03-17-11 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, March 17, 2011 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, City Engineer Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Tom Jentz, Planning & Bldg Director P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Jeff Walla, Stelling Engineering. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: None. Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dan Diehl, Fire Chief Charlie Johnson, Construction Manager Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer NEW BUSINESS: Applebee's — 2322 Hwy 93 N; new restaurant —New landscaping plans were submitted with changes as requested by the Architectural Review Committee. They put in more evergreen trees, and they have a boulevard for snow storage. They will check to be sure they have five percent landscaping. The dumpster enclosure is five feet from the property line, ten feet at the building on the property line, and then twenty feet from the right of way. They will need to move the valve boxes off the bike path. They will stripe out the two end spaces. Sorensen suggested they could develop those into designated bike spaces. Their hydrant location is on the west wall. They will be putting in a vortex unit for water quality treatment. Public Works will take a closer look at this project and get comments back to them. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: We have received a request for annexation off of South Woodland. Adjacent to the City, across from Quincy Loop, it is .26 of an acre. The property goes west to the slough, and they intend to build a house. Conditional Use Permit for 75 Buffalo Hill Drive — adjacent to the golf course. Adult Care Home for four adults. This is an existing house. Samaritan House — CUP for kitchen and cafeteria in the old US Army Reserve Center. OTHER REPORTS: A request for two starter shacks and a ball washing but at Buffalo Hills Golf Course, all located near the clubhouse on top. It will change where the Cameron Nine begins. This will be on next week's agenda. Greenacres Mobile Home Park — east of South Woodland. They are considering requesting sewer services from the City. They have 32 units there. There is a gravity line there. The consensus is for them to sign a Waiver of Annexation from the mobile home park but not do the annexation yet. Burnham has sent a memo to the City Manager regarding this request. Propane leak in a large tank at Northern Propane by Fun Beverage. KFD is monitoring the situation. Northwest Energy put Teflon grease on the 16" valve in the alley at 4t" and Washington to keep it from leaking. KFD is monitoring this valve. If it begins to leak again, this would be an major repair. The closest equipment to deal with this large of a valve is in Iowa. There was a fire on Flathead Drive in the trailer court behind Office Max where KFD assisted Evergreen Fire. This was a meth lab and grow operation. Syke's — Burnham noted that City Attorney Charlie Harball has not had any response from them regarding their Right of Way Agreement with the City. The meeting was adjourned at 10:48 a.m.