OSS Design Guidelines1 1
Kalispell, Montana
Old School Station Light industrial & Technology Park (henceforth "Old School
Station") is a high quality commercial development intended for use by service industries and
businesses of a technological or industrial nature. These Design Guidelines establish a minimum
level of design quality and compatibility for each commercial Building and Common Area, all
which require the appropriate selection and use of materials. Building size and form, along with
key architectural elements, shall be designed in a manner that benefits the Project and assures
each Owner the expected level of quality in Old School Station. Accordingly, every Lot and
Common Area in Old School Station is subject to these Design Guidelines, the Declaration of
Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Easements for Old School Station Light Industrial &
Technology Park (henceforth the "Declaration"), and the other Old School Station Documents
referenced therein. Furthermore, all Owners shall be Members of Old School Station Light
Industrial & Technology Park Lot Owners' Association, Inc. (henceforth the "Association") and
also shall be subject to the OId School Station Documents. Consequently, all terms defined in
the Declaration or another of the Old School Station Documents and which are also used herein
shall have the same meanings as said terms are given in said Old School Station Documents.
C 1 1 1 ''
In applying these Design Guidelines, the Owner shall ensure that the design and
construction of all Improvements shall comply with all applicable building codes, zoning
ordinances, and other laws, rules, and regulations.
These Design Guidelines have been established for those purposes set forth in Article I,
Section 1.2 of the Declaration. In addition, these Design Guidelines establish specific criteria for
design issues such as site planning, architectural and landscape design, sign standards and
placements, exterior screening and buffer zone standards, and exterior lighting. The Design
Guidelines shall be used by the Design Review Committee (henceforth the "Committee") as
uniform criteria by which to evaluate and review all proposed Improvements.
The Committee may base approval or disapproval of design and building plans and
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specifications upon things such as adequacy of Building Site dimensions, adequacy of structural
design, conformity of external design with that of neighboring structures, effect of proposed
location and use of Improvements upon neighboring Lots, properties, and streets, location of the
main elevation of the Building with respect to streets, adequacy of screening of mechanical, air
conditioning, or other rooftop installations, and the general conformity of the design and building
plans and specifications with these Design Guidelines and the other Old School Station
In accord with Article VI of the Declaration, the Committee shall be the sole and final.
arbiter concerning the conformity of the design and building plans and specifications with these
Design Guidelines and the other Old School Station Documents. As a consequence, the
Committee may withhold approval of said plans and specifications on any reasonable basis,
including but not limited to the following:
I. Failure to comply with any of the Design Guidelines or other of the Old School Station
2. Failure to include information in the design and building plans and specifications as the
Committee may reasonably request;
3. Objection to the exterior design, the appearance or quality of materials, or the materials
4. Objection on the basis that proposed Improvements or uses are incompatible with existing
Improvements or uses on other Lots or other properties in the vicinity of Old School
5. Objection to the proposed location of any Improvements in relation to other Lots or other
properties in the vicinity of Old School Station;
6. Objection to the proposed grading or landscaping of any Lot;
7. Objection to the color scheme, finish, proportions, style of architecture, height, bulk, or
appropriateness of any Improvement;
8. Objection to the number, size, or design of parking or loading spaces; and
9. Objection on the basis of any other issue which in the sole discretion of the Committee
would render the proposed Improvements inconsistent with the Design Guidelines or any
of the other Old School Station Documents.
In accord with Article VI, Section 6.3 of the Declaration, all Improvements, whether
proposed to be erected, placed, reconstructed, replaced, repaired, or altered in any manner shall
first receive Committee approval.
1. Design and Building Plans and Specifications Review Fee (henceforth the "Review Fee").
As provided in Section 6.5 of the Declaration, the Committee shall have the right to establish at
any time a Review Fee to defray the expenses of the Committee's function.
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2. Pre -Application Meeting. Prior to making application to the Committee for its review
of design and building plans and specifications, each Owner or his representative and the
Owner's architect shall meet with the Committee or any of its members or the Committee's
consultant, or any combination thereof, to introduce the Owner or his representative and the
Owner's architect to the review process and the requirements of the Design Guidelines and the
other Old School Station Documents. The parties shall use this meeting for the purpose of
discussing the Owner's designs and site layouts for the proposed Improvements and clarifying
any misconceptions or points of confusion with regard to what is required by the Old School
Station Documents.
3. Design and Building Plans and Specifications Application far Review. Design and
building plans and specifications for either new construction or for revision, replacement, repair,
alteration, addition, or change in use of an existing Improvement, shall not be considered to have
been properly submitted for review until the Committee receives a complete review application
package containing the following items:
a. Review Fee (make checks payable to "Old School Station LOX); and
b. For the preliminary approval process, a minimum of two sets of design and
building plans and specifications.
i. If additional sets are required, the Committee shall notify the Owner of the
number of additional sets required.
ii. Each set of design and building plans and specifications shall include all of
the information set forth in this Article IV, Section 4 for new construction
or this Article IV, Section 5 for revision, replacement, repair, alteration,
addition, or change in use of an existing Improvement, unless said
information is not applicable to a specific proposed Improvement.
iii. All design and building plans shall be prepared by persons duly qualified
and licensed by the State of Montana to prepare such plans.
C. For the final approval process, Owners must supplement their application packet
with two sets of construction documents, as described in Section 6 of this Article
III, and copies of all documents submitted to the building department of the City
of Kalispell.
4. Preliminary Plan Approval for New Construction. Design and building plans and
specifications shall be submitted for plan approval in order that the Owner conveys to the
Committee specific information about the proposed Building Site and Improvements. These
plans and specifications shall be submitted to the Committee for preliminary approval prior to or
contemporaneously with submission of the same to the City of Kalispell's building department.
a. Building Site Plans. This plan shall indicate the following:
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i. .Building footprints and dimensions to property lines;
I Building roof overhangs;
iii. Location and configuration of parking and vehicular circulation areas;
iv. Location of parking lot Iighting;
V. Location of truck service area, loading area, and refuse collection
vi. Setback and easement lines;
vii. Location of on -site transformers, electrical switch gear, and utility meters;
viii. Adjacent roadways, including curb lines; and
ix. Tabulation of the square footage of the following areas:
(1) Lot area;
(2) Total Building floor area;
(3) Building Site coverage;
(4) Building coverage;
(5) TotaI parking provided;
(6) Total parking required;
(7) Estimated total employees on the Owner's Lot at any peak times;
(8) .Anticipated number of shifts at the business to be located upon
Owner's Lot, as well as the hours and days of operation.
b. Conceptual Grading and Drainage Plans. This plan shall include or indicate
the following:
i. A topographical plan showing contour grades with two feet intervals,
unless otherwise specified by the Committee, and showing the location of
all Improvements;
ii. Proposed finished grades, slopes, and building pad elevations;
iii. Site drainage structures and systems, as well as cut -and -fill details if any
appreciable change in contour is planned;
iv. Grades of existing streets and curbs; and
V. Location of street lighting and utility structures.
C. Conceptual Landscape Plans. This plan shall indicate the following:
i. Plant materials, sizes, and spacing;
ii. Walkways and other paved areas; and
iii. Buffer zones, screening, and any other landscape design feature.
d. Building Elevations Plans. This plan shall include elevations of all sides of each
of the proposed Buildings, including the following:
i. Exterior wall and roof materials, textures, and colors;
ii. Location of all wall -mounted lighting and signing;
iii. Roof and parapet heights above finished elevation; and
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iv. Profile of any roof -mounted mechanical equipment extending above the
roof parapet.
Building Floor Plans. These plans shall include all square footage calculations
and all proposed uses.
f. Building Roof Plans. These plans shall indicate the following:
i. Roof elevations above the finished floor; and
ii. Heights and locations of roof -mounted mechanical equipment.
g. Building Materials Specifications. The design review application shall include an
outline of the specifications of all proposed building materials.
h. Signs and Conceptual Graphics. The design review application shall include the
following information concerning all ground -mounted and wall -mounted signs:
i. Proposed Iocations;
ii. Proposed designs, materials, textures, colors, heights, and sizes;
iii. Illumination data; and
iv. Typography.
i. Plans Required by City of Kalispell. The design review application shall include
such other plans as any applicable city ordinance having jurisdiction over the Lot
may require.
j. Miscellaneous. The design review application shall include any other data or
information the Committee or its consultant deems reasonably necessary.
5. Preliminary Plan Approval for Revision, Replacement, Repair, Alteration, Addition, or
Change in Use of Improvement. Except as provided in Article VI of the Declaration or in any of
the other Old School Station Documents, design and building plans and specifications shall be
submitted to the Committee for review and shall receive approval prior to submitting
construction documents, as described in Section 6 of this Article IV, to the Committee and prior
to commencement of such revision, replacement, repair, alteration, addition, or change in use.
Application for preliminary plan approval of design and building plans and specifications for
revision, replacement, repair, alteration, addition, or change in use of an existing Improvement
shall include two sets of the following:
a. A written description of the nature and extent of the proposed revision,
replacement, repair, alteration, addition, or change in use of the existing
b. A written statement of the specific proposed revision, replacement, repair,
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alteration, addition, or changes to any of the following:
i. The site plan;
ii. The grading and drainage plan;
iii. The landscape plan;
iv. The Building floor plans; and
V. The Building elevations, including the following:
(1) WalI and roof materials, textures, and. colors;
(2) Exterior signs and lighting;
(3) Roof and parapet heights above the finished elevation; and
(4) The profile of roof -mounted mechanical equipment which extends
above the roof parapet.
Tabulations of the following:
i. The existing and proposed new total Building floor area;
I The existing and proposed new site coverage for the Building, the parking,
and the landscaping;
iii. The existing and proposed new parking to be provided;
iv. Calculations establishing the proposed new required parking; and
V. Estimation of proposed new peak employment count.
d. Outline of the specifications of all proposed building materials.
5. Submission of Construction Documents for Final Plan Approval. In order to proceed to
the final plan approval process, the Owner must submit two sets of construction documents and
two sets copies of all the documents the Owner has submitted or will submit to the City of
Kalispell building department. The Committee, as part of the final review process, shall compare
the construction documents and other documents for compliance with the approved preliminary
plans and any conditions of approval. The construction documents include each of the following
where applicable to the proposed Improvement:
a. Final grading and drainage plans;
b. Parking plans;
C. Site development plans which also indicate any proposed alleys, walkways,
easements, utilities, storage and refuse collection Iocations and any related
d. Architectural, structural, mechanical, plumbing, and electrical drawings;
e. Construction specifications, including those of fire protection systems;
f. Landscape plans which also indicate walkways, fences, walls, elevations changes,
existing and proposed vegetation, any other decorative features, and any plants or
structures which will be used for buffers or screening and which shall be noted as
g. Exterior illumination plans indicating for each fixture its location, its
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manufacturer's fixture numbers, and its photometric test data; and
h. Exterior sign plans indicating for each sign its size, shape, color, content, location,
construction materials, and illumination.
7. Procedure Following Committee Action.
a. At such time as the construction documents and other documents are submitted to
the Committee for review and final approval, it shall act on said construction
documents and design and building plans and specifications by either approving
them outright, approving them subject to conditions, or disapproving them.
b. If the foregoing are approved, the Committee shall date and sign both sets and
mark them as "APPROVED," and the Committee shall then return one set of the
documents to the Owner and retain the other set. Approval of the construction
documents permits the Owner to proceed with construction of the Improvements)
proposed therein.
C. If the construction documents are approved subject to conditions, the Committee
shall date and sign both sets and mark them as "APPROVED SUBJECT TO
CONDITIONS," and the Committee shall then return one set of the documents to
the Owner and retain the other set. Approval of the construction documents
subject conditions permits the Owner to proceed with construction of the
Improvements) proposed therein provided the Owner complies with the specified
d. If the construction documents are disapproved, the Committee shall date and sign
both sets and mark them as "DISAPPROVED," and the Committee shall then
return one set of the documents to the Owner and retain the other set. Disapproval
of the construction documents requires the Owner to submit revised documents in
a continuing effort to obtain the required Committee approval if the Owner wishes
to construct a new Improvement or revise, replace, repair, alter, add to, or change
use of an existing Improvement.
e. A letter shall accompany each set of documents returned to the Owner, and therein
the Committee shall summarize its comments, recommendations, findings, and
8. Basis for Approval or Disapproval of Preliminary or Final Documents. In accord and
conjunction with Article III of these Design Guidelines, the Committee is the sole and final
arbiter concerning preliminary or final approval or disapproval of design and building plans and
specifications and/or construction documents. The Committee is authorized to review all aspects
of construction, location, quantity, and quality of Improvements which may, in its opinion, affect
the general value of Old School Station. It is further authorized to consider technological
advances in design, techniques, methods, and materials, and such comparable or alternative
design, techniques, methods, or materials may or may not, in the Committee's sole discretion, be
permitted to be used in Old School Station. Accordingly, the Committee may withhold approval
for any reason, including its determination that the style, size, materials, or any other feature or
aspect of the proposed Improvement would be incompatible with Old School Station, and
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fiuthermom, the Committee shall be entitled to stop work on any Improvement it finds in
violation of the Design Guidelines or the other Old School Station Documents.
9. Conditions of Approval. In accord with the Old School Station Documents and as a
condition of approval under this Article VI, all responsibilities for construction, placement,
reconstructioa, maintenance, repair, replacement, alteration, and purchasing and maintaining
insurance upon any Improvement is deemed automatically assumed by each Owner, on his own
behalf and that of his successors and assigns, by virtue of his being an Owner. However, at the
Committee's discretion, an Owner may be required to verify and confirm his assumption of these
responsibilities by executing a recordable written instrument in acknowledgment thereof.
10. Obligation to Comply with All Laws and Regulations.
a. Owners shall have the sole responsibility of ensuring all work Owner performs or
permits to be performed on his Lot is executed in conformity with all applicable
laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes. The Committee's approval of the
construction documents is consent to the Improvements proposed therein, and in
no event shall said approval be deemed the approval of the City of Kalispell.
Neither shall said approval be deemed an implication, representation, or
certification by the Committee, the Association, or any of their members,
Members, officers, Directors, Managers, or employees that the construction
documents comply with the applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and codes.
b. The Design Guidelines do not supersede any applicable laws, ordinances,
regulations, or codes. Should any portion of the Design Guidelines or other Old
School Station Documents purport to violate any statute, ordinance, regulation, or
code, or should they purport to encourage a violation thereof, Owners or their
designated agents shall bring the alleged offending provision to the attention of
the Committee.
For purposes of these Design Guidelines only, Old School Station shall be divided into
two districts.
1. District 1. This district shall be a Technology Tax Increment Finance District. Lots 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 are Iocated in District 1.
2. District 2. This district shall be an Industrial Tax Increment Finance District. Lots 10,
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 are located in District 2.
3. Change of District. Pursuant to an agreement between the City of Kalispell and the
Declarant, the Declarant may transfer Lots from District 1 to District 2 and vice versa.
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4. Lot 1. Lot 1 is not included in either District 1 or District 2.
These site planning guidelines are established in order to ensure that all Improvements are
of high quality and that the Project is developed in accord with the Old School Station
L General Site Planning Guidelines.
a. Facility entrance drives shall be readily observable to the first-time visitor.
b. Passive solar -design orientation shall be encouraged.
C. Conflict between service vehicles, private motor vehicles, and pedestrians within
the Lot shall be minimized.
d. Visitor entrances at all Buildings shall be easily accessible and readily identifiable
by the first-time visitor.
e. Delivery, loading, and service areas shall be easily accessible and readily
identifiable to the first-time visitor.
f. Building entrances should be emphasized with features such as ceremonial
entryways, plazas, planters, plantings, or architectural walls.
g. Architecture shall be evaluated based upon its compatibility and relationship with
all components of Old School Station.
2. Buildings.
a. The maximum building coverage by all Buildings located upon a Lot, including
accessory Buildings but not parking structures or surface parking, shall not exceed
50% of the gross Lot area.
b. Building Height.
i. Where a Lot has frontage on two or more streets or other public rights -of -
way, height limitations shall be measured from the street level, at the point
having the highest elevation above sea level.
ii. Chimneys, flues, towers, spires, cupolas, domes, pole masts, and antennas
shall be exempt from height limitations, provided their location is not in
violation of current planning and building codes.
iii. The maximum height of any Building shall be 45 feet. The Committee has
the discretion of making exceptions to this restriction in the case of
Buildings located in Design Guideline District 1. However, no exceptions
shall be made for Buildings constructed in Design Guideline District 2.
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a. Front Yards. Front yard setbacks shall be as set forth in the Kalispell building and
zoning codes, or if more restrictive, as set forth below:
i. In the case of corner lots, front yard setbacks shall be required on both
street frontages. One yard other than the front yard shall be deemed a rear
yard, and the other(s) shall be deemed (a) side yard(s).
ii. Where a Lot other than a corner Lot has frontage on two streets or public
rights -of -way, front yard setbacks shall be required on both street
iii. Fences located within the front yard setback or otherwise located along a
street shall be exempt from setback requirements as long as the following
conditions are true:
(1) The fences are not located in the Clear Sight Triangle, which is
defined as a triangle -shaped portion of land at any street
intersection, including access drives. The location of the Clear
Sight Triangle is determined by taking specified minimum
measured distances specified herein for an access drive intersecting
a street and for a street intersecting another street. These measured
distances shall form the three points of said Clear Sight Triangle.
(2) The fences are located, constructed, and maintained so as not to
obscure or impair the visibility of an operator of a motor vehicle
exiting the property.
(3) The fences are see -through type fencing constructed of post and
rail, picket, or other similar fencing materials.
iv. Items exceeding 30 inches in height above curb level, measured from
street level nearest the proposed construction, are prohibited from being
erected or maintained in the Clear Sight Triangle as they are deemed an
obstruction to the vision of the operator of a motor vehicle. The remaining
front yard setback area shall be fully landscaped in accord with the Old
School Station Documents.
b. Side and Rear Yard Setbacks.
i. Except as otherwise provided herein, the minimum setback for a principal
Building shall be 15 feet from a side or rear property line.
ii. Cornices, canopies, eaves, or other architectural features may project into
side or rear yard setbacks no more than two inches per one foot of side or
rear yard, but in no case shall the projection thereof exceed a total of three
iii. Bay windows, balconies, fireplaces, uncovered stairways and necessary
landings, and chimneys may project no more than three feet into a side or
rear yard setback.
iv. Fences are exempt from side and rear yard setback requirements.
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V. A Building which is accessory to the principal Building on any Lot may be
located no closer than 10 feet to any side or rear property line.
4. Sidewalks. Each Lot shall have on -site pedestrian circulation systems to meet the
circulation needs of the on -site users. Such systems shall provide a safe, all-weather, efficient,
and aesthetically pleasing means of on -site movement and should be an integrated part of the
overall architectural site design concept. Where usage dictates, connections should be made
between the circulation system on the Lot and those of perimeter and/or adjacent Lots or
5. Refuse Collection Areas.
a. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be completely enclosed and screened by a
constructed wall of durable, non-combustible material with finishes of colors
which are unified and harmonious with the overall architectural design concept of
Old School Station. Said walls shall be not less than six feet in height such that
receptacles kept therein are not visible from adjacent Lots, neighboring properties,
and streets.
b. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall have concrete floors and shall be
sufficient in size to contain all refuse generated on the Lot and deposited in the
interim period between collection times. In any case, however, the minimum size
of said area shall be 48 square feet.
C. Outdoor refuse collection areas shall not be located between the street and the
front of the principal Building on any Lot.
d. All outdoor refuse collection areas shall be located on a Lot so as to be easily
6. Screening.
a. Exterior Mechanical Equipment.
i. In the case of roof -mounted mechanical equipment, Building parapets
should be of such a height that roof -mounted screening devices are
unnecessary. However, if the parapets fail to provide the required
screening, the said screening devices shall at a minimum be the height of
the mechanical equipment and shall appear as integrated components of
the overall architectural design concept, including being constructed of
durable materials and finishes and with complimentary colors.
ii. Any devices employed to screen exterior components of plumbing,
processing, heating, cooling, ventilating, or other systems from direct view
shall also appear as an integrated component of the overall architectural
design concept, including being constructed of durable materials and
finishes and with complimentary colors.
iii. Exterior components of plumbing, processing, heating, cooling,
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ventilating, or other systems shall not be mounted to any Building wall
unless such components are integrated features of the overall architectural
design concept.
b. Exterior Electrical Equipment and Transformers.
i. When interior mounting of electrical equipment is not practical, it shall be
mounted in an exterior location where it is substantially screened from
view. In no case shall said equipment be mounted on the side of the
Building with street frontage or on a side the Committee deems a primary
exposure side of the Building.
ii. Visibility of exterior -mounted electrical equipment and conduits shall be
kept to a minimum. Such equipment and conduits shall be installed in a
neat and orderly fashion and painted to blend with their mounting
backgrounds. All satellite or other types of antennae also shall be
screened, regardless of whether they are mounted on the ground or on the
roof, with either an architectural screening device or landscaping, as is
iii. Transformers which are or may be visible from a location the Committee
deems a primary visual exposure area shall be screened with either
plantings or a durable, noncombustible enclosure.
iv. Transformer enclosures shall be designed of durable materials and finishes
and with colors complimentary to the overall architectural design concept.
7. Fences and Walls.
a. Fences and walls between Buildings and street frontage are discouraged. When
they are placed in such locations, they shall not exceed three feet in height when
they are located within 30 feet of edge of the nearest street.
b. Fences and walls shall not exceed eight feet in height unless approved by the
C. Fences and walls shall be designed as integrated components of the overall
architectural design concept of the Lot and Old School Station. The materials
used shall be durable and finished in durable textures and with colors
complimentary to the overall architectural design concept.
8. Storage and Service Areas.
a. Materials, supplies, and equipment, including trucks or other motor vehicles, shall
not be stored upon a Lot except inside a closed Building or behind a durable
material wall or landscaping, either of which shall be a minimum of six feet in
height. In any case, the items shall be screened so as not to be visible from other
Lots, properties, or streets.
b. Outdoor storage areas shall be located towards the rear of all Lots unless
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otherwise approved by the Committee.
The following architectural standards are established in order to create an environment
which lends itself to integration into the surrounding agricultural community. The architectural
character of the Buildings should convey a sense of serenity, should not vie for attention from the
adjacent Buildings, and should create a showplace atmosphere.
1. General. To ensure the overall high quality of Old School Station, the Committee shall
encourage imaginative and tasteful design. Buildings, signs, roof forms, or themes which are
deemed radical, i.e., they draw unnecessary attention from the public thoroughfares, are
unacceptable and shall not be approved. The Committee shall encourage architectural themes
which are compatible with the surrounding agricultural community.
2. Buildings.
a. Size. The minimum Building size shall be 5,000 square feet on the main level.
b. Exterior Building Walls.
i. One dominant material shall be selected and shall be expressed with its
own natural integrity.
ii. Materials conveying a sense of permanence, substance, timelessness, and
conservatism are required.
iii. Materials which are low -maintenance shall be a major consideration.
iv. Buildings on Lots with street frontage on OId School Loop shall have no
metal siding, except for architectural features. Elsewhere, metal siding
shall be permitted on a maximum of 50% of the street frontage side of a
Building. Metal siding shall be permitted in any amount on the non -street
frontage sides of a Building.
V. Drainage pipes placed on the front of any Building shall not be exposed.
C. Roofs.
i. Architectural metal roofs, including standing seam roofs, are permitted.
ii. Low -profile roof materials generally will not be restricted.
iii. In instances where flat roof areas can be viewed from above, tall roof
vents, roof -mounted mechanical equipment, pipes, and other items located
upon the roof shall be grouped together when possible, and in all
instances, shall be painted the same color as the roof to reduce their
iv. All roof -mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened in accord with
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Article VI, Section 6 of these Design Guidelines.
V. In determining the acceptability of the design of a proposed roof, the
Committee shall consider the view thereof from adjacent Lots, properties,
and streets.
d. Color and Texture.
i. Simple and uniform texture patterns which create shadow patterns shall be
ii. Variations in color shall be kept to a minimum.
iii. Colors shall be of a subdued tone.
iv. Accent colors may be used to express corporate identity.
Eli 1.14 FEM 9. V VIOL1 . 1
1. General. The objectives of these exterior lighting standards are as follows:
a. To contribute to the safe and efficient use of the Lot;
b. To contribute to the security of the Lot and Old School Station;
C. To compliment and reinforce the character of the overall architectural design
d. To keep each Lot's parking lighting fixtures and illumination levels consistent
throughout Old School Station;
e. To prevent casting lighting glare on adjacent Lots; and
f. To prevent casting lighting glare onto adjacent streets in such a manner as to
decrease the safety of vehicular movement.
2. All lighting potentially visible from an adjacent street, except bollard lighting less than 42
inches high, shall be indirect or shall incorporate a full cut-off shield -type fixture.
3. Lighting fixtures for parking areas, access drives, and internal vehicular circulation areas
shall be a zero cut-off. The parking lot illumination Ievel shall achieve a level of uniformity ratio
of 3:1 average to minimum with a maintained average of one footcandle and a minimum of 0.3
4. Service area lighting shall be contained within service yard boundaries and enclosure
walls. No light spillover should occur outside the service area.
5. Building illumination and architectural lighting shall be indirect in character, i.e., no light
source shall be visible. Indirect wall lighting, or "wall -washing," and overhead down -lighting
should articulate and animate the particular Building's design as well as provide the required
functional lighting for safety and clarity of pedestrian movement.
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6. Pedestriann lighting is divided into two types based upon pedestrian use.
a. Primary Areas.
i. These include outdoor pedestrian use areas such as a courtyard or
ii. Lighting in pedestrian use areas should achieve a uniformity ratio of 3.5:1
(average to minimum), with an average illumination of 0.60 footcandle and a
minimum of 0.18 footcandle.
b. Secondary Areas.
i. These include sidewalks and walkways where point-to-point lighting is
ii. No specific illumination levels are required. The main emphasis in this
area should be to clearly identify the pedestrian walkway and direction of
1. General Standards.
a. Screening shall be continuous and in place at the time of occupancy. If motor
vehicle or pedestrian access through screening is necessary, the screening shall be
b. Screening shall be architectural or vegetative.
i. Acceptable architectural screening materials include stockade fences,
masonry walls, brick walls, earth berms, and other devices the Committee
ii. Architectural screening shall be a minimum of four feet in height, shall be
supplemented by plantings, and shall be subject to the Clear Sight Triangle
requirements as set forth in Article VI, Section 3 and Article X, Section 5
of these Design Guidelines.
iii. Vegetative materials shall be maintained and kept in good health.
Evergreen vegetation shall be a minimum of four feet in height when
planted and shall grow to at least six feet in height.
iv. Deciduous trees shall be supplemental screening and therefore inadequate
screening by themselves.
V. Vegetative screening shall be of sufficient density and diversity to achieve
the intent of this Article. However, at the time of planting, the spacing of
trees shall not exceed 50 inches on center, and the planting pattern shall be
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staggered. Shrubbery shall be more closely spaced. The Committee may
allow specific exceptions to the requirement of this Subsection (v) where
innovative landscaping is implemented, quality is not impaired, and the
intent of this Article is otherwise met.
vi. Existing vegetation in buffer zones shall be considered a substitute for
screening and landscaping otherwise required if the Committee determines
the type, size, and density of the existing vegetation complies with the
standards and intent of this Article.
vii. When a proposed buffer zone has a variation in elevation of greater than
10 vertical feet at any one point, the required screening and landscaping
within the buffer zone shall be placed in such a way as the Committee
determines will maximize the effectiveness of said screening and
viii. In accord with Section 6.3.1 of the Declaration, the Committee may allow
exceptions and modifications of the standards set forth in this Article IX if
it determines any of the following circumstances exists on any Lot or
surrounding property:
(1) Natural land characteristics such as topography or existing
vegetation would achieve the same intent of this Article.
(2) Innovative landscaping or architectural design is employed on the
Lot to achieve an equivalent screening or buffering effect.
(3) The required screening and landscaping would be ineffective at
maturity of the plantings due to topography of the Lot and/or the
surrounding Lots or properties, or due to the location of the
Improvements on the Lot.
2. Fencing and Screening, Standards.
a. Screening shall be provided within a buffer zone to ease transition of one land use
or activity to another.
b. All items being stored, maintained, repaired, processed, erected, fabricated,
dismantled, or salvaged shall be fenced or screened in accord with Article VI,
Section 8, as well as any other applicable provisions in these Design Guidelines,
such that said items are not visible from surrounding Lots, properties, and streets.
C. Refuse storage and loading areas shall be fenced or screened in accord with
Article VI, Section 5, as well as any other applicable provisions in these Design
Guidelines, such that said items are not visible from surrounding Lots, properties,
and streets.
d. Roof -mounted and ground -mounted mechanical equipment shall be fenced or
screened in accord with Article VI, Section 6, as well as any other applicable
provisions in these Design Guidelines, such that said items are not visible from
surrounding Lots, properties, and streets.
e. All refuse dumpsters or containers used for recycling shall be screened on three
sides with architectural screening supplemented by plantings. Screening shall be
Version: April, 2006 16
based upon standards set forth in these Design Guidelines and shall be reviewed
for approval by the Committee. Four feet taII architectural screening is acceptable
when household -style trash containers are used in the place of dumpsters.
f. When design and building plans and specifications are submitted to the
Committee for the purpose of revision, replacement, repair, alteration, addition, or
change in use of an existing Improvement, screening requirements shall be
imposed only upon those portions of the Lot the Committee determines are
affected by the proposed revision, replacement, repair, alteration, addition, or
change in use.
g. Off-street parking, provided it is not located within 10 feet of any side or rear lot
line, shall be screened from any residential or institutional zoned use.
h. Owners shall permanently maintain screen plantings and shall replace any plant
material which dies at the earliest possible time within a planting season but in no
event more than a year after said material dies.
i. Screen plantings shall be placed such that at maturity, said plantings shall be no
closer than three feet to any street or property line.
j. A Clear Sight Triangle, as determined pursuant to Article VI, Section 3 of these
Design Guidelines, shall be maintained at all street intersections and at all points
where access drives on any Lot intersect with any public street or right-of-way.
k. Where screen plantings are required, they shall be broken only at points of
vehicular or pedestrian ingress and egress.
2. Buffer Zone Standards.
a. The buffer zone shall be measured from the property line.
b. Where a Lot shares a property line with a property zoned for recreational use, a
minimum buffer zone of 40 feet in width shall be provided along the common
property line .
C. Owners shall maintain buffer zones and keep them clean of debris, rubbish, and
any other thing deemed unsightly by the Committee, the Association, or the Board
of Directors.
d. No Building or Improvement, except an access drive or other Improvements
otherwise permitted by the Committee, shall be permitted in a buffer zone.
e. At a minimum, the Owner shall plant and maintain the exterior half of the buffer
zone with grass, ground cover, massed evergreens, and such deciduous trees and
shrubs of such species and size as will produce, within two growing seasons, a
screen of at least five feet in height and of such density as will obscure,
throughout the full course of the year, all of the glare of motor vehicle headlights
emitting from OId School Station.
f Massed evergreens used in screening buffer zones shall be at least four feet in
height when planted and shall produce a complete visual screen year round.
Version: Aprg 2006 17
The intent of these guidelines is to provide design criteria which will fulfill aesthetic
considerations and help ensure the image of Old School Station is distinctive and unified with the
surrounding properties. Landscape character is created by architectural elements, streets, and Lot
features such as walkways, signs, lighting, plant materials, and berms. In order to unify the Lots
and their architecture, the design element of landscaping shall be used to create a serene and
park -like feeling in Old School Station.
1. General. Landscaping plans shall contain all of the following information unless
specifically waived by the Committee:
a. The location and dimensions of all existing and proposed Buildings, property
lines, easements, parking lots and drives, streets, rights -of -way, sidewalks, bicycle
paths, ground signs, refuse collection and recycling areas, fences, freestanding
electrical equipment, recreational equipment, and any other freestanding
b. The location, quantity, size, and name, both botanical and common, of all
proposed plants;
C. The location, quantity, size, and name of all existing plants; indication of the
plants to be retained and the plants to be removed;
d. The location of existing buildings, structures, and plants on adjacent Lots and
properties within 20 feet of the Lot;
e. Existing and proposed grading indicating contours at two feet intervals; proposed
berm grading indicating contours at one foot intervals;
f. Elevations of all existing and proposed fences and walls;
g. Calculation of the total area and percentage of the Lot landscape area.
h. During any construction work on a Lot, the Owner shall erect protective barriers
around aII trees to be preserved, ensuring thereby that trunks, branches, and root
structures are not damaged by construction equipment.
i. PIacement or use of exterior sculpture, fountains, flags, and like accessories shall
be submitted to the Committee for review and approval prior to placement.
j. Artificial vegetation shall be prohibited unless approved by the Committee.
2. Required Landscaping.
a. A minimum of 1 S% of the area within the Lot lines shall be devoted to landscape
materials. Each Lot shall contain a minimum 10 feet wide landscaped strip
around the side and rear perimeter thereof, except for approved access points and
crossings. A minimum 10 feet wide landscaped strip shall be located along
dedicated rights -of -way.
b. Landscaping shall be completed contemporaneously with the completion of any
other Improvements on the Lot, but in no event more than 180 days after first
Verslon: April, 2006 18
occupancy or completion of any Buildings, whichever occurs first.
3. Materials.
All shrubs utilized on any Lot shall have a minimum height or spread of 18
inches. Plants in five gallon containers will generally comply with this standard.
b. Trees may be deciduous or evergreen.
i. Deciduous trees at planting must be fully branched, have a minimum
diameter of 1 3/4 inches measured at five feet above the ground, and have
a minimum height of eight feet.
ii. Evergreens must be fully branched at planting and have a minimum height
of six feet; evergreens should be incorporated into a Lot where screening
and buffering are required.
C. Plants shall be placed intermittently along long expanses of Building walls,
fences, and other barriers in order to create a softening effect.
d. PIanting beds shall be mulched with bark chips, decorative stone, or other similar
e. Domestic turf grasses shall be used in areas with less than a 50% slope in order to
prevent water runoff.
f. Owners shall select hearty and drought -resistant landscape materials.
g. A list of available plant options are attached herewith as Exhibit A.
4. Installation and Maintenance.
a. Plant materials shall be installed to current nursery industry standards. They shall
be properly supported with devices such as guy wires or stakes, which shall not
interfere with vehicular or pedestrian movement. Support devices shall be
removed as soon as the plant can support itself.
b. Maintenance of landscaping is the ongoing responsibility of the Owner, who shall
maintain all plants, other landscape materials, fences, walls, hedges, and other
landscaping features, including any irrigation systems approved by the
Committee, in healthy and/or good and neat condition or repair.
5. Visual Obstruction. Nothing shall be planted or allowed to grow in the CIear Sight
Triangle which would limit or obstruct the sight distance of motor vehicle operators entering or
leaving a street or intersection.
Version: April, 2006 19
All design and building plans and specifications shall include specific information as to
construction materials, construction methods, diagrams of number, type, and configuration of
parking and loading spaces, and any other information as the Committee deems necessary to
show conformity with the municipal regulations and standards described in this Article.
1. General Parking_ Standards.
a. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided to accommodate all parking needs
for the Lot such that the need for on -street parking is eliminated.
b. Where it conclusively can be demonstrated that one or more of the uses of a Lot or
Lots making use of a joint parking facility generates a demand for parking spaces
primarily during periods when the other use or uses of the Lot or other Lot making
use of the joint parking facility is not in operation, the Committee may reduce the
total number of required parking spaces to the number required for the use with
the greater requirement.
C. Off-street parking shall not be located closer than 10 feet to a principal Building
or to a side or rear Lot line. All off-street parking spaces, aisles, and access drives
shall be clearly marked with white traffic paint clearly delineating the spaces and
indicating the direction of traffic flow.
d. Where lighting is provided for off-street parking, it shall be directed and shaded
so as not to spill onto adjacent properties or Lots.
C. All open parking areas shall be surfaced with asphalt or concrete or other similar
durable and dustless surface. Said parking area shall be graded so as to dispose of
all surface water.
f Recreational vehicles shall not be parked on any Lot and used for residential or
business purposes.
g. The Committee shall encourage pedestrian walkways through parking and loading
areas in order to provide a physical separation of motor vehicle and pedestrian use
2. Off -Site and Off -Street Parking Facilities.
a. All permitted and required off-street parking spaces, open or enclosed, shall be
located on the same Lot as the use for which the spaces are provided.
b. Off-street parking, whether open or enclosed, maybe located in any required yard
unless such yard is otherwise required for screening, landscaping, or as a buffer
zone, or if use of the yard as a parking area is prohibited by municipal regulations.
C. All parking spaces shall be located so that maneuvering or backing into a public
street is not required for ingress or egress to or from such spaces.
3. Required Number of Parking Spaces.
Version: Aprfl 2006 20
a. In computing the number of off-street parking spaces required, the City of
Kalispell zoning ordinances and regulations shall apply.
b. Gross floor area shall include walls, restrooms, mechanical rooms, stairwells,
elevators, and other similar areas.
C. Where a calculation for the number of required parking spaces results in a
fractional space, the number required shall be construed to be the next higher
whole number.
d. If a particular use is not listed herein, such use shall be provided with off-street
parking spaces as required for a listed use of a similar nature; whether the use is of
a similar nature shall be determined by the Committee.
C. Whenever a Building or use is changed or enlarged in floor area, or whenever
modified so as to increase the number of employees, the seating capacity, or some
other component thereby creating a need for additional off-street parking, the
number of such additional spaces shall be calculated on the basis of the
enlargement or change.
f. In the event that there is more than one use which requires off-street parking
spaces and which is conducted on the same premises, the total off-street parking
requirement shall be the sum of that required for each of the individual uses,
except as otherwise provided in the case of approved joint parking facilities.
g. Whenever commercial motor vehicles, other motor vehicles, or special equipment
are required to be parked on a Lot in connection with a use, required off-street
parking spaces shall be provided in addition to the space requirements to park
such vehicles or equipment.
4. Screening and Landscaping for Parking Areas.
a. The visual impact of large parking areas shall be minimized with the use of
b. Open parking areas shall have a minimum if 10% of the total open parking area
devoted to landscaping within the interior of said area. This landscaping shall
meet these minimum standards:
i. A minimum of one 1 3/4 inch caliper tree for every five parking spaces
shall be planted.
ii. Trees shall be placed in the immediate vicinity of the parking stalls; credit
shall not be given for perimeter -degree tree plantings; trees may be
iii. Tree wells and planter areas within paved areas shall provide a minimum
of three feet of clear planting area.
iv. Instead of wheel stops, curbs should be used around tree wells and
planting areas.
V. The Committee shall encourage the use of a single tree species throughout
Yarsion: April, 2006 21
the parking area.
vi. Off-street parking areas for more than five motor vehicles shall be
screened on each side facing a residential zoning district.
vii. Perimeter landscape strips shall be continuous and unbroken except for
access drives and sidewalks.
5. Off -Street Loading Areas. Buildings used for commercial, manufacturing, or service
industries, storage or warehouse facilities, or any other enterprises involving the distribution of
materials or merchandise by motor vehicle shall provide and maintain off-street loading spaces.
a. Loading Spaces.
i. Off-street loading spaces, open or enclosed, shall be paved, at least 12 feet
wide and 33 feet long, and shall have a minimum of a 14 feet high
minimum vertical clearance.
ii. Off-street loading spaces shall have a minimum of a 10 feet wide
unobstructed access from a street; such access may be provided in
combination with access to a parking lot.
iii. All permitted or required loading spaces shall be on the same Lot as the
use for which they are provided.
iv. Entrances and exits for off-street loading areas shall be located more than
15 feet from any intersection.
V. Off-street loading areas shall not be located in any front yard, nor shall
they be located within 10 feet of any side or rear yard which adjoins a
residential zoning district.
vi. Truck loading areas should be positioned along the rear Lot line or
between industrial buildings which have been placed back-to-back. In
both instances, the areas should be screened from the other Lots of Old
School Station and adjoining properties and streets. Screening may
consist of hedges, tree rows, fences, berms, grade changes, backs of
buildings, etc. Adequate truck maneuvering area shall be provided so that
all maneuvers take place within the Lot.
b. Curb Cuts and Access Drives. To reduce traffic congestion, the Committee shall
encourage the sharing of curb cuts. All access drives shall be no less than three
feet from a Lot line or may be adjacent to the Lot line if a common access drive is
provided for adjoining Lots. Unobstructed access to and from a street shall be
provided, and such access shall consist of at least one 12 feet wide Iane for
parking areas with less than 20 spaces and of at least two 10 feet wide lanes for
parking areas with 20 or more spaces. Entrances and exits for off-street parking
areas shall not be located within 15 feet of the intersection of the centerlines of
adjacent streets. Access drives shall have curb and gutter except in the rear of
Buildings and in such other instances as the Committee permits.
Version: April, 2006 22
Graphics and signs are used to communicate information and control motor vehicle
traffic. The primary goal, therefore, is to develop a design which is both a functional and a
unifying and attractive element with regard to the Lot and Old School Station.
11. Submission for Committee Review. All proposed exterior signs shall be submitted to the
Committee for review and approval. Owners shall submit drawings showing the size and
placement of the proposed signs, the materials to be used, the colors, and other
preliminary details of sign design development and construction.
12. General Sign Standards.
a. The maximum area of any sign located anywhere upon a Lot or Building shall be
48 square feet.
b. Where there exist or are proposed two points of ingress and egress to any Lot, a
sign shall be placed at only one point thereof unless the points are separated by
more than 300 feet. The sign(s) placed at these points shall not exceed four
square feet in area.
C. Off-street parking area signs shall be permitted to be placed to identify the parking
area, its use, or the conditions of its use. However, if the parking area is located
upon a corner Lot, one such sign facing each street frontage shall be permitted.
d. The number of traffic control, instructional, and parking control signs permitted
upon a Lot shall be limited to the minimum number required; furthermore, said
signs shall not be obstructive and shall be consistent in format, lettering, and
e. Signs, including billboards and other outdoor advertising media, shall relate only
to those businesses, services, industries, goods, services, or activities occurring on
or associated with the Lot upon which the signs are Iocated.
f. Signs advertising the availability for sale or lease of the Lot upon which the signs
are located are permitted.
1. The area of such signs shall not exceed 10 square feet.
2. Owners shall be permitted to place a maximum of two such signs upon
any street frontage upon which the Lot available for sale or lease fronts.
3. Such signs shall be removed within 30 days of the final sale or the lease of
the Lot.
Version: April, 2006 23
g. Off -site signs advertising the location and/or direction of Lots available for
development or in the process of development and the Owner's or Owner's
representative's name and contact information shall not exceed six square feet.
h. Except as otherwise provided herein, Owners shall place or have placed no more
than one sign per 500 feet of a Lot's street frontage.
i. A painter, artisan, or other like contractor temporarily performing work upon a
Lot shall be permitted to place upon the Lot upon which such person is
performing work one sign advertising the person's names/business name and
contact information. Such signs shall have an area of no more than 12 square feet,
and these signs shall be removed promptly upon that person's having completed
the work performed upon the Lot where the sign was placed.
j. All signs shall be removed within 30 days after the circumstances leading to their
placement no longer apply to the Lot.
k. Signs shall not be placed in such a manner as to obstruct the view of oncoming
traffic approaching from the access drives or the intersecting roads. Signs having
open spaces or which are elevated, thereby allowing safe and unobstructed sight
distances, shall be permitted in Old School Station provided that the Owner can
demonstrate that the unobstructed sight distances are assured.
13. Prohibited Signs.
The following types of signs are prohibited:
a. Commercial advertising signs, outdoor advertising structures, and billboards
which advertise products or businesses not connected with the Buildings or the
Lot upon which the signs are located;
b. Roof -top signs or signs located or projecting into any street right-of-way;
C. Flashing, rotating, or otherwise moving or animated signs; and
d. Signs located within the Clear Sight Triangle unless such signs are elevated or
open so as to not restrict visibility as provided in Section 2(k) of this Article.
14. Freestanding Ground Sips.
a. Freestanding ground signs may be either single- or double -sided. For purposes of
determining satisfaction of the maximum area requirements, the area of only one
side of a double -sided sign shall be considered in the area calculation where the
perpendicular distance between the two faces of the sign is three feet or less-
b. A freestanding ground sign shall not be placed in or project into the CIear Sight
Triangle, the established right-of-way of any street, or the side or rear yard setback
Version: April, 2006 24
area unless the sign is elevated so as not to restrict visibility.
C. Freestanding ground signs shall have a minimum setback of 20 feet from the
nearest property line.
Notwithstanding the other restrictions stated in these Design Guidelines, the
maximum area of any freestanding ground sign shall be 48 square feet, and the
maximum height shall be 20 feet.
15. Wall Signs.
a. Wall signs are defined as any of the following:
i. A sign painted onto or attached parallel or directly to the surface of a
Building wall;
ii. A sign projecting from the surface of a Building wail;
iii. A sign affixed flat against the sloping surface of a decorative mansard
structure, but not a roof;
iv. A sign affixed to a Building's marquee, awning, or canopy; or
V. A painted window sign.
b. Wall mounted signs shall not project more than 15 inches from the wall to which
they are mounted, and neither shall they project above the eave line of the
Building upon which they are mounted.
C. Wall mounted signs shall not exceed 48 square feet.
16. Materials. All signs shall be constructed of durable, high quality materials.
17. Maintenance. Owners bear the sole responsibility of maintaining all signs permitted
hereunder in a good state of repair.
18. IlIumination. Signs maybe internally or externally illuminated provided the illumination
does not extend or otherwise project off of the Lot upon which the sign is located.
The undersigned members of the Board of Directors and Design Review Committee have
executed these Design Guidelines this
Version: April, 2006