Staff Report/Preliminary PlatREPORT TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEETING DATE: City of Kalispell Planning Department 17 - 2"d Street East, Suite211, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Telephone: (406) 751-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 Website: kalispellplanning.com Kalispell Mayor and City Council Sean Conrad, Senior Planner James H. Patrick, City Manager Preliminary Plat Approval of Subdivision #272 June 5, 2006 BACKGROUND: This is a preliminary plat request for a two lot townhouse subdivision. Each townhouse lot or sublot would be 6,664 square feet in size. The sublots would be created from a larger parcel of tract land approximately 33,500 square feet in size. The property is zoned R-4, Two Family Residential, and is located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Denver Avenue and Rimrock Court at 121 Denver Avenue. The property has 201 feet of frontage along Denver Avenue and 167 feet of frontage along Rimrock Court. The property can be described as Assessors Tract No. 7AACAA, located in Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana RECOMMENDATION: A motion to approve the preliminary plat with the 10 conditions attached in staff report KSR-06-3 would be in order. FISCAL EFFECTS: Positive impacts once fully developed. ALTERNATIVES: As suggested by the City Council. Respectfully7s7tted, Sean Conrad James H. Patrick Senior Planner City Manager Report compiled: May 30, 2006 Attachments: Staff Report KSR-06-3 and application materials c: Theresa White, Kalispell City Clerk Tim and Kay Knoll, 121 Denver Avenue, Kalispell, MT 59901 Sands Surveying, Inc., 2 Village Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901 A RESOLUTION CONDITIONALLY APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT 0 SUBDIVISION 272, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS ASSESSOR'S TRACT N 7AACAA, LOCATED IN SECTION► TOWNSHIP 28 NORTH, RANGE ► 1+ COUNTY,! WHEREAS, Tim and Kay Knoll, the owners of the certain real property described above, have petitioned for approval of the Subdivision Plat of said property, and WHEREAS, the proposed subdivision plat of said property is subject to the provisions of Section 2.05 (Preliminary Plat Process -Minor Subdivision), Subdivision Regulations of the City of Kalispell, and WHEREAS, the Kalispell Planning Department has reviewed the proposed subdivision and made a report (#KSR-06-3) to the City Council of the City of Kalispell, said report considering the criteria set forth in Section 76-3-608 MCA, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kalispell at its regular Council Meeting of June 5, 2006, reviewed the Kalispell Planning Department Report #KSR-06-3, and found from the Preliminary Plat, and evidence, that the subdivision is in the public interest. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, MONTANA AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I. That the Findings of Fact contained in Kalispell Planning Department Report #KSR-06-3 are hereby adopted as the Findings of Fact of the City Council. SECTION II. That the application of Tim and Kay Knoll for approval of the Preliminary Plat of Subdivision 272, Kalispell, Flathead County, Montana is hereby approved subject to the following conditions: 1. That the final plat for the subdivision shall be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. App. C — Final Plat) 2. New infrastructure required to serve the subdivision shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Kalispell's Standards for Design and Construction and Montana Public Works Standards; and shall be certified by an engineer licensed in the State of Montana. All work shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department prior to construction. This infrastructure shall include curb, gutter, boulevard and sidewalk and shall be installed along Denver Avenue as it abuts the subdivision. (Kalispell Design and Construction Standards) 3. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the new infrastructure has been accepted by the City of Kalispell. (Kalispell Design and Construction Standards) 4. The required boulevard along Denver Avenue shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide and a payment in lieu of landscaping provided to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the installation of street trees and seeding of the boulevard. (Findings of Fact Section D) 5. The following note shall be placed on the final plat for lots I and 1B, "Property owner(s) are responsible for the boulevard strip for the length of their property boundaries. Responsibilities include watering and mowing of the grass within the boulevard. Removal of grass or trees within the boulevard is prohibited unless approved by the Kalispell Department of Parks and Recreation." (Findings of Fact Section D) 6. The owner of tract 7AACAA shall install curb, gutter and sidewalk along the property boundary adjacent to Denver Avenue. The new infrastructure shall connect with existing infrastructure along Denver Avenue. (Findings of Fact Sections C and D) 7. All new utilities shall be installed underground. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 3.17) All areas disturbed during development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed - free mix immediately after development. Erosion control measures must be in place during construction and remain in place until the site is stabilized. 9. The owner shall provide a draft copy of a maintenance agreement for the 20-foot access easement shown on the preliminary plat. (Findings of Fact Section A) 10. That preliminary plat approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of approval. (Kalispell Sub. Regs. Section 2.04). SECTION III. Upon proper review and filing of the Final Plat of said subdivision in the office of the Flathead County Clerk and Recorder, said premises shall be a subdivision of the City of Kalispell. PASSED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL AND SIGNED BY THE MAYOR OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL, THIS 5TH DAY OF JUNE, 2006. Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk SUBDIVISION SUBDIVISION REPORT , 6 A report to the Kalispell City Council regarding a request for preliminary plat approval for a two unit townhouse subdivision. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: This is a preliminary plat request for a two unit townhouse subdivision on an existing residential lot located at 121 Denver Avenue in Kalispell. The site contains an existing single family residence and a garage. The property is zoned R-4, Two Family Residential, and lies at the southeast corner of the intersection of Denver Avenue and Rimrock Court. The property, tract 7AACAA, was part of the Ashley Meadows Subdivision which was given final plat approval in May of 2004 to create 13 lots. Although portions of tract 7AACAA were incorporated into Ashley Meadows the majority of the tract was not a part of the subdivision and, therefore, was considered a remainder tract. Since tract 7AACAA is a remainder the proposed subdivision of two sublots is being treated as a minor subdivision in accordance with the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations. A. Owner: Tim and Kay Knoll 121 Denver Avenue Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 755-8627 E. Technical Assistance: Sands Surveying, Inc. 2 Village Loop Kalispell, MT 59901 C. Nature of the Request: This is a request for a two lot townhouse subdivision. Each townhouse lot or sublot would be 6,664 square feet in size. The sublots would be created from a larger parcel of tract land approximately 33,500 square feet in size. D. Location and size of Property: The address of the property is 121 Denver Avenue and the site lies at the southeast corner of the intersection of Denver Avenue and Rimrock Court. The property has 201 feet of frontage along Denver Avenue and 167 feet of frontage along Rimrock Court. The property can be described as Assessors Tract No. 7AACAA, located in Section 19, Township 28 North, Range 21 West, P.M.M., Flathead County, Montana E. Existing land use and zoning: The property currently has a single family residence that will be retained on the remainder portion of the lot. The area of the proposed sublots is currently vacant. The property is zoned R-4, Two Family Residential, which allows for the creation of sublots. 1 F. Adjacent Land Uses and Zoning: This property is located in an urbanized area of the city with smaller single family and townhouse lots surrounding the site. North: Single-family homes; City R-4 zoning East: Single-family homes; City R-4 zoning South: Single-family homes; City R-4 zoning West: Single-family homes; City R-3 zoning G. Proposed Availability of Utilities/Services: Sewer service: City of Kalispell Water service: City of Kalispell Solid Waste: City of Kalispell Electric: Flathead Electric Cooperative Phone: Centur Tel Police: City of Kalispell Fire: Kalispell Fire Department Natural Gas: Northwest Energy Cable: Bresnan Communications Schools: School District #5, Kalispell f 0112:2011M 0 This application is reviewed as a minor subdivision in accordance with statutory criteria and the Kalispell City Subdivision Regulations. A. Effects on Health and Safety: Fire: This subdivision is in the service area of the Kalispell Fire Department. The property can be considered to be at low risk of fire because the subdivision and homes within the subdivision would be constructed in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code and have access which meets City standards. A fire hydrant is located on the west side of Denver Avenue approximately 100 feet from the proposed subdivision. Flooding: The property is located outside of the 100 year floodplain pursuant to the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Community Panel Number 3000231815D, revised September 30, 1992. Access: Access to the proposed sublots would be off of Denver Avenue, a street built to City standards and maintained by the City. In reviewing the preliminary plat, the Public Works Department recommended that the street frontage along Denver Avenue be brought up to City standards including curb, gutter, sidewalks, boulevard and street trees. The preliminary plat also shows a 20-foot wide access easement along the eastern boundary of tract 7AACAA. The access easement extends from Rimrock Court south to the proposed townhouse lots and would enable future IN townhouses to utilize a rear garage for parking in order to provide a better street presentation of the townhouse units. The easement would be private and therefore planning staff is recommending a condition be placed on the plat requiring a maintenance agreement be created and included with the deeds of the two proposed sublots. E. Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat: The site is not mapped within any big game winter range and does not provide significant habitat to wildlife and does not host any significant or endangered wildlife. Surface and groundwater: This subdivision will be served by public water and sewer thereby minimizing any potential impacts to the groundwater. The closest surface water is Ashley Creek which lies approximately 700 feet to the east of the property. Groundwater is an issue for homes in the surrounding subdivisions. A Depth to Water Table map dated March 13, 2006 indicates the water table between 5 and 10 feet below the surface for the area of the proposed sublots. Drainage: This property in general is level and does not pose any challenging development constraints. Stormwater management will be reviewed upon further development of each of the proposed lots through the site plan review process. The portion of Denver Avenue fronting the proposed sublots and the remainder tract currently utilizes a drainage ditch to trap and convey stormwater runoff from the road to existing stormwater facilities to the north. During review of the proposed subdivision the Public Works Department has recommended that Denver Avenue, as it fronts both the proposed sublots and remainder tract, be upgraded with curbs and gutters to address the handling of stormwater from Denver Avenue. As the remainder tract is not part of the proposed subdivision the owner does not have to necessarily install curb and gutters along Denver Avenue as it fronts the remainder tract. However, upon discussing the requested improvements with the consultant, the owner has agreed to work with the City and install curb and gutter along both the proposed sublots and remainder tract. D. Effects on Local Services: Water: Water service to the subdivision would be provided by the City of Kalispell and taken from a water main which is located in the Denver Avenue road right-of-way. There is adequate capacity within the City's water system to accommodate this development. Individual hook ups and meters will be required for each lot. Sewer: Sewer service will be provided by the City of Kalispell. There is an existing sewer main located within the Denver Avenue road right-of-way. There 3 is also adequate capacity within the sewage treatment plant to accommodate this development. Roads: Denver Avenue provides access to the two proposed sublots. Denver Avenue runs north to south connecting Stratford Village, Ashley Meadows and Lone Pine View subdivisions with Sunnyside Drive. Denver Avenue is constructed within a 60-foot road right-of-way and a majority of the roadway is built to City standards. One length of roadway not built to current City standards is the 201 feet of frontage along the proposed townhouse lots and the remainder lot. The Public Works Department has required the road right- of-way in front of the two proposed sublots as well as the remainder tract be upgraded to City standards including curb, gutter, sidewalks, boulevard and street trees for frontage along Denver Avenue. As discussed above, the owner will be required to bring the roadway in front of the two sublots and the remainder tract up to current City standards including the installation of sidewalks along with a 5-foot boulevard strip and the applicable number of street trees. The Department of Parks and Recreation has previously worked with developers by approving appropriate street trees to be planted within the boulevard strip. However, recently the Department has changed its policy and now requires developers to provide the Department with funds so that the Department can install the street tree(s) and seed the boulevard strip. This has come about after lot owners in numerous subdivisions have neglected to place grass and instead have placed rock in the boulevard and may or may not plant the required street trees. With the owner or developer providing funds to the Department, the City can be assured that the boulevard will be seeded and trees installed per City standards. In addition, the Department of Parks and Recreation has requested future lot owner(s) be notified that they must maintain the boulevard strip and no removal of grass or street trees can occur without approval from the Department of Parks and Recreation. Therefore, conditions have been added to the proposed subdivision to address the Department's concerns regarding the street boulevards. Sidewalks: There is an existing sidewalk network surrounding the proposed subdivision. The sidewalks along Denver do not extend across either the two proposed sublots or the remainder lot. Along Rimrock Court sidewalks are located on both sides of the court including the 167 feet of frontage on the remainder tract. 4 The garage located on the remainder tract is located on the left. As the photo illustrates, there is currently no sidewalk located along the western edge of the property The Kalispell Growth Policy, Chapter 8, Goal 2 states, "Encourage design that is consistent with and contributes to the character of the area and that promotes safe and accessible pedestrian access and movement." As stated previously the area around the proposed subdivision and remainder is developed with sidewalks providing safe pedestrian access between subdivisions in this part of the City. However, the sidewalks do not continue through the existing tract of land where the subdivision is taking place. Therefore, staff is recommending the sidewalk be continued through the remainder tract of land along Denver Avenue to provide the needed connectivity between the existing sidewalks. After discussions with the owner's consultant, the owner was informed of the City's concern of sidewalk connectivity and has agreed to extend the sidewalk along the remainder tract to provide the needed connectivity. 0 The blue house in the background is located on the proposed remainder tract. The existing sidewalk is located immediately south of the proposed subdivision. Schools: This development is within the boundaries of the Kalispell School District #5. The school district could anticipate that an additional school aged child might be generated into the district once both the townhouse units are complete. The additional child entering the school district would not have a significant impact on the district. Parks and Open Space: Section 3.19.B of the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations exempts minor subdivisions from the parkland / open space requirement. Police: This subdivision would be in the jurisdiction of the City of Kalispell Police Department. The department can adequately provide service to this subdivision, however the cumulative impacts of growth within the City further strains the Department's ability to continue to provide the high level of service the Department is committed to. Fire Protection: Fire protection services will be provided by the Kalispell Fire Department. Fire risk is low because of good access and fairly level terrain and the urban environment. In addition, a fire hydrant in located approximately 100 feet to the west of the proposed subdivision to aid in fire suppression. Solid Waste: Solid waste will be handled by a private contractor as the property was recently annexed. There is sufficient capacity within the landfill to accommodate the additional solid waste generated from this subdivision. 9 Medical Services: Ambulance service is available from the Fire Department and ALERT helicopter service. Kalispell Regional Medical Center is close, less than 3 miles from the site. E. Effects on Agriculture and agricultural water user facilities: The site has not been traditionally used for agricultural purposes and is well suited for urban residential development. Its location within the planning jurisdiction and its proximity to urban services makes this property appropriate for the type of development being proposed. There will be no impact on agricultural uses within the Valley and no impact on agricultural water user facilities since this property will be served by a public water system. F. Compliance with the Kalispell Growth Policy: The Kalispell Growth Policy Map designates the property as Urban Residential. Areas designated as Urban Residential are anticipated to be served by community water and sewer and have good access to services and public facilities. The Urban Residential land use designation also anticipates a density of three to 12 dwelling units per acre. The proposed development complies with the existing land use designation and the goals and policies of the Kalispell Growth Policy. G. Compliance with Zoning: The proposed lots do not meet the minimum lots size or lot width under the R-4 zoning district, however, the proposed lots are considered sublots. Sublots are defined as a portion of a platted lot designated for separate ownership from other portions of the lot and used for townhouse or other construction that has separate ownership of parcels. Section 27.22.130 of the Kalispell Zoning Ordinance requires sublots to be within a recorded subdivision lot whose area is at least 6,000 square feet and the sublot must have a minimum area of 2,000 square feet. The proposed sublots meet these requirements. Compliance with the Kalispell Subdivision Regulations: This subdivision complies with the State and local subdivision regulations and no variances are being requested. Staff recommends that the Kalispell City Council adopt staff report #KSR-06-3 as findings of fact and approve the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: 1. That the final plat for the subdivision shall be in substantial compliance with the approved preliminary plat. (Kalispell Subdivision Regulations, Appendix C - Final Plat) 2. New infrastructure required to serve the subdivision shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the City of Kalispell's Standards for Design and Construction and Montana Public Works Standards; and shall be certified by an engineer licensed in the State of Montana. All work shall be reviewed and approved by the Kalispell Public Works Department prior to construction. This 7 infrastructure shall include curb, gutter, boulevard and sidewalk shall be installed along Denver Avenue as it abuts the subdivision. (Kalispell Design and Construction Standards) 3. A letter from the Kalispell Public Works Department stating that the new infrastructure has been accepted by the City of Kalispell. (Kalispell Design and Construction Standards) 4. The required boulevard along Denver Avenue shall be a minimum of 5 feet wide and a payment in lieu of landscaping provided to the Department of Parks and Recreation for the installation of street trees and seeding of the boulevard. (Findings of Fact Section D) 5. The following note shall be placed on the final plat for lots lA and 113, "Property owner(s) are responsible for the boulevard strip for the length of their property boundaries. Responsibilities include watering and mowing of the grass within the boulevard. Removal of grass or trees within the boulevard is prohibited unless approved by the Kalispell Department of Parks and Recreation." (Findings of Fact Section D) 6. The owner of tract 7AACAA shall install curb, gutter and sidewalk along the property boundary adjacent to Denver Avenue. The new infrastructure shall connect with existing infrastructure along Denver Avenue. (Findings of Fact Sections C and D) 7. All utilities shall be installed underground. (Kalispell Subdivision Regulations, Section 3.17). 8. All areas disturbed during development of the subdivision shall be re -vegetated with a weed -free mix immediately after development. Erosion control measures must be in place during construction and remain in place until the site is stabilized. 9. The owner shall provide a draft copy of a maintenance agreement for the 20-foot access easement shown on the preliminary plat. (Findings of Fact Section A) 10. That preliminary plat approval shall be valid for a period of three years from the date of city council approval. (Kalispell Subdivision Regulations, Section 2.04). H: \FRDO\Reports\KSR\2006 \Ksr06-3.doc SC N. City of Kalispell Planning Department 17 - 2nd Street East, Suite 211, Kalispell, Montana 59901 Telephone: (406) 751-1850 Fax: (406) 751-1858 MINOR SUBDIVISION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPLICATION FEE SCHEDULE: Minor Subdivision ... (5 or fewer lots) Mobile Home Parks & Campgrounds (5 or fewer spaces - land is not subdivided) Amended Preliminary Plat Amendment to Conditions Only Re -configured Proposed Lots Add Additional Lots or Sublots Subdivision Variance Commercial Subdivisions SUBDIVISION NAME: Subdivision #272 OWNER (S) OF RECORD: FEE ATTACHED: $550.00 _ $350 + 100/lot $350 + 100/space $350 base fee Base fee plus $40/lot Base fee plus $100/lot $100 (per variance) Add $200 to base Preliminary plat fee Name Tim and Kay Knoll Phone (406) 755-8627 Mailing Address 121 Denver Avenue City Kalispell State MT zip 59901 TECHNICAL/PROFESSIONAL PARTICIPANTS (Surveyor/Designer/Engineer, etc.): Name & Address Sands Surveying, Inc, 2 Village Loop, Kalispell, MT 59901_ Name & Address Name & Address LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: City/County Kalispell, Flathead County Street Address 121 Denver Avenue, Kalispell Assessor's Tract No.(s) 7AACAA Lot No(s) 1/4 Sec NE4NW4 Section 19 Township _28 Range_21 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SUBDIVISION: Number of Lots or Rental Spaces 2 Total Acreage in Subdivision 0.306 Total Acreage in Lots 0.306 Minimum Size of Lots or Spaces 0.153 Total Acreage in Streets or Roads Maximum Size of Lots or Spaces 0.153 Total Acreage in Parks, Open Spaces and / or Common Areas 0 PROPOSED USE(S) AND NUMBER OF ASSOCIATED LOTS/SPACES: Single Family Townhouse _2 sublots Mobile Home Park _ Duplex Apartment Recreational Vehicle Park Commercial Industrial Planned Unit Development Condominium Multi -Family Other APPLICABLE ZONING DESIGNATION & DISTRICT _R-a • `• Roads:Gravel Paved X Curb X_Gutter _X Sidewalks X Alleys Other Water System: Individual Multiple User Neighborhood Public _X_Other Sewer System: Individual Multiple User Neighborhood Public _X_Other Other Utilities: Cable TV X Telephone _X_Electric XlGas X_Other Solid Waste: Home Pick Up _X_Central Storage Contract Hauler Owner Haul Mail Delivery: Central Individual _X_ School District: Fire Protection: Hydrants X Tanker Recharge Fire District: Drainage System: Curb and Gutter to City Standards. PROPOSED EROSION/SEDIMENTATION CONTROL: As needed with construction CE : ARE ANY VARIANCES REQUESTED? No (yes/no) If yes, please complete the information below: PLEASE ANSWER - ♦; i 1; PROVIDED l BELOW- 1. Will the granting of the variance be detrimental to the public health, safety or general welfare or injurious to other adjoining properties? 2. Will the variance cause a substantial increase in public costs? 3. Will the variance affect, in any manner, the provisions of any adopted zoning regulations or Master Flan? 4. Are there special circumstances related to the physical characteristics of the site (topography, shape, etc.) that create the hardship? 5. What other conditions are unique to this property that create the need for a variance? The subdivider shall submit a complete application addressing items below to the Kalispell Planning Department at least thirty five (35) days prior to the date of the Planning Board meeting at which it will be heard. Submittals shall include: 1. Preliminary plat application. 2. 10 copies of the preliminary plat. 3. One reproducible set of supplemental information. (See Appendix A of Subdivision Regulations for the city where the subdivision is proposed;) 4. One reduced copy of the preliminary plat not to exceed 11" x 17" in size. 5. Application fee I hereby certify under penalty of perjury and the laws of the State of Montana that the information submitted herein, on all other submitted forms, documents, plans or any other information submitted as a part of this application, to be true, complete, and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Should any information or representation submitted in connection with this application be untrue, I understand that any approval based thereon may be rescinded, and other appropriate action taken. The signing of this application signifies approval for the Kalispell Planning staff to be present on the property for routine monitoring and inspection during the approval (Applicant) (Date) I > cc 1 e 912 012 12 > 113 17 1161115'141 I I I 5 131 )151 31012 9' 28 AUSTIN ST 131 n_ 134 13 513 6 11-3/ 7 11 ONE 4 3 11'4 2,4 114 &[3 offr _ VICINITY MAP Is I TIM & KAY KNOLL PRELIMINARY PLAT - SUBDIVISION NO. 272 A 2 UNIT TOWNHOUSE SUBDIVISION ON .306 ACRES IN THE R-4 (TWO-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) DISTRICT PLDT DATE 4/21/OB FILE# KSR-06-03 H:\gis\site\ksr0a_03.dwg Thursday, May 4, 2006 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Sean Conrad, City Planner F. Ray Ruffatto, Fire Inspector Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Mark Crowley, Construction Manager P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Sandy Wheeler, Comm. Dev. Mgr. Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Jim Atkinson, Director, Agency on Aging; Vince Padia, Eastside Brick Bear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: None. Town Pump - Many departments have sent them written comments. They are going to do a perc test. They need to narrow their approach down to 36'. They don't think they need to sprinkle the building. They will likely ask to go back to the Council to discuss the bike path/payment in lieu. We may possibly add sprinklering as a CUP condition. Eastside Brick (Courthouse East) — F. Ray met with the sprinklering contractor and gave him some guidance on a couple of things. Later in today's meeting, Vince Padia came in to drop off the electrical plans and a lighting plan. 1, M : Y1" VFW — 330 — I" Avenue West (old bowling alley site) — new VFW hall — their plans will be going to the Architectural Review Committee on Tuesday. They have not included any plumbing plans. Discussion was held regarding a separation between the VFW building and the Flathead Fitness Center. There will be a chain link fence and a landscaping buffer. Flathead Fitness could ask them to put in plastic slats in their chain link fence. The building will be sprinklered. Building code easement — there are four lots. There are no setback requirements downtown. They have some off -site parking shown. Jennifer would like some more detailed landscaping information. Public Works is okay with this project except for the necessary plumbing plans. They will need a lighting plan also. They have a flag mounted in the front of the building that will need to hang at least 7' off the sidewalk. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Diamond Ranch Estates — 22 lot subdivision on Three Mile Drive, east of Bowser. Requesting a variance from the Fire Department on the cul-de-sac lengths. Empire Estates Phase 5 — They have acquired more land because of the by-pass that they want to develop into lots. Subdivision #272 — A minor subdivision that will not be going through the Planning Board but will go straight to Council. This is located on Denver Avenue, north of Stratford Village. They will need to put in curb, gutter, and sidewalks along Denver Avenue, up to Rimrock, and then along Rimrock. This is in the City and is zoned R-4. They will need a drainage plan. This area is known to have high ground water. Fun Beverage — They are planning to add the requested 2' onto the radius. Parks has not received their landscape plan yet. They will be getting their permit soon, with a condition that the final landscape plan be submitted. Kidsports — Concession Stand at the Babe Ruth Fields — This will need to go before the Architectural Review Committee. They will need a site plan, lighting plan, etc. Glacier Bank — They have received their approval from the State with the condition that they work out the traffic signage with the City. The bridge will have a required minimum clearance per the state approval. This will be on the agenda next week for final approval if it does not go before the Council. Frank noted that the sky bridge must go in when the street is being rebuilt so the street will only be shut down once. Bav Bar and Grill — They need two more parking spaces, but they will probably end up paying money in lieu, which could go toward a parking garage. They will be getting a permit to begin the inside remodel. Crevier's School of Cosmetology — planning a small addition. Their parking lot is definitely an issue. Westwood Subdivision — Jennifer said their landscaping plan is approved. They have an application in for a three unit townhouse. PUD? We will issue their building permit, but need several sign -offs. Public Works needs to sign off on the location of the sidewalk. Once the sidewalk is established, the inspectors can measure where the setbacks go. They could do the three unit model on the south end but they will need a secondary access after they reach a certain point. This could be noted on their plat. No further permits without final plat. The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Bldg Fire Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works FCAOA MDOT Thursday, May 11, 2006 Building Department Conference Room ATTENDING: Frank Castles, Asst. City Engineer Brent Christopherson, Asst. Fire Chief Mark Crowley, Construction Manager P. J. Sorensen, Zoning Administrator, Chair Jennifer Young, Recreation Supervisor Jeff Clawson, Plans Examiner Sean Conrad, City Planner Craig Kerzman, Building Official Susie Turner, Assoc. Civil Engineer Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary Guests: Eric Mulcahy, Sands Surveying; Kevin Malloy, Carver Engineering; Rod Schenck, Carver Engineering; and Eric Berry, Eastside Brick. Hear the Public: None. Performance Bond Reminders: Public Works is going to allow Tim Birk to extend his Letter of Credit to 18 months for Muskrat Slough and Three Mile. Regarding Westview Business Center, Public Works has sent them letters regarding the necessary significant repairs they will need to make before their Letter of Credit expires in July. Town Pump — No responses to anyone regarding letters that were sent from each department. Public Works did hear from their engineer, who was asking questions about how to do a perc test. Courthouse East — The Development Agreement has been signed. Their estimate for the bond is $45,000, but they obtained a Letter of Credit for $100,000. They made some changes in the location of some of the live/work spaces. One parking space was removed. Minor changes to the boiler house building, the bridge, and infrastructure in the public right of way. Parks and Public Works need an engineer or their contractor to sign off on the estimates. Glacier Bank — The approval from MDOT has been received with the condition that they work out their street signage with Public Works. They will be extending the Streetscape theme through the right of way. They still need to put in the parking lot next to Romano's Restaurant, but the building has not been torn down yet. They will need to coordinate the kiosk with Fred Zavodny in Public Works. They will need to put in landscaping in front of the doorways on both sides of the street to discourage crossing the street in the middle of the block. Fire has requested more information regarding the shared sprinkler system (the old bank shares with NWMHR). This is approved through Site Review. VFW — They went through Architectural Review this week. They will need a Plumbing Plan, Lighting Plan, etc. The System Development charge cannot be determined until the Plumbing Plan is submitted. Parking is difficult to determine downtown. Their proposed parking was discussed. They will need to sprinkler/sprinkle the building. Parks will look at the street tree situation in that area. They will need to be notified of how to put their address on the front of the building at the front entrance. They will need to line up their handicapped ramp with the sidewalks. Kidsports — Brian Wiley is the builder — We have asked for a Site Plan. They need an 8" main. They need a two-way hydrant with a 4" barrel. We will need a Lighting Plan. This needs to go through Architectural Review. Where are they putting in the new hydrant? We will need Mike Baker or Dan Johns to attend our next meeting to discuss this project. Crevier's School of Cosmetology — Their parking issues were discussed. Drainage and landscaping is okay. Woodland Clinic — This project went through architectural review on Tuesday. They will need to formalize their existing parking. They are adding 1,065 sq. ft. They will need to apply for an Administrative CUP (expansion of a non -conforming use in an R-3 zone). The question of having them change their address to 6tn Avenue East because of the front entrance being changed was discussed. Jackola Engineering is the engineer on this project. They will need to sprinkler/sprinkle the building because the fire flow isn't adequate. If they loop the system to get the fire flows up, they may not have to sprinkler. There may be storm drainage issues. Seventh Day Adventist — No Drainage Plan, no Landscaping Plan, no Lighting Plan. A 1,000+ sq. ft. addition. They have obtained their CUP. They will also need at least a 3' exit aisle in front of the door. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Diamond Ridge Subdivision — Three Mile Drive next to Bowser Creek Estates — seeking a variance to the cul-de-sac to be extended south from 600' to 833'. They will seek annexation and zoning of R-2. Accesses and roads were discussed. Each lot must have frontage. The water main will need to be extended. Zoning requires the access to come off the street. This is an infill subdivision. The grade is presently 11%, but Public Works and Fire will require them to re -grade to 8%. This is presently scheduled to go to the Planning Board on the 13`". They have cash in lieu of park land. Utilities to be extended out to the far property line. Subdivision 9272 — on Denver — Because of an existing house, they can have a remainder tract. Sean is asking for the committee's input on curb, gutter, and sidewalk for the 120' area. The committee supports the request for a sidewalk when presented to the Council. There could be a negative impact on the storm drainage. They will need to determine the level of ground water and surface drainage before doing a basement. Empire Estates Phase 5 — Will be on the agenda for next week's Planning Board meeting. Fire Department News - The Fire Department will begin to flow hydrants around the 22nd of May. They will also be painting and numbering the hydrants. This will be done by the firefighters. Also, the I.S.O. is coming the 13`h, 14, and 15`h of June. They will be looking at dispatch, water, and fire department functions. The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. cc: Police City Manager Bldg Fire Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works FCAOA MDOT sY• SAW* SCWVSYAMd6 AVA 2 MLASE LOOP KALAR" mr "so PM M" 750-&#& �OIQ A* ZtSnW FO% TAM MOLL s KAY A MALL TOTAL AREA: 0.30E AC. o � PR,EGMARY PLAT SUBDIVISION l� A S�VNlAgl� M/ 7f+lE IIEV4MY!/4 SEA /9Z T.?BI FGAINEAO Cq'GdVTY, Ma HINNOCK CO4WT R/W W .� u2� REMR my TV" IW , JII I I I (NOT A PART) (COS 11352) AiwilvrIE A64W LOT 1A 0.150 AC. 1 I � g , ,Y?QYAME liT.K' Q g g FND 51r REWR K 25*4 wj LOT i I LOTisle O. 1.5 A C. Lar T (STRATFORD c m scALe; r e 2a a XY 2a � 3 0 a w u 4K � 3 �L } w 8 a 0 U h f VILLAGE) POD SW COR RAT OF ASH ,n 44AWS SMVNYAVA6 M& t/r� �.A* w■n we .D7 rs ■■oa F4Q nW MML aaw /oafs. 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