Staff Report/Conditional Use PermitO. , MAY 4, ...; A report to the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for a conditional use permit to allow a mini -storage facility in a B-2 zoning district. A public hearing has been scheduled before the Kalispell City -County Planning Board for May 11, 1999, beginning at 6:00 PM, in the Kalispell City Council Chambers. The planning board will forward a recommendation to the city council for final actin. This request for a conditional use permit has been filed concurrently with a request for annexation of this property and initial zoning of B-2, General Business, once annexed into the city limits. Additionally, the applicants recently filed a request for a zoning text amendment which would list mini -storage and recreational vehicle storage as a conditionally permitted use in the City B-2 zoning districts. This request has been approved by the Kalispell City Council on second reading and is in the 30 day waiting period. The ordinance will become final prior to this request going to the city council for consideration. A. Petitioner and Owners: William C. Rice Deloris Partnership Group 178 E. Blanchard Lake Road Whitefish, MT 59937 (406)863-9925 E. Location and Size of Property: The property proposed for the mini -storage facility is located on the north side of Appleway Drive and east of its intersection with Highway 2 approximately one quarter of a mile. The entire parcel just over four acres, or 4.045 acres. Only portion of this property will be used for the mini -storage facility. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract lA located in Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. C. Nature of Request: This is a request for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 92 unit mini -storage facility on property which will be zoned B-2, General Commercial, upon annexation into the city. As previously mentioned, the applicants have sought and received a zoning text amendment which lists mini -storage facilities as a conditionally permitted use. The request for this conditional use permit is being filed concurrently with the above referenced request for annexation into the City of Kalispell and B-2 zoning. The site plan indicates a house and qut building on an adjoining parcel to the west. The site plan indicates that access to the mini -storage facility is proposed through this property which is apparently also owned by the applicants. The house is indicated to be used as a rental or on -site manager. D. Existing Land Use and Zoning: This property is currently undeveloped. This property is currently zoned County R-1, a Suburban Residential zoning district which has a one acre minimum lot size requirement for newly created lots. Typically properties which are zoned R-1 are in areas where community water and sewer are not available or the property is in environmentally sensitive areas where a low density would be appropriate. However, concurrent with the conditional use permit application, a request for annexation an initial zoning of B-2, General Business. Mini -storage is a conditionally permitted use in this zone and the Kalispell Zoning Regulations outline speck standards for mini -storage facilities under review for a conditional use permit. The applicants have reviewed the requirements and have designed their facility in substantial compliance with these development standards with the exception of some minor modifications. Further review of the speck standards will be addressed in the report. E. Surrounding Zoning and Land Uses Zoning: This area can be described as an area of transition between the commercial strip to the north and the residential uses to the south. East Cottonwood Drive is the dividing line and is primarily residential. Properties adjoining this parcel to the south front along Highway 35 and have been commercially developed. The surrounding uses are indicated on the site plan and are as follows: North.: Single family homes and vacant land; R-3, single family zoning South: Two hotels and a vacant building, B-2, general commercial zoning West:: Single family home and a trucking repair shop, R-2, single family and I-1, light industrial zoning East: Residential and commercial, B-2, general business zoning F. Master Plan Designation: This site lies within the boundaries of the Kalispell City -County Master Plan. The master plan map designates this area as Suburban Residential. The zoning for this property was adopted as part of the Evergreen and Vicinity Zoning District. The property was zoned B-2 along with the properties along Highway 35 to the eastern terminus of East Cottonwood Drive. This zoning designation was adopted primarily as a way of addressing uses which were in place at the time the zoning for the area was adopted. These uses are conforming uses under the B-2 zoning and would be non -conforming uses under residential zoning indicated in the master plan. The master plan is currently under review and revisions for this area are under review. This proposal and the zoning for this property do not comply with the master plan land use designation of Suburban Residential. G. Utilities/Services: Sewer service: No sewer will be required Water service: No water will be required Solid Waste: Contract hauler Gas: Montana Power Company Electric: Pacific Power (underground) Phone: PTI (underground) Police: Flathead County Sheriff's Office Fire: Evergreen Volunteer Fire Department Schools: School District #5 and #50, Kalispell and Evergreen H. Evaluation of the Request: 1. Site Suitability: Adequate Useable Space: The area proposed for the mini -storage facility is approximately 0.79 acres in size and is generally level. As proposed the design of the facility provides adequate travel lanes and maneuvering between the isles and complies with the standards outlined in the zoning regulations. The buildings are adequately setback from the property boundaries as indicated on the site plan. 4 a. Adequate Access: Primary access will be from Appleway Drive with a driveway through the property to the west where the single family residence and out buildings are located. Access to the mini -storage facility is proposed along the gravel drive past the house and barn to an area to the rear of the lot on a portion of the property. Access to the mini -storage facility is relatively poor because of the condition and width of the driveway as well as using a private driveway off -site. In addition to that, it does not give adequate consideration for future development of the remaining portion of the parcel. A separate driveway should be established to the east of the existing driveway and constructed to a standard that would accommodate future commercial development on the site. Adequate consideration should be given to storm water issues when locating and designing the access to the site. A minimum standard for access into the mini -storage facility should be a 24 foot wide driveway. Minimum fire safety standards are 20 feet, however, with a mini - storage facility there will be trucks and trailers with items intended for the storage units pulling into the facility. Adequate room should be given to accommodate two-way loaded vehicles. b. Environmental Constraints: There is some minimal floodplain area to the north from Spring Creek overflow, but more floodplain to the southeast. There has been seasonal flooding in the area because of �_-ulverting associated with other development in the area. There are some moderately low areas on the site overall, but not in the area where the mini -storage facility is proposed. This property is designated as being in flood zone C, not a floodprone area, and, at the northeast corner a small portion of flood zone B, the 500 year floodplain according to FIRM Panel # 1805D. Zone B does not require special development permits or special flood insurance. Impacts to groundwater is not a significant issue because the park will be not have the need for sanitation facilities even though public water and sewer are available. 2. Appropriate Design: a. Parking Scheme: The newly adopted regulation relating to mini -storage facilities addresses parking by requiring on space for the on -site manager and two additional spaces at the leasing office. The site plan indicates that the managers office may be located in the residence or that the residence may be used as a rental. In either case, there is adequate parking on near the residence to accommodate required parking. No other parking located within the facility appears to be required or needed since there is no leasing office or other office quarters where business will be conducted other than the managers quarters. b. Traffic Circulation: Circulation within the site is achieved by a series of travel lanes in front of each row of mini -storage units. The design of the travel lanes generally- comply with the zoning specifications with the exception of the lane width on the east and west ends of the facility. The outside lane are 20 feet and the standards require a minimum 26 foot wide lane when storage units open to one side of the lane. The two interior lanes are 30 feet wide and comply with the 30 feet wide requirement when storage units open onto both sides of the lane. You will note that there are two lanes which have doors on both sides of the road and two lanes, the eastern and western lanes, which have doors on one side. Paving for all parking and access areas are required to be paved with a minimum of two inches of asphalt or concrete under Section 26.26.030(4). Additionally, the travel lanes within the facility should be required to be paved because this property is in a non -attainment area for air quality. Additionally, a drainage plan will be needed to address the 3 handling of storm water run off and will be required to be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department.. There is a culvert to the west which handles some of the storm water and surface water in the area and channels it to a discharge point in Ashley Creek further to the south. c. Open Space: No specific open space would be required for a project of this nature other than the setback areas. The setbacks have been met. There will be approximately three acres remaining on the site which will be developed in the future for a commercial use allowed under the B-2 zoning and will serve as informal open space for the time being. d. Fencing/Screening/Landscaping: It does not appear that any fencing is proposed and there are no fencing requirements under the conditional use permit standards. However, it appears that some fencing around the perimeter of the facility would be appropriate to provide for some security and screening. Some screening is required by the conditional use standards for mini -storage when it abuts areas which adjoin residentially zoned properties. Some screening is proposed along the eastern boundary of the mini -storage facility which will provide screening to the east. Other screening exists in the form of trees to the west boundary. It is the recommendation of the Kalispell site review committee and the staff that screening also be provided along the northern boundary of the mini -storage facility either in the form of trees and shrubs or a vine along a fence to provide visual relief from the highway to the north. Landscaping will be used for screening purposes. e. Signage: No speck sign plan has been proposed, but the applicant has stated signs will comply with the zoning. A permit is required. 3. Availability of Public Services/Facilities: a. Schools: This development is within the boundaries of School District #5, Kalispell, and School District #50, Evergreen. However, no effect on the school district can be anticipated as a result of this development. b. Parks and Recreation: There are no well developed County park facilities in the immediate proximity to this property. However, no significant impact on the parks and recreation facilities is anticipated because of the nature of this use. c. Police: This mini -storage facility is in the jurisdiction of the Kalispell Police Department. Adequate service and protection can be provided by the department at this time. d. Fire Protection: Fire protection would be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department. The fire marshal has stated that they require a minimum of a 20 foot wide access to the site and around the building, however, a 24 foot wide access would be preferred. The department can provide adequate service to the site under the recommended standards. e. Water and Sewer No water or sewer service is proposed for the property, but this property will have access to public water and sewer from the City of Kalispell. f. Solid Waste: Solid waste disposal can be provided by the City of Kalispell upon request. There is sufficient capacity within the County landfill to accommodate additional solid waste generated from this development which is anticipated to be insignificant. El g. Roads: Traffic projections for this type of development are relatively low. The Trip General Manual, (1984) published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers estimates that there are 2.8 vehicle trips per day average per 1,000 square feet of mini -storage area. The total square footage for the 92 mini - storage units is approximately 12,600 square feet. At full build out and full occupancy, it is estimated that there would be an average of 35 vehicle trips per day. Appleway Drive is in reasonably good condition and adequate to accommodate to the potential traffic generated from this use. 4. Immediate Neighborhood Impact: The general character of this neighborhood is a mix of commercial, residential and industrial uses in the immediate area. This is a relatively low impact use with regard to traffic and utilities. The facility will be able to be seen from the highway and will present visual impacts that may be out of character with other uses along the highway. However„ visual impacts can be mitigated to a certain extent with fencing and landscaping along the north side of the facility, so the visual impacts to the highway corridor are minimal. Impacts to the residential character of the area to the south could be considered relatively inconsequential considering the existing uses on the property, i.e. number vehicles, equipment and other miscellaneous items. ACTION OF NEARBY PROPERTY OWNERS A notice of public hearing was mailed to property owners within 150 feet of the subject property approximately 15 days prior to the hearing. At the writing of the staff report, one phone call from a property owner who has several properties in the area including the property to the east, the Skipper's property to the north and the Sizzler property also to the north. Both restaurant properties front along Highway 2. He stated that he does not believe that the mini -storage facilities will encourage the type of uses anticipated for this area; uses such as offices, retail, hotels and restaurants. He is opposed to allowing the mini -storage facility in this area. The site appears to provide adequate usable space and there are no significant environmental constraints associated with the site which would pose severe development challenges. 2. Modifications to the design of the development with regard to the relocation of the access to the site, paving the internal access system and widening the east and west lanes of the facility, will bring the development into compliance with the standards of the Kalispell Zoning Regulations. 3. Public services such as community water and sewer, schools, fire protection and adequate roadways exist in the area to accommodate the expansion. 4. Impacts to the character of the area can be mitigated to a certain extent with the use of fencing, screening and landscaping on the north and east boundaries of the facility. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Kalispell City -County Planning Board adopt staff report #FCU-99-6 as findings of fact and recommend to the Kalispell City Council that the Conditional Use Permit for the proposed mini -storage facility be granted subject to the following conditions: 5 1. That the development of the site will be in substantial conformance with the site plan and building specifications presented in the application with regard to the location of the facility and travelways, the number location and height of the storage units except as modified by these conditions. 2. That the travel lanes within the development be a minimum of 26 feet wide on the outside aisles and a minimum of 30 feet wide on the inside aisles. The outside aisles on the east and west shall be paved to a minimum width of 20 and to a minimum width of 30 feet on the inside aisles. 3. Access to the facility shall be relocated between the common boundary of the subject property and the lot to the east where the residence and barn are located. The driveway to the facility shall be paved to a minimum of 24 feet wide to the facility entrance. An approach permit shall be obtained from the Kalispell Public Works Department for the exact location of the driveway along Appleway Drive and any conditions adequately met. 4. That a sight obscuring buffer a minimum of six feet high shall be placed around the north and east boundaries of the mini -storage facility which shall be made of coniferous trees and shrubs or fencing or a combination of both. 5. That the fire access shall be reviewed and approved by the fire chief of the Kalispell Fire Department. 6. That the stormwater drainage plan shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department. 7. That the storage facility will comply with the performance standards relating to mini -storage facilities as outlined in the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance specifically with regard to the use of the facilities and the type of items being stored. 8. That the conditional use , -ermit will be valid for a period of 18 months after which time if a good faith effort '-ias not been made to initiate and continue work on the project, the conditional use permit is void. \FRDO \... \FCU99-6 G Flathead Regional D- e'a•t Office 723 5th Ave. East Room 414 Kalispell, -Phone: (406)758-5980 Fax: (406)758-5781 i APPLICATION •O R CONDITIONAL PER n CITY OF KALISPELL PROPOSED USE: C� UN t OWNER(S) OF RECORD: Name: Mailing Address: City/ State/Zip: Phone: PERSON(S) AUTHORIZED TO REPRESENT THE OWNER(S) AND TO WHOM ALL CORRESPONDENCE IS TO BE SENT: Name: L-5FLQ2�5 Mailing Address: i ?'� City/ State/Zip: i t��S �, n 7T, 5 Phone: LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Refer to Property Records): Street _ Sec. 1,2 Town- Range Address: `,o t4QpLi=ttogy �12 V No. ship Town - Subdivision Tract %4 ► 1AL'ot Block Name: No(s). )M No(s). No. 7 3CA 1. Zoning District and Zoning Classification in which use is proposed: 2. Attach a plan of the affected lot which identifies the following items: a. Surrounding land uses. b. Dimensions and shape of lot. C. Topographic features of lot. d. Size(s) and location(s) of existing buildings e. Size(s) and location(s) of proposed buildings. _ f. Existing use(s) of structures and open areas. _ g. Proposed use(s) of structures and open areas. - tv �� 1 3. On a separate sheet of paper, discuss the following topics relative to the proposed use: a. Traffic flow and control. b. Access to and circulation within the property. C. Off-street parking and loading. d. Refuse and service areas. e. Utilities. f. Screening and buffering. g. Signs, yards and other open spaces. h. Height, bulk and location of structures. i. Location of proposed open space uses. j. Hours and manner of operation. k. Noise, light, dust, odors, fumes and vibration. 4. Attach supplemental information for proposed uses that have additional requirements (consult Planner). I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be incorrect or untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the F.R.D.O. staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval and development process. Applicant Signature Date Revised 10/30/97Is 2 OCI 0-) I TT- V\ -\v\ Y, 7 d��S tT -v ��iz... � - /,., ��m. m y BOOK 730 PAGE 457 IT I m S 890 16, 0 9" w 10.45' 330.00 CV 0 0 IT BOOK 679 PAGE 768 0 0 to tD c c o 0 M to � d' O O o O Z N w Z I O n � s 0 � M Q O G � o CDz IT 0 0 N N PACX ADDITION 791 340. 45' TRACT 2 4.045 ACPES N 890 16' 09 E 174.30' TRACT 1 0.884 ACRE 790.81 -- a, 1K1.3163.00, 95 0OP 0 8-m- 330.00 E 1/16 N 890 16' 09' E 2597.04' S 12 APPLEWAY DRIVE S 13 PIPE (BRASS CAP MISSING) CTTON CORNER AS PER CORNER a !67 P.O.B. BASIS OF BF,ARING A fiRAC" IZ, TOW CCU NTY CO NOr10 s cu T W= 4ND T' 1 K" T T' 0 It T' Bt 0 o T' o M K- T' M �O N � m W 0 W r` A TF 1M O TCW >TSH1 r M cn MO NTA NA , O O D) cf O,. z ci ON A %I SAID o PC ! ^VT' m SAID BEGIN T?! 4 1. D E; Tii : h6{ DE: TH`• o 0 73c o FE' —��• �- 9 6 8.52 FOUND BRASS CAP MO` FOR SECTION CORNER AS I`tDICATE'D ON C.0 . 6669 THT,: THIS T L 3MILE DRIVE 1' 11 I I li ROOK DR. I VE /ZONE A LIMIT OF .12 ETAILE '_'- STUDY e 2sss ., ZONE A-3 )NEB I ZONE A ZI — x II RM19 ii 11 BURLIN1G- ZONE 13 x r_ (i r- JOINS PANEL 1815 I a i ciIREA y of Kalispell NOT INCLUDED I culveI.rt ZO N E C ZONE AO cw1 West (DEPTH 1) Spring f Creek ZONE C " ZONE A4 — ZONEAO I MERIDIAN ROAD (DEPTH 3i Cite of Kalispell ZONE C AREA NOT INCLUDED Ashley Creek 11 V-e ZONE ZONE A5 937 {2ON F)orbridge I" B LIMIT OF DETAILED ':,i 9 500-YEAR FLOOD CONTAINED IN CULVERT STUDYg ZONE C 2939 2 3 Z O N E B ZONE A13 �2929 — - 292E ZONE B — 'ZONE R M 16' ZONE C ZONE A5 NEC NEB SHLEYCREF,K LL I uv, r�r� 5CEA ETON AVECA 3 � � � , 2MA rSC LAM E ouiR6 I I ® 2 Q' 2 ,. I I t 2 3 PO A ,V LLA #3 _ a_ t a 5CF YEUOWST ONE ST A w UNBURST C 2LC 2MD 8K4 3 4 ,VE W 5 C C P� 3 5J R D BS 2L8 C I _ .' ; GtACIE 2 9a , ,a ADD. 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CERTIFICATION APPLICANT: DELORIS PARTNERSHIP GROUP FRDO FILE #: KA-99-3 and KCU-99-6 I, the undersigned certify that I did this date mail a copy of the attached notice to the following list of landowners within 150 feet of the property lines of the property that is the subject of the application. Date: 7 Assessor's S-T-R Lot/Tract Property Owner No. No. & Mail Address SEE ATTACHED LIST APPLICANT WILLIAM C RICE 178 EAST BLANCHARD LAKE RD WHITEFISH MT 59937 tt'L.A El oE)o S. Main Kalispell, MT 59901 n nnnni irn 7.1 .4'iG c R TG I4/, )�A, Joy t-J L too4 3ea E %e�z,L N-t-r 015c4-? TRACT ASSESSOR # OWNER/ADDRESS _j p $ ,Hc m j?— , Z �?cr=� zz Z ©(v47 64-o 51 $ �1 a y�, 3; -z �1 ��0 C tV 5f �7 1 SOZ y c�z ZZ?� 1 � Zg -ZZ rb� caa X. 70 c., �� S�9cA-os l0 M�Pzvn Z 'Z� ��,? �5J1�/yi� Zf7 ��c ` LZ �11V U� ntxne�-�i wgg n�� zo,�-514 J/`,jam (' Z r- J�`�� 4 -Loi�1�'S 1�1YC-cc��-r-ec.�,- SVYEP_. w� a t�"I" S 99 o t 3 49 Co g �4: Col TE0 WM Y46 - w l iC7 ;�l Cpp(nc ZZ 2 �AVZ W -- VAL, MT 5 cl' bo 448b zz AvE w STt. Z200 MT 5CA90 1 r 7��� S U' l it NOTICEOF ,. r ,r.-� r, r r. Annexation and Conditional Use Permit for Mini -Storage - Appleway Drive Zone Change from -1 and I-lto B-2 on Seventh Ave. E.N. RA-1 Text Amendment to Side Yard Setbacks Casino in Kalispell Center Mall Conditional Use Permit Ridgewood Terrace Mobile Rome Park Expansion Preliminary Plat Zone Change from R-1 to B-2 on Highway 35 The regular meeting of the Kalispell City -County Planning Board and Zoning Commission is scheduled for Tuesday, May 11, 1999, beginning at 6:00 PM in the Kalispell City Council Chambers, Kalispell City Fall, 312 First Avenue East, Kalispell. During this regularly scheduled meeting, the board will hold public hearings or take public comments on the following agenda items and will make recommendations to the City Council or the Board of County Commissioners, who will take final action: To the Kalispell City Council: 1. A request by Deloris Partnership Group for annexation into the City of Kalispell and initial zoning of B-2, General Business, for approximately 4.045 acres. The property proposed for annexation is located on the north side of Appleway Drive east of its intersection with Highway 2 West approximately one quarter of a mile. Currently this property is in the West Side Zoning District and is zoned County R-1, a Rural Residential zoning district. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract IA located in Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana, and as further described on attached Exhibit A. 2. A request by Deloris Partnership Group for a conditional use permit to allow the construction of a 92 unit mini -storage facility on property zoned B-2, General Commercial, which lists mini -storage facilities as a conditionally permitted use. The request for this conditional use permit is being filed concurrently with the above referenced request for annexation into the City of Kalispell and B-2 zoning. The property proposed for the mini -storage facilities is located on the north side of Appleway Drive, east of its intersection with Highway 2 West approximately one quarter of a mile. The property can be described as Assessor's Tract lA located in Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 3. A request by Bob Cherot, Phil Neuharth and Bruce Young for a zone change from RA-1, Low Density Residential Apartment, and I-1, Light Industrial, to B-2, General Business, on approximately 3.80 acres. The property is located at the southern most end of Seventh Avenue E.N. just north of Woodland Park. This property can be described as Assessor's Tract 30UC (RA-1 zoning) and Assessor's Tract 301313 (I-1 zoning) located in Section 8, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.,M, Flathead County, Montana, and as further described in Exhibit B. 4. A request by Rich S. Ockey for an amendment to the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance, Section 27.09.040(3), Minimum Yard Requirements. As proposed, the side yard setback requirements would be amended from the current requirement of ten feet plus an additional ten feet for each increment of ten feet above 25 feet in height; to a requirement of ten feet plus an additional one foot for each foot above 25 feet in height. This amendment would potentially effect all areas within the City of Kalispell with an RA-1 zoning designation. 5. A request by Columbia Falls Lounge Corporation for a conditional use permit to allow the conversion of the existing Fireside Lounge in the Kalispell Center Mall into a casino. The applicant intends to convert the existing facility without expanding the existing building. The property proposed for this use is located in the B-4, Central Business District, a zoning district which lists casinos as a conditionally permitted use. The property is located on the northwest corner of Center Street and Main Street in Kalispell. The property address is 20 North Main Street, Kalispell. The property can be described as Assessor's Tracts 2AB and 8BA located in Section 7, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana To the Board of County Commissioners 6. A request by Carver Engineering on behalf of Theodore Fouts for preliminary plat approval for the expansion of Ridgewood Terrace Mobile Home Court by adding an additional 16 rental lots for manufactured homes. The property is zoned R-5, a Two Family Residential zoning district which lists manufactured home parks as a conditionally permitted use. The area proposed for the expansion contains approximately 2.54 acres with approximately 1.972 acres devoted to lots. The property can be described as Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 4, Larson's Acres First Addition; Lot 1, Block 5, Larson's Acres, First Addition; the north 60 feet of the west 100 feet of Lot 5, Block 2, (Assessor's Tracts 5B and 5C) of Larsons' Acres and Lots 3, 4 and 5, Block 6, Larson's Acres First Addition located in Section 33, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana. 7. A request by Debora Poteet for a zone change in the Evergreen and Vicinity Zoning District from R-1, Suburban Residential, a residential district with a one acre minimum lot size requirement, to B-2, General Business, a general commercial zoning district which allows a variety of commercial uses. The area proposed for rezoning contains approximately 0.838 of an acre and is located on the north side of Highway 35 east of LaSalle Road (Highway 2) approximately one mile. The property can be described as Lot 9, Block 4, Bernard's Park located in Section 3, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.,M, Flathead County, Montana and as further described in attached Exhibit C. Documents pertaining to these agenda items are on file for public inspection in the Flathead Regional Development Office, 723 Fifth Avenue East, Room 414, Kalispell, MT 59901, and are available for public review during regular office hours. Flathead County Zoning Regulations are also on file for public inspection at the Office of the Clerk and Recorder, Flathead County Courthouse, Kalispell, MT, in Permanent File No. 16137. Interested persons are encouraged to attend the hearings and make their views and concerns known to the Board. Comments in writing may be submitted to the Flathead Regional Development Office at the above address prior to the date of the hearing. Thomas R. Jentz Planning Director Exhibit fe"eloris Partnership Annexation and Initial Zoni Initial Zoning of B-2 Upon Annexation Legal Description A tract of land located in the south half of the southeast quarter of Section 12, Township 28 North, Range 22 West, Principal Meridian, Montana, Flathead County, Montana, and more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the east one -sixteenth corner of Sections 12 and 13; thence N00°37'03"E, on and along the west boundary of the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of said Section 12, a distance of 30.00 feet to a point which point lies on the north boundary of a 60 foot road known as Appleway Road; thence N89° 16'09"E, on and along said north boundary of Appleway Drive, a distance of 163.00 feet to the true point of beginning; Thence N89° 16'09"E, continuing on and along said north boundary of Appleway Drive, a distance of 167.00 feet to a point which is southwest corner of a tract of land described in Book 469 Page 263, records of Flathead County; Then N00°37'03"E, on and along the west boundary of said tract described in Book 469 Page 263, a distance of 630.00 feet to the northwest corner of said tract described in Book 469 Page 263; Thence S89° 16'09"W, along the south boundary of a tract of land described in Book 730 Page 457, records of Flathead County, a distance of 340.45 feet to an existing fence, as indicated on 4B's Addition No. 45, records of Flathead County; Thence S00°41'41"W, on and along said existing fence, a distance of 409.02 feet to a point; Thence N89° 16'09"E, a distance of 174.30 feet to a point; Thence S00°41'41"W, a distance of 22 1. 00 feet to the true point of beginning. This tract contains 4.045 acres. R i -C ':GN ;A 1,34 a. OF ;ATEW4AY ~ RA4 S ADD � 2CK k ' ,UsKr 2CH T PC'O T-M j T-A \i_�RC NO AD 2CE 2CH, LJ 2CC a G 2CF zc 2 ca' 1 11 - Ll SLK 1 LAD RESUB 1 & t141 1FA HWY 2 9 7 ' GIBSCN GI8 ON SALLEE ADD41 } C` KAUSPE ADomCN vs ADD. J52 T-1 A SAtt� LUMBERm 4 ADD. U4" �� ADD NO 2 41 D.. e B -.000 7A G I BSO1��' 3-bycct R- a VERIC T-2• cl 6HA A 7.8 S AOt 4-v 1 C r 113 Ev�FSS�a� 1 . 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IvO. 48 f6 - 168A 16 1 2 168MA A,'4x 11A SE 11 12 1HA 13I 1 t i T pRco) 11 DA ill+ Pirl k VI UCTINITYMAP DELORIS PARTNERSHIP GROUP REQUEST FOR ANNEXATION & INITIAL .L ONI G OF B- , GENERAL BUSINESS, FROM R-I, SUBURBAN RESIDENTIAL, WEST SIDE ZONING DISTRICT TO B- , GENERAL BUSINESS, LI PBLL ZONING DISTRICT PLOT DATZ 4/20/0 FILE # KA-99-3 SCALE " = 00' \\K"9 3. 9 V , e ustKeep 1 ai ng lem Better .� 9 -Aga 940 Steel Roll -Up Door At Trac-Rite Door, we understand the difference between just making `em, and making `em BETTER. From zinc -coated brackets and door stops, to our door rope with handle, we're a) 12 olt o z n1o"" steel slide bolt ocks into e ride for committed to developing quality products. extra security. Guardian P� g 4 ty P Security lock optional. Whether it's materials or packaging our goal b) Mohled plastic rope handle for convenient opening and is to just keep making `em better. dosingg ,Aluminum bottom assemblg stainless steel bolts Trac-Rite Model 940 steel roll-updoors offer: and rubber bottom seal provide corrosion resistance. • Low Maintenance c) 12 gauge zinc -coated door stops included on every door • Corrosion Resistant Bottom Assembly for added safely. sturdy zinc -coated 18ZZauge steel • Sealed Bearings for Smooth Operation gaides ro llh polypropylene runners allow lours to • Custom Sizes glide easily. • 10 Year Paint Warranty d) 3 drums and dual springs provide solid curtain sup- • Full Line of Accessories part on doors 5' wide and under. Felt tape at each drum • Three Year Material Warranty protects exterior finish. 8 standard, pre -finished colors. Garnet Desert Tan Royal Blue Polar Blue Evergreen Iced White Continental Sunset Orange Brown t iD r c•Rite T a. 314 9flhum Road, Sun Prairie, WI 53590.1469 Phone:608-837.7899 • 800-448-8979 Dealer Fax: 608-825-6745 • E-mail: tr@tracdte.com See us on the World Wide Web! Point your browser at http://www.tracrite.com 940 Information Sheet To order your 940 door, you need to provide the following measurements: 0 TraaRite Framed Opening: Mounting Surfaces: t t Door Clearances: Measure the framed opening. HEADER Provide measurements + HEADER + Provide measurements for Door Cleararre. 1 for mounting surface areas. t o Mounting surfaces NOTE: Insulated doors require an additr:, al 1of Back IA. Width must be flush. Room and Head Room.E F MEDOPEMNo E I.—F H B. Height A FRAMED OPENM6 m � O 940 Doors are available in custom sizes from Minium MountingYour Measurement Surface Areas 3'w x 3'h to 1O'w x 1O'h in 1' increments. Brackets For Example: SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW C. Width 4 If your framed opening is 7'6' wide and 8'0' high, you would Minimum Your Measurement Clearances order a 7'6' x 8'0' door (width first, height second). D. Height 71/r E Back Room Guides E. Widthr G. Head Room 141/2` 4` ,(9•o aoslde H. Side Room _ with an operator) " Specifications and Features 1. Design Type: • Live axle: door axle rotates in the bracket 2. Drums: • Stamped, continuously welded at the hub • 9-1/2' diameter x 1" wide 5. Door Curtain Assembly • 18 gauge zinc coated steel • 2 drums with doors up to 5' wide 4. Axle .d • 3 drums with doors over 5' wide 3. Springs: • Helical torsion • 1 spring up to 5' wide • 2 springs over 5' in width 4. Axle: • 1-5/16' O.D. high yield structural steel tubing 5. Curtain: • Factory seamed, continuously corrugated • 26 gauge galvanized steel • Polyester finish in 8 standard colors • Full length felt tape at each drum 6. Bottom • Zinc coated steel back angle Assembly: • Corrosion resistant aluminum extrusion • Rubber blade seal • Stainless steel carriage bolts 7. Brackets: • 12 gauge cold formed zinc coated steel 8. Bearing: • Greased packed ball bearing in brackets 9. Guides: • 18 gauge zinc coated, 1-1/2' deep • Attached polypropylene guide runners 10. Exterior Lock: • 12 gauge plated steel • Stainless steel carriage bolts • Two padlock design 11. Mounting Fasteners: Steel: • Bracket — 5/16" diameter bolts and nuts • Jamb —1/4" x 7/8' self -drilling screws Wood: • Bracket — 5/16' x 1-5/8' washer head lags • Jamb —1/4' x 2' self -drilling screws Concrete: • Clip type system with 5/16' diameter expansion anchors for both brackets and jambs. (Concrete hardware must be ordered separately.) 12. Door Stop: • 12 gauge zinc coated door stops 13. Exterior Handle: • Powder coated, zinc plated outside handle 14. Pull Rope • Molded plastic rope handle Handle: Optional Accessories 7. Door 11. Fasts (Typl 12. Dool Optional Optional Guardian 10. Lock 9. Door i 13. Extel 6. Bottol DRAFT STOP: 4" wide, consists of a 1' rigid PVC" strip and 3' flexible PVC prepunched along one edge. Attached to the header. GUARDIAN LOCK: Security lock with removable cylinder, overlock capacity, tamper proof, comes with 3 keys. INSULATION: Double bubble foil reflective insulation with an extra layer of polyurethane coating on the front side for durability. Also helps dampen door noise during operation. INTERIOR 'LOCK: 12 gauge zinc coated steel slide bolt locks into a keeper attached to the side guide. Two locks per door fasten to the bottom assembly and come with a hole for a padlock. WINDOW KIT: 20' x 6' clear plastic, highly flexible and durable. The door must be factory prepared for the window to be field installed. One window per door. BRUSH SEALS: Weather strip fabricated from black nylon brush in a mill finish aluminum extrusion. Attaches to side jamb. 5 HOOD: Made from the same corrugated steel as the door, the hood covers the door nest for protection and aesthetics. Operators DIRECT DRIVE CHAIN HOIST: 9-1/2' outside diameter cast iron pocket wheel with zinc plated steel chain guide. Mounts on a l' diameter shaft extension fastened to the door axle. Mounts on either side of the door. Chain keeper provided. (/ I MEDIUM DUTY MOTOR OPERATOR: 1/2 horse power, medium duty operator designed for-, , to 12 cycles per hour. Wall mounted, this operator turns a shaft extension connected to the axle. Remote controls and other options available. SHAFT EXTENSION: Designed to fit the Model 940 door axle, this option is needed to install a chain hoist or a motor operator. Due to the continuing nature of product design, specifications are subject to change without notice. 11/98 7.5M I