04-26-11 ARC MinutesMINUTES
DATE: Tuesday, April 26, 2011; 7:30 a.m.
Kalispell City Hall, 201 1" Ave E
MEMBERS PRESENT: Janet Clark; Carol Nelson; Corey Johnson (Chairman); Mark
Norley; Bill Goodman
OTHERS PRESENT: City Staff —PJ Sorensen; Tom Jentz
Guests — Dewey Swank (Swank/Scotty's); Sharise Clostio
(Montana Midwives)
Hear the Public: None
Approval of Minutes: Janet moved to approve the April 12 minutes; Mark seconded.
Approved 5-0.
Old Business:
1322 Whitefish Stage — new freestanding sign. Sign was already built and does not
comply with sign ordinance. Applicant not present. Mark moved to remove from the
table; Carol seconded. Motion to remove passed 5-0. Carol moved to deny the
application based on code problems under the sign ordinance; Janet seconded. Motion to
deny passed 4-1 (Bill dissenting).
New Business:
Community Birth Center — 1320 2nd Ave E; building remodel and signage. Only
change on outside of building is paint. Samples shown. Columns to be painted white
(Carol suggested dark). Bill moved to approve; mark seconded. Approved 5-0.
Scotty's — 2205 Hwy 93 S; new smoking hut. Behind the building. Doing it for clean air
standards. Suggested to the applicant that they check to see if the design complies (there
may be issues under the clean air act which are not reviewed by the city for compliance).
Carol moved to approve; Bill seconded. Approved 5-0 (with understanding that there
may be minor changes due to clean air act standards).
Other Discussion:
Electronic reader boards — the mall is looking at a text amendment that would allow a
business to change out an existing reader board for the same size, color, type, etc., and
have the change be considered to be routine maintenance rather than a change subject to
the 50% rule requiring the sign be brought into compliance. The committee was
generally comfortable with the proposal provided that the same size, color, type, etc. is
Carol announced that she will be stepping down from the committee in the coming
months. She has served on the committee for nearly 20 years, and has been able to
provide thoughtful and creative insight on a wide range of projects over that time. Carol
will definitely be missed.
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15