03/15/00 Root to Racicot/Proposed MoratoriumCOPY hI,t:-tII!e_tIL DlvisiCm ;'95,S) 5- 1 -5 3 0� March 15, 2000' The Honorable Marc Racicot Governor of Montana P.O. Box 200801 Helena, Montana 59620-0801 Our company, Hampstead Partners, during the last year was part of the team which successfully purchased and is now in the process oi'dev'eloping seven multifamily apartment communities in western Montana. Denoted as the ``Montana Preservation Project," the success was due to a great effort by many people at the federal, state and local levels working together. The properties are being substantially rehabilitated using a variety of financing mechanisms including an allocation of tax credits and volume cap bonds through the Montana Board of ;P Housing, Federal Home Loan Bank funds, 'local funds, and other federal subsidies. The properties will be preserved for at Least 40 years as affordable housing for families and the elderly. Over the course of the last year and a half, in our many travels to Montana in furtherance of the preservation effort, my partners and T have not only come to appreciate and enjoy the many fine People we have metin. Montana, bi-t have also come to the conclusion that Montana is one of the most beautillu-l- places we have ever been, and is xhere we look forward to bringing our families in the future to visit many times. Along the way, we'have been made. aware of other community development needs which we may possibly be able to help meet. One such need is. for the development of a business/technology park on the northern limits of the City of Kalispell. Through our many conversations with state and local officials as well as our own research, we have determined that a business technology park of approx-1-111alely 60 acres with 30 to 40 users could serve a valuable social and economic purpose in the. Flathead Valley area and Montana generally. We have identified what we believe to be a premiere location for the proposed park along Highway 93 on aportion of Section 36 of state land Just north of the City of Kalispell. P, 1-1- L4 !2 A50. jo!lz. We have had a number of preliminary discussions with representatives from the Department of 'Natural Resources and Conservation to preliminarily assess and understand the competitive, administrative and legal process associated with the objective of receiving a long-term lease on a portion of the state land. There are numerous reasons why we believe tuck a.park would be successful, one of the most important of which would be the creation of several hundred well paying jobs. These 'Would be the kind of jobs which could keep young educated Montanans in Montana and bring other skilled folks to Montana. The park could be a catalyst for the creation of such higher paying technology oriented jobs as the Flatheava Valley specifically and the state of Montana generally search for new and better ways to build a different stronger, and enduring economic development base for the future. The proposed park would be consistent with the neighborhood plan adopted for Section 36 and would be consistent with the DNIRC mandate to seek the highest development of state 'owned lands in order that, they might be placed to their highest and best use and derive greater revenue for the educational system in Montana. The proposed park would also be built,iri accordance with all city and county zoning and building requirements. We, have formed an alliance with a local high tech company to joint venture the development of the park. This growing organization has been offered significant incentives to relocate outside .the state. The president of the Company* is a local Montanan who would like to see the development of this park come into existence so the company can grow in Montana. thereby supporting the local and state economies. Notwithstanding that there is a competitive process we would -have to undergo to pursue this development on state land, we would ae the opportunity to present a proposal to the state fori an environmentally clean business/technology park which we- believe could be a cornerstone for a high tech economic base in the, Flathead Valley. In light of what we believe would be the significant long-term benefits. of a development of this type to the educational system in Montana and to the local and state economies, we would respectfully request that serious reflection be given to the impact which a moratorium on the development of ptate lands would have. Respectfully yours, HM? P I RS 'Norm Root Principal N'R:ph 2