Unterreiner/Letter of SupportM
Sa' pm" Area Chamber of Commerce
November 4, 2005
Honorable Members of the Kalispell City Council
City of Kalispell
312 First Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
RE: Letter of Support: Old School Station Industrial and Technology Tax
Increment Districts
Dear Members of the City Council:
I would like to indicate my support for the proposed industrial and technology tax increment
districts at the Old School Station property.
The Kalispell Chamber has supported the use of tax increment districts by the City of Kalispell as
a tool for encouraging private investment and urban renewal. The Chamber supported the
creation of the Downtown, Westside, and Airport tax increment districts. The State of Montana
has given municipalities the authority to create tax increment districts with the intent of providing
a strong tool for commercial and industrial progress. It is one of the few tools available to
Montana cities to help in their efforts to create better economic opportunities for their citizens.
The application of tax increment funds, in this instance, is both prudent and beneficial for the
citizens of Kalispell.
The City has done a good job of protecting the interests of its citizens in structuring this
transaction with Montana Venture Partners. The Special Improvement District (SID) will pay for
the infrastructure improvements within the park. The landowners are responsible to pay for the
assessments. The tax increment funds from those companies which qualify as a technology or
industrial client will pay for the SID assessments. Those companies that do not qualify will pay
the assessments and their taxes will be distributed to schools, the county, and other taxing
This area is experiencing 2-3 percent annual population growth. It is important have a diversified
base of residential, retail, commercial, and industrial properties to provide a balanced economy.
The use of tax increment funds in this development will help create good industrial and
technology job opportunities.
Sinc rely,
J eph H.On=
r, President
alispell Area Chamber of Commerce
15 Depot Park • Kalispell, MT 59901
(406) 758-2800 • Fax (406) 758-2805 • Email: info@kalispellchamber.com • www.katispelichamber.com