10-24-88 Council as WholeCOUNCIL WORKSHOP 5.00 FM OCTOBER 24, 1988 • The meeting was attended by Mayor Kennedy, CouncibTenbers Schindler, Nystul, Atkinson, Gunnerson, Hopkins, Saverud and Hafferman. Councilman Furlong came at 7:40 pm. Also attending were City Attorney Neier, Clerk/Treasurer Halver and Don Murray, Attorney for Martel Construction. 1. Lutheran Home Hook-up Fees City Attorney Neier reviewed the conflict concerning the Water and Sewer Hook-up Fees. He. said he has recoirmended we sue to collect the $60,000. Neier said he has taken a deposition from Water/Sewer Superintendent Hyde prior to his leaving. The city has received the $9,800 the contractor believes is the correct amount. He said his legal research leads him to believe the rates totaling the $60,000 are proper and due to the city. Neier said Andy Hyde's testimony was he recalled telling the contractors the fee was $9,800 based on the request for a rate for the size of lines the rates were requested. Hyde says he doesn't recall any specific discussion of the Buffalo Hill Terrace project or the number of apartment units involved. He didn't think the project was sufficiently described when the quotes were requested. Dreier said the Building Department had information identifying the project as a 100 unit apartment ccarplex as early as January 1987. 40 Neier said, at the next Council meeting, some decision should be made on whether the council want to pursue collection of the $60,000. Neier also said his position all along was our rates make the owner responsible for the fees and not the contractor. Pon Diurray said Andy was aware of the purpose of the calls, to get the rates for the purpose for bidding the project. Murray didn't think Andy rEvembers that he was asked for quotes by line size. Murray said Andy just thought that is what was asked. Murray said there ware three projects going on on Buffalo Hill and Andy may not. have known which project was involved. DIurray said Hyde did not ask and had a duty to make sufficient inquiry to give accurate information and Murray contended Hyde was negligent in his responsibilities and provided misinformation which was relied on. Neier didn't think there were. any surprises in the case and the council didn't need to close the meeting to discuss strategy. He said he thought this may be handled by a "summary judgement" where both parties agree to the facts of the case and a judgement is arrived at from the facts submitted. Neier said the only question was whether the rate should be $9,800 or $60,000. - 1 - COUNCIL WORKSHOP 5:00 Pig OC110BER 24, 1988 • Counci-loran Nystul said this was question of law and the dispute needs to be settled through the courts. CounciliTen Saverud was concerned that Andy rrade a mistake and we have to live with that. Councilman Gunnerson agreed. Counci-loran Nystul felt the adopted rate schedules should govern, regardless of the employee's quote. Councilman Schindler said he couldn't rrorally vote to pursue the collection when we made the mistake. Nystul- discussed sore examples where the rules governed in spite of an official's nustake. Councilman Atkinson felt we would set a precedent if we don't enforce the rate structure.. Neier said Andy agrees that an error was made but Neier said the rules prevail. 21ystul said there were other projects on Buffalo Hill where a four inch main was rea_uired and he agreed more questions should have been asked. Don Murray said the simnary judgement process would be a possibility if the facts IS car_ be agreed upon. Councilman Gururersor; said we should have a better police for handling requests for quotes oil City Pees. FIB said any phone quote should be followed up by written conf irmat ic¢r. Councilman Schindler said the council could set a policy and the Mayor could enforce it. Councilman Saverud said we could still have the sane problem because the contractors are calling at the 11th hour to get quotes for their bids. Schindler thought we should require written requests for ,motes. Mayor Kennedy felt we should have a better policy and require more information when quotes are given by phone. Councilman Saverud said, on this case, morally we gave a quote and we have to live with it. Schindler agreed. Councilman Hopkins said Andy responded to the question asked and felt the rate schedule should be followed and we should pursue it. Councilman Gunnerson said the city made a mistake and was responsible. - 2 - COUNCIL WORKSHOP 5:00 Prvl • Councilman Nystul said it should be settled by litigation, the council doesn't have the authority to concede the rates. The Public Works Cca ittee will consider this issue and bring it to the council floor. Councilman Atkinson said we should litigate and maintain the irntearity of: the written policy. Counci.lwcanan Hafferman felt we have to live with the mistake. Andy didn't asked enough questions. Councilman Nystul said this was a phone inquiry responding to a specific question and he didn't feel it was all our fault. We need to go to litigation. Counc:l]uoii Hopkins fell Frady coil ectly responded to the question asker9. He also felt he couldn't waive the higher. rate and felt the litigation should decide. 2. Labor Negotiator Status Council President Saverud reported Don Klepper has resigned as the City's negotiator. We don't have any contract under negotiation now so we don't have to react immediately but there are a couple of issues brought up in his letter which should be reviewed. Mayor Kennedy said Water/Sewer Hyde had written a mend regarding week -end staffing • of the treatment plant and Klepper objected to the nemo. Kennedy said that was the only memo tie was aware of. Klepper's question on coup time has been addressed and taken care of. The high grading of time slips, the Mayor thought, was employees working at two or more job descriptions having different pay grades, and getting the higher pay all the time. Mayor Kennedy said he has talked to the Department Heads and will look into it again. Council President said our next contract to be negotiated is the police contract and council should decide right after the first of the year to decide how to handle it. 3. Salary Matrix Councilman Nystul reported the Finance Committee meeting minutes for October 5 1988 pretty well reflect the discusai.on of the matrix. Fie has five points to discuss with the workshop. Ttie management group was concerned with what happens when they reach the last step of the plan. They suggested some provision be made for longevity after the top step of a plan is reacher].. - 3 - CGUEC IL ItUPYSHOP 5:00 PM OCPOBER 24, 1988 • Councilman Gunnerson said the entire schedule should be reviewed and adjusted annually. He said, an errployee who has reached the top of the scale would only receive any cost of living adjustments. Councilman Atkinson agreed. Atkinson also wanted any step increase to he based upon merit, not automatic. Cunnerson suggested anyone at the top of the scale may be ready to move on professionally and if they chose to stay they would have to accept the pay. Councilwoman Hafferrran agreed. She also the city employees get good benefits and if they want to stay and live in Kalispell they have to accept what the City can afford to pay. Councilman Schindler said he had contacted three big cities to see how they handle this. They use a step system with the steps not being automatic and the top step is the ending salary. Nystul said the management group requested a COLA index representing this area be adopted and the adjustments be automatic. He said the Finance Committee does not support this. Councilman Atkinson said no. Councilman Gunnerson said you can't use a COLA if merit is used for the raises. Schindler said any adjustments made must be based on our local economy. 1lystul said the group requested the steps be automatic, especially when the mayor and council fail to act in a timely manner. He said the commdttee agreed the council needs to take care of management in timely manner. Nystul reported the management group suggested the job descriptions take care of any need for professional certification and the ccEwittee agreed. Finally, Nystul said the group wants management salaries settled about July 1 of each year and the committee felt that was right. Nystul reviewed the basis used for setting Step 1. It would compare to a person at high salary in the bargaining unit with 15 years longevity. Nystul hoped to present a draft to the Finance meeting before the next Council meeting. Council President Saverud asked the zest of the council have time to review it before it is brought to the council floor. 4. Administration Organization Council President Saverud said there has been discussion for years concerning the most effic_i.ent operation of government for the City of Kalispell. If there is any sentiment to make improveruents, this intention should be made known before January 1, 1989 so that candidates for lvayor and City Council know the status. 0 - 4 - COUNCIL WORKSHOP 5:00 �i OCTOBER 24, 1988 • Councilman Atkinson stated he desired an administrator for the city with the Mayor and Council setting policy. He saw the Mayor serving as Council President and spokesman. The Mayor would have rank over the administrator. The admdnistrator would answer to the mayor and to the council. The administratorwould supervise the department heads and they would be his cabinet. The administrator would have the right to recotmend termination of department heads and the mayor would recommend the hiring and firing of the administrator to the council. Councilman Schindler asked what would be gained. Atkinson said there would continuity. He wanted scaneone with public administration experience and with grant administration. Someone with knowledge in finance and personnel. Schindler didn't think we would gain anything with an administrator under our present form of goverrArent. Atkinson said the council has to deal with day to day administration that an ach dnistrator can handle. The council is supposed to set policy. Councilman Gunnerson said we have a strong council - weak mayor form of government and administrator would change the form of government. He suggested we look at: our present nanagement structure and see if we need all the positions and see if duties are handled properly. • Gunnerson said. we would. have to pay $40,000 to $50,000 a year for this position. Atkinson said he had been told one could be found for a $25,000 starting salary. Councilman Saverud said the administrator would have to be given the authority by the council. He also said the city has been notoriously cheap on the amount of ncney budgeted for the administration of the city. In looking at any other i:Llti-ndllion business, here or elsewhere, good stewardship requires adequate iianpower to supervise. Our present salary pretty much, requires anyone ninning for rrayor to take a cut in their standard of living unless they are retired. Saverud thought the administrator could work if the council gives him the necessary authority. Councilman Furlong thought the mayor should be the administrator developing plans for council approval and handling the day to day operations. He would like to have an administrator reporting to the mayor. A good one would save his salary in a year's time and enhance the mayor's position. Councilman Saverud said an administrator could have done the leg -work on the salary matrix and he didn't think we could expect this kind of work from a lay mayor. Fe and Atkinson said this does not change to form of government. - 5 - COUNCIL WORKSHOP 5:00 PM OCPOBER 24, 1988 • Councilman Hopkins read from the Study Ccundssion Report on what the administrator's duties are as set by ordinance. Clerk/Treasurer claimed we don't have that alternate form of government. Councilwoman Haffernan said the department heads should be accountable to the mayor and that form of government should work. Schindler said we have professional department heads to advise the mayor. Saverud said a mayor is elected for four years, an administrator can be fired at any time if he doesn't perform. Councilman Nystul felt the concern is we have a multi -million business without a professional administrator. We need assistance with planning, direction and accountability. Council President Saverud suggested we see what is the best administrative format we can have for the City of Kalispell. He asked that Councilmen Atkinson and Furlong, former Study Cca mission nenbers, and anyone else who wants to sit with those two, to meet with the City Attorney and see what we legally can do. Councilman Schindler felt we should rely on our present management and require that their performances be satisfactory. Nystul agreed but felt we need professional assistance to the mayor and council in addition. Saverud also asked the D;ayor to work on this committee and he agreed. He asked a report be brought back by the end of kiovember or the first of December so we can have som kind of statement prior to January 1. 5. Leaf Pickup Mayor Kennedy reported citizens are being asked to bag the leaves. The city will have a leaf pickup later. It's very expensive for our equipment to pick up the leaves. 6. Russian Mayors Councilman Saverud reported some Russian Mayors are visiting Washington D. C., and Mayor Kennedy has been invited to attend. If the Council thinks he should go, he doesn't have any budget and Saverud asked if any council member knows of any coammity group which may be able to provide support. Several suggestions were made of groups which may be able to give scmething. Councilman Saverud will approach the Chanber. Councilman Furlong will check with School District #5. The meeting adjourned at 8:58 pm. 0