Subdivision February 11, 1998 Page 2 This condition has been adequately addressed. 'Me existing approach onto First Avenue East was reviewed and approved by the Public Works Department during the construction of the Tire Rama building and is adequate to accommodate any activity associated with the development of the second lot on the site. Condition No. 2. That a storm water drainage plan be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department. This condition has been adequately addressed. The developers of this site have hooked up to the storm water drainage system in the are with the approval of the Kalispell Public Works Department. Condition No. 3. That an additional five beet be added to the utility easement to accommodate existing utilities on the property. 0 This condition has been met. The easement has been indicated on the final plat in compliance with this condition. Condition No. 4. Obtain a Certificate of Subdivision Approval from the Department of Environmental Quality for water and sewer facilities. This condition has been met. A letter from MDEQ dated l/ 12/98 states that the subdivision is in compliance with the Sanitation in Subdivisions Act has been met because it is in a master planned area and fulfills the master plan exclusion. Condition No. S. This waiver of preliminary plat approval is valid for a period of three years and shall expire on October 23, 2000. This condition has been met. The final plat has been subdivision prior the expiration of the preliminary plat approval. COMPLIANCE WITH APPROVED PRELEMMARY PLAT The final plat is in substantial compliance with the preliminary plat which was review and approved. COMPLIANCE WITH THE SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS: This subdivision plat has been found to be in substantial compliance with the State and City Subdivision Regulations. COMPLI)4ACE WITH THE ZONING REGULATIONS This subdivision has been found to be in compliance with the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance for the B-2, General Commercial district. Final Plat for Tire Rama Subdivision February 11, 1998 Page 3 I za XOTSU57 i DR I joy-N 0 wz? All of the conditions of preliminary plat approval have been adequately met. The Flathead Regional Development Office recommends that the Kalispell City County adopt the attached staff report KWP-98-1 as findings of fact and approve the final plat for Tire Rama Subdivision. Please schedule this matter for the next regular City Council of February 17, 1998. You may call me at (406)758-5980 if you have any questions regarding this subdivision. Sincerely, Narda A. Wilson, AICP Senior Planner NW/ Attachments: 1 opaque mylar 1 reproducible mylar 1 blueline Staff Report KVJP-98-1 Final plat application Letter from FRDO for pre plat waiver dated 10/24/97 DEQ approval #E.Q. #98-1952 dated l/ 12/98 Title Report from Alliance Title and Escrow Corp. 12/3/97 Treasurers Certification c: Jackola Engineering, 317 First Ave. E., Kalispell, MT 59901 Tire Rama, P.O. Box 23509, Billings, MT 59104-3509 Debbie Gifford, Kalispell City Clerk H:\ ... \KW98-1 �11 iDui FRDO SUBDIVISION REPORT #KWP-98-1 REVIEW AND FINDINGS OF FACT FEBRUARY 10, 1998 A report to the Kalispell City Council for Findings of Fact for the Tire Rama Subdivision final plat. Preliminary plat approval for this minor subdivision was waived on October 24, 1998, subject to four conditions and compliance with the Kalispell City Subdivision Regulations. A. AppUcant: Tire Rama P.O. Box 23509 Billings, MT 59104-3509 (800)828-1642 Technical Assistance: 149PIT M Jackola Engineering 317 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 59901 (406)755-3208 The subdivision is located on the east side of Highway 93 South and south of First Avenue East in Kalispell. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract 5YA located in of Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County. Total area: 1.728 acres Lot 1: 0.513 acre Lot 2: 1.215 acres D. M'sting and Adjacent Land Uses: Currently this property has a building for Tire Rama tire service store on proposed Lot 2. Proposed Lot 1 is undeveloped. There is a variety of service and retail uses in the immediate area. Zoning: The property is located in a B-2, General Business zoning district which allows a variety of commercial, retail and office uses. This subdivision is in compliance with the zoning with regard to parcel size and use. . F. Relation to Master Plan Map: The property is designated as Commercial on the Kalispell City -County Master Plan Map. These lots are in compliance with that master plan designation. G. Utilities: Water and Sewer: Electricity: Telephone: School: Police: Fire Protection: (0,3VA 1 *1 'AV-, IV I'0B►1 " - ;v City of Kalispell Pacific Power and Light PTI Communications School District #5, Kalispell City of Kalispell City of Kalispell This application is reviewed as a minor subdivision in accordance with statutory criteria and the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations. F-31 Lq Fill Fire: The area is anticipated to be at low risk from wildfire due to the urban location, lack of woody fuel and good access to the site. The proposed subdivision is not expected the significantly impact the service provided by the district. There Kalispell Fire Department has a fire access easement through the property which is indicated on the final plat. Vegetation and topography: The site does not have significant native vegetation. The property is relatively flat and has historically been undeveloped. The proposed subdivision is not mapped big game habitat winter range and does not appear to provide habitat to significant wildlife other than some birds and small animals. IBPM The subdivision will be served by City of Kalispell water and sewer. No impacts on the natural environment appear to be related to the subdivision of this property. Sewer and Water: The City of Kalispell will provide water and sewer service to the newly created lots. No significant impacts can be F� anticipated to the City with regard to water and sewer services as a result of the creation this subdivision. Roads: Access to the site is provided directly from Highway 93 South by way of a shared access to the south and direct access from First Avenue East. Both approaches are in place. The existing roadways are adequate to accommodate additional traffic which might be generated from the site as a result of the development of the additional parcel. epartment of Transportation has been obtained for the proposed Schools: This property is within the boundaries of School District #5, Kalispell. This subdivision is anticipated to create no additional school - age child for this district since this is a commercial subdivision. Parks: Parkland dedication is not required for commercial subdivisions. Police Protection: The property is served by the Kalispell Police Department. It is not anticipated that this subdivision will significantly impact the service provided by the police department. Fire Protection: The property is within the service district of the Kalispell Fire Department. The subdivision is not expected to significant impact fire service. Refuse Disposal: Refuse disposal will be provided by the City of Kalispell. The proposed subdivision is not expected to impact the landfill. Medical Services: Emergency medical service is provided by the Kalispell Regional Hospital; Ambulance and Life Flight services are also available. This is within a highly urban area of Kalispell which has continued to grow commercially. This subdivision will not have an impact on agriculture in the Valley. F. Compliance with Master n: The property is designated as Commercial on the Kalispell City County Master Plan map which anticipates a variety of retail, commercial, office, professional services and businesses which require the outdoor display of merchandise. This subdivision is in conformance with the Master Plan. • , • Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Council adopt Staff Report KWP 98-1 as findings -of -fact for the proposed subdivision and approve the final plat. f40� Flathead Regional Development Office 723 5th Ave. East Room Kalispell,•«0 Phone: (406)758-5980 Fair. (406)758-5781 Subdivision Name: Contact Person: Tire -Rama Owner. APPLICATION MATTw'ai �.' JqN� 19 oil IkZ .1 Jackola En F.. R D. 0, Name: gneerincl Co. .Tire -Rama Address: 317 1st Ave .__E .. Kalispell, MT 59901 PO Box 23509 Phone No.: 406-755-3208 illinaS, MT 59'104-150-4 1-800-828-1642 Date of Preliminary Plat Approval: Waived as per 10/24/97 letter, Type Subdivision: Residential industrial Commercial x PUD:�. Other No. of Lots Proposed: 2 Park Land- (ac.): Land in Lots: (ac.) 1,728 Cash -in -lieu: $ Exempt: EXEMPT FILING FEE ATTACHED: $ 4 2 0.0 0 Note: Minor Subdivision - $200 +10/lot Major Subdivision - $300 + 10/lot Prel. Plat Waived - $400 + 10/lot Not Attached Applicable (MUST CHECK ONE) Health Department Certification (Original) _X— Title Report (Original, not more than 90 days old) X_ Tax Certification (Property taxes must be paid) _X Consent(s) to Plat (Originals and notarized) ,X Sub. Improvements Agreement (attach collateral) X Parkland Cash -in -Lieu (check attached) _XCovenants (Original signature provided) X Homeowners By-Laws/Articles of Incorporation (Originals) __X__ Plats: 1 opaque cloth back (hard back) 2 mylar copies 3 bluelines 1 Flathead Regional Development Office Kalispell, Montana 59901 Phone: (406) 758-5980 Fax:(406) 758-5781 October 24, 1997 Kristian Jackola. Jackola Engineering Co. P.O. Box 1134 Kalispell, MT 59903 RE: Preliminary Plat Approval Waiver for Tire -Rama Subdivision Dear Kris: This letter is in response to your request for waiver of preliminary plat approval for a two lot commercial subdivision for Tire -Rama. The property is located on the southeast comer of Highway 93 and First Avenue East in Kalispell and is zoned B-2, a General Commercial zoning district. The property proposed for subdivision can be described as Assessor's Tract 5XA located in Section 17, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. Due to the relatively minor impacts that this subdivision poses, preliminary plat approval is hereby waived as provided for under Section 2.06 of the City of Kalispell Subdivision Regulations subject to the following conditions: 1. That an approach permit be obtained from the City of Kalispell Public Works Department for the approach onto First Avenue East. 2. That a storm water drainage plan be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department. 3. That an additional five feet be added to the utility easement to accommodate existing utilities on the property. 4. Obtain a Certificate of Subdivision Approval from the Department of Environmental Quality for water and sewer facilities. 5. This waiver of preliminary plat approval is valid for three years and shall expire on October 23, 2000. Waiver of preliminary plat approval does not constitute approval of the subdivision. Please note that, for final plat approval, all requirements must be met per Section 2.07 and Chapter 3 of the City of Kalispell Subdivision Regulations. Providing Community Planning Assistance To: ®Flathead County ® City of Columbia Falls ® City of Kalispell ® City of Whitefish MIMTF rim —inarfffa-MT Mai—ver • 21, 1997 Page 2 19 We are returning the preliminary plat application and application fees with this letter which you previously submitted to our office. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please call Narda Wilson at this office. Sincerely, -4040 gaitzs sell M 6 Dom DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY PERMITTING AND COMPLIANCE DIVISION MARC RACICOT, GOVERNOR STATE OF MONTANA METCALF BUILDING 1520 E SIXTH AVE (4")444-30s0 January 12, iM PO BOX 200901 FAX (406)444-1374 HELENA, MONTANA 5%20-0901 JACKOLA ENGINEERING INC BOX 1134 KALISPELL MT 59903-1134 RE: Tire -Rama Masterplan Flathead County E.Q. No. 98-1952 Dear Sir: This is to certify that the information and fees received by the Department of Environmental Quality relating to this subdivision are in compliance with the Sanitation in Subdivisions Act, Title 76, Chapter 4, MCA 1995, and the administrative rules, ARM Title 17, Chapter 36, Sub -Chapters 1, 3, & 6. Under ARM Section 17.36.603, this subdivision is excluded from ARM Tittle 17, Chapter 36, Sub -Chapters 1 and 3, is not subject to sanitary restrictions, and can be filed with the county clerk and recorder. Since this subdivision is in a master planned area, and has fulfilled the requirements of the master plan exclusion, the plat can be filed. Please note, however, the requirements of the Public Water Supply Act, Title 75, Chapter 6, MCA No construction of water supply or sewage disposal facilities can commence until the Department has approved plans for those facilities submitted under Title 75, Chapter 6, and ARM Title 17, Chapter 38, Sub -Chapter 4. Plans and specifications must be submitted when extensions of any system of water supply, water distribution, sewer, wastewater or sewage treatment or disposal is proposed. Construction prior to approval is prohibited, and is subject to the penalty prescribed in the Public Water Supply Act, Title 75, Chapter 6, Section 113, MCA. Where these plans have received approval from DEQ no further review is necessary. Where they have not received approval it is necessary to obtain approval prior to any construction. Sincerely, Linda MRS Environmental Engineer Subdivision Section Water Protection Bureau cc: City Engineer, City of Kalispell file AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER' ESCROWALLIANCE TITLE & CORP. Second45 P.O. Box : • Kalispell, Montana 59903-0879 4 0 • • • FAX (406) •: • JACKOLA ENGINEERING CO ATTN: CHRIS JACKOLA 317 1ST AVE EAST KALISPELL NIT 59901 REFERENCE: Seller: Buyer/Borrower: ORDER NO: 66862jl Owners: $ Lenders: $500,000.00 INSPECTION FEE: EXTRA SEARCH FEE: CLOSING FEE: 12-03-97 The Tire Guys S $ 1,849.90 $ 25.00 DO NOT,PAY THIS BILLING The above are estimates of your title charges in connection with the attached order. These are estimated charges only. Your final billing will be sent when the transaction is closed. THANK YOU°°° ALLIANCE TITLE & ESCROW........ FOR YOUR INFORMATION: TITLE OFFICER: Jacqueline D. Lindsay ESCROW CLOSING OFFICER: 0- JJ TICOR TITLE t''ASURANCE Commitment for Title Insurance American Land TICOR TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Title Association California corporation, herein called the Commitment - 1966 Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedule A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof Issued by: ALLIANCE TITLE AND ESCROW CORP. 45 2ND STREET EAST P.O. BOX 879 KALISPELL, MT 59903-0879 (406) 752-7606 Authorized Signatory by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shall cease and terminate 180 days after the effective date hereof or when the policy -or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned below by an authorized signatory of the Company. TICOR TITLE INSURANC OMPANY By •�� President Est �� Secretary JJ�JJJJJ�JJ�J�JJJJJJJ�J JJ�JJJJ�IJJJ�JJ�JJJJJJ JJ�JJJJ ALTA COMMITMENT — 1966 Reorder Form No. 1396 File No.s 66862jl 1. Effective Dates September 25, 1997 at 8s r •. ... .. •# i_ -• Standard Coverage x Extended Coverage Premium: $1,849-90 End: MINE I Proposed Insured: First Bank of Great Falls oil it 1*01 wrs� rr• 4. Title to the estate or interest in said land is at the effective date hereof vested in: The Tire Guys, a Montana corporation Lot 2 of Tire -Rama Subdivision,according to • e rrar• or �a«rv"vwI4 r - r (1) RioTts or claims of parties in possession not dxwi by the public records- (2) Rxxoachments, overlaps, boundazy line disputes, and arry other matters 4W:h would be disclosed by an a=xrate9-xcNW or inspection ofthelr: -. es in- cluding, but not limited to, insufficient or impaired access or matters con- tz lictory to any survey plat shown by the public records. Easements, or .. of easements,o • by the public records. (4) Any lien, -or right to a Lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hex�eafter::e•"imposed f.. .i and :• not r <;: !'.. the public tel.:• " f.. (5) (a)Unpatented mining claims; (b)reservations or exceptions in patents or in Acts authorizing the issuance thereof; (c)water tights, claims or title to water, whether or not the matters excepted uxler, (a), (b) or (c) are shown by the public records. taxes(6) Taxes or special assessments which are not shuAn. as existing liens by the records of &-ry taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public rec9rds. Proceedings by a public agery-y which may result in or or r ` r^ of such proceedings, ,• or r shown by the records of such agency or by the public records. Paragraphs 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 may not appear as printed exceptions on extended coverage policies, except as to such parts thereof which may be typed as a Special C. Special•-. #; k ." I i° t�" i z Vvy 0,50 1 -:= File No.: 66862jl Date: 09/25/97 SCHEDULE B - SECTION 2 This Commitment is not valid without Schedule B- Seatim 1 1. General taxes for the year 1997, which area lien but nort yet payable. 2. es and assessments not yet certified to the County Treasurer collection. 3. EXCEPT all minerals in or under said land including, not limited to, metals, oil, gas, coal, stone and mineral rights, mining rights and easement rights otr other ma to, whether expressed or impLied. 4. ' Easement for all rights stated therein granted to MxwAzih States Company recorded June 23, 1939, in Book 236 at page 56, records of Flathead County, 5 An Easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto, as set forth in a t: Gran to: Mountain States Power Caupany The right and easement for right-of-way to install, maintain and operated facilities for an electric power and telephone line... Recorded: Septembex 12, 1952 Reception No: recorded in Book 343 at page 198, records of Fla y, Montana. .. An Easement for the purpose shown below and rights incidental thereto as set forth in • cc z ` Granted to: Pacific Power and Light Company Purpose: for operation, mainteriance and repair of its Lines Recorded: January 10, 1960 Reception No: recorded in Book 438 at page 194, records of Flathead County, •% y 7. 20' Sewer Easement as shown on Certificate of Survey No. 13009, records of Flathead County, Montana. 8. Term and conditions of Designation of Limited Access Hig]ht-ay recorded October 25, 1991 a • _ Recorder's No. ' • i records of -Flathead e_ • ou• r • ie 9. An Overhead Right -of -Way Easement for the purpose shown be1ow and rights irxddental thereto *as set forth in a document: Granted to: Pacificorp, a Corporation, dba Pacific- Power and Light Company Purpose: for operation, maintawm and repair of its lines Rgoorded: May 9, 1997 Reception kjo: 1997-129-1002-0, records of Flathead County, Montana. 10. Right -of -way for Highway 93 as shmn on Flathead County Assessor Is maps, records of Flathead County, Montana. 11. Terms and cionditions of Covenants, conditions and restrictions as set forth in the following: Document: Warranty Deed Recorded: October 17 ' 1996 Instrument No. 96-291-1155-0 AND RL—RecordW imiory 7, 1997 under Recorder's Fee No. 1997-"-1350-0, records of Flathead County, Montana, Including but not Limited to any assessments rxv or hereafter levied under the provisions of said restrictive covenants. But cmitting any covenant or restriction based on race, color, religicn, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is e-mempt untlex Chapter 42, Section-3607 of the United States Code or (b) relates to handicap but does not liscriminate against handicapped pexscns. 12. Res_-vaticn by The out1w Inn contained in warranty Deed recorded October 17, 1996 under Recorder's Fee No. 96-291-1155-0 AND Re -Recorded January 7, 1997 under Recorder's Fee No. 1997-007-1350-0, recowds of Flathead County, Montana, as follows "RESERVING.7 UNTO GRA11IM a rxm-exclusive easement for ingress and egress upon the eg paved approximately thirty-two (32) foot roadway within the demised 13. We find no survey of record of the txac to be insured. A survey, or plat may be required before conveyance can be recorded. r1aSUM1 14. ZX VIS1 Evidence of the authority of the officers of The Tire Guys, a Montana corporraticn, execute the forthccming irotnxient. Copies of the current Articles and: By-Laws 1 and certified copies of appropriate resolutuxis should be submitted for our fi-les. (Continued) ,0 • • 0 - 15. Water rights, water locations, and mining rights. • Reservationtea: in United States Patent, recorded e:• December . Book Page of Flathead County,Montana, • • s: ..... Subject to any vested and accrued water rights for mining, agricultural, manufacturing or other pirposesand rightsto ditchw . • resmNoirs used in connection wit: such water rights,as may recognized and acknowledged by • Va customs, lawsand decisions of Courts,and alsosubjecttothe rightof the #r r""•.rietor • (veinor •::•'-. toextract and remove his ore therefrom, should the same be found to penetrate or intersect tt* premises hereby granted, as provided by Law" 17. NOM: In order to expedite this commitment to you, no physical inspection of the lar has been made. A physical inqx�ction will be made priar to recording and this commitment is subject to such furtl-er matters as may appear at that time. A. Any off -record facts, enowtmances, easements or possessory claims, a survey or inspection of the premises uxx" disc].ose- B. Questions of location, boundary and area; overlaps and encroachments by tr • belonging • these it adjoining land; all dependent upon actual inspection or survey for determination. C. Rights or claims of persons in possession or claiming to be in possessicns, nort shown of record. D. Material or labor liens of which no notice is of record. 18. e Mortgage or D__• of Indenture :.it Acknowledgement of sf E• •: for Execution of Homestead should be placed of record and this commitment is sul:kJec to such further matter as may appear at that time. i C E File No.: 66862j1 Date: 09/25/97 SCHEDERE B - SECTION 2( ) NOTE:For _ purpose of assisting with tax •r • _ w s •r •, • - you • ;r following information: Tax amount •r the of 1996 $ 3,731.22 Tax amount for the seocnd half of 1996 $ 3,731.19 =I c C 0 'ro co Loa $552